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Re: Coca-Cola vs. the Epsom Salt Method

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< I understand by reading archives that the cola adds phosphoric acid to

take the edges off the stones....but does it open up the bile ducts? >>



I haven't tried it yet, but the Coke takes off the rough edges or something.

I don't believe that it opens up the bile ducts. Do what I'm going to do next

time, use Magnesium citrate instead. Lots of people say it tastes better

than ES and it too relaxes the bile ducts.


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In a message dated 10/8/01 7:28:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, nb9i@...


> ....but does it open up the bile ducts?

> Thanks.



I hear that the lemon juice serves that purpose as well.

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<< If magnesium citrate will take the

place of ES, I will surely try that next time. As stated, the ES gave

me a headache. >>



Your magnesium stuff relaxes the bile ducts. I take magnesium from the health

food store every night when I go to bed. It also relaxes you and helps you

sleep. These are caps that I take. But next time I plan on using magnesium

citrate instead just to try it. Many people says it works good. Make sure

you're very hydrated before you start the fast. I always drink a lot of

water anyway.


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The Coke does not replace the epsom salt's function but makes the olive oil and

lemon juice mixture go down a little easier (you'll have to keep stirring the

mixture to make it stay

mixed). Dr is adamantly against drinking Coke (ever) due to the benzoate

preservatives as well as other potential impurities.

nb9i@... wrote:

> I have read on Dr. 's site that she says that the epsom salts

> open the bile ducts for the liver cleanse. I have tried one flush

> using the epsom salts and really don't want to use ES again...gives

> me a headache. I see that there is the " Coca-Cola " alternative to Dr.

> 's ES method. My question is: will the " Coca-Cola " version still

> open up the bile ducts the way that Dr. says the ES does? I

> understand by reading archives that the cola adds phosphoric acid to

> take the edges off the stones....but does it open up the bile ducts?

> Thanks.


> nb9i

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Susie Wrote:


I haven't tried it yet, but the Coke takes off the rough edges or


I don't believe that it opens up the bile ducts. Do what I'm going to

do next

time, use Magnesium citrate instead. Lots of people say it tastes


than ES and it too relaxes the bile ducts.



I'll give it a try! The first flush went real well for me

except for that Epsom Salt headache. I'll give the citrate a try next



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Regarding my post on the " Cola vs...Epsom salt method " ...

I'm just trying to make sure that whichever method I use, I want to

use the ingredient that will open up the bile ducts so that the oil

can do it's job. If it's the lemon/grapefruit juice fine. I'm not

crazy about adding cola anyway...(I don't drink soft drinks). I'm not

concerned about making the oil/fruit juice mixture more palatable. I

can drink it down with no problem. The confusing thing about Dr.

's advice is her statement that the Epsom salts open the bile

ducts. From what I read on the ES box label is that it's internal use

is just for the laxative effect. If magnesium citrate will take the

place of ES, I will surely try that next time. As stated, the ES gave

me a headache.


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At 16:06 08.10.2001 +0000, you wrote:

>The confusing thing about Dr.

>'s advice is her statement that the Epsom salts open the bile

>ducts. From what I read on the ES box label is that it's internal use

>is just for the laxative effect.

Pharmacy is making a confusion.

Beside opening bile ducts, Epsom salts have many many other good functions

inside body.

If used for liver cleanse, make sure that evening dose is not too saturated.

That way it tastes better, you will absorb it, so that it can do a good job.

Magnesium Citrate is not as easy to get, but it is as good as Sulfate.

Magnesium Citrate: Mg3(C6H5O7)2 + xH2O

It is usualy possible to order it in pharmacy.

Epsom salts, also called magnsum sulfate (MgSO4) is treatment of choice of many

doctors practicing traditional medicine.

Especialy in Germany, where there are still many doctors (MD) practising

alternative and traditional medicine.

Many German doctors (experts) say that if people would take 1 tsp of Epsom

salts a day, no heart surgery would ever be needed, and most other diseases

would be prevented.

Magnesium deficiency is cause (cofactor) of many diseases, especialy

gallstones, cardiovascular diaseses and degenerative diseases.

If taken in proper amount, magnesum sulfate will be absorbed by our body, and

used when neded in many chemical reactions.

It is simple and cheap way to perevent Magnesium, Calcium and other minerals


Magnesium aids calcium absorbtion and metabolism.

To absorb it, it should be deluted with water, and rarely more then 1 tsp a


Some people (few) may get diarrhea even with 1/2 tsp a day.

Diarrhea is sign that you have taken too much, or that concentration of it in

water was too high!

You should not cause diarrhea without any reason, because it is depleteng body

of minerals and magnesium.

Diarrhea is causing magnesium loss.

you wrote:

>From what I read on the ES box label is that it's internal use

>is just for the laxative effect.

Well, if you only use it as a laxative, you will most likely be a good

custommer of Pharmacy for very very long time.

They have economical interest to write that statement.

That statement helps pharmaceutical industry make billions $.

Simple statement that makes billions $. Incredible.

You can absorb some Epsom salts even if you take Epsom salts bath.

Think of it as of Vitamin C.

If you take too much Vitamin C, you get diarrhea.

But, if you take right amount, you prevent diseases, and even cure them.

When taking Epsom salts, water intake is vital !!!!

Drink Clean Water.



Magnesium is a critical element in 325+ biochemical reactions in the human




Recent research, in France and several other European countries, gives a clue

concerning the role of magnesium plays in the transmission of hormones (such as

insulin, thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, etc.), neurotransmitters (such

as dopamine, catecholamines, serotonin, GABA, etc.), and minerals and mineral


This research concludes that it is magnesium status that controls cell membrane

potential and through this means controls uptake and release of many hormones,

nutrients and neurotransmitters. It is magnesium that controls the fate of

potassium and calcium in the body. If magnesium is insufficient potassium and

calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft

tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.).

Magnesium protects the cell from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium

and nickel. Evidence is mounting that low levels of magnesium contribute to the

heavy metal deposition in the brain that precedes Parkinson's, multiple

sclerosis and Alzheimer's.

It is probable that low total body magnesium contributes to heavy metal

toxicity in children and is a participant in the etiology of learning


Deficiency (from low dietary intake or excess loss) is clinically associated





Anxiety disorders


Arthritis- Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis



Auto immune disorders- all types


Cerebral Palsy- in children from magnesium deficient mothers

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Congestive Heart Disease


Crooked teeth- narrow jaw- in children from magnesium deficient mothers


Diabetes- Type I and II

Eating disorders- Bulimia, Anorexia


Gut disorders- including peptic ulcer, Crohn's disease, colitis, food allergy

Heart Disease- Arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, high triglycerides

Heart Disease- in infants born to magnesium deficient mothers

High Blood Pressure


Impaired athletic performance

Infantile Seizure- in children from magnesium deficient mothers


Kidney Stones

Lou Gehrig's Disease

Migraines- including cluster type

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle cramps

Muscle weakness, fatigue

Myopia- in children from magnesium deficient mothers

Obesity- especially obesity associated with high carbohydrate diets

Osteoporosis- just adding magnesium reversed bone loss

Parkinson's Disease

PMS- including menstrual pain and irregularities

PPH- Primary Pulmonary Hypertension


SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


Syndrome X- insulin resistance

Thyroid disorders- low, high and auto-immune; low magnesium reduces T4

Other conditions are also associated with chronic and acute low magnesium

intake and further research is continuing to confirm relationships.

The following substances and conditions reduce total body magnesium



Alcohol- all forms cause significant losses


Burns- with large surface area

Calcium- high levels block magnesium absorption

Carbohydrates- especially white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour

Chronic pain- any cause

Coffee- significant losses

Cyclosporin- extra magnesium can protect from side-effects

Diabetes- magnesium spills with sugar in the urine

Diarrhea- any cause

Dieting- stress plus lowered intake

Diuretics- even potassium sparing diuretics do not spare magnesium

Insulin- whether from using insulin or from hyperinsulinemia

Over-training- extreme athletic physical conditioning/training

Phentermine / Fenfluramine

Sodas- especially cola type sodas, both diet and regular

Sodium- high refined (table) salt intake

Stress- physical and mental- anything that gets your fight or flight reaction





Sources of magnesium:

Green vegetable, root vegetable, water, unrefined sea salt.

About the minerals and trace elements:

Although certain body processes are attributed to certain minerals, each

mineral needs one or more other minerals to properly function. For instance, a

proper calcium-phosphorus balance is necessary to the body in that an imbalance

reduces resistance to disease, increases fatigue, weakens intellectual

faculties and leads to premature ageing. Magnesium can only be used if calcium

and phosphorus are in a proper balance. An overabundance of one mineral can

result in a deficiency of another. Obtaining minerals from whole food sources

provides the body with the wide variety of minerals it needs. Supplementing

with one or two minerals is rarely a good idea unless it is under the

supervision of a doctor or nutritional counselor.


Essential Nutrients and processed foods:


Minerals mg per 1/2 tsp


Unrefined Salt US-RDA Refined Salt


Sulfur 30.0 mg?? 19.4 mg 0 mg

Magnesium 10.4 mg 500.0 mg 0 mg

Potassium 5.4 mg 3.5 mg 0 mg

Calcium 3. mg 1200.0 mg 0 mg

Silicon 2.5 mg 15.0 mg 0 mg

Iron 0.3 mg 15.0 mg 0 mg

Zinc 0.06 mg 12.0 mg 0 mg

Copper 0.04 mg 0.9 mg 0 mg

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Thanks all for the very good responses to my inquiry dealing with

these two methods. I will try the citrate form of magnesium next

liver flush. I appreciate the great info in the follow-up posts!


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In a message dated 10/8/2001 12:24:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

nb9i@... writes:

> Susie,

> I'll give it a try! The first flush went real well for me

> except for that Epsom Salt headache. I'll give the citrate a try next

> time...thanks!

Susie, besides the headache, did you get real sick with stomach aches or


PS. Does it hurt to pass these stones?

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I am the person who stated that the Epsom salts gave me a

headache. You were wondering if there were other pains associated

with taking the Epsom Salts. First...the headache was not

escruciating, just an annoyance. Yes, there was another pain

associated with the salts. I did have some short-lived cramps before

I actually took the oil and grapefruit juice. The cramps were a

little " sharp " , but I only had it a couple times and they only lasted

about 5 seconds each. Really nothing at all to dread. Agnes assures

us in her posts that the Epsom salts help open the bile ducts. I

assume that one should still use the Epsom or the Magnesium Citrate

before the oil-juice drink. This is only the opinion I am forming as

the results of the concensus of posts I am reading...being new to

this myself, I'm not an " expert " . I hope this helps you.


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In a message dated 10/11/01 6:57:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, nb9i@...


> I

> assume that one should still use the Epsom or the Magnesium Citrate

> before the oil-juice drink.

No, you don't use the mag citrate before the oo/lemon. You use it the next

morning as a laxative.

Hulda is the one who wants you to use a laxative before, during, and

after. I have never done that, and have still had great success. My guess

is that she wants to make sure a person is cleaned out and not constipated or

obstructed in any way, therefore what I consider an excessive quadruple

dosing of a laxative.

Ive used the epsom salts twice and found that it contributed nothing to the

process that I wasn't already getting from the other ingredients.


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No, you don't use the mag citrate before the oo/lemon. You use it the


morning as a laxative.

Hulda is the one who wants you to use a laxative before, during,

and after. I have never done that, and have still had great success.

My guess is that she wants to make sure a person is cleaned out and

not constipated or obstructed in any way, therefore what I consider an

excessive quadruple dosing of a laxative.

I've used the epsom salts twice and found that it contributed nothing

to the process that I wasn't already getting from the other




Thanks for your input! I guess opinion is somewhat

divided on the question of the Epsom salts. I've read in these posts

that some feel it opens the bile ducts in preparation of the OO/Juice

flush. Others, such as yourself, feel that the ES contributed nothing

but a laxative effect. I appreciate you sharing your results of your

flushes without the ES.


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In a message dated 10/12/01 5:46:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, nb9i@...


> Others, such as yourself, feel that the ES contributed nothing

> but a laxative effect. I appreciate you sharing your results of your

> flushes without the ES.


Yes, I've probably produced 5000-6000 stones without epsom salts, so I guess

something else does the job of opening the bile ducts.


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Thank You nb9i, That doesn't sound so bad. I could handle that but if

the pain went into a full gallbladder attack, I don't think I could. Thanks

again for reassuring me.

God Bless You,

<< ,

I am the person who stated that the Epsom salts gave me a

headache. You were wondering if there were other pains associated

with taking the Epsom Salts. First...the headache was not

escruciating, just an annoyance. Yes, there was another pain

associated with the salts. I did have some short-lived cramps before

I actually took the oil and grapefruit juice. The cramps were a

little " sharp " , but I only had it a couple times and they only lasted

about 5 seconds each. Really nothing at all to dread. Agnes assures

us in her posts that the Epsom salts help open the bile ducts. I

assume that one should still use the Epsom or the Magnesium Citrate

before the oil-juice drink. This is only the opinion I am forming as

the results of the concensus of posts I am reading...being new to

this myself, I'm not an " expert " . I hope this helps you.



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