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Digestive enzymes

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Hi Steve Take a look at these

http://www.physicianformulas.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=238 & name=D\


Are they any good for you.

Sauve <moniquesauve@...> wrote:

hi steve

avena seem like good products. bee - do you have an opinion on their

enzymes? i have heard good things re them so am thinking of giving them

a try.


steves_cds_and_stuff wrote:


> Hi all,


> Can anyone recommend a really good brand of broad spectrum digestive

> enzymes which is free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat and dairy? Ive just

> come to realize that solgar digestive support capsules that I was

> using have maltodextrin, and with everything Ive read about the

> dangers of GMO's I really want to avoid every possible bit of corn.

> Im having trouble finding a substitute online now however. I still

> seem to have some trouble with food allergies and coughing if I go

> without my enzymes while eating.


> Another thing I was wondering, is it possible to create some kind of

> digestive enzyme mix at home? I would love to break my need for

> paying for the capsules, but I havent been able to find any info.

> Maybe the idea is just kind of nutty, any input?


> Thanks for reading, be healthy everyone


> Steve



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> hi steve


> avena seem like good products. bee - do you have an opinion on

their enzymes? i have heard good things re them so am thinking of

giving them a try.

==>Can you provide the website or reference for Avena?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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> Hi Bee

> I am currently taking a total of 7 natural factors betaine

> hydrochloride caps with a meal that includes low carb vegies, meat

> and vco, and they along with the sauerkraut, ginger tea and lemon

> sea/salt drink have helped so much with increasing my digestion (I

> was having alot of digestive issues).


> I know your diet will heal me (for that - i am eternally grateful

> thank you so much)

==>You are so very welcome Kat!


> a. How do you know when to come off the enzymes?

> b. Does your stomach let you know when its ready by giving you

> burning sensations?

==>Yes, and then you only cut back one tablet at a time.


> c. or do I just start reducing the enzymes slowly?

==>No, only if you have the burning sensation. Different meals may

require less or more enzymes as well.


> d. Once the candida is cured, do you have to continue with the

> sauerkraut & lemon drink indefinitely?

==>No, but they are good for anyone to have. Some of my friends who

don't have candida include them as part of their daily intake.


> I have tried searching the files, but havent been able to find

> anything that explains this. I know you mentioned in previous posts

> that you took the sauerkraut everywhere and everytime you had

> problems you ate some. At the moment the sauerkraut and the lemons

> alone would definitely not be strong enough alone to affect my

> digestion.


Luv, Bee

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" Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:



==>You are so very welcome Kat!

==>No, but they are good for anyone to have. Some of my friends who

don't have candida include them as part of their daily intake.

Luv, Bee

***Thank you Bee, grateful for your help

Luv kat

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  • 2 weeks later...
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hello paige, i get my digestive enzymes from puritan pride's website, they're

high quality, cost effective and there was just a sale last week 3 for the

price of one.. just log onto _www.puritanspride.com_

(http://www.puritanspride.com) and you'll find them there. i checked cvs and

all the other pharmacies

and just found them way too expensive, you'll be happy with puritans pride. i

am! i have candida so bad that i have multiple sclerosis, asthma, fatty liver

and diabetes... i take coQ10 and betane hydrochloride and vitamin b complex

drops. i get it all at puritans pride.. best of health to you! love, susan

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Since I am familiar with Puritans Pride and personally would not use their

products I just want to mention to other members that you really need to

look at their added ingredients.

One example is the B complex drops have sorbitol ..which is a sugar. Lots

of fillers and binders in their products in general

Please be aware.

in the UK

On 4/16/07, onespookygal@... <onespookygal@...> wrote:


> hello paige, i get my digestive enzymes from puritan pride's website,

> they're

> high quality, cost effective and there was just a sale last week 3 for the


> price of one.. just log onto _www.puritanspride.com_

> (http://www.puritanspride.com) and you'll find them there. i checked cvs

> and all the other pharmacies

> and just found them way too expensive, you'll be happy with puritans

> pride. i

> am! i have candida so bad that i have multiple sclerosis, asthma, fatty

> liver

> and diabetes... i take coQ10 and betane hydrochloride and vitamin b

> complex

> drops. i get it all at puritans pride.. best of health to you! love, susan



> ************************************** See what's free at

> http://www.aol.com.



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hi sarah, thank you for the info about the sorbitol in the puritan's pride

vitamin b complex, i'm pretty new to this, sorry about the puritan's pride

recommendation.. is there an online vitamin store we can order from?

with love, susan

************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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Elyse, if you take BlockBuster All Clear with meals the enzyme action

will help digest your food; the same product taken on an empty stomach

will absorb and unclog arteries, dissolve scar tissue and fibrosis and

reduce inflammation.

Here's the link again, thank you for asking :)




> Duncan,

> You mentioned the Blockbuster All Clear for between meals, do you

> think they'ere best for with meals as well? The link for it on

> another e-mail didn't work, would you mind re-sending? Thanks,


> Elyse


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Duncan, could you send another type of link as to where to order the

BlockBuster All Clear? A phone number would be best for me because I

can seldom get my web tv to place an order on line and it is not good at

picking up a lot of different links. Would really appreciate it as I

would like to try this product. Can you replace ALL of your various

enzymes with this? I am also taking candex for the yeast, digest

gold, megazymes and super papaya enzyme plus.

Another question: the super papaya enzyme plus tastes so good to

me~~~like having candy mints after dinner LOL so I am suspicous of it as

being able to feed the candida? Should I be concerned about that?


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This link didn't work :-(



Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

-- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

> Elyse, if you take BlockBuster All Clear with meals the enzyme action

> will help digest your food; the same product taken on an empty stomach

> will absorb and unclog arteries, dissolve scar tissue and fibrosis and

> reduce inflammation.


> Here's the link again, thank you for asking :)


> http://www.goodhealth.com/nu/1400


> Duncan

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Thank link comes up as page not found. Is there another link?


>>>>> Elyse, if you take BlockBuster All Clear with meals the enzyme action

will help digest your food; the same product taken on an empty stomach

will absorb and unclog arteries, dissolve scar tissue and fibrosis and

reduce inflammation.

Here's the link again, thank you for asking :)

http://www.goodheal th.com/nu/ 1400

Duncan >>>>>

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I'm having the same problem, I thought it was just me :-)

On 4/21/07, <cccquilter@...> wrote:


> Duncan,

> Thank link comes up as page not found. Is there another link?


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Blockbuster ALl Clear:


Or call Good Health Naturally USA -

800 455 9155 and give them referrer ID# 1400

I think the product can probably replace what you're taking; check out

the product description on the detail page and see if it's what you

had in mind.



> Duncan, could you send another type of link as to where to order the

> BlockBuster All Clear? A phone number would be best for me

because I

> can seldom get my web tv to place an order on line and it is not

good at

> picking up a lot of different links. Would really appreciate it

as I

> would like to try this product. Can you replace ALL of your various

> enzymes with this? I am also taking candex for the yeast, digest

> gold, megazymes and super papaya enzyme plus.

> Another question: the super papaya enzyme plus tastes so good to

> me~~~like having candy mints after dinner LOL so I am suspicous of

it as

> being able to feed the candida? Should I be concerned about that?

> Steph


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I visited that page, but could not find an ingredients list for the Block Buster

All Clear, do you know where I could find it?



Re: digestive enzymes

put a space in the enzymes link:




> >

> > Duncan,

> > Thank link comes up as page not found. Is there another link?

> >


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  • 1 month later...
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> Bee forgive me, I get so forgetful even after I read your site..

must be the yeast. I read that enzymes are good what do you feel

about this and if you do feel they are good what do you recommend?

Bee how do they work in helping us rid of yeast?

==>This is from my candida article under " Improve Digestion " :


" Most people with candida have digestive problems, including stomach

aches and upsets, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gas, bloating,

diarrhea, constipation, etc. While many candida programs recommend

cleansing or cleanses of the bowels and other organs in the body,

these treatments can be very harsh. Liver, kidney and gallbladder

cleanses dump too many toxins into the body at one time, which most

candida sufferers are too sick to handle. "

==>Improving digestion allows the digestive system to normalize,

strengthen and heal so it can reproduce friendly bacteria that have

been wiped out which allowed candida to overgrow in the first place.

==>Candida sufferers have low stomach acid therefore taking digestive

enzymes such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) is very important, along with

other things that improve digestion, i.e. ocean sea salt, good fats,

meats, eggs, sauerkraut or kimchi, lemon juice, etc. If there is

enough stomach acid mixed in the contents that come out of the

stomach, called chyme, it stimulates the production of digestive

enzymes in the first part of the small intestines, called the


==>For more information on digestion see:


There is an article in that section on how to take Digestive Enzymes.

The best to you, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
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I have been curious about this too since diet changes may only get us so

far or even if they take us where we need to be we still may need them

on occasion. My specific questions are:

1) Where do you get them?

2) How do you know what " dose? "

3) What is in them?

bdkirk03 wrote:

>I've seen a few posts about this and I'm interested in learning more.

> I'm just not ready to embark on changing everything about our diets

>and lifestyle yet. The diets discussed on here sound promising, but

>if I can get similar outcomes by adding another supplement I'm all ears!







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I think that depends on the person. We went gfcf and I tried to then

go back to a more normal diet and use enzymes instead. In a few days

Grace started to regress and I had to go back to gfcf. I don't

know if that is what happens with many families but it is what

happened with ours.

Now I use enzymes for " cheating " . Going out to dinner and letting

her have mac n cheese, making an ice cream run, pizza night, etc. I

just have to make sure we don't do too much cheating or I start

getting bizarre diapers from her, odd behaviors and a loss of language.

To learn about enzymes I used the book Enzymes for Digestive Health

and Nutritional Wealth by DeFelice.


The Knitting Wannabe http://knittingwannabe.typepad.com

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On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:22 PM, bdkirk03 wrote:

> I've seen a few posts about this and I'm interested in learning more.

> I'm just not ready to embark on changing everything about our diets

> and lifestyle yet. The diets discussed on here sound promising, but

> if I can get similar outcomes by adding another supplement I'm all

> ears!


> Bridget




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For Liz et al

We use Houston Enzymes...they even have SCD-diet safe versions --

Kirkmans Laboratories also makes some digestive enzymes.

FYI With the enzymes you will also have withdrawal symptoms as though

you had reduced or taken off completely casein-gluten.

We use the AFP-Peptizyde ones with my older son who, due to

hyperselectivity is still eating yogurt -- they help BUT not at 100%.

We had to take him off the enzymes twice since April to do some

intestinal function tests - and oh, my! what a nightmare for him and for

us without them! In his case, we know (and we've known for several

years by now) that we must take him completely off the yogurt and are

working in that direction this month (he won't eat a substitute and eats

little more at this point).

www.enzymestuff.com is a good starting place to read more about lots of

info on this subject.

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Not sure I need them but so glad for the info if we do. I am not sure I

follow you about the withdrawal. Wouldn't that only happen if you were

still eating a food you had a sensitivity to and used the enzyme to cope?

momresearch wrote:

>For Liz et al


>We use Houston Enzymes...they even have SCD-diet safe versions --

>Kirkmans Laboratories also makes some digestive enzymes.


>FYI With the enzymes you will also have withdrawal symptoms as though

>you had reduced or taken off completely casein-gluten.


>We use the AFP-Peptizyde ones with my older son who, due to

>hyperselectivity is still eating yogurt -- they help BUT not at 100%.

>We had to take him off the enzymes twice since April to do some

>intestinal function tests - and oh, my! what a nightmare for him and for

>us without them! In his case, we know (and we've known for several

>years by now) that we must take him completely off the yogurt and are

>working in that direction this month (he won't eat a substitute and eats

>little more at this point).


>www.enzymestuff.com is a good starting place to read more about lots of

>info on this subject.




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I went to a nutrition seminar last weekend and while it was recommend " Nothing

from a cows udder " , the nutritionist did recommend raw goat's yogurt. He

indicated that it is digested differently from milk yogurt and the body can

tolerate it. Apparently it's quite healing for the gut so I may just give it a

shot if I can find some.... Would your son make the switch?


[sPAM] Re: [ ] Digestive enzymes

For Liz et al

We use Houston Enzymes...they even have SCD-diet safe versions --

Kirkmans Laboratories also makes some digestive enzymes.

FYI With the enzymes you will also have withdrawal symptoms as though

you had reduced or taken off completely casein-gluten.

We use the AFP-Peptizyde ones with my older son who, due to

hyperselectivity is still eating yogurt -- they help BUT not at 100%.

We had to take him off the enzymes twice since April to do some

intestinal function tests - and oh, my! what a nightmare for him and for

us without them! In his case, we know (and we've known for several

years by now) that we must take him completely off the yogurt and are

working in that direction this month (he won't eat a substitute and eats

little more at this point).

www.enzymestuff.com is a good starting place to read more about lots of

info on this subject.

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If you are talking to me...liz...can't say as I was too chicken. SCD

says make yogurt from it first as a primary gut healer. I was thinking

of trying that in the future.

Janice wrote:

>I went to a nutrition seminar last weekend and while it was recommend " Nothing

from a cows udder " , the nutritionist did recommend raw goat's yogurt. He

indicated that it is digested differently from milk yogurt and the body can

tolerate it. Apparently it's quite healing for the gut so I may just give it a

shot if I can find some.... Would your son make the switch?




> [sPAM] Re: [ ] Digestive enzymes



> For Liz et al


> We use Houston Enzymes...they even have SCD-diet safe versions --

> Kirkmans Laboratories also makes some digestive enzymes.


> FYI With the enzymes you will also have withdrawal symptoms as though

> you had reduced or taken off completely casein-gluten.


> We use the AFP-Peptizyde ones with my older son who, due to

> hyperselectivity is still eating yogurt -- they help BUT not at 100%.

> We had to take him off the enzymes twice since April to do some

> intestinal function tests - and oh, my! what a nightmare for him and for

> us without them! In his case, we know (and we've known for several

> years by now) that we must take him completely off the yogurt and are

> working in that direction this month (he won't eat a substitute and eats

> little more at this point).


> www.enzymestuff.com is a good starting place to read more about lots of

> info on this subject.






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We use the Houston enzymes and think they are great! Once we got the

dose right, my son potty trained for BM's overnight. Literally. And

he's never had an accident since then. We " self-prescribed " them, but

my pediatrician was willing to sign a note saying that they are

medically necessary so that the public school would give them to

for snack and lunchtimes. The two GIs we saw both said they

were " harmless " . If you want real, expert advice, a DAN doctor is the

one in the know. For your own information, check out the following:



The book " Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Disorders " by


The listserv. Open to all, off topic questions

are welcomed, great, very active board.

Also, you can email me with specific questions.

in NJ


> I've seen a few posts about this and I'm interested in learning more.

> I'm just not ready to embark on changing everything about our diets

> and lifestyle yet. The diets discussed on here sound promising, but

> if I can get similar outcomes by adding another supplement I'm all



> Bridget


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