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Digestive enzymes

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, you are such a peach for finding that information. Thank

you so much!




> The Enzyme Technical Association recently published recommendations

that enzyme supplements be labeled utilizing assay units from

published compendial sources such as the Foods Chemical Codex (FCC).

The National Academy of Science publishes the FCC to provide standard

assay methods for food ingredients. Below is a table listing enzymes

commonly found in digestive supplements and the appropriate FCC assay



> Amylase DU

> Protease HUT

> Glucoamylase AGU

> Bromelain PU

> Cellulase CU

> Papain PU

> Lactase ALU

> Lipase LU

> Alpha-Galactosidase AGSU


> A basic plant-based digestive product generally contains four

enzymes: protease, amylase, lipase and cellulase. Minimum levels

shown to support digestion for most individuals are 4000HUT of

protease, 2000DU of amylase, 40LU of lipase and 40CU of cellulase.

Numerous products are available at higher potencies and these may be

beneficial for you. Full article here -


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  • 1 month later...
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macedgeca (Elyse) wrote:


I didn't see digestive enzymes in the list of supplements. Is that

because the electrolyte drink is enough to help with digestion? What

if we're not at home and don't have the lemon drink with us? (I also

didn't see HCL on the list, but I have seen that you do recommend it).



Hi Elyse

I'm not Bee but thought I would share what I do when I go to playgroup or even

when I go to someone's house for a 'cuppa'. Every other Mum at playgroup drinks

tea or coffee. Anyway, in my hand bag, I take with me a whole lemon, small

container of sea salt and a small plastic juicer with a container to catch the

juice. When I get there, I squeeze the lemon juice and make up the drink. I have

two drinks at playgroup.

Alternatively, you can take a liquid proof container of lemon juice with you and

small container of sea salt and make up the drink with cold water, if you're not

near a kettle ( I like mine warm).

I do believe that the electrolyte drink is enough to aid digestion. I'm

certainly a lot less bloated than before and it's a great feeling!

Just my 2 cents worth.

Jen :o)

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Hi ,

It's great you take it with you. I think there will be times I can

take it, but others where it might not work out.

Something I forgot to mention is that I get heartburn from the

drink. This has happened to me before, I stopped having it, now I'm

back on it and after several days it's started again. I might have

to have less of it an a day, but will probably need another digestive



On 4-Jun-06, at 1:53 PM, Nairn wrote:

> thought I would share what I do when I go to playgroup or even when

> I go to someone's house for a 'cuppa'. Every other Mum at playgroup

> drinks tea or coffee. Anyway, in my hand bag, I take with me a

> whole lemon, small container of sea salt and a small plastic juicer

> with a container to catch the juice. When I get there, I squeeze

> the lemon juice and make up the drink. I have two drinks at playgroup.

> Alternatively, you can take a liquid proof container of lemon juice

> with you and small container of sea salt and make up the drink with

> cold water, if you're not near a kettle ( I like mine warm).

> I do believe that the electrolyte drink is enough to aid digestion.

> I'm certainly a lot less bloated than before and it's a great feeling!

> Just my 2 cents worth.

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> Bee,

> I didn't see digestive enzymes in the list of supplements. Is that

> because the electrolyte drink is enough to help with digestion? What

> if we're not at home and don't have the lemon drink with us? (I also

didn't see HCL on the list, but I have seen that you do recommend it).

==>You are my wonderful sleuth Elyse. Thanks. I will add it to the

list of supplements; it should be Betaine HCl with pepsin, taken

according to instructions in the Digestion Folder.


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> Hi ,

> It's great you take it with you. I think there will be times I can

> take it, but others where it might not work out.

> Something I forgot to mention is that I get heartburn from the

> drink. This has happened to me before, I stopped having it, now

I'm back on it and after several days it's started again. I might

have to have less of it an a day, but will probably need another

digestive aid.

==>Elyse, try adding about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda to the drink.


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Ha ha,

It's just my brainfog. I'm trying so hard to put things together and

make sense of things, I end up with too many questions LOL!

so glad you can field all our queries!


On 4-Jun-06, at 8:17 PM, Bee Wilder wrote:



>> Bee,

>> I didn't see digestive enzymes in the list of supplements. Is that

>> because the electrolyte drink is enough to help with digestion? What

>> if we're not at home and don't have the lemon drink with us? (I also

> didn't see HCL on the list, but I have seen that you do recommend it).


> ==>You are my wonderful sleuth Elyse. Thanks. I will add it to the

> list of supplements; it should be Betaine HCl with pepsin, taken

> according to instructions in the Digestion Folder.

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The only formulation I know of that is supposed to break down all the

proteins in the stomach, leaving none to get into the guts to leak

through is Peptizyde. You can google it to find sources and what

others say. Houston International is the company that makes/promotes

it, named after Dr. Houston the developer. The woman who wrote the

book " Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Disorders " works for

him now, but I don't know if she did when she wrote the book. (i.e.

is the book just publicity or did he hire his biggest fan?)

I've been using the Peptizyde chewables on my kids when they have

pasteurized or cooked dairy and so far it's working just like the

claims. My daughter used to get oppositional/defiant, emotional, talk

about suicide, and become very very mean whenever she had dairy and

now it seems the sugar in ice cream is the only problem, just a little

hyper, none of the emotional stuff. I'll follow the directions

starting next week when she's out of school (supposed to give it with

every meal and snack) and see if it doesn't help heal her up.

I've just been reading about the role of butyric acid in restoring the

health of the mucus of the intestinal lining, so she'll probably get

that as well. It's supposed to be calming like valium, so should be

nice to have her on that! :)

--- In , " Penciloid " <penciloid@...>



> What are some good digestive enzymes to take, how expensive are

they, and where can I get them? How long would I need to take them to

know if they're helping or not?


> Penciloid



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Oops! Didn't answer all your questions - I think they're around $20

for a bottle of 120, take one with each meal after slowly working up

to that amount (one a day (breakfast) the first week, then two a day

the next week, etc...) and supposedly in a month you should be able to

see a difference if it's going to work. If there's celiac it actually

makes it worse, but helps with leaky gut food intolerances. The first

week or two some kids can get hyper, withdrawal from something, I

don't know what happens to adults, but might be nice to be hyper,


It seems to me you wouldn't know if it's going to work until you're

taking them every time you eat, but should be able to tell in about a

week of doing that if it's making a difference; I haven't heard of a

food sensitivity reaction lasting more than a week after you eat the

offending food.

One last thing, sometimes the vegetable gelcaps don't dissolve in

time, so if you get those, take them 30 min before eating to give the

capsule time to dissolve.

--- In , " Penciloid " <penciloid@...>



> What are some good digestive enzymes to take, how expensive are

they, and where can I get them? How long would I need to take them to

know if they're helping or not?


> Penciloid



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  • 2 months later...

Sue, please see the instructions on how to take digestive enzymes in

the Digestion Folder.

Thanks, Bee


> should i take these with a meal or when? ALso i have this metalish

> tast in my mouth and my throat and tongue are feeling gross.


> any suggestions? sue


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I just want to make sure that you've read the

introductory file you've been sent thoroughly? A few

of the questions you've asked are in that file and I

want to make sure we save our energy for answering

your questions on things that aren't already covered.

You can do the lemon and sea salt drink to aid

digestion. The taste you have in your mouth is

probably from fat metabolism and is normal.

Drink plenty of water and ensure you are eating high

fiber, high nutrient veggies like broccoli and not

meat and oil only.

If you want further assistance, please track

everything you are eating for one week on

http://www.fitday.com so we can analyze possible

causes for issues.



San , CA

--- tauttodream <tauttodream@...> wrote:

> should i take these with a meal or when? ALso i

> have this metalish

> tast in my mouth and my throat and tongue are

> feeling gross.


> any suggestions? sue

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


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Sue wrote:


> debby,


> sometimes it is difficult to track information in the files, maybe

> they could be set up with an index to make it easier to access, i

> have seen posts where we cannot find the information if the

> files...just a suggestion : )

==>There is an index/list Sue which has been set up for several

months. It is the 2nd Folder in the Files called " A) Candida - LIST of

Files, Folders & Links. " Open it and use your search/find under your

Internet Provider's Edit Function at the very top of the screen.


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--- tauttodream <tauttodream@...> wrote:

> sometimes it is difficult to track information in

> the files, maybe

> they could be set up with an index to make it easier

> to access, i

> have seen posts where we cannot find the information

> if the

> files...just a suggestion : )

That's entire understandable and we may have a

solution for this in the works. But in the mean time,

I am referring to the main candida article which

covers a lot of your questions.

You want to at least read that (I know it's long)

thoroughly because that gives you the foundation. Then

see if people here can point you to the right file if

you get lost, or do a search through messages. Often

people in the past have asked the same question.

We just want to be fair to the over 1400 members here

that we are able to help others too. Thanks for


> Sometimes we get different answers to the same

> question, that is why

> i like bee's input or that of the moderators.

Understood, but sometimes we are just repeating the

same information twice, so perhaps you can do a bit of

research and then if you don't fully get your question

answered, ask only the part that got lost.

Good luck with all of this!



San , CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


Today is the most important day.

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  • 2 months later...


> Taking them according to the files for the past week has helped to

> alleviate my symptoms of hard, green stools. My appetite has also

> increased a lot. I've been having to take 6 per meal. Last night, I

> took 6 during the course of my supper meal. I ended up being up until

> 2am belching with nausea. I finally sucked on a piece of raw ginger

> and that alleviated the symptoms. Can it be, that I'm already needing

> to bump it down to 4 per meal? I thought I'd have to be taking 6 per

> meal for at least a few months.


==>, it can depend upon what was in your meal too. You could

need less enzymes however; do a little experimenting. I think

sauerkraut or kimchi are the best digestive enzymes in the world.

Luv, Bee

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> >

> >

> >

> ==>, it can depend upon what was in your meal too. You could

> need less enzymes however; do a little experimenting. I think

> sauerkraut or kimchi are the best digestive enzymes in the world.


> +++I started eating homemade saurkraut around the same time I

started the enzymes. I can't see how just 1 TBS can be beneficial, so

I've been putting 1/4 cup on my plate. I would like to decrease the

amount if I could so I'm not always having to make saurkraut. Is 1

TBS per meal really beneficial?

I will continue to experiment. I've bumped my enzyme dosage down

to 4 per meal. If I start noticing green, hard stools again, I'll try

to pop a few more. I really am excited for what the enzymes have done

thus far, though it's more likely a combination of the saurkraut,

electrolyte drinks and enzymes. Thank You so much Bee. There's a

spring in my step when I'm not weighed down with golf ball stools. :)

Thanks for Everything,

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  • 2 months later...


> Which digestive enzymes do you recommend? I'm on a budget and

can't afford a very expensive one. I found these locally... does it

sound okay?


> http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?


productId=2134091 & cp & sr=1 & origkw=digestive+enzymes & kw=digestive+enzym


> & parentPage=search


> or these that I could order...

> http://www.jigsawhealth.com/products/digestive_enzymes.html


> I also hate to spend alot of money on something I've never tried,

and then not be able to take it for whatever reason.

==>Hi Chellebob326. Welcome to our group. It would really help 2

of our members, who are blind, if you would use a regular name

without the numbers. Thanks.

==>GNC is a not a good place to shop for supplements for sure, and

sorry but I do not have the time to check out every single product

there is. The cheapest way to increase your digestion is to each

homemade sauerkraut or kimchi (2 tbls. unheated with every meal).

Natural Factors has good not too expensive enzymes however,

depending upon where you live.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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> If you take digestive enzymes, how did you determine what to take?

> There are many plant and animal (Pancreatine 4X) digestive enzymes.


> you use products with Ox bile, pepsin, HCL and/or other ingredients?

> Only plant enzymes? Did a specific test help determine what

[actually] is needed? Not just the general...okay, I need digestive

enzymes...but more specific to what the gut/body needs. Are you

sensitive (body or brain) to digestive enzymes?

==>, the place to start with enzymes is by increasing stomach acid

with Betaine HCl with pepsin and/or sauerkraut or kimchi. This is

because stomach acids mixed in the chyme (food plus water) coming out

of the stomach stimulates other digestive enzymes. Some people may

need additional pancreatic enzymes (there are 3 major ones) and/or Ox

bile if they do not have a gall bladder or they have difficulty

breaking down fats - but also coconut oil and butter do not require

bile in order to be digested but they help the liver so it is more able

to create bile, which is made from cholesterol.


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hi bee

i wonder if taking enzymes with HCL will help me digest meat better? i

get such joint pain if i eat meat but not with fish or raw eggs. i need

to come up with a list of safer foods i can eat until i've detoxed more

to make symptoms tolerable. any suggestions for brads of enzymes and how

much to take? is avena a good company?



Bee wrote:



> >

> > If you take digestive enzymes, how did you determine what to take?

> > There are many plant and animal (Pancreatine 4X) digestive enzymes.

> Do

> > you use products with Ox bile, pepsin, HCL and/or other ingredients?

> > Only plant enzymes? Did a specific test help determine what

> [actually] is needed? Not just the general...okay, I need digestive

> enzymes...but more specific to what the gut/body needs. Are you

> sensitive (body or brain) to digestive enzymes?


> ==>, the place to start with enzymes is by increasing stomach acid

> with Betaine HCl with pepsin and/or sauerkraut or kimchi. This is

> because stomach acids mixed in the chyme (food plus water) coming out

> of the stomach stimulates other digestive enzymes. Some people may

> need additional pancreatic enzymes (there are 3 major ones) and/or Ox

> bile if they do not have a gall bladder or they have difficulty

> breaking down fats - but also coconut oil and butter do not require

> bile in order to be digested but they help the liver so it is more able

> to create bile, which is made from cholesterol.


> Bee



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> hi bee; i wonder if taking enzymes with HCL will help me digest

meat better? i get such joint pain if i eat meat but not with fish or

raw eggs. i need to come up with a list of safer foods i can eat

until i've detoxed more to make symptoms tolerable. any suggestions

for brads of enzymes and how much to take? is avena a good company?

==>Hi . Yes taking Betaine HCl with pepsin will help a great

deal, along with consuming the correct ratios of fats to proteins as

my article recommends; see this section for help on doing the

calculations, etc.:


==>Also having 1-2 tbls of sauerkraut or kimchi with every meal

increase digestion. Also do other things to improve your digestion as

listed in these articles:


Don't forget to follow the article " Curing Candida, How to Get

Started " : http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu2.php

Did you know that proteins and good fats are the very easiest foods

for the body to digest and utilize compared to carbohydrates (any

foods not classified as protein or fat). Also remember that good

unadulterated foods will create healing symptoms because they are

exactly what the body requires in order to heal. And the symptoms

that were the most severe when candida was overgrowing will intensify

and become worse before they improve. It's the way the body heals,

by first breaking down an area in order to clean it up and clear out

toxins and then it starts to rebuild. You will also experience re-

tracing symptoms where your body goes backwards in time through every

previous symptoms, illness, disease or injury that it needs to reheal

and rebuild. Read articles on natural healing to understand more

what you could experience:


The best, Bee

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i am thinking of trying avena enzymes - made in canada - as they are

supposed to be very high quality. what kind are you going to try?


Hookenup wrote:


> If you take digestive enzymes, how did you determine what to take?

> There are many plant and animal (Pancreatine 4X) digestive enzymes. Do

> you use products with Ox bile, pepsin, HCL and/or other ingredients?

> Only plant enzymes? Did a specific test help determine what [actually]

> is needed? Not just the general...okay, I need digestive enzymes...but

> more specific to what the gut/body needs. Are you sensitive (body or

> brain) to digestive enzymes?





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> Hi Bee,


> I tried the stomach acid test. I didn't belch within 3 minutes. I

only belched after I drank some liquid chlorophyll 5 minutes after

taking the water/baking soda. Does this indicate low stomach acid,

and the need for digestive enzymes?

==>Yes it does indicate low stomach acid. Only baking soda is used

for the test, nothing else.


> And if I should take digestive enzymes, of the two below(and any

> others), which would you recommend:


> Country Life, Betaine HCI with Pepsin, 250 Tablets:

> http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductDetails.aspx?c=Herbs & pid=CLF-05104


> Now Foods, Betaine HCI, 120 Capsules:

> http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductDetails.aspx?c=Herbs & pid=NOW-02938

==>The 2nd one by Now foods is best.


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> Can anyone recommend a really good brand of broad spectrum

digestive enzymes which is free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat and

dairy? Ive just come to realize that solgar digestive support

capsules that I was using have maltodextrin, and with everything Ive

read about the dangers of GMO's I really want to avoid every

possible bit of corn.

==>Yes, but the amount of maltodextrin is usually very small;

sometimes it is used to make the coating or capsule. Natural

Factors has a couple of great digestive enzymes.

> Im having trouble finding a substitute online now however. I still

> seem to have some trouble with food allergies and coughing if I go

> without my enzymes while eating.


> Another thing I was wondering, is it possible to create some kind

of digestive enzyme mix at home? I would love to break my need for

> paying for the capsules, but I havent been able to find any info.

> Maybe the idea is just kind of nutty, any input?

==>Yes, the best digestive enzymes are all natural, i.e. ocean sea

salt, sauerkraut, kimchi, cabbage rejuvelac, proteins and good fats

per my main candida article.


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> >

> > Can anyone recommend a really good brand of broad spectrum

> digestive enzymes which is free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat and

> dairy? Ive just come to realize that solgar digestive support

> capsules that I was using have maltodextrin, and with everything


> read about the dangers of GMO's I really want to avoid every

> possible bit of corn.


> ==>Yes, but the amount of maltodextrin is usually very small;

> sometimes it is used to make the coating or capsule. Natural

> Factors has a couple of great digestive enzymes.


> > Im having trouble finding a substitute online now however. I


> > seem to have some trouble with food allergies and coughing if I go

> > without my enzymes while eating.

> >

> > Another thing I was wondering, is it possible to create some kind

> of digestive enzyme mix at home? I would love to break my need for

> > paying for the capsules, but I havent been able to find any info.

> > Maybe the idea is just kind of nutty, any input?


> ==>Yes, the best digestive enzymes are all natural, i.e. ocean sea

> salt, sauerkraut, kimchi, cabbage rejuvelac, proteins and good fats

> per my main candida article.


> Bee


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hi steve

avena seem like good products. bee - do you have an opinion on their

enzymes? i have heard good things re them so am thinking of giving them

a try.


steves_cds_and_stuff wrote:


> Hi all,


> Can anyone recommend a really good brand of broad spectrum digestive

> enzymes which is free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat and dairy? Ive just

> come to realize that solgar digestive support capsules that I was

> using have maltodextrin, and with everything Ive read about the

> dangers of GMO's I really want to avoid every possible bit of corn.

> Im having trouble finding a substitute online now however. I still

> seem to have some trouble with food allergies and coughing if I go

> without my enzymes while eating.


> Another thing I was wondering, is it possible to create some kind of

> digestive enzyme mix at home? I would love to break my need for

> paying for the capsules, but I havent been able to find any info.

> Maybe the idea is just kind of nutty, any input?


> Thanks for reading, be healthy everyone


> Steve



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steves_cds_and_stuff@...> wrote:

>Hi all, Can anyone recommend a really good brand of broad spectrum

digestive enzymes which is free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat and


***Hi steve

I have to take digestive enzymes for poor digestion, and one that

has previously been recommended by Bee that I brought online at

iherb.com is the Natural factors Betaine Hydrochloride 500mg 180

caps, containing Betaine hydrochloride and fenugreek, this product

seems to work very well for me. Another group member suggested a

cheaper online website which is vitalgo.com through which I have

ordered the Now brand Betaine which is 120 caps containing Betaine &

Pesin as they did not have the Natural Factors digest/enzym, this

item has also been recommended by Bee, although I have not yet tried

the Now brand item.

> seem to have some trouble with food allergies and coughing if I go

without my enzymes while eating.

*** I definitely can sympathise, I have been on Bees complete diet

for almost 12 months, and have been taking digestive enzymes

(initially local brands not recommended by Bee - which I now know

are not suitable due to other ingredients) since the beginning,

before Christmas I feel off the wagon and had a few small cheats and

my digestive problems increased, so even though I have the

lemon/salt drink, the sauerkraut with every meal, at the moment I

dont believe that I can yet decrease the enzymes.

> Another thing I was wondering, is it possible to create some kind

of digestive enzyme mix at home?

***sorry I dont know anything about this one.

> I would love to break my need for paying for the capsules

*** ditto that, but unfortunately I dont have any other choice at

the moment, I am currently having a total 7 caps per meal because

my digestion is still not yet strong enough to cope without these

enzymes. Hopefully another member can offer us some of their advice

or experiences.

luv Kat

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> i am new here and wonder what kimchi is and how you eat it?

***Hi Steve, Kimchi is fermented vegetables and you eat it unheated

the same way as you would eat the sauerkraut

luv kat

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