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Hi ,

I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003 because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra. December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in. The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you 1st have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you can get the remainder out of your system.

I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better.

I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you have your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.



please help

I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone. After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove them and replace them with saline. My health has still deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of my self-image it's scary. Thank you for all your help. Best,

La jolla, CA

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Penni~ I have read so much about Dr.Kolb. Her information has helped me immensely. I just can't believe this is happening to me. Why me? I ask. I have always been so healthy. I ask myself, was it the diet pills I took in college? OR, all the the starbucks I used to drink which can no longer drink be cause I've because chemically sensitive to caffeinne? Was it all the diet soda I drank? Was it the stress of my last relationship? But why now? All the sudden? None of these things bothered me before. The chemical sensitivity was so subtle and gradual, and then all the sudden boom. People still say it's stress related and I need to give it more time to heal. But can I take that risk? I just don't think so. I'm tired of detoxing, praying, waiting, resting, etc. hoping that I get better. I wish I could go to Dr.

Kolb. I just don't have the money to fly there. I am out answers to get better. The implants are the only thing I can think of. I want my health back. I'm going to miss my boobs. You were helpful. Is there anything else you can think of? Blessings, C. PlattePenni Pitre <penniquilts@...> wrote: Hi , I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003 because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra. December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in. The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and

head was GONE AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants. Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the implants store themselves in your

tissues and muscles until you 1st have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you can get the remainder out of your system. I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better. I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you have your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a product that he makes called Primal Defense.

This will help you to start detoxing at least some before your surgery. I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Blessings, Penni

please help I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone. After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove them and replace them with saline. My health has still deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of my self-image it's scary. Thank you for all your help. Best,

La jolla, CA

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, I can't tell you for sure, but it sounds like your implants started leaking, or the capsules started leaking contaminates into your body . . . Think of it this way . . . Medical saline solution has a two-year shelf life . . . Put saline solution into breast implants and keep them at body temperature indefinitely, can you see what could happen? . . . Some women develop toxic shock when their implants rupture . . . In extreme cases, they've lost limbs and, even more extreme cases, they've lost their lives. It's not something to be take lightly. . . It's not likely you are at that extreme YET! And, stressing over your health is guaranteed to only make matters work. There is a doctor in Canada, Dr. Blais, who has examined tens of thousands of breast implants. He's found an incredible array of staph and fungal organisms in the

implants and capsules. . . Anyone who didn't get sick from the junk in those implants would have to be super-human! . . . One piece of good news is that you should begin getting relief from your chemical sensivities as you get better . . . Think of it as being born with an empty glass . . . as you go through life, you fill this glass drop by drop . . . You can put all kinds of stuff in it for years . .. But as it begins to fill and splashes a bit, you experience a few symptoms. When it reaches the top, it begins to spill over, and you get really sick. The goal of detoxing is to lower the level of this glass, and keep it lowered so you'll be able to tolerate ordinary products on a daily basis. Part of detoxing is to remove as many environmental/dietary chemicals as possible. I wish I could tell you that we have a certain program guaranteed to fix everything - but we don't. Getting

better is going to require a lot of investigation, trial and error, discipline and patience on your part. . . Nevertheless, whatever it takes is worth the reward of getting your life back! I'm traveling right now . . . and see some more messages from you . . . I'll get back with you ASAP. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Rogene~` Thank you for the beautful message. It's a keeper. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , I can't tell you for sure, but it sounds like your implants started leaking, or the capsules started leaking contaminates into your body . . . Think of it this way . . . Medical saline solution has a two-year shelf life . . . Put saline solution into breast implants and keep them at body

temperature indefinitely, can you see what could happen? . . . Some women develop toxic shock when their implants rupture . . . In extreme cases, they've lost limbs and, even more extreme cases, they've lost their lives. It's not something to be take lightly. . . It's not likely you are at that extreme YET! And, stressing over your health is guaranteed to only make matters work. There is a doctor in Canada, Dr. Blais, who has examined tens of thousands of breast implants. He's found an incredible array of staph and fungal organisms in the implants and capsules. . . Anyone who didn't get sick from the junk in those implants would have to be super-human! . . . One piece of good news is that you should begin getting relief from your chemical sensivities as you get better . . . Think of it as being born with an empty glass . . . as you go through life, you fill this

glass drop by drop . . . You can put all kinds of stuff in it for years . .. But as it begins to fill and splashes a bit, you experience a few symptoms. When it reaches the top, it begins to spill over, and you get really sick. The goal of detoxing is to lower the level of this glass, and keep it lowered so you'll be able to tolerate ordinary products on a daily basis. Part of detoxing is to remove as many environmental/dietary chemicals as possible. I wish I could tell you that we have a certain program guaranteed to fix everything - but we don't. Getting better is going to require a lot of investigation, trial and error, discipline and patience on your part. . . Nevertheless, whatever it takes is worth the reward of getting your life back! I'm traveling right now . . . and see some more messages from you . . . I'll get back with you ASAP. Hugs and

prayers, Rogene

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Hi ,

I had saline implants for 12 years and will be getting explanted

TOMORROW on July 6th. I can not wait as I have been sick and going

to doctors for 2 years. My symptons included a persistant skin

rash, fatigue, weight gain, microscopic blood in my urine, a mildly

enlarged thyroid, dry eyes and some heavy metal toxicity. Other

than that, my doctor has not found anything else. So...I took her

the info off of Dr. Kolbs site...and she said " maybe it is your

implants " . The only way to really know is to get them out and see

how you feel.

For me it became an issue of elimiating it from the

equation. Something was/is wrong. And my doctors have been unable

to " diagnose " anything else....so....I had to make the choice to get

them out.

I have learned a lot on this site. Had I know the shell of saline

implants was silicone I never would have had them put in.

Many woman have problems with the saline implants. The more I talk

about this out in the public, the more I realize hundreds across the

nation, if not thousands are experiencing the same thing....and

having them removed.

Just wanted you to know a little of my story re: saline implants.

> Hi ,


> I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain

in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to

live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra.

December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu

only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this

website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants

making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the

ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on

May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in.

The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE

AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my

implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a

lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years

I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside

and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is

made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain

any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the

implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you 1st

have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you

can get the remainder out of your system.

> I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia

is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time

and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very

careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better.

> I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just

be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you have

your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a

product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to

start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

not alone.


> Blessings,

> Penni


> please help



> I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone.

After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

them and replace them with saline. My health has still

deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups?

And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most

people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in

my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I

have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of

my self-image it's scary.


> Thank you for all your help.


> Best,

> La jolla, CA


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Thank you for your support. Keep me posted after explantation please!sedwards41255 <sedwards41255@...> wrote: Hi ,I had saline implants for 12 years and will be getting explanted TOMORROW on July 6th. I can not wait as I have been sick and going to doctors for 2 years. My symptons included a persistant skin rash, fatigue, weight gain, microscopic blood in my urine, a mildly enlarged thyroid, dry eyes and some heavy metal toxicity. Other than that, my doctor has not found anything else. So...I took her

the info off of Dr. Kolbs site...and she said "maybe it is your implants". The only way to really know is to get them out and see how you feel. For me it became an issue of elimiating it from the equation. Something was/is wrong. And my doctors have been unable to "diagnose" anything else....so....I had to make the choice to get them out.I have learned a lot on this site. Had I know the shell of saline implants was silicone I never would have had them put in. Many woman have problems with the saline implants. The more I talk about this out in the public, the more I realize hundreds across the nation, if not thousands are experiencing the same thing....and having them removed. Just wanted you to know a little of my story re: saline implants. > Hi ,> > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003 because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra. December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants

making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in. The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came> home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.> Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the saline that can

make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you 1st have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you can get the remainder out of your system.> I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better.> I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just be sure that your PS takes out the

capsules (en bloc) when you have your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to start detoxing at least some before your surgery.> I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.> > Blessings,> Penni> > please help> > > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone. After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove them and replace them with saline. My health has still

deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of my self-image it's scary. > > Thank you for all your help.> > Best,> La jolla, CA>

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> > Hi ,

> >

> > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

> mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having


> in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to

> live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra.

> December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu

> only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on


> website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants

> making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the

> ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on

> May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in.

> The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE

> AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my

> implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a

> lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the


> I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside

> and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

> only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is

> made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

> get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will


> any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the

> implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you


> have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you

> can get the remainder out of your system.

> > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia

> is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with


> and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very

> careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little


> > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just

> be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you


> your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

> you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a

> product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to

> start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

> not alone.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Penni

> >

> > please help

> >

> >

> > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

> them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone.

> After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups?

> And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?


> people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in

> my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I

> have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of

> my self-image it's scary.

> >

> > Thank you for all your help.

> >

> > Best,

> > La jolla, CA

> >


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I just read your post and wanted to wish you well tomorrow. You

have made a good decision - boobs or health really puts it in

perspective doesn't it? My explant was in October, and after many

changes in my diet, juicing, supplements from an ND, IR sauna, I am

feeling so much better. I just wanted to let you know I will pray

for you as you have surgery tomorrow.


> > Hi ,

> >

> > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

> mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having


> in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to

> live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra.

> December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu

> only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on


> website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants

> making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the

> ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on

> May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in.

> The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE

> AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my

> implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a

> lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the


> I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside

> and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

> only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is

> made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

> get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will


> any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the

> implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you


> have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you

> can get the remainder out of your system.

> > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia

> is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with


> and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very

> careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little


> > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just

> be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you


> your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

> you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a

> product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to

> start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

> not alone.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Penni

> >

> > please help

> >

> >

> > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

> them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone.

> After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups?

> And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?


> people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in

> my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I

> have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of

> my self-image it's scary.

> >

> > Thank you for all your help.

> >

> > Best,

> > La jolla, CA

> >


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, We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you . . . I know you'll be relieved to have those toxic bags OUT! . . . . Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life! . . . . Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Dr. Kolb office can test you if you have a regular family physician. I know there is a doctor who is in with Dr. Kolb who will do a consult over the phone and then order test for you through your doctor. My niece had this done. If you e-mail Dr. Kolb she will give you the doctor's name or she may ever do it herself. If you want to take a free test go to doctor shoemaker's site. It's on the toxin discovery, click on bio-toxin. It should say VCS test, they have a free questionnaire and free test. My niece did it and found out she had bio-toxin then did the consult with the doctor a Dr. Kolb's office. If you can't find the site let me know and I will ask my niece for her doctor's name and get the site address for you. Hope it helps you.


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Does anyone have allergies from their implants? I know I have so many questions. You guys are great. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you . . . I know you'll be relieved to have those toxic bags OUT! . . . . Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life! . . . . Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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I don't know if I was allergic to the implants, or if the chemicals

made me sick, but I got sick within a week or two of getting the

implants, so obviously something went terribly wrong.


> ,


> We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you . . .


> I know you'll be relieved to have those toxic bags OUT! . . . .


> Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life! . . . .


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Best wishes to you tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you.


> > Hi ,

> >

> > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

> mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having


> in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have


> live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte


> December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu

> only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on


> website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants

> making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with


> ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on

> May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in.

> The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE

> AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because


> implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a

> lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the


> I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold


> and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

> only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant


> made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

> get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will


> any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from


> implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you


> have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you

> can get the remainder out of your system.

> > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my


> is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with


> and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be


> careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little


> > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand.


> be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you


> your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

> you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a

> product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you


> start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

> not alone.

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Penni

> >

> > please help

> >

> >

> > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I


> them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to


> After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support


> And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?


> people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in

> my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I

> have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of

> my self-image it's scary.

> >

> > Thank you for all your help.

> >

> > Best,

> > La jolla, CA

> >


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Thanks Cherie,

This has been quite a learning process that is for sure. My IR sauna

is on its' way also....and should be here in a couple of days. I

plan to use it for detoxing and my husband for his back pain !

I'll let you guys know how it goes.

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

> > mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> > because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> > switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having

> pain

> > in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have


> > live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte


> > December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the


> > only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on

> this

> > website I found out from her that it could be the saline


> > making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with


> > ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> > Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So


> > May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back


> > The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was


> > AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because


> > implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> > breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out


> > lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the

> years

> > I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold


> > and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

> > only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> > saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant


> > made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

> > get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will

> retain

> > any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from


> > implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you

> 1st

> > have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that


> > can get the remainder out of your system.

> > > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> > looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> > better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my


> > is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with

> time

> > and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be


> > careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little

> better.

> > > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand.


> > be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you

> have

> > your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

> > you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking


> > product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you


> > start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

> > not alone.

> > >

> > > Blessings,

> > > Penni

> > >

> > > please help

> > >

> > >

> > > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

> > them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to


> > After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> > them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> > deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> > scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> > scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support


> > And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?

> Most

> > people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress


> > my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe


> > have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part


> > my self-image it's scary.

> > >

> > > Thank you for all your help.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > La jolla, CA

> > >

> >


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Thanks Rogene.....the day is finally here!!

I am not nervous...although I am sure I will be the minute before I

go into the surgery !! LOl


> ,


> We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you . . .


> I know you'll be relieved to have those toxic bags OUT! . . . .


> Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life! . . . .


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Thank you Sis....I am crossing my fingers. I have high hopes!!

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a


> > mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> > because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> > switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having

> pain

> > in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have

> to

> > live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte

> Bra.

> > December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the


> > only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on

> this

> > website I found out from her that it could be the saline


> > making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with

> the

> > ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> > Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So


> > May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back


> > The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was


> > AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because

> my

> > implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> > breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out


> > lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the

> years

> > I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold

> inside

> > and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you


> > only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> > saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant

> is

> > made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important


> > get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will

> retain

> > any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from

> the

> > implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you

> 1st

> > have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that


> > can get the remainder out of your system.

> > > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> > looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> > better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my

> fibromyalgia

> > is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with

> time

> > and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be

> very

> > careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little

> better.

> > > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand.

> Just

> > be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you

> have

> > your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would


> > you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking


> > product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you

> to

> > start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you


> > not alone.

> > >

> > > Blessings,

> > > Penni

> > >

> > > please help

> > >

> > >

> > > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I

> had

> > them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to

> Silicone.

> > After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> > them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> > deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> > scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> > scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support

> groups?

> > And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?

> Most

> > people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress


> > my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe


> > have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part


> > my self-image it's scary.

> > >

> > > Thank you for all your help.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > La jolla, CA

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

Mine is on its way too! We'll have to compare how we like them! :) I want

to use it for detoxing and my husband for pain too.


> Thanks Cherie,

> This has been quite a learning process that is for sure. My IR sauna

> is on its' way also....and should be here in a couple of days. I

> plan to use it for detoxing and my husband for his back pain !

> I'll let you guys know how it goes.





>>>> Hi ,


>>>> I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

>>> mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

>>> because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

>>> switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having

>> pain

>>> in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have

> to

>>> live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte

> Bra.

>>> December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the

> flu

>>> only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on

>> this

>>> website I found out from her that it could be the saline

> implants

>>> making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with

> the

>>> ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

>>> Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So

> on

>>> May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back

> in.

>>> The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was


>>> AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

>>>> home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because

> my

>>> implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

>>> breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out

> a

>>> lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the

>> years

>>> I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

>>>> Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold

> inside

>>> and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

>>> only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

>>> saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant

> is

>>> made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

>>> get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will

>> retain

>>> any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from

> the

>>> implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you

>> 1st

>>> have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that

> you

>>> can get the remainder out of your system.

>>>> I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

>>> looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

>>> better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my

> fibromyalgia

>>> is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with

>> time

>>> and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be

> very

>>> careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little

>> better.

>>>> I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand.

> Just

>>> be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you

>> have

>>> your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

>>> you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking

> a

>>> product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you

> to

>>> start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

>>>> I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

>>> not alone.


>>>> Blessings,

>>>> Penni


>>>> please help



>>>> I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

>>> them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to

> Silicone.

>>> After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

>>> them and replace them with saline. My health has still

>>> deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

>>> scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

>>> scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support

> groups?

>>> And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?

>> Most

>>> people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress

> in

>>> my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe

> I

>>> have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part

> of

>>> my self-image it's scary.


>>>> Thank you for all your help.


>>>> Best,

>>>> La jolla, CA








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Does anyone know of someone who does biotoxin testing in San Diego ,CA?Cherie Sutherland <funhome@...> wrote: I just read your post and wanted to wish you well tomorrow. You have made a good decision - boobs or health really puts it in perspective doesn't it? My explant was in October, and after many changes in my diet, juicing, supplements from an ND, IR sauna, I am feeling so much better. I just wanted to let you know I will pray for you as you have surgery tomorrow.Cherie> > Hi ,> > > > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical > mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003 > because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I > switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain > in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have to > live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra. > December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu > only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this

> website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants > making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the > ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in > Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on > May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in. > The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE > AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came> > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my > implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a > breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a > lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years > I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.> > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside > and

outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are > only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the > saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is > made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to > get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain > any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the > implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you 1st > have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you > can get the remainder out of your system.> > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is > looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much > better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my fibromyalgia > is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time > and exercise that will get

better as well. I still have to be very > careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better.> > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just > be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you have > your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage > you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a > product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to > start detoxing at least some before your surgery.> > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are > not alone.> > > > Blessings,> > Penni> > > > please help> > > > > > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had > them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone. > After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove > them and replace them with saline. My health has still > deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am > scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really > scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? > And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most > people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in > my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I > have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of > my self-image it's scary. > > > > Thank you for all your help.> >

> > Best,> > La jolla, CA> >>

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Just left a message to some of my friends here who might know.



> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical

> > mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003

> > because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I

> > switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having

> pain

> > in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have


> > live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte


> > December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the


> > only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on

> this

> > website I found out from her that it could be the saline


> > making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with


> > ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in

> > Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So


> > May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back


> > The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was


> > AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came

> > > home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because


> > implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a

> > breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out


> > lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the

> years

> > I have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants.

> > > Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold


> > and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are

> > only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the

> > saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant


> > made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to

> > get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will

> retain

> > any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from


> > implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you

> 1st

> > have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that


> > can get the remainder out of your system.

> > > I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is

> > looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much

> > better. My eyes aren't as sunken in and yellow and my


> > is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with

> time

> > and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be


> > careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little

> better.

> > > I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand.


> > be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you

> have

> > your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage

> > you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking


> > product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you


> > start detoxing at least some before your surgery.

> > > I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are

> > not alone.

> > >

> > > Blessings,

> > > Penni

> > >

> > > please help

> > >

> > >

> > > I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

> > them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to


> > After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

> > them and replace them with saline. My health has still

> > deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

> > scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

> > scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support


> > And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill?

> Most

> > people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress


> > my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe


> > have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part


> > my self-image it's scary.

> > >

> > > Thank you for all your help.

> > >

> > > Best,

> > > La jolla, CA

> > >

> >


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, I'm not sure if bio-toxins and mycoplasma bacteria are the same or not . . . Garth Nicolson, Ph.D. is in southern California . . . he's a research scientist who has a very interesting history . . . Do a web search for him and you'lln see what I mean. I'm sure he can connect you with doctors in the San Diego area. Rogene .

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, I had a host of "allergies" and took antihistamines for YEARS before I saw an allergist. He took one look at me and told me that I wasn't and "allergic" person - Something about the look around the eyes. He told me, and was proved to be right, that I was 'sensitive' and that all the antihistamines in the world weren't going to help. . . My only recourse was to stay away from the things that bothered me. By that time, my life was completely controlled by my sensitivities. Even then, I didn't connect my sensitivities with my implants. They started within weeks of getting my implants and gradually got worse over 16 years. It was a couple years after my implants were removed that I realized that I was able to go anywhere, do anything without being affected. . . Something that was notable during that time was my heightened sense of smell for those things

that I reacted to . . . tobacco smoke, perfumes, cleaning products, anything derived from petroleum . . . and a host of things I never pinpointed. I later learned that the area of the brain used to detect smells is adjacent to the fight-or-flight part of the brain. That was exactly how I felt when exposed . . . Unfortunately, while working I could do neither. That was extremely stressful! Rogene .

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Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , I had a host of "allergies" and took antihistamines for YEARS before I saw an allergist. He took one look at me and told me that I wasn't and "allergic" person - Something about the look around the eyes. He told me, and was proved to be right, that I was 'sensitive' and that all the antihistamines in the world weren't going to help. . . My only recourse was to stay away from the

things that bothered me. By that time, my life was completely controlled by my sensitivities. Even then, I didn't connect my sensitivities with my implants. They started within weeks of getting my implants and gradually got worse over 16 years. It was a couple years after my implants were removed that I realized that I was able to go anywhere, do anything without being affected. . . Something that was notable during that time was my heightened sense of smell for those things that I reacted to . . . tobacco smoke, perfumes, cleaning products, anything derived from petroleum . . . and a host of things I never pinpointed. I later learned that the area of the brain used to detect smells is adjacent to the fight-or-flight part of the brain. That was exactly how I felt when exposed . . . Unfortunately, while working I could do neither. That was extremely stressful! Rogene .

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, Your assesment sounds correct...it's either your boobs or your health. Bad situation, and one that we've all been through! It hasn't been any fun for a single one of us. I am sorry you've been through so much surgery, and with switching out to the gels and getting sick....see, you should have been in a study! The reason you haven't gotten any better, at least in my opinion, is that your immune system became sensitized to silicone and the chemicals associated with their manufacture. What chemicals, I am not sure. But there have been a number of women that have become sick with silicone gels, and thinking that saline were safer got those, only to find out that they didn't get any better and even got worse in some cases. The body just makes up its mind that it doesn't like silicone and you can't continue to have it in your body after that. It's kind of like how an

allergy works. You must get rid of the offending substance. Silicone is the common link between all implants, whether they are filled with saline, soy oil, or silicone gel. Someday, I sure hope somebody in high places finally figures that out. Until then, women suffer. Stress is bad, no matter how it comes. It certainly can contribute to your illness, but here is a concept that most doctors overlook....implants themselves are a stressor to your body! They may tell you that you are sick because of stress, and they would be right! They just missed where the stress originally came from! Implants are a foreign object and your body, my body, any body is going to react to that implant by trying to wall it off and keep it from doing damage. Inflammation will set in, and the immune system will go into overload fighting it. Can you just picture your immune system being stressed out about these

things? I sure can. We'll help any way that we can. Getting the implants out properly is going to be your next best step. Don't be scared....be optimistic. Have hope for healing . Patty Platte <deniseplatte@...> wrote: I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone.

After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove them and replace them with saline. My health has still deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of my self-image it's scary. Thank you for all your help. Best, La jolla, CA __________________________________________________

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, I think we all asked ourselves the same question...why me? There seem to be so many women out there with implants that look like they are doing well. Why did we have to suffer so much when they do not? It's not fair! But, we just don't know the answers to those questions. Perhaps they are going to be sick later on, or they are in denial about their implants causing any trouble. Denial is HUGE when it comes to implants. I have met many women who were sick from implants, and didn't know it. Yet, when I pointed out some of their problems and how prevalent they are to women with implants, there is immediate defensiveness regarding their own implants. It's such a hard thing to accept. We don't know why some women react so violently to implants, while others do well. I would guess that it has to do with genetics, and our

toxic exposures in life. There is a concept that seems plausible regarding toxic exposure....try to imagine it...a bucket that is being filled up one drop at a time, those drops representing our toxic exposures a little at a time. Eventually that bucket is going to fill up to the top and spill over. At that point, our bodies are no longer able to handle toxins well, and we manifest symptoms of illness. That is why detoxification helps so much. When we detox, we help our bodies to get rid of the toxins that are stored in cells and organs and which can affect our bodily functions in a negative way. Some people have great genetics when it comes to detoxing...and some people have more sluggish ones. Some people can handle more exposure than others can. However, the immune system is quite complex. It gets programmed. It may be very difficult to turn the programming off

once it has been attacking the self, as in autoimmune disease. So, putting all these things together, it could be genetics, a sluggish liver, too many toxins, stress, mold, bacteria, an allergic reaction.....who knows???? What we do know is that getting implants out and detoxing can help women recover to a great degree. I wish that for you! Patty Platte <deniseplatte@...> wrote: Penni~ I have read so

much about Dr.Kolb. Her information has helped me immensely. I just can't believe this is happening to me. Why me? I ask. I have always been so healthy. I ask myself, was it the diet pills I took in college? OR, all the the starbucks I used to drink which can no longer drink be cause I've because chemically sensitive to caffeinne? Was it all the diet soda I drank? Was it the stress of my last relationship? But why now? All the sudden? None of these things bothered me before. The chemical sensitivity was so subtle and gradual, and then all the sudden boom. People still say it's stress related and I need to give it more time to heal. But can I take that risk? I just don't think so. I'm tired of detoxing, praying, waiting, resting, etc. hoping that I get better. I wish I could go to Dr. Kolb. I just don't have the money to fly there. I am

out answers to get better. The implants are the only thing I can think of. I want my health back. I'm going to miss my boobs. You were helpful. Is there anything else you can think of? Blessings, C. PlattePenni Pitre <penniquilts@...> wrote: Hi , I had breast implants after having breast cancer and a radical mastectomy in 1989. They were silicone. Then in February 2003 because my right implant was beginning to hurt and ride up I switched to saline implants. In December 2004 I started having pain in my left implant. Went to my PS and he said I would just have

to live with the pain and he gave me new binders and a tte Bra. December of 2005 I became very ill with what I thought was the flu only it never went away. Through another lady named Michele on this website I found out from her that it could be the saline implants making me sick. I also have severe MCS. I started talking with the ladies on this board did research and talked with Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Arizona and we flew to Georgia. So on May 3, 2006 I had my implants taken out with nothing put back in. The DAY AFTER my surgery the numbness in my neck and head was GONE AND the shooting pains going down my arms was GONE. We came home on the 25th of May. I took a long time to drain because my implants were large and had more area to heal. I not only had a breast infection on my left side but Dr. Kolb found and took out a lot of silicone from my right side. So I believe that all the years I

have been sick (since 1996) was because of my implants. Saline implants are not safe because they can harbor mold inside and outside of them. Also the PS wants you to think that you are only getting saline implants but it is the shell that holds the saline that can make you sick as well. The shell of the implant is made of 39 chemicals one of which is silicone. It's important to get the capsules taken out as well because the capsules will retain any breakdown of the shell. The chemicals and or silicone from the implants store themselves in your tissues and muscles until you 1st have the capsules removed and than learn how to detox so that you can get the remainder out of your system. I am 2 months post op now. I am feeling better. My skin is looking normal again. The red blotches around my neck are much better. My eyes aren't as sunken in

and yellow and my fibromyalgia is much better. I still have a frozen shoulder but I know with time and exercise that will get better as well. I still have to be very careful around odors, and perfumes but even that is a little better. I can sense your fear and we all on this board understand. Just be sure that your PS takes out the capsules (en bloc) when you have your implants taken out and get it in writing. I would encourage you to read The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin and to start taking a product that he makes called Primal Defense. This will help you to start detoxing at least some before your surgery. I know this was long but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Blessings, Penni please help I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone. After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove them and replace them with saline. My health has

still deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups? And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of my self-image it's scary. Thank you for all your help. Best, La jolla, CA

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, Prior to getting implants, the only thing I reacted to was cheap jewelry. I had to wear 14K gold only. After getting implants and getting sick, I went through some testing that revealed a sudden allergy to chocolate and brewer's yeast, and I just found out last month that I have a gluten intolerance. I was never allergic to any foods before implants. I have heard of many other women suddenly becoming allergic to many things. Chocolate seems to be a common one, as well as eggs, dairy, wheat, and corn. And it's not only foods....some women become unable to wear their jewelry, or wear makeup. Patty Platte <deniseplatte@...> wrote: Does anyone have allergies from their implants? I know I have so many questions. You guys are great. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you . . . I know you'll be relieved to have those toxic bags OUT! . . . . Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life! . . . . Hugs and prayers, Rogene __________________________________________________

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