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You can treat constipation with Oxypowder, aloe vera juice, or Milk of Mag.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Arias

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 12:49 AM

Subject: [ ] Constipation

This is what my dd is taking and she is REALLY constipated. Any


10 AM

1/3 Capsule of Taurine.

1 Biotin and 1/2 Packet of Threelac.

1/4 Drop of the B6.


1/3 Capsule of Taurine

1 Biotin and 1/2 Packet of Threelac.

1/4 Drop of the B6


1/3 Capsule of Taurine.

1 Biotin and 1/2 Packet of Threelac.

1/4 Drop of the B6


1/3 Capsule of Taurine

1 Biotin or 1/2 Packet of Threelac.

1/4 Drop of the B6


1/2 Chlonodine to get to sleep

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In our house we need calcium with magnesium to get good absorption. Kids were

willing to

take some Ionic Fizz. I personally use Solaray Cal-Mag citrate caps but they

are big and it

does have some dandelion and parsley in it (don't know why).

Also FYI in Chinese medicine meats and flours are contracting and contribute to


Sugars are expanding. If yeast is not a huge issue, half cup of warm water with

a teaspoon of

honey in it first thing in the morning can really help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Donna,

I am a constipation fighter as well- it's rough, especially when I am doing sooo

much to be well (I just think of that waste feeding the candida and I get so

upset!).  Right now I am on Bee's 9 day program- most likely you'll be advised

to do the same.  I dont know if it is helping at this point (I'm on day 7).  I

look forward to reading more on this thread since it is my major struggle right

now (I've tried everything!).

good luck,


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here's Bee's web page on constipation


remember to do a search on Bee's web site, not only on the group :)

I also use magnesium oxide (along with magnesium citrate) to keep my

bowels moving, although Bee does not recommend it.

I'm a bad case of constipation and lazy bowels but Magnesium has

changed my life :)

good luck,


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There are lots of people on this list that complain of constipation

including myself! I have had chronic constipation for about 20 years

and then for the last 5 years I became dependent on suppositories.

I have not taken a suppository in 6 weeks and I think the magnesium is

really helping me. The kind of magnesium you get helps too. All

supplements I have found are not the same.

I used to go one a week and now I go about every 3-4 days.

SO it does get better.



> I am new to this group. (about two-three weeks) I read the daily

> digest everyday. I have noticed that the subject of constipation

> rarely comes up. I did a search in the groups' message archives and

> didn't find much there, either. My daughter (now 6) was born with

> thrush/candida, obviously from me. I have been plagued with

> constipation for at least 10 years now. My daughter has been plagued

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>Hi Donna,

I have been reading here for about a month and starting on the supplements and

diet. I

have been increasing my fats and now I'm constipated when I usually am not.

I am not sure what is bringing this on.

I guess I'll try to increase my vit. C.


> I am new to this group. (about two-three weeks) I read the daily

> digest everyday. I have noticed that the subject of constipation

> rarely comes up. I did a search in the groups' message archives and

> didn't find much there, either. My daughter (now 6) was born with

> thrush/candida, obviously from me. I have been plagued with

> constipation for at least 10 years now. My daughter has been plagued

> with constipation since she was born. We are trying to follow this

> diet best as we can while I still learn about it. For the last 7

> years I have had to take a colema (five gallon low pressure enema

> procedure) every other day or else I just don't eliminate. What I do

> eliminate on my own is less than what a one year old would

> eliminate. I have started taking a daily dose of prune juice as it

> helps me to go. I know it's not allowed on this diet, but the other

> option is to just continue being poisoned by my own waste. I'll take

> the prune juice, thank you. I have gained so much weight in the last

> two years, and I KNOW it's because of my constipation & candida. I

> am scared to death that I have colon cancer or some kind of

> blockage. I hate doctors and don't trust them, but I know they can

> be good for diagnosis sometimes. I am considering going to one to

> find out what kind of condition my colon is in. I also had my

> appendix removed 8 years ago (before I knew better) and I know that

> just adds to the problem. How about all of you? Do any of you suffer

> from constipation? I am just so surprised that I don't see more on

> this subject since candida causes constipation. I do wonder if it's

> because people don't know they are constipated. A healthy person is

> supposed to have one bowel movement per day per major meal. And I

> don't even come close.


> I'm sorry this post is so long. I'd like some feedback, please.


> Thank you,

> Donna


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> I am new to this group. (about two-three weeks) I read the daily

> digest everyday. I have noticed that the subject of constipation

> rarely comes up. I did a search in the groups' message archives and

> didn't find much there, either. My daughter (now 6) was born with

> thrush/candida, obviously from me. I have been plagued with

> constipation for at least 10 years now. My daughter has been

plagued with constipation since she was born. We are trying to follow

this diet best as we can while I still learn about it.

+++Hi Donna, as Marissa pointed out there is an article on

constipation on my website:


+++Here's the last paragraph in that article, which is most important

for you to know: " Correcting constipation depends upon how long a

person has suffered with it as well, since it takes 1 month of

natural healing for every year one has had the condition. It takes a

long time to get to the point of having constipation so it may take

time and a diligent concerted effort to correct it. "

> For the last 7 years I have had to take a colema (five gallon low

pressure enema procedure) every other day or else I just don't

eliminate. What I do eliminate on my own is less than what a one year

old would eliminate. I have started taking a daily dose of prune

juice as it helps me to go. I know it's not allowed on this diet, but

the other option is to just continue being poisoned by my own waste.

I'll take the prune juice, thank you.

+++Donna, you do not have to take prune juice; there are many other

better treatments. I think vitamin C is the best treatment.

However, like it says in my article it takes 1 month of natural

healing for every year, so your constipation will take at least 10

months on this program (1 month for every year).

+++Your body can start the healing process once you and your daughter

are completely on this program, including all supplements.

> I have gained so much weight in the last two years, and I KNOW it's

because of my constipation & candida. I am scared to death that I

have colon cancer or some kind of blockage. I hate doctors and don't

trust them, but I know they can be good for diagnosis sometimes. I am

considering going to one to find out what kind of condition my colon

is in. I also had my appendix removed 8 years ago (before I knew

better) and I know that just adds to the problem. How about all of

you? Do any of you suffer from constipation?

+++Many members of this group have also struggled with constipation -

see this Success Story by who helped her constipation by

doing " dry skin brushing " along with this program:


+++Here's another great Success Story:


> I am just so surprised that I don't see more on this subject since

candida causes constipation. I do wonder if it's because people don't

know they are constipated. A healthy person is supposed to have one

bowel movement per day per major meal. And I don't even come close.

+++It isn't true a healthy person should have one bowel movement per

day per major meal. That can only occur when someone eats a high

carb diet that contains a lot of fibres. However, fibres are very

damaging to the intestines - see these articles:


+++I encourage you to get completely on this program, but do it

slowly since changing over to it too fast will cause constipation

like this article states:


+++I also recommend you do coffee enemas and abdominal massages:



Hang in there Donna. This, too, shall pass, but it takes time and


Healing Hugs, Bee

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> >Hi Donna,

> I have been reading here for about a month and starting on the

supplements and diet. I

> have been increasing my fats and now I'm constipated when I usually

am not. I am not sure what is bringing this on.


> I guess I'll try to increase my vit. C.

+++Hi Doris. If you change over to this program too quickly it will

cause constipation since it takes time to increase your fats high

enough, because they are antifungal, in order to offset lowering

carbs. You might need to add some carbs in the meantime - that is

discussed in " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " :


Luv, Bee

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> Hi, this is .


> I have been battling constipation. Vitamin C really helps. But

> recently I heard that most vitamin C is made from corn which is

> infected with toxins. Any truth to that? I have been using Magnesium

> with good success. But I am hesitant to use too much for too long.

> ANy truth to that? Someone suggested Turkish Rubarb. Anyone try

> that? I have been trying t switch to more fats. I have used the

> Fitday. Does not seem to make a difference yet. The 9 day program did

> not really help.

+++Hi . Even if vitamin C is made from corn it is chemically

changed during the processing, so it doesn't contain toxins that corn


+++No, do not use rubarb as a substitute. Most members of this group,

and myself, use ascorbic acid and no one has had any problems with it;

it has still helped them get healthy. I've used it for over 10 years.

+++If you've ever had any constipation in the past your body

will " retrace " each and every episode during natural healing, which is

according to Hering's Law of Cure:


+++Also, " if " you changed over to this diet too quickly it will make

you constipated since the " good " fats, i.e. butter and coconut oil, are

antifungal that cannot be increased too fast due to the die-off

symptoms they create. If you lower your carbs too fast without also

getting your fats increased enough, it will cause constipation - see

this article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php

+++If you changed over too quickly, you might need to backtract by

adding some carbs for awhile until you are able to consume higher

fats. You could add something like buckwheat pancakes - here's a

recipe: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe186.php

+++Or add brown rice, which has been soaked or cooked long enough - see

this article on soaking it:


+++Some people need to stay on the 9-Day program longer, at least the

diet part which is soup, broths, liquid and pureed foods, but they

shouldn't continue doing daily enemas after 9 days; instead do them

every 5 days.

I hope that helps.

The best, Bee

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the enzymes need water to work. there premise is based on temperature, pH,

substrate, cofactors and Water. an once an hour goes a long way with fresh

fruit and vegetables. linda rn


Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to tri enza

and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old enzymes.

He never gets constipated, but now he does.

He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do you think

his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.

What do you all give for constipation?

Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we started.

How long do you think this will last?

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We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are great!


Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to tri enza

and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old enzymes.

He never gets constipated, but now he does.

He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do you think

his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.

What do you all give for constipation?

Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we started.

How long do you think this will last?

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Hi. I'm very interested in your thread.

I started my 4 year old daughter on enzymes mid-December. She had

been on a CF diet for a year which had had good results. We found out

she has a gluten intolerence but have been unable to cut-it out of

her diet completely as her diet is very limited and she has

sandwiches for school lunch. When I heard about enzymes I decided to

give them a go.

My daughter has had constipation problems for a long time and I was

hoping that the enzymes would help with this. We started her off on

AFP Peptizyde but this didn't seem to be helping. She also gets one

red ear (usually left) quite often but I haven't been able to deduce

the cause as it sometimes flares up even if she hasn't eaten or drank

anything. I contacted Devin Houston who said it could be a phenol

issue or possibly yeast. So I decided to switch to TriEnza to see if

it made any difference. And I would have to say that I don't see any

improvement in her bowel habits and like your son, she doesn't seem

to be able to go to sleep straight away anymore either.

What dose do you give to your son? and how old is he? I give my

daughter one capsule opened into a fromage frais (she says its too

tingly if I give it in a drink and refuses to take it). I wonder if

she should maybe be having two capsules?


> We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are great!

> constipation



> Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to tri


> and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old enzymes.


> He never gets constipated, but now he does.


> He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do you


> his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.


> What do you all give for constipation?


> Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we


> How long do you think this will last?







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Do you think it's the gluten. Gluten stays in your system for a long

time, so even if she hadn't eaten her ears might still be red.

Alot of times if someone is sensitive to gluten they limit other

foods because they are addicted to it. You can put just about

anything in a thermos and send that off to school.

I'm not an enzyme pro. I give my son who is 7 2 tri enza's. He is

not normally constipated, but is now. He drinks very little water,

which I think was fine before, but now I think with the enzymes he

needs to drink more. So that's what I'm doing for him.

My daughter had chronic constipation problems with stomache aches and

bloating. Hers went away with a less potent enzyme and also being

gf/cf. I now let her cheat here and there and she seems fine.

I wonder if an epsom salt bath would help as it can cause loose


Sorry I can't be any more help, maybe someone else will jump in.

> >

> > We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are great!

> > constipation

> >

> >

> > Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to


> enza

> > and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old


> >

> > He never gets constipated, but now he does.

> >

> > He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do


> think

> > his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.

> >

> > What do you all give for constipation?

> >

> > Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we

> started.

> > How long do you think this will last?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My son had a phenol allergy, (to citrus-some nut), and his ears always

turned red after he drank orange juice.


>> >

>> >

>> > Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to

> tri

>> enza

>> > and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old

> enzymes.

>> >

>> > He never gets constipated, but now he does.

>> >

>> > He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do

> you

>> think

>> > his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.

>> >

>> > What do you all give for constipation?

>> >

>> > Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we

>> started.

>> > How long do you think this will last?

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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> Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to tri enza

> and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old enzymes.

It can be constipating, especially in the first 3 weeks. Try adding

magnesium. Other ideas here


> He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do you think

> his digestion is just working better so now it needs more water.

Enzymes do tend to require more water, especially at first.


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Thanks for your reply

I'm not sure if it is the gluten to be honest, she's never really

been addicted to bread or dairy foods to be honest, and I thought the

triEnza/AFP were supposed to break the gluten down enough that it

wouldn't have undesirable affects?

I do give epsom salt baths if she is particularly constipated but

think I need to give them more regularly, maybe once or twice a week.

I'm also going to try her on Magnesium rather than the Super Nu Thera

as I read that too many vitamins can be a problem but that ASD people

usually have a Magnesium deficiency so will see how that goes.

> > >

> > > We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are


> > > constipation

> > >

> > >

> > > Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to

> tri

> > enza

> > > and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old

> enzymes.

> > >

> > > He never gets constipated, but now he does.

> > >

> > > He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do

> you

> > think

> > > his digestion is just working better so now it needs more


> > >

> > > What do you all give for constipation?

> > >

> > > Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we

> > started.

> > > How long do you think this will last?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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My daughters red ears don't always flare up consistently (ie

sometimes bananas seem to trigger it and sometimes not, sometimes

apple juice, sometimes not???)

> >> >

> >> > We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are


> >> > constipation

> >> >

> >> >

> >> > Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched to

> > tri

> >> enza

> >> > and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old

> > enzymes.

> >> >

> >> > He never gets constipated, but now he does.

> >> >

> >> > He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new. Do

> > you

> >> think

> >> > his digestion is just working better so now it needs more


> >> >

> >> > What do you all give for constipation?

> >> >

> >> > Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we

> >> started.

> >> > How long do you think this will last?

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

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Maybe it's the amount of phenols he eats. A build up reaction.

> > >> >

> > >> > We had about a 3 week die off period...then things were/are

> great!

> > >> > constipation

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> > Can constipation be caused from enzymes? We just switched


> > > tri

> > >> enza

> > >> > and no fenol, which is like 4 times stronger than our old

> > > enzymes.

> > >> >

> > >> > He never gets constipated, but now he does.

> > >> >

> > >> > He was never a big water drinker, but that's nothing new.


> > > you

> > >> think

> > >> > his digestion is just working better so now it needs more

> water.

> > >> >

> > >> > What do you all give for constipation?

> > >> >

> > >> > Also he hasn't been able to fall asleep right away since we

> > >> started.

> > >> > How long do you think this will last?

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> Bee, I am having trouble with constipation. I have been massaging my stomach,

taking the calcium and magansem, but I am not sure if the calcium is making me


+++Hi . Calcium wouldn't make you constipated, but if you changed over

to this diet too quickly it will cause constipation, since it takes time to

increase your " good " fats & oils to higher ratios because they are antifungal.

Refer to Curing Candida, How to Get Started which explains the very gradual

changes you make.

Hopefully you are taking equal amounts of magnesium and calcium.

Also ensure you are taking hydrochloric acid supplements and following

recommendations for improving your digestion:


Also if you've ever been constipated before your body will " retrace " each and

every episode during natural healing, which is according to Hering's Law of

Cures - see my website.


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> Unfortunately I have been chronically constipated for as long as I can

remember. I only recently learned what " normal " is supposed to be, and I am far

from that (still). I have been trying the various methods listed under

constipation, but without intervention of one form or another, I simply do not


+++Hi Amy. Since you've been constipated for such a long time, it will take as

long in months for every year you had it for it to heal.


> What is a safe dosing for enemas if this is the case? (I read 1x/week, and

daily with the 9 day program, but what about for regular maintenance in this

situation--1x/week won't do!?)

+++You can safely do any kind of enema once very 4 days, which allows enough

time for your large colon to recover from the enema.

>I am working on increasing my fats while trying to avoid die-off related

migraines. It takes really high doses of Vitamin C to bring diarrhea for me,

giving me tooth sensitivities and really awful night-time leg cramps. Would I

be better off with higher dosages of Magnesium?

+++No, I don't think high doses of magnesium on a regular basis is good.

Treatments for constipation like vitamin C and magnesium should only be done

short periods of time since they will throw off your nutrient balances.


> My right side/back (liver?) pain is getting to be fairly regular now and it is

starting to worry me...

+++In that case do coffee enemas every 4 days which help your liver and

lymphatic system detoxify.


> Despite the constipation and side pain, I am feeling mental and physical

improvement and the fatigue is subsiding--hooray! I returned the 3-Lac without

trying it and I am reading as much as I can every moment I can. Just a whole

lot to learn and absorb, and so many questions (sorry!).

+++That's wonderful Amy. Keep up the good work!

The best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

This is a common topic here. You can easily find the answer to this at Bee's

website or review archived messages for other discussions. Here's a link to an

article about how to ease constipation.




> Hi Bee and all,

> I had Diarrhea for the last two weeks but now it seemed to stop. Hooray! But

now I'm constipated. I haven't had a bowel movement in 3 days now. Since I did

my coffee enema last. I did have about 10-20g more protein the last couple

days...(not purposely) but otherwise my fat intake is very high (around

175g/day...my minimum is 155g/day). Is there anything I can do to help me have a

bowel movement? I have had constipation in the past so I think I might be

retracing but wondering if there are things I can do to help this.

> Thanks!



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Thanks Jackie. I will try the vitamin C one. I think I'm doing everything else

but I know it will take awhile for me to correct my digestion as I've always had

issues with constipation.

Hi ,

This is a common topic here. You can easily find the answer to this at Bee's

website or review archived messages for other discussions. Here's a link to an

article about how to ease constipation.

http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/articles/ dig1.php



> Hi Bee and all,

> I had Diarrhea for the last two weeks but now it seemed to stop. Hooray! But

now I'm constipated. I haven't had a bowel movement in 3 days now. Since I did

my coffee enema last. I did have about 10-20g more protein the last couple

days...(not purposely) but otherwise my fat intake is very high (around

175g/day...my minimum is 155g/day). Is there anything I can do to help me have a

bowel movement? I have had constipation in the past so I think I might be

retracing but wondering if there are things I can do to help this.

> Thanks!



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  • 1 month later...


> Bee, what would you recommend to help relieve constipation. Raising vitamin c

intake? I was mildly fasting before I started the Candida diet 3 days ago, so

maybe that's why I'm not as regular. But, I'm considering doing an enema this

weekend, unless there's someting else I can do. Oh, and will upping my dosage of

coconut oil help with this? Thanks for your time!

+++Hi Cordell. If you change over to this diet too quickly, you can get

constipated, since it takes time to be able to consume enough good fats in ratio

to protein intake, since the good fats I recommend are antifungal, i.e.

unrefined coconut oil, butter and even olive oil.

That's why it is important to follow recommends in Curing Candida, How to Get

Started: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php

If you have changed over too fast, you could backtrack for awhile, and add some

carbs until you can get your fat intake up higher, or you may need to lower your

protein intake if it is higher than your ratios - see this article to calculate

your ratios of protein to fat to carbs:


If you UP your coconut oil too quickly you can get more severe die-off symptoms,

but if your symptoms are tolerable you can UP it and see how you do.

However, don't be concerned if you do not go every day - it is normal for some

people to only go every 2-3 days.

Constipation is when the stools contain so little water that they form into hard

balls that pack into the rectum and are hard to get out.

Here's my constipation treatments article:


I think taking vitamin C is the best way to help constipation, along with

enemas. Taking magnesium works well but it throws off mineral balances, but if

it works in 2 days it is an okay treatment too, but don't continue it longer

than 2 days.

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Bee is away and is unable to answer your question right now, but here is a list

of treatments she generally recommends for constipation:


Yes, vitamin C is one treatment that she recommends.


> My wife is suffering with constipation. Will the mega doses of Vitamin C help

break it up so it can pass easier? Or is there anything else that can soften an

already hard stool for disposal?




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