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yes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, broccoli (although that can be gassy) - just watch

out because when they kick in, they REALLY kick in!! ;-)

Sherry and Josh

aigjr@... wrote:

Liz, constipation is a constant issue for our daughter. First, bananas

always constipated my older son when he was younger. So, you might want to


them. You need to go heavy on the liquids since hasn't gone in five days.

Warm liquids (soup) helps encourage a movement. Also, to help the immediate

problem, I would try mineral oil which will take a couple/few days to work. We

have a prescription for miralax, but to be honest, I prefer not to use it. One

time when my daughter was seriously constipated, the doctor suggested

milk-a-magnesia which did work like a charm and didn't cause discomfort.

For maintenance, I have found lots of liquids (again she loves soups),

mangoes are great (aren't citrus, so may work for you), lots of veggies-find


veggie your child likes-my daughter likes salads with the artichoke hearts

that come in a vinaigrette (see costco),cut celery sprinkled with balsamic

vinegar, cut cucumbers with salt, anise,etc.

Also, pumpkin is great for constipation (I believe sweet potatoes too). We

roast pumpkin in the oven with butter, but I heard canned pumpkin is a great

laxative too.

Good luck, Carolyn

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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The constipation issue was in my NT kid. Bowel issues in LD kids are

common but not addressed well. Allergen and genetic issues need to be

looked into. Did the bowel develop in a way that makes it

malfunction, is it part of a syndrome? Is it related to unaddressed

autoimmune disease or allergin? These are the things I looked at in

my son with delays.

In my son we think it was fluoride, cerebral milk allergy and gluten

sensitivity. There may be more so we are still looking.

If you need a basic GI workup and the testing talked about on this

board Dr. Baldridge in Philly is your guy. He is good for that, does

not know supplements and actually told me we could take all the CLO

we wanted...Hello! His nurse wanted me to go elsewhere as he is in

her opinion, just learning.

A bigger workup, especially if celiac, can be gotten by Dr. Verma at

CHOP. She is intrigued by fish oil and E, would read Dr. 's

study, but does not know much about DQ1 and what it can do.

If you want to see a metabolic Neuro, I have heard good things about

Dr. Marks at St. Chris's in Philly. He won't recognize apraxia per

say but will look at your child's collective learning delays and

investigate them for a metabolic cause.

Miralax is antifreeze. I don't know about the other stuff.

Is he getting and absorbing B vitamins? Any methylation interruption?

Sorry for all the Philly references...it is home to me so I go there

when in trouble. Plus, I just could not find anyone around here and

when I did I did not hear any good things about them.

Please consider this. Even if it all comes back normal there has to

be some help for this.




> We have a constipation issue and I have read that many kids have

> issues with bowel retention and sensory issues but many kids that

> have some LD have major bowel issues in general. Our issues have

> been the frequency of bowel is actually related to our son's fear


> the poop being yucky and gross (his words) and he freaks out even

> seeing our dog poop. So once we had off pull ups at 3.5 he

> would only run outside and poop in the playhouse and when it got

> called and he turned four yrs old he began poopin in his underwear

> and will not sit to poop. He tells us he will need to pee and acts

> upset and scared when he sees he has messes. It's a major issue.


> had him to a Pediatric GI specialist who has never worked with

> Autistic kids per say but did see a few. He has had success with

> Miralax (which we did not have any luck) and now a prescribed ped

> laxative called constulose. The goal is for our son to pass normal

> stool 3X a week but so far we have not managed the correct dose and

> have only done 1X week. I have eliminated rice milk, bananas, lots

> of bread or breaded foods with limited success. We pray that this

> problem is one of many temporary phases that he will learn from and

> we grow from but from where we currently stand it's frustrating and

> upsetting. Having to restrain your kid to give an enema is enough


> make you want to run out for a beer or a good therapist!


> April in NJ


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I know what you mean with regards to the alternative issue. I am a pretty

straight shooter and not a tree hugger but this world has changed me! I am now

hugging the trees!

If your child has chronic constipation then she is sick.... her body is telling

you the truth and you must do what you need to do to get rid of the

constipation. First, you want to try to get her flowing and then you need to

find out why she is getting constipation. Usually this is a reaction to foods

but it could be something else..... take a look around at when it occurs and

play detective.

To learn a little more about the DAN approach, I watched the webcasts at

www.autism.com. You need to look for them inside the site do a search since

they are kind of hidden but they are extremely informative and enlightening. I

have been a therapy girl for a long time now (years & years) but since changing

diet & adding key supplements, my son is doing much, much better. Of course,

the therapy works with this and I still believe that we have made most of our

progress with therapy.

The issue is.... when our children are sick and they feel lousy all of the time,

it is difficult for them to learn and it is difficult for the therapy & new

skills to stick. We need to be working with healthy children and many of our

children have hidden health issues.

Constipation is really quite dangerous for a child. Amonia builds up in the

system and releases toxins throughout the body. Quite often we think that a

child has diarrhea but in actuality, the child has an impaction in the bowel and

the small diarrhea looking stringy BMs slide past the impaction.

So.... whatever our diet, we really need to get the poop out! Its sooooo

important! Those tummies are really quite sick when they are experiencing

chronic diarhea and constipation.

It is such a difference now that we have Marks BMs under control. Not only is

he feel better about going, he has better colour in his face, he is happier, a

lighter and brighter step and he just generally feels good. Now.... do we get

bouts of it still.... yes, when we have cheated one time too many, Mark will go

through a bad spell. But as his stomach permeability is healing, these episodes

are fewer and fewer.

Quite frankly, Huston Neutraceutical enzymes have been a godsend for our family.

Mark will not eat a morsel of food without taking one. They work for him and he

can absolutely save his day from becoming a living hell with regards to having

to sit all night on the toilet in agony. If there are trace elements of casien,

the enzymes help him to digest it.... they really work for him!

Constipation really can hurt if you have it badly. I can remember some nights

of him really writhing in pain, up until one or two in the morning unable to

make it better.... a nightmare for us..... (not when he was younger and his food

intake smaller) but just last June it got really bad. These episodes forced me

to get serious about resolving it and ferriting out the issues. The child was

in real pain and it was so hard to watch.

Anyway, I am babbling now in my memories of this summer past.

Good night all....


Mother of Mark, 13

[sPAM][ ] Re: Constipation

OK not to beat a dead horse BUT..... my NT daughter has basically

been constipated since about 3mo old. I finally ditched *most* milk

and milk products in her diet in october and made a concentrated

effort to increase her fruit/veggie intake and she is now pooping

everyother day. Her stools are still " hard " and " large " but we are

all much happier now. After learning so much from you all I made an

appt with with a " wellness consultant " at the holistic store and met

her today.

I have decided to start her on a probiotic, calcium supp, and cod

liver oil. I am tempted to use the suggested enzymes for icecream or

pizza " cheats " but am reluctant to.....I'm not sure why other then to

say she is not " allergic " to milk in my mind just sensitive so the

probiotic should help heal the antibotic damage, the cod liver oil

should help move the bowls along, and the calcium suppliment speaks

for itself. I just am feeling like this is all a little

to " alternative " for me.....time will tell.


> We have a constipation issue and I have read that many kids have

> issues with bowel retention and sensory issues but many kids that

> have some LD have major bowel issues in general. Our issues have

> been the frequency of bowel is actually related to our son's fear


> the poop being yucky and gross (his words) and he freaks out even

> seeing our dog poop. So once we had off pull ups at 3.5 he

> would only run outside and poop in the playhouse and when it got

> called and he turned four yrs old he began poopin in his underwear

> and will not sit to poop. He tells us he will need to pee and acts

> upset and scared when he sees he has messes. It's a major issue.


> had him to a Pediatric GI specialist who has never worked with

> Autistic kids per say but did see a few. He has had success with

> Miralax (which we did not have any luck) and now a prescribed ped

> laxative called constulose. The goal is for our son to pass normal

> stool 3X a week but so far we have not managed the correct dose and

> have only done 1X week. I have eliminated rice milk, bananas, lots

> of bread or breaded foods with limited success. We pray that this

> problem is one of many temporary phases that he will learn from and

> we grow from but from where we currently stand it's frustrating and

> upsetting. Having to restrain your kid to give an enema is enough


> make you want to run out for a beer or a good therapist!


> April in NJ


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As the one who started this thrad I may not be one to listen to but

here goes:

Hard and large speaks to her getting a lot that was not getting out,

out. We saw this in my daughter with dietary change. If you can't get

enough fiber in her you may consider fibersure. It has helped us and

was recommended by the GI. We need to get CLO in daughter and had

better poop when we did but she is on strike lately. Just remember A

and D are fat soluble vitamins so don't go too high. If you can get a

powder probiotic versus a chewable in her go for it. I swear my

daughter would be doing better if she did not insist on the

independence a chewable gives her. Calcium needs to be taken with

magnesium or things may get stuck. That was part of our deal. She

loves the chewable calcium bear and I was trying to balance magnesium

via food and it was not a match.

Calcium supplements have lead in them so it is best to get a good one

from a reliable source. For my cooperative child we use Kirkman

calmag liquid.

This, too is my NT kid. My speech kid poops great. His problem on

milk and other allergens was actually, for the most part,diarrhea.

As for feeling alternative...modern medicine and pharmaceuticals are

actually the alternative. I am not casting that in a negative light

at all. Truth is, without them many would be dead. But, in a child,

so long as it is safe, looking at the basics first before overrelying

on pharmaceuticals is a good idea in my book. My daughter was not

pooping for 5 days (though she mentioned pooping with the babysitter

on day 3 but then retracted that...she is 4 so I could not get a for

sure answer). That is not something I could let slide and if she had

not pooped yesterday we would have had to contact our GI who is an

expert in celiac and loves to look at the basics first and is

thrilled when a parent is willing to do the same.



P.S. Direct Vitamin intake labs may tell you if she is D deficient

which can happen if they are malabsorbing milk and did happen in my

daughter. The very reason she still needs clo. When she was on it we

had smoother poop.

> >

> > We have a constipation issue and I have read that many kids have

> > issues with bowel retention and sensory issues but many kids that

> > have some LD have major bowel issues in general. Our issues have

> > been the frequency of bowel is actually related to our son's fear

> of

> > the poop being yucky and gross (his words) and he freaks out even

> > seeing our dog poop. So once we had off pull ups at 3.5 he

> > would only run outside and poop in the playhouse and when it got

> > called and he turned four yrs old he began poopin in his


> > and will not sit to poop. He tells us he will need to pee and


> > upset and scared when he sees he has messes. It's a major


> We

> > had him to a Pediatric GI specialist who has never worked with

> > Autistic kids per say but did see a few. He has had success with

> > Miralax (which we did not have any luck) and now a prescribed ped

> > laxative called constulose. The goal is for our son to pass


> > stool 3X a week but so far we have not managed the correct dose


> > have only done 1X week. I have eliminated rice milk, bananas,


> > of bread or breaded foods with limited success. We pray that


> > problem is one of many temporary phases that he will learn from


> > we grow from but from where we currently stand it's frustrating


> > upsetting. Having to restrain your kid to give an enema is


> to

> > make you want to run out for a beer or a good therapist!

> >

> > April in NJ

> >


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I know what you mean with regards to the alternative issue. I am a

pretty straight shooter and not a tree hugger but this world has

changed me! I am now hugging the trees!

Well stated.

> >

> > We have a constipation issue and I have read that many kids


> > issues with bowel retention and sensory issues but many kids


> > have some LD have major bowel issues in general. Our issues


> > been the frequency of bowel is actually related to our son's


> of

> > the poop being yucky and gross (his words) and he freaks out


> > seeing our dog poop. So once we had off pull ups at 3.5


> > would only run outside and poop in the playhouse and when it


> > called and he turned four yrs old he began poopin in his


> > and will not sit to poop. He tells us he will need to pee and


> > upset and scared when he sees he has messes. It's a major


> We

> > had him to a Pediatric GI specialist who has never worked with

> > Autistic kids per say but did see a few. He has had success


> > Miralax (which we did not have any luck) and now a prescribed


> > laxative called constulose. The goal is for our son to pass


> > stool 3X a week but so far we have not managed the correct dose


> > have only done 1X week. I have eliminated rice milk, bananas,


> > of bread or breaded foods with limited success. We pray that


> > problem is one of many temporary phases that he will learn from


> > we grow from but from where we currently stand it's frustrating


> > upsetting. Having to restrain your kid to give an enema is


> to

> > make you want to run out for a beer or a good therapist!

> >

> > April in NJ

> >







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Thanks Liz - we have gone that route - is on Vit B, Omega Fish

oil, eats pretty healthy, had immune testing and total GI testing

including casin and gluten so far nothing has shown up. We like our

Ped GI but there is only so much we can test for before throwing our

hands up in the air. It's an issue for sure.


Philly is too far for us and we have really good doctors here in NJ.

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No mito or genetics? Poor little guy.


> Thanks Liz - we have gone that route - is on Vit B, Omega Fish

> oil, eats pretty healthy, had immune testing and total GI testing

> including casin and gluten so far nothing has shown up. We like our

> Ped GI but there is only so much we can test for before throwing our

> hands up in the air. It's an issue for sure.


> April


> Philly is too far for us and we have really good doctors here in NJ.


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OK, I am going to sound like a broken record but please check out the

water. During my NJ research on water I think your town came up as

fluoridated, plus with the farming there the pesticide infiltration in

groundwater is a concern. Costco has the best and cheapest reverse

osmosis filter I have found and an $80 whole house filter will address

a lot that is in bathwater (not fluoride but other fun stuff like the

stuff likely affecting us all from the condemned Ford plant and other

fun stuff). Even your mayor's kid got to 4th grade not reading despite

lots of intervention so no one is immune.


> Thanks Liz - we have gone that route - is on Vit B, Omega Fish

> oil, eats pretty healthy, had immune testing and total GI testing

> including casin and gluten so far nothing has shown up. We like our

> Ped GI but there is only so much we can test for before throwing our

> hands up in the air. It's an issue for sure.


> April


> Philly is too far for us and we have really good doctors here in NJ.


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Hi Vicky,

There are other suggestions in the " Digestion and Digestive Problems,

Help for " File in the Files section at our group website.



> Hi,


> Does anyone have any tips on alleviating constipation. Vitamin C is

> not helping.


> Thanks


> Vicky


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Get on full diet and full supplements and I can just about guarantee

you that constipation will no longer be a problem!!! :D



> Hi,


> Does anyone have any tips on alleviating constipation. Vitamin C is

> not helping.


> Thanks


> Vicky


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Hi Vicky,

Doug is right in his previous post about getting on the full diet and

supplements. You can also try taking extra magnesium citrate before going to

bed. I take 1,000 mg at night and I sleep great and it assures me a bowel

movement even before I was eating all the fat on this diet.



> Hi,


> Does anyone have any tips on alleviating constipation. Vitamin C is

> not helping.


> Thanks


> Vicky


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Vicky... my wife has been dealing with constipation on and off for the

past year. We even had to go to a doctor at one point about it, and

they gave her an ethylene glycol prescription for it. (Same ingredient

as antifreeze!!)

When she was easing into the diet, her constipation continued, and she

thought she would have to " fix her constipation " before getting on the

diet and supplements all the way. But I pushed her to do it anyway,

and the constipation is now just a bad memory.

Since she has gotten on the full diet and full supplments, now her main

question is, " when will my diarrea stop??? " :)


> >

> > Does anyone have any tips on alleviating constipation. Vitamin C is

> > not helping.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Vicky

> >





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> Hi,


> Does anyone have any tips on alleviating constipation. Vitamin C


> not helping.


> Thanks Vicky

==>Hi Vicky. If you went on the diet too quickly, by lowering your

carbs too much before increasing your good fats, it will cause

constipation; see the article " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " ;


Also my website is up, and even though it is still under construction

you can find the articles on Digestion here:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you on the chlorophyl yet???? Get on the diet and all supplements,

and I promise you, the green river will soon be flowing! ;)


> I really feel the diet working in my gut, yet I am still without a BM.

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> I really feel the diet working in my gut, yet I am still without a BM.

> I am up to 12K C along with magnesium. I did do an enema and that help

> some. I really need to get regulated soon. The cream recipe seem to

> help the most but I still have nothing actually moving out my body.


==>Bernadette, I recommend taking megadoses of vitamin C instead; start

with 4,000 mg and take 2,000 mg every hour until you get results. If

you don't get results taking 2,000 take 3,000. Did you start eh 9-day

program yet ?


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  • 4 weeks later...


> Hi Bee.


> In a reply on feb 11 you gave this advice to Bernadette. I was

> wondering how she made out. My problem is very similar to

> hers and the only way I have been able to go is with a home

> colonic or series of ememas for 4 months.

> " ==>Bernadette, I don't believe your constipation is going to


> quickly since it is such a long-standing problem. However, you might

> try doing the 9-day program and see if that helps. I think it might


> important for you to continue eating mostly soups, broths, Bee's Egg

> Drink, and pureed foods for some time, along with increasing your


> and oils. What do you think?


> Here's the 9-day program:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/dig6.php


> Bee "


> I started using the coconut oil a couple of months ago and have


> been able to increase rapidly as well as butter and olive oil to


> now, 3 days after starting the diet I am up to 200 grams of fat per

> day.I was already on a very low carb diet.


> I was also already pureeing everything in attempt to reduce the

amount of

> gas that I was getting which was causing a lot of pain. Also as

> I said, I took a nystatin enema the day after an enema cleanse

> on the day before I joined the group which gave me enormous relief.


> It is now 4 days since the nystatin enema and 5 since my last


> enemas during which I have not gone to the loo although my bowel

> is much less painful than I would usually expect after this amount

> of time although I feel quite full. I would normally have a series

of enemas

> every 2 days - 3 max.


> I don't think I can eat any more solids so I have made a huge pot of

> bone broth from 3 chicken carcasses and I'm going to have that

> instead plus the fats and oils. The problem is that although I was

> already taking everything supplement wise I have not and am not

> taking Betaine HC because It is unavaiable here in Australia and I

> have ordered it on the net but it won't get here for at least a


> I do however have Enzymedica Digest enzymes which I take liberally

> with all food. I will also continue with the egg drink that I have


> having every morning.

==>Hi . Instead of HCl eat 1/2 cup of sauerkraut with every meal.


> My question is - am I wasting my time trying to get my bowel to

> move on its own before starting with the Betaine HC and should

> I continue with the enema cleanses until I can proceed with all the

> supplements ? I don't have a problem with this. I'm so used to

> giving myself a jolly good sluicing every 2 days that it's second


==>If you do enemas too often your body becomes dependent upon them.

Have you tried using megadoses of vitamin C ??


> If I continue to hold off on the cleansing then I fear that I will

get badly impacted again which is very difficult to shift. ( only

polyethylene glycol works ) I am also quite keen to use the enemas.

When I get all the way through to my cecum with the clean water I

just feel soooo good - like my soul has been washed out.

> ps I just don't believe how good the egg drink tastes. If you

bottled it you'd make a fortune.

==>That's wonderful . I love it too!

Luv, Bee

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> Also Bee


> Do you think that maybe I would benefit from senna or

> cascarra sagrada which I have but have not used since

> september when they did absolutely nothing.


==>paul, megadoses of vitamin C are very effective - I think it is in

the constipation article on my website.

Luv, Bee

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Hi Bee

I have been using megadose C for a couple of years now

since discovering its benefits on the doctor yourself website.

During bad flus I have taken up to 150 grams per day of

calcium or sodium ascorbate and have reached bowel

tolerance on several occasions in the past.I currently take at

least 10 grams a day or pure ascorbate.

The problem since my bowel shut down is that long before

I reach bowel tolerance I now get terrible flatulence which is

very painful and am therefore reluctant to resort to megaadose

C. I think I may have to continue with the ememas until I

start to get better on the diet.

I did and enema yesterday but only managed to loosen it up

a little. After 5 days it had become very hard and I found

it necessary to take Movicol ( polyethylene glycol ). I will have

to have another enema today as that even though the movicol

will have softened the blockage, I know from experience that my

bowel will make no attempt to shift it.

My first batch of sauerkraut will be ready on saturday. It was a

piece of cake to make in my little kitchen wizz and I made over

2 kilos for about a dollar. The betaine HC should be here soon.

Should I also be taking sauerkraut / betaine HC with the egg



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Hi Bee

Polyethylene glycol is an inert compound that stays in the bowel,

draws water into it holding it there and liquefying impacted feces

allowing its removal by peristalsis or artificial means.If I had not

discovered it I would now be dead or be living with a colostomy


Ethylene glycol is a highly toxic alcohol the ingestion of which, at

any concentration, should be consisered a medical emergency. It

is commonly used as an antifreeze / antiboil.


[ ] Re: Constipation


> Hi Bee


> I have been using megadose C for a couple of years now

> since discovering its benefits on the doctor yourself website.

> During bad flus I have taken up to 150 grams per day of

> calcium or sodium ascorbate and have reached bowel

> tolerance on several occasions in the past.I currently take at

> least 10 grams a day or pure ascorbate.


> The problem since my bowel shut down is that long before

> I reach bowel tolerance I now get terrible flatulence which is

> very painful and am therefore reluctant to resort to megaadose

> C. I think I may have to continue with the ememas until I

> start to get better on the diet.


> I did and enema yesterday but only managed to loosen it up

> a little. After 5 days it had become very hard and I found

> it necessary to take Movicol ( polyethylene glycol ). I will have

> to have another enema today as that even though the movicol

> will have softened the blockage, I know from experience that my

> bowel will make no attempt to shift it.


> My first batch of sauerkraut will be ready on saturday. It was a

> piece of cake to make in my little kitchen wizz and I made over

> 2 kilos for about a dollar. The betaine HC should be here soon.

> Should I also be taking sauerkraut / betaine HC with the egg

> drink.


==>, you can eat sauerkraut and/or HCl with the egg drink. Did

you know that polyethylene glycol is antifreeze ?


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Guest guest

My heart goes out to you . Hopefully Bee's plan can restore

things you even think are gone! I haven't had detailed medical

investigations done into my problems, but I do know that I DON'T WANT

TO KNOW what all the medical community would say is wrong with me if

they started looking real close!!!

The human body is amazing... if given the right things over time, I

believe it will heal itself. Hang in there!!!

I know it's not humorous whatsoever, but perhaps a laugh will make

you feel a little better. I'm not a sci-fi guy, but reading your

post reminded me of a Star Trek episode or something. Instead of

Klingons, Androids, etc... it's the Bioffins vs. the Enterics,

etc.... read your post again in that context, and then tell me if you

get a chuckle.

" Autoimmune Polyglandular Endochrinopathy Candidiasis and Ectodermal

Dystrophy " ?????? OH MY GOSH! You win the award for most impressive-

sounding-disorder in this whole group! :) If this plan works for

you, Bee will have one helluva Success Story to post on THAT one!!




> Hi Bee


> Was your constipation as bad as mine. I only ask because obstipation

> is on the ' to do ' list for my autoimmune disease which according

to the

> boffins attacks the enteric nervous system. It has already

destroyed my

> adrenals, parathyroids and spleen. They are completely gone. They


> even show up on xray at all. If this is another phase in my disease


> my enteric nervous symtem may be under attack from my immune system

> and nothing may ever start up my bowel again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

What about something like benefiber ? Should i try that?

April Larsen <ALarsen65@...> wrote: We found a reg GI ped doctor

that put our son on a prescription call

consulose and we began with high does and now we are on just half a

teaspoon a day. This was more effective than any holistic approach

(sadly because we are all about natural) and did not upset his

stomach. The goal is step down slowly and gradually and increase the

foods that our son will eat (and we go to feeding therapy due to food

aversions). Good luck



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Guest guest


> We found a reg GI ped doctor that put our son on a prescription call

> consulose and we began with high does and now we are on just half a

> teaspoon a day. This was more effective than any holistic approach

> (sadly because we are all about natural) and did not upset his

> stomach. The goal is step down slowly and gradually and increase the

> foods that our son will eat (and we go to feeding therapy due to food

> aversions). Good luck


> April


I would love some more info on feeding therapy and food aversions!

, my 4 year old, had an anaphylactic reaction to eggs as an 11

month old and we had to start over with reintroducing foods after

that. He is extremely picky and won't even try new things, much less

supplemental foods to help with his issues! He actually gags and even

throws up if we put a new food in front of him.

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The herb, Cascara Sagrada is a strong bowel stimulant.  You could try giving her that as a tincture in warm water.  It would seem like an enema would be beneficial, or perhaps colonics, as others here have benefited from.HTH,MaureenMy 5 year old daughter has been constipated for 2 days now and the past 2 nights she has been vomiting.  I assume it's because of the constipation.  This is something new for us and she has never had a problem with it before.  Is there anything I can give her as a laxative?  Would an enema be the solution?  

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In the mean time rubbing her abdomenal area in a clock-wise motion usually stimulates movement down below!


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From: Maureen <motherhenof9@...>Subject: Re: [ ] constipation Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 9:29 AM

The herb, Cascara Sagrada is a strong bowel stimulant. You could try giving her that as a tincture in warm water. It would seem like an enema would be beneficial, or perhaps colonics, as others here have benefited from.



My 5 year old daughter has been constipated for 2 days now and the past 2 nights she has been vomiting. I assume it's because of the constipation. This is something new for us and she has never had a problem with it before. Is there anything I can give her as a laxative? Would an enema be the solution?

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