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be careful with the mineral oil. it causes a vitamin deficiency.

t98carey <t98carey@...> wrote: Is constant constipation often

associated with asperger's? My son

still has problems with that, and has since about 5 months old.

> The constant constipation and

> occational blood in the diapers? No worry, just give hime more

> juice, and mineral oil mixed in pudding! to the Ped, I was an overly

> anxious first time mom who needed to be put at ease.




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my son was a preemie, a little over 7 weeks early (preterm labor and

strict hospital bedrest for 55 days for me, labor began at 25 weeks)

my son had a lot of days and nights with constipation and the only

thing that helped him when he was under a year old was putting dark

Karo syrup into his formula and that seemed to help. Apples is what

helps him now. He will snack on apple slices. For my son, he is

either constipated or the opposite.

Wouldn't it be something if we all find similarities in our children

that the doctors never thought of.....the first sign of


> >

> > Is constant constipation often associated with asperger's? My


> > still has problems with that, and has since about 5 months old.

> >

> > > The constant constipation and

> > > occational blood in the diapers? No worry, just give hime more

> > > juice, and mineral oil mixed in pudding! to the Ped, I was an

> overly

> > > anxious first time mom who needed to be put at ease.

> > >

> > >

> >







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My twins were not preemies. They weighed 7lbs 10 and 7 lbs 3 but they stayed

constipated. Poor n would get impacted and the dr.s told me also to

use karo syrup in the milk and it would help. We also had to use

suppostitories at times..


( ) Re: Constipation

> my son was a preemie, a little over 7 weeks early (preterm labor and

> strict hospital bedrest for 55 days for me, labor began at 25 weeks)

> my son had a lot of days and nights with constipation and the only

> thing that helped him when he was under a year old was putting dark

> Karo syrup into his formula and that seemed to help. Apples is what

> helps him now. He will snack on apple slices. For my son, he is

> either constipated or the opposite.


> Wouldn't it be something if we all find similarities in our children

> that the doctors never thought of.....the first sign of

> asperger/autism...




>> >

>> > Is constant constipation often associated with asperger's? My

> son

>> > still has problems with that, and has since about 5 months old.

>> >

>> > > The constant constipation and

>> > > occational blood in the diapers? No worry, just give hime more

>> > > juice, and mineral oil mixed in pudding! to the Ped, I was an

>> overly

>> > > anxious first time mom who needed to be put at ease.

>> > >

>> > >

>> >







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  • 3 weeks later...

I was taking Carlson's liquid magnesium soft gels of 400 mg ea. This is

magnesium oxide and I don't know if it was the best choice of mag

supplement, but I had it on hand as I used to take it once in a while

for jumpy legs. Anyway, I had to take 3 to 4 every night to be able to

go - so that was 800-1200 mg. It was more diarrhea like, but it's the

only way I could get things to move.

Drinking aloe vera juice also helped especially if my stomach felt

upset and bloated. Just a 1/4 to 1/2 cup in the a.m. and p.m.



> To all who responded, thank you for your suggestions about

> constipation. I am going to stock up on whey, inulin and selenium.

> Gail, you mentioned that you had to use a lot of magnesium to get

> things moving. I have magnesium citrate which says to take 2 tablets

> daily. Did you take more than this?


> Duncan, you read my mind about providing the sources for all these

> products in one email. Thank you! Thank you!


> Tina


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A few summers ago my daughter had a bad constipation episode. Our

naturopath recommended Fletcher's Laxative for Kids. You should be

able to find it with the other stomach meds at the store. It's

liquid & the flavor is like root beer. It's active ingredient is

Senna concentrate. This is not meant for long term use (more than a

week at a time), but should do the job when used occasionally. She

also had her taking probiotics & S. Boulardi (sp?) to battle yeast,

lots of water, exercise, fiber foods, etc. We would massage her gut,

starting in the lower right corner & moving in a square clockwise

(path of the intestines).

Another thing that " moves things along " is sugar-free foods that

contain sorbitol or sugar alcohols (in the diabetic section of the

grocery store). Pear, cherry, or prune juices are all potent. Have

you tried epsom salt baths?




> Can someone who knows tell me if it is safe to use oxypowder for a


> several times a week in large doses? I now magnesium oxide is not


> absorbed so most passes out of the body without being absorbed, but


> suppose to work good for constipation. My 11 year old daughter has

taken 6

> capsules for severe constipation and still only had a couple of


> movements. She was xrayed and the doctor prescribed Miralax, which

I am not

> using but he said the x-ray didn't show large amount of stool. Same


> with my other daughter who is 8, she has taken 4 and had 3 bowel


> on the seventh day. I am just scared they will get magnesium

toxicity. We

> have used all the other stuff too, aloe juice, omegas, prunes, etc.


> Any other suggestions from anyone? What is a max dose for this in


> anyone know?




> Kim





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The main relief I've found is to drink the juice of one lemon in hot water,

every morning, on an empty stomach (say, before I take a shower). Let it

digest for 10-15 minutes before eating anything else, otherwise with me, it

causes a sort of indigestion. (Use fresh lemon, not the lemon concentrate


Also drinking lots of water can help (around 2 liters per day) - if you are

chronically dehydrated then that can contribute to constipation.

Periodic colon hydrotherapy or home enemas can also help jump-start your

system, and clear up any accumulated and impacted stool.


> constipation



> Hi,

> I'll be getting some Inulin to try as soon as I can, but would like

> to know what else people here are doing for constipation. How soon

> did the inulin help?


> I'm on an anti-candida diet, no grains, beans, dairy or fruit, I just

> eat meat, vegetables and fats. I've seen some improvements, but the

> constipation is a huge problem. When I take high doses of Vitamin C,

> magnesium, or epsom salts they just cause the runs. How can I get

> normal movements without one extreme or the other?


> Elyse





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

It is very important to drink enough water when you take the flax in order for it to make things smoothe sailing, if not, you might find yourself stuck-up............and miserable............See what's free at AOL.com.

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That sounds like a lot of oil to take at one meal if it causes you distress.

One gall bladder detox calls for lot of oil at one time . . . throws the gall bladder into spasms so it spits out stones . . .


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi LCL, Yes, I bought the Fibresmart at my healthfood store and it is the best fibre supplement I have tried so far. It contains probiotics too... I had some digestive problems before my implants, but they have gotten infinitely worse since! I also had an umbilical hernia fixed and that surgery seemed to make my bowel even more sluggish. I guess there is scar tissue in my intestines now? Anyways, the thing I like about the Fibresmart is that it doesn't make things too loose either if you know what I mean;) Many people with IBS go both ways.. I know I am either constipated or suffering a spastic colon. This fibre is helping both things. Katy:)lindalevasseur1@... wrote: Hi Katy ... I've been having this problem a very long time ... years ... I hate to say this, but sometime after implants 20 years ago. Of course then, I didn't put implants and IBS together. It was so long ago. Implants were in Feb 1988 ... my son came along May 1990. I had a c-section. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. I remember a girlfriend in the last couple years havning her uterus taken out. She mentioned having a hard time with bowel movements ... Anyway, I started using 3 Tablespoons of psyllium everyday with alot water ... it really did the job for a long time. For some reason I

stopped, can't remember why. Tried again with it some years later ... got really constipated. Is Fibresmart over-the-counter? LCL --------- Re: Heart Abnormalities>>Yes, that's what I was told too. I'm having the Echo to be sure it is a>small abnormality and not a big one. :(>>Here is a little blurb about small breasts:>>Question: I have heard that there is a condition known as Mitral Valve>Prolapse Syndrome, which includes symptoms including anxiety, irritable>bowel syndrome, migraine headaches and extreme fatigue. Is Mitral Valve>Prolapse Syndrome a recognized and medically accepted syndrome and, if so,>could my "saggy" valve cause the

Syndrome?>>Answer: MVP has been described for years and about 10% of women do have MVP.>It seems that the connective tissue throughout the body is "different" and>the MVP is only one manifestation of this genetic variation. Migraine>headaches and irritable bowel are not part of this syndrome. The valve does>not cause the systemic problems seen with MVP, rather different connective>tissue does. Anxiety, fast heart beats, excessive response to caffeine and>like drugs, hyperextendable joints, a ten den cy to small breasts are part of>the syndrome.>>Kenda>> > Hi ...> >> > When I had my lumpectomy for breast cancer about 2 years ago, the > surgeon said> > I have irregular hearts beats (I am small breasted also). She said that a> > high percent of the people that she sees has small abnormalities > ... she said> > it's

pretty normal.> >> > LCL> >> > -------------- Original message --------------> > From: Kenda Skaggs <<mailto:lovesgoldensgmail>lovesgoldensgmail>> > Nan,> >> > I had the same thing happen to me yesterday at my doctor appointment. I had> > a systolic click and some irregularities on an EKG and am having an Echo in> > a couple of weeks. No o ne has ever told me that I have a murmur or other> > heart problem. The doc did tell me that some heart problems are more common> > with small breasted women! I was never implanted.> >> > Kenda> >> >> Beth. No I have never had anyone tell me this so I was shocked, and> >> to hear it on the echocardio test was sort of scary. I have NO

idea> >> what is going on. I am three months post explant, never had the> >> heart thing until about two months ago, so I am just clueless. Dr> >> Kolb told me to check my heart. But I did not ask more about it. I> >> am going back to see her in two weeks. I am glad yours went away.> >> I have been so miserable for two months, mine is constant now. Nan> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> ; > ;> > >>>>> >>>> you have calmed so much through this! My echo today did show I> >> have> >>> a> >>>> loud heart

murmur and it was very irregular. My thyroid is very> >>>> sore. So just like you, those implants have really taken me> >> down!> >>>> But I am still here, and you are amazing. I am actually looking> >>>> forward to getting this all taken care of because I have> >> worsened> >>> with> >>>> the pounding heart and trouble breathing. I would love to get> >> rid of> >>>> this! My appt is monday morning with the cardiologist and I> >> will letgt; >>>> you know. Thanks again for all your help and support. Nan> >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> >>>><http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El= & SG= & RAND=46570 & partner=hbtools>>Upgrade Your Email - Click here!>>> Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new

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I had the same problem with implants . . . for so long, I thought that way "natural" for me. . . Never connected it to implants until years after getting them out.

Most of us need more Magnesium . . . Increasing your Calcium/Magnesium/Vit D intake will help with regularity. . . And a big plus is that you'll feel better too!

Just keep increasing it until you are regular . . You can't overdo it.


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Katy ~

What did they use to repair your hernia? they used to use a silicone mesh.................better check it out....... Love DSee what's free at AOL.com.

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Dede, You know I have no idea how they repaired my hernia. I will look into it. It was so long ago (not as long as the implants, and I have been unable to recover ANY records of having them done)... Any advice on where I could start asking? Thanks! KatyDGRAHAMA@... wrote: Katy ~ What did they use to repair your hernia? they used to use a silicone mesh.................better check it out....... Love D See what's free at AOL.com.

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Answers.

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Medical records at the hospital where the hernia surgery was done. Medical records at the hospital where the implants were done. If you cant get the doctors to co-operate in their medical records departments. It is your legal right to have copies of all your records. They may charge you, or if you have a good doctor right now, maybe they would request the records for you so they would have record of those 2 surgeries as well. From now on, please ask for copies of everything you have done as it is done, and they should give you copies. I have caught so many errors that way. It is just good rule of thumb to have everything. I hope you can get them easily. Good Luck , if you run into any problems, I will see what other ideas I can come up with....Love DSee what's free at AOL.com.

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It's pretty easy to eat celery, sugar snap peas,

carrots. You can get in the habit your body starts to crave it.

I think garlic can be irritating, but take a day

or two break and then try again and see what happens.

I steam the garlic lightly and then eat it. I

can do it that way, but not raw. Kills my stomach.


At 06:04 PM 4/18/2007, you wrote:

>I'll try more of those ... it's like eating this

>raw garlic ... I almost dread eating it now ...

>it's been about 4 weeks. My son has made a huge

>fit about me smelling so bad. We were at a

>restaurant complaining he was going to throw up

>... I wasn't to happy with that.


>I''ve also noticed that I don't have the

>heartburn I used to have .... either treated

>from raw garlic and/or coffee enemas. I've

>noticed garlic does irritate the colon a little.




>--------- Re: Heart Abnormalities

> > >>>

> > >>> Yes, that's what I was told too. I'm having the Echo to be sure it

> > > is a

> > >>> small abnormality and not a big one. :(

> > >>>

> > >>> Here is a little blurb about small breasts:

> > >>>

> > >>> Question: I have heard that there is a condition known as Mitral

> > > Valve

> > >>> Prolapse Syndrome, which includes symptoms including anxiety,

> > > irritable

> > >>> bowel syndrome, migraine headaches and extreme fatigue. Is Mitral

> > > Valve

> > >>> Prolapse Syndrome a recognized and medically accepted syndrome

> > > and, if so,

> > >>> could my " saggy " valve cause the Syndrome?

> > >>>

> > >>> Answer: MVP has been described for years and about 10% of women do

> > > have MVP.

> > >>> It seems that the connective tissue throughout the body

> > > is " different " and

> > >>> the MVP is only one manifestation of this genetic variation.

> > > Migraine

> > >>> headaches and irritable bowel are not part of this syndrome. The

> > > valve does

> > >>> not cause the systemic problems seen with MVP, rather different

> > > connective

> > >>> tissue does. Anxiety, fast heart beats, excessive response to

> > > caffeine and

> > >>> like drugs, hyperextendable joints, a tendency to small breasts

> > > are part of

> > >>> the syndrome.

> > >>>

> > >>> Kenda

> > >>>

> > >>>> Hi ...

> > >>>>

> > >>>> When I had my lumpectomy for breast cancer about 2 years ago,

> > > the

> > >>> surgeon said

> > >>>> I have irregular hearts beats (I am small breasted also). She

> > > said that a

> > >>>> high percent of the people that she sees has small

> > > abnormalities

> > >>> ... she said

> > >>>> it's pretty normal.

> > >>>>

> > >>>> LCL

> > >>>>

> > >>>> -------------- Original message --------------

> > >>>> From: Kenda Skaggs <<mailto:lovesgoldens@...>lovesgoldens@...>

> > >>>> Nan,

> > >>>>

> > >>>> I had the same thing happen to me yesterday at my doctor

> > > appointment. I had

> > >>>> a systolic click and some irregularities on an EKG and am

> > > having an Echo in

> > >> & g

>t;> a couple of weeks. No one has ever told me that I have a murmur

> > > or other

> > >>>> heart problem. The doc did tell me that some heart problems are

> > > more common

> > >>>> with small breasted women! I was never implanted.

> > >>>>

> > >>>> Kenda

> > >>>>

> > >>>>> Beth. No I have never had anyone tell me this so I was

> > > shocked, and

> > >>>>> to hear it on the echocardio test was sort of scary. I have NO

> > > idea

> > >>>>> what is going on. I am three months post explant, never had the

> > >>>>> heart thing until about two months ago, so I am just clueless.

> > > Dr

> > >>>>> Kolb told me to check my heart. But I did not ask more about

> > > it. I

> > >>>>> am going back to see her in two weeks. I am glad yours went

> > > a way.

> > >>>>> I have been so miserable for two months, mine is constant now.

> > > Nan

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>>>

> > >>>>>>> you have calmed so much through this! My echo today did show

> > > I

> > >>>>> have

> > >>>>>> a

> > >>>>>>> loud heart murmur and it was very irregular. My thyroid is

> > > very

> > >>>>>>> sore. So just like you, those implants have really taken me

> > >>>>> down!

> > >>>>>>> But I am still here, and you are amazing. I am actually

> > > looking

> > >>>>>>> forward to getting this all taken care of because I have

> > >>>>> worsened

> > >>>>>> with

> > >>>>>>> the pounding heart and trouble breathing. I would love to get

> > >>>>> rid of

> > >>>>>>> this! My appt is monday morning with the cardiologist an d I

> > >>>>> will let

> > >>>>>>> you know. Thanks again for all your help and support. Nan

> > >>>>>>>

> > >>>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>>

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>>

> >




> > > RunPromo & El= & SG= & RAND=46570 & partner=hbtools>

> > >>> Upgrade Your Email - Click here!

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >



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> My eating disorder started when I became a vegetarian in 1994.

After a few years I couldn't eat anything but sweet stuff, and I

basically lived on cereal and milk and LOTS of sugar for about 8

years. During that time, I developed severe constipation and began

taking large amounts of senna. After about nine months of that I

began doing enemas every few days, which I did for a couple of years

(during that time I never had bowels movements on my own). I was

pretty crazy.

==>My goodness Rick. You've had a really rough time of it!

<snip> I've been eating better for the last several years, though

with a lot of difficulty and still eating a lot of carbs. Now I've

just started the diet, I'm eating about 1.5 to 2 g of good fat per g

of protein and very little carbs. (I want to make it a little

higher, in accordance with the Optimal Nutrition paradigm, but that's

a little too hard on my digestion, which tends to have trouble with

fats--just doing this much is to me rather a miracle). My body is

feeling so much better after just a few days, that I'm starting to

exercise again.

==>That's wonderful you are feeling so much better Rick. The fats on

my diet do not require any digestive enzymes, pancreatic enzymes nor

bile in order for your body to absorb and utilize them so if you are

eating butter and coconut oil they wouldn't be difficult to digest.

In fact they aid digestion, help pull nutrients from foods, soothe,

heal and strengthen the intestines, etc. However, they are

antifungal so they will cause die-off symptoms.


> I'm taking tons of senna, no psyllium, and large doses of magnesium

> citrate. When I have a bowel movement, it's very loose, but it's

> better than nothing.

==>I suggest you use senna with caution because it is a purgative

which stimulates evacuation of the bowels so it will interfere with

the proper digestion of foods.


> Bee, do you think I can regain bowel function? Do you have any

> recommendations? I should add that I can't do too much in the way

of enemas because I have a rather large internal hemorrhoid.

==>Rick, I suggest you take plenty of digestive enzymes, particularly

Betaine Hydrochloric Acid - see these articles for help:


==>Also eat 1-2 tablespoons of a good unpasteurized sauerkraut or

kimchi with every meal. You can buy sauerkraut at the health store -

it will be in the fridge, or make your own, which is simple to do and

it only takes 4 days:


==>Or make kimchi which takes only 3 days:


I hope that helps you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

The best in healthy, Bee

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I've been on the diet for about ten days now. The eating part is

going very well. I started out at about 1.5 g of fat per g of

protein, then moved up to 2 f of fat, now I'm trying 2.5. Also, I

finally figured out that my swallowing difficulty, which was the

first symptom of my eating disorder way back 12 years ago, happens,

as far as meat is concerned, when I eat lean cuts of meat. So I'm

just eating lamb, pork and beef with about equivalent g's of fat and

protein, and I'm not having any swallowing difficulties. I'm also

eating kim chee. That's the only thing I eat besides meat and fat.

However, my constipation is making me start to feel desperate. I'm

starting to have pain in my right side. I stopped taking senna and

switched to Oxy-Powder and magnesium citrate. It has been working

somewhat, although in the form of what they unceremoniously call on

Curezone " buttpee " (sounds like fun, huh?) Today, nothing. How much

magnesium is it safe to take?

I'm going to add the Vitamin C megadoses tonight. I am very hesitant

to do enemas because I have an internal hemorrhoid that is very bad

already; I have to push it back in after any bowel action and if it

gets any worse it may not go back in.

By the way, Bee, regarding your advice about taking HCl, I have had

really, really bad reactions to it in the past (to an extent that

really doesn't seem to make much physical sense). I'm taking just

pancreatic enzymes now.

My energy level is getting lower and lower. It was much better than

usual the first week. Over the last three days it has gotten quite a

lot lower. I think it's the constipation.

Does this get better? I read in " Life Without Bread " that

constipation gets worse on a low-carb diet at first, as the body is

functioning with carb-based metabolism and it takes time with a

correct diet for the metabolism to change to fat-based. I'm pinning

my hopes on that.

> >

> > My eating disorder started when I became a vegetarian in 1994.

> After a few years I couldn't eat anything but sweet stuff, and I

> basically lived on cereal and milk and LOTS of sugar for about 8

> years. During that time, I developed severe constipation and began

> taking large amounts of senna. After about nine months of that I

> began doing enemas every few days, which I did for a couple of


> (during that time I never had bowels movements on my own). I was

> pretty crazy.


> ==>My goodness Rick. You've had a really rough time of it!


> <snip> I've been eating better for the last several years, though

> with a lot of difficulty and still eating a lot of carbs. Now I've

> just started the diet, I'm eating about 1.5 to 2 g of good fat per


> of protein and very little carbs. (I want to make it a little

> higher, in accordance with the Optimal Nutrition paradigm, but


> a little too hard on my digestion, which tends to have trouble with

> fats--just doing this much is to me rather a miracle). My body is

> feeling so much better after just a few days, that I'm starting to

> exercise again.


> ==>That's wonderful you are feeling so much better Rick. The fats


> my diet do not require any digestive enzymes, pancreatic enzymes


> bile in order for your body to absorb and utilize them so if you


> eating butter and coconut oil they wouldn't be difficult to


> In fact they aid digestion, help pull nutrients from foods, soothe,

> heal and strengthen the intestines, etc. However, they are

> antifungal so they will cause die-off symptoms.

> >

> > I'm taking tons of senna, no psyllium, and large doses of


> > citrate. When I have a bowel movement, it's very loose, but it's

> > better than nothing.


> ==>I suggest you use senna with caution because it is a purgative

> which stimulates evacuation of the bowels so it will interfere with

> the proper digestion of foods.

> >

> > Bee, do you think I can regain bowel function? Do you have any

> > recommendations? I should add that I can't do too much in the


> of enemas because I have a rather large internal hemorrhoid.


> ==>Rick, I suggest you take plenty of digestive enzymes,


> Betaine Hydrochloric Acid - see these articles for help:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu4_2_3.php


> ==>Also eat 1-2 tablespoons of a good unpasteurized sauerkraut or

> kimchi with every meal. You can buy sauerkraut at the health

store -

> it will be in the fridge, or make your own, which is simple to do


> it only takes 4 days:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe125.php


> ==>Or make kimchi which takes only 3 days:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe180.php


> I hope that helps you. Keep us posted on how you are doing.


> The best in healthy, Bee


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> I've been on the diet for about ten days now. The eating part is

> going very well. I started out at about 1.5 g of fat per g of

> protein, then moved up to 2 f of fat, now I'm trying 2.5.

==>Wow, you sure moved fast with changing your diet!

> Also, I finally figured out that my swallowing difficulty, which

was the first symptom of my eating disorder way back 12 years ago,

happens, as far as meat is concerned, when I eat lean cuts of meat.

So I'm just eating lamb, pork and beef with about equivalent g's of

fat and protein, and I'm not having any swallowing difficulties. I'm

also eating kim chee. That's the only thing I eat besides meat and


==>That's wonderful your swallowing difficulty is gone.


> However, my constipation is making me start to feel desperate. I'm

> starting to have pain in my right side. I stopped taking senna and

> switched to Oxy-Powder and magnesium citrate. It has been working

> somewhat, although in the form of what they unceremoniously call on

> Curezone " buttpee " (sounds like fun, huh?) Today, nothing. How

much magnesium is it safe to take?

==>You will get constipated if you change over to this diet too

quickly, and 10 days is a very short time for your body to adjust

to. It is very important to change your diet from higher

carbs/fibres gradually. When you take magnesium ensure you also take

calcium along with it. For the amount of magnesium to take for

constipation see the article on constipation at my website, which

also has other suggestions.

> I'm going to add the Vitamin C megadoses tonight. I am very

hesitant to do enemas because I have an internal hemorrhoid that is

very bad already; I have to push it back in after any bowel action

and if it gets any worse it may not go back in.


> By the way, Bee, regarding your advice about taking HCl, I have had

> really, really bad reactions to it in the past (to an extent that

> really doesn't seem to make much physical sense). I'm taking just

> pancreatic enzymes now.

==>What kind of reactions to HCl did you get?


> My energy level is getting lower and lower. It was much better

than usual the first week. Over the last three days it has gotten

quite a lot lower. I think it's the constipation.

==>I suggest you do the 9-day program at this point in time.


> Does this get better? I read in " Life Without Bread " that

> constipation gets worse on a low-carb diet at first, as the body is

> functioning with carb-based metabolism and it takes time with a

> correct diet for the metabolism to change to fat-based. I'm

pinning my hopes on that.

==>Yes that is true so that's why changing over needs to be done



P.S. Please trim your messages my friend. Thanks.

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> I've had trouble keeping regular for years and can never completely

> emply my bowel. This diet isn't helping and I think it might actually

> be making my constipation worse. Is there any particular food I can

> eat which will help this?

==>If you change your diet over to this one too quickly it will not

help constipation. I recommend you do the 9-day program - do a site

search on my website.

I do an emema every 4 - 7 days and I find

> this is the only time I'm going to the bathroom and if I wait 7 days

> between enemas I feel really sick in the stomach by the end of the

> week from constipation. I think this might also be contributing to my

> fecal body odour as I feel 'better' when I've been to the bathroom.

> I'm eating alot of brocolli and spinach. My diet basically consists

of eggs, spinach, meat, brocolli, tuna and sometimes celery.

==>You need more good fats.


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Are you having enough fats with all those veggies? It is very

important to put butter and/or coconut oil on your veggies to help

digest them. Also, I'm finding the lemon electrolyte drink helpful

for digestion. Think of eating fat as lubing your digestive tract. :)



On Apr 30, 2007, at 6:49 AM, michelle.lee_83 wrote:

> I've had trouble keeping regular for years and can never completely

> emply my bowel. This diet isn't helping and I think it might actually

> be making my constipation worse. Is there any particular food I can

> eat which will help this? I do an emema every 4 - 7 days and I find

> this is the only time I'm going to the bathroom and if I wait 7 days

> between enemas I feel really sick in the stomach by the end of the

> week from constipation. I think this might also be contributing to my

> fecal body odour as I feel 'better' when I've been to the bathroom.

> I'm eating alot of brocolli and spinach. My diet basically consists of

> eggs, spinach, meat, brocolli, tuna and sometimes celery.


> Thanks,





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try eating mangos and papaya's. they are very high in fiber!!! and usually

do the trick. You can also put them into a shake if the taste is too much.


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> To be honest, I have had an issue with consitpation for YEARS, and the 1

> thing that has helped constantly was I ate a yogurt every morning... and when


> want a snack I eat raisin bran.>>>>


Whenever ever I eat MOSTLY " straight " unprocessed meat for my dinner

like chicken wings, I wake up with cramps about 3-4 AM, then diarrhea.

Several times I have vomited, it hurts in the GUT! I am sick for a couple of


Feel lousy for about 4 more hours, then fine by noon.

Does anyone know why?

Small quantities of meat are not a problem. I real meat harder to digest?




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Hi ,

My GI doc recommended Benefiber which is similar to the two you

mentioned but doesn't get thick like those do. It can be taken in water

or drink of choice. Also eating high fiber foods will help. Make sure

you drink plenty of water which will help flush your system. He had put

me on Zelnorm which really helped but that was taken off the market.

Debbie L


> Well I am having trouble with constipation even

> with that about. Does anyone have anything they take that works? I

> have tried Citrucel and Metamucil and it just isn't cutting it. >



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To be honest, I have had an issue with consitpation for YEARS, and the 1 thing

that has helped constantly was I ate a yogurt every morning... and when I want

a snack I eat raisin bran.

Thats all i know to try.... :)


[ ] Re: Constipation

Hi ,

My GI doc recommended Benefiber which is similar to the two you

mentioned but doesn't get thick like those do. It can be taken in water

or drink of choice. Also eating high fiber foods will help. Make sure

you drink plenty of water which will help flush your system. He had put

me on Zelnorm which really helped but that was taken off the market.

Debbie L


> Well I am having trouble with constipation even

> with that about. Does anyone have anything they take that works? I

> have tried Citrucel and Metamucil and it just isn't cutting it. >




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, I also have a big problem with constipation. I use Benefiber

twice a day, and also take three stool softeners every day. In

addition, I eat lots and lots of fiber. I am now staying pretty

regular, but it's still not an ideal situation. I also don't want to

get dependent on laxatives; that's why I tried the stool softeners.


On Thursday, May 3, 2007, at 07:21 PM, ktandtm wrote:

> I don't take very many pain pills, maybe 1 or 2 a day max and that

> isn't even every day. Well I am having trouble with constipation even

> with that about. Does anyone have anything they take that works? I

> have tried Citrucel and Metamucil and it just isn't cutting it. I

> don't want to get on something that will make me laxative dependent but

> want to get regular. The pharmacist said Fiber con and all those are

> pretty simular. Any help would be great.

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Some alternatives are:


Prunes or prune juice




Collace (stool softener- comes w/ and w/ooout lax)

And of course, increasing your water and fiber intake


-- [ ] Constipation

I don't take very many pain pills, maybe 1 or 2 a day max and that

isn't even every day. Well I am having trouble with constipation even

with that about. Does anyone have anything they take that works? I

have tried Citrucel and Metamucil and it just isn't cutting it. I

don't want to get on something that will make me laxative dependent but

want to get regular. The pharmacist said Fiber con and all those are

pretty simular. Any help would be great.

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