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naturalcalm.net is their website.

Good luck,

zoelle1995 <ashikino@...> wrote:

Hi Ive never heard of the natural calm magnesium, but Im willing to

try it..How much do you use and what is the brand name?


> Hi, Machaela is 10 and the past month or so we have been running


> constapation issues, we recently started her on very low dose of

> riperadal and would this cause it?? We have her on houston enzymes


> zyme and 1 pep...Devin said to remove the zyme prime for a few day


> this hasent help.. Does anyone have any further suggestions...Its

> really bad and she is in alot of pain...Thank you









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  • 3 weeks later...

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Faith wrote:

> Ever since I went on the glyconutrients I have had trouble with

> constipation. This was not a problem for me before. It seems like I

> hardly have to go anymore. There just isn't much waste coming down the

> pike if you know what I mean. I don't have any pain anywhere.


> I have gotten off all the products because of just feeling so sick all

> the time and because of the constipation. I am feeling much better now,

> being very serious with my diet, but just having this continual

> problem.


Hi Faith,

After I'd been on Bee's diet for a while, I went through a period lasting

maybe 3-4 weeks where I had terrible constipation. Not much seemed to

help. Not even the vitamin C treatment. It just seemed to be a healing

phase I was going through.

Hopefully yours will clear itself up, too.


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Hello Sommer,

When we start eating nourishing foods (Bee's recommendations) we " starve "

the Candida. This causes the Candida to die off. Then these dead cells can be

very constipating.

Constipation at the beginning of the diet, is your body's way of telling you

that you're successfully killing Candida overgrowth. Now, if you " cheat "

with bad carbs/sugars on some days, then follow it up with a good diet, then


Candida grows (from the bad carbs) and then dies off (from the good food)

and the ficious cycle continues.

But, if you follow Bee's advice to the letter, you will heal your body. Like

Nike said, " Just do it " .

Hang in there, it gets better,

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Sommer wrote:

> I think eating all this meat is making me constipated. I've been

> drinking the lemon drink but it's not helping. I'm going to do a

> coffee enema in the morning, but I don't really like to resort to such

> measures.

==>Meats in and of themselves will not cause constipation, so there

must be some other factor that is causing your constipation. You need

plenty of " good " saturated fats with proteins - they work together. I

did an experiment last year and had only meats, eggs and good fats for

3 weeks. My bowels ran extremely smoothly with better stool bulk than

I've ever had. It was amazing! Are you also taking cod liver oil and

the other supplements?

==>The coffee enema is perfectly safe and healthy for detoxifying, but

don't do them very frequently because enemas do interfere with the

normal functions of the large bowel, esp. balancing water in the body

and the making of some vitamins.

>It makes me uneasy when there's lots of incoming but no

> outgoing. Any suggestions? Is what happens to meat eaters?

==>No, that doesn't happen to meat eaters at all. There are many

groups throughout the world that have been, or are, strictly meat and

fat eaters and they are extremely healthy without any bowel problems.

==>Sommer, maybe read through the files in our Digestion folder first

and see what is recommended for constipation, but I suspect you'll need

to increase your " good " fats to start with. Also ensure you are

chewing your meats very very well.

>>Also I ate some bread today for the first time in a couple weeks and

I felt> my throat constricting afterwards. I'm almost glad I had that

> reaction so that I have a legitamate reason for staying away from the

> insidious stuff (if I have just ONE bite I always gorge myself).

==>Wow, that was a good lesson huh? I know what you mean by gorging

yourself. Grains and sugars are very addictive.

God speed to you too Sommer.


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I don't recommend this very often as it upsets the electrolyte and fluid balance

of the body, but the following remedy is an old naturopathic cure which WILL

take care of severe constipation withing a few hours, usually only a couple of

hours before results are seen: Mix one tablespoon of sea salt with 1 quart warm

water and drink ALL of it as rapidly as possible first thing in the morning.

It is kind of hard to get it all down, but it is possible. Just keep on sipping

until it is gone. Some people just go back to bed for awhile and when they

arise, voila, constipation is a thing of the past. This solution will also help

to cleanse the small intestine.

A body in normal health will recover from this onslought within a few hours,

just drink plenty of water. Now, when I say " severe constipation " , I mean the

kind that is causing you intestinal discomfort, nauseous or other vaguely " sick "

feelings from the toxins in your intestines and/or other symptoms that indicate

a real problem. Do NOT use this to relieve occasional mild constipation! And

be very careful too if you have any indication of impaction, though I did use it

myself under such a condition. I do not believe that this is in any way

dangerous to the person in average physical condition and I have done it myself

with excellent results. But, it makes me feel rather ill on the day I have used

it, so I reserve it for only those times when I need a " big gun " .

Good luck! Hugs, Judy


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>>Since the diet we have seen a huge jump in eye-contact but it

> is not consistent. Could we be currently developing other allergies?

> Maybe I need to work on changing the amount of enzymes.

You might need to adjust enzyme doses, add enzymes, remove foods that

the enzymes are not addressing, or make other changes.

> How long does it take before you see the full benefit of enzymes?

For my son, about three weeks.

> I suspect that she had yeast problems since she had die off symptoms

> when we started enxymes. Wouldn't the yeast be resolved by now and

> how do I tell if it is still a problem?

Yeast info


It depends what she eats and what yeast and other interventions you

are doing, as to whether you can keep it under control with just enzymes.

My son's gut yeast overgrowth issues were resolved with ALA chelation.

> How do I tell if her leaky gut is resolved?

For my son, when he was able to eat all foods without enzymes, and had

no more gut yeast. This happened at the end of ALA chelation.


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  • 1 month later...


> Hello Bee,


> Sorry for asking more than my fair share of questions. I've been

> doing your diet, feel great apart from constipation...it's been

three days now and I know that's bad as all the toxins will be

floating round my body as they can't get out.


> What can I do to regulate this and get relief today!! Is just more

> and more water the answer. Can I start taking pysillium husks?

> aaaaah. Enemas sound messy and horrible, plus I live with my


==>Amy, please do not apologize for wanting to learn. For

constipation read the article in the Digestion folder; lots of

magnesium in the amounts suggested and megadoses of vitamin C will

work. Do not take pysllium husks for any reason. There is a lot of

false information about it's benefits, and they actually cause

negative reactions in many people - fibres are not the answer - see

the article on Fibres - I think it is in the Digestion folder too.

==>Enemas are not messy like you might think. Are your parents ever

away so you can get time to yourself to try the first one so you will



> I'm thinking of having a colonic in the future but I need to get

> things moving.

===>You could get a colonic now, but most practitioners require that

you do too many. Only have one done every 4-5 days and not more than

3. They tend to be more invasive than doing your own enema.


> Also I have pain in my adrenals, do think this is because something

> good is happening or toxins building up because of the

constipation, or maybe because I've done my first full week at work.

I know it's hard to say so sorry if it's an impossible question.

==>If you are having pain on both sides above your kidneys it's

adrenals, but if mostly on your right side that's the liver. All of

the things recommended in my article for detoxifying help both the

liver and the adrenals, i.e. dry skin brushing, epsom salt baths,

lemon juice and ocean sea salt in water, liquid chlorophyll,

rebounding exercises or jumping rope (even walking), etc. You can

also help detoxification by drinking 4-5 cups of clove tea per day -

see the recipe in my article or in the Recipe Folder.


> Thank you for all your answers to my other questions you are a

> diamond.

==>Awe shucks. Thanks my friend.

Lotsa hugs, Bee

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  • 1 month later...

You might try psyllium. When my gut started healing

due to a good diet, everything got weird for awhile.

Psyllium helps a lot!

-- Heidi

philallen876546 wrote:

> Hi, Does anyone know whether if you mix too many probiotics or

> fermented foods you may cause constipation. I seem to have an issue at

> the moment and I current take, SBO's, yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.


> Thanks

> Phil

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You may need more dietary fibers from vegetables.

Pumpkin,squash,yam potatos...

Brans like automeal,nuka...

Toasted rice bran works fine to maintain gut.

Enough water.

Cold water intake in early morning helps a lot.

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  • 1 month later...
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There are over the counter chew tablets called " Fiber " he will have to drink

lots of water with it. be careful with the ones you swallow. they can enlarge

in the throat. next, when he sits down to try to potty after he eats dinner.

Have him blow a balloon. like a " punching bag balloon " . something that is hard

to blow. this will move the muscles and cause him to push down to help the poop

come out. they also have a prescription called " Mirlax " . I was told this

doesn't stay in their system. you can increase & decrees as needed. My son was

on this for a little less that two months. (this Mirlax helped him poop each

day) Now He just takes his fiber tablets and needs nothing else. (he still poops

each day) If your son will eat peanut butter & jelly. You can make your own

jelly just like they do in the nursing homes. boil a little water in a pot.

Add prunes, figs, raisins. make it into a paste. use it as a spread like jelly

with peanut butter. wow that

works. In the past, others wrote in things that worked for their child. maybe

they will do that again for you. Good luck - Rose

mytwoboys97_00 <mytwoboys97_00@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I know that this is a weird subject but.... Last week, (5 1/2,

AS) started throwing up in the middle of the night only for about 3

days. He had complained about nausea and at times was pretty pale.

Last Friday, I took him to the ER. He was so pale, you could see the

capilleries on his skin. He was extremely lathargic. Turns out after

urine test, blood tests, chest xray and a stomach ray. was so

back up (so to speak) that whatever food he ate (dinner being the most

heaviest meal) he had no room to digest it. So suppositories here we

come. Finally he started pooping. And he has been himself since then.

Although he says that he doesn't like yucky poops, so he would hold it

in. OK-- does have Sensory dysfunction but this is something new.

Has anyone had a problem like this and how do you solve it. is a

very picky eater and WILL NOT touch a fruit or veggies. I can not keep

giving him suppositories to go. HELP!!


mom to ph 8, Left clubfoot

and 5, AS and Sensory Dysfunction

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My ds (almost 6) has the same problem. It has not gotten to the point of

going to the hospital, but we have had to use suppositories with him numerous

times. It is very difficult when it gets to that point. My ds does not like to

go poop and tries to control it. My ds has been taking Miralax everyday for

about 2 years and it has helped so much. Miralax is a non-stimulant fiber

powder that I give to him in a drink each day. Ask your Dr. about Miralax.

I hope this helps.


mytwoboys97_00 <mytwoboys97_00@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I know that this is a weird subject but.... Last week, (5 1/2,

AS) started throwing up in the middle of the night only for about 3

days. He had complained about nausea and at times was pretty pale.

Last Friday, I took him to the ER. He was so pale, you could see the

capilleries on his skin. He was extremely lathargic. Turns out after

urine test, blood tests, chest xray and a stomach ray. was so

back up (so to speak) that whatever food he ate (dinner being the most

heaviest meal) he had no room to digest it. So suppositories here we

come. Finally he started pooping. And he has been himself since then.

Although he says that he doesn't like yucky poops, so he would hold it

in. OK-- does have Sensory dysfunction but this is something new.

Has anyone had a problem like this and how do you solve it. is a

very picky eater and WILL NOT touch a fruit or veggies. I can not keep

giving him suppositories to go. HELP!!


mom to ph 8, Left clubfoot

and 5, AS and Sensory Dysfunction

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My daughter takes Lactulose for the same problem so if anyone has

suggestions for other options I would love to hear them. I really

dislike providing a laxative on a daily basis. Although I have been

assured that it does not remain in the system, it bothers me that

this seems to be her only option and I worry that she will never

learn to control her bowels on her own.

> Hi everyone,


> I know that this is a weird subject but.... Last week, (5


> AS) started throwing up in the middle of the night only for about 3

> days. He had complained about nausea and at times was pretty pale.

> Last Friday, I took him to the ER. He was so pale, you could see


> capilleries on his skin. He was extremely lathargic. Turns out


> urine test, blood tests, chest xray and a stomach ray. was so

> back up (so to speak) that whatever food he ate (dinner being the


> heaviest meal) he had no room to digest it. So suppositories here


> come. Finally he started pooping. And he has been himself since


> Although he says that he doesn't like yucky poops, so he would hold


> in. OK-- does have Sensory dysfunction but this is something


> Has anyone had a problem like this and how do you solve it.

is a

> very picky eater and WILL NOT touch a fruit or veggies. I can not


> giving him suppositories to go. HELP!!


> Cori

> mom to ph 8, Left clubfoot

> and 5, AS and Sensory Dysfunction







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My son (10 yo) had this problem also. I brought him to the doctor

after several weeks possibly months of soiling. The doctor took an

xray of his abdomen and it was totally backed up. His doctor said it

was " encopresis " . We had to do a cleaning out which we did with

mineral oil. He had to drink up to 5 ounces of mineral oil a day (in

juice or chocolate milk) until his system cleaned out. It took three

days of this before he even pooped. After the clean out, we used

about a tsp of mineral oil a day to keep his system cleaned out. We

went back to the doctor recently because he was having some problems

again but after another xray, we were glad to see that it wasn't that

bad. He told us we could go back to using the mineral oil or there

was a capsule we had used before called " SennaS " found in the health

food section. Anyway, if you look up Encopresis on the Internet,

there is a lot of information and perhaps that may have something for

you. Good luck!

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be careful using mineral oil. long term can cause a vitamin deficient

scrapbookingmomof4 <scrapbookingmomof4@...> wrote:

My son (10 yo) had this problem also. I brought him to the doctor

after several weeks possibly months of soiling. The doctor took an

xray of his abdomen and it was totally backed up. His doctor said it

was " encopresis " . We had to do a cleaning out which we did with

mineral oil. He had to drink up to 5 ounces of mineral oil a day (in

juice or chocolate milk) until his system cleaned out. It took three

days of this before he even pooped. After the clean out, we used

about a tsp of mineral oil a day to keep his system cleaned out. We

went back to the doctor recently because he was having some problems

again but after another xray, we were glad to see that it wasn't that

bad. He told us we could go back to using the mineral oil or there

was a capsule we had used before called " SennaS " found in the health

food section. Anyway, if you look up Encopresis on the Internet,

there is a lot of information and perhaps that may have something for

you. Good luck!

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I agree that daily laxatives aren't great. And it's

not true that they don't stay in your system. Some are

" systemic " , like Miralax, and they do stay in your

system ( " Ex-lax " is another). Mineral oil is topical,

but as I've said before, it compounded the problem for

my son (he was grossed out by it).

However, the doctors recommended doses of daily

medicine (systemic), which I don't think was

necessary, but they didn't advocate

enemas/suppositories for a few weeks, which are

topical, and don't reach your system.

It sounds weird, but regular enemas every other day

for weeks (which sounds appalling) actually foster

healing of the colon (the anal nerves, so you can feel

the urge to " go " ). By the time a couple of months go

by, most kids go on their own, including Max (my 5.5


Learning a repeated pattern of getting blocked up and

witholding actually reinforces this behavior, and it

doesn't get better on it's own.

I could go on and on...sorry I'm doing that (this is

long!). It's just that we've been dealing with this

for 4 years, and it's been hard (mostly for him).

- Adrienne

--- Velvet <johnvel@...> wrote:

> My daughter takes Lactulose for the same problem so

> if anyone has

> suggestions for other options I would love to hear

> them. I really

> dislike providing a laxative on a daily basis.

> Although I have been

> assured that it does not remain in the system, it

> bothers me that

> this seems to be her only option and I worry that

> she will never

> learn to control her bowels on her own.



> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I know that this is a weird subject but.... Last

> week, (5

> 1/2,

> > AS) started throwing up in the middle of the night

> only for about 3

> > days. He had complained about nausea and at times

> was pretty pale.

> > Last Friday, I took him to the ER. He was so pale,

> you could see

> the

> > capilleries on his skin. He was extremely

> lathargic. Turns out

> after

> > urine test, blood tests, chest xray and a stomach

> ray. was so

> > back up (so to speak) that whatever food he ate

> (dinner being the

> most

> > heaviest meal) he had no room to digest it. So

> suppositories here

> we

> > come. Finally he started pooping. And he has been

> himself since

> then.

> > Although he says that he doesn't like yucky poops,

> so he would hold

> it

> > in. OK-- does have Sensory dysfunction but

> this is something

> new.

> > Has anyone had a problem like this and how do you

> solve it.

> is a

> > very picky eater and WILL NOT touch a fruit or

> veggies. I can not

> keep

> > giving him suppositories to go. HELP!!

> >

> > Cori

> > mom to ph 8, Left clubfoot

> > and 5, AS and Sensory Dysfunction

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hello, thanks to all of you for your suggestions on the topic, which

by the way, is indeed Encopresis, in my daughter's case. If there are

any other words of advice, keep them coming and I will present all

the views to a physician to try and sort out what might be the best

approach in her particular case. Thanks again!

> > > Hi everyone,

> > >

> > > I know that this is a weird subject but.... Last

> > week, (5

> > 1/2,

> > > AS) started throwing up in the middle of the night

> > only for about 3

> > > days. He had complained about nausea and at times

> > was pretty pale.

> > > Last Friday, I took him to the ER. He was so pale,

> > you could see

> > the

> > > capilleries on his skin. He was extremely

> > lathargic. Turns out

> > after

> > > urine test, blood tests, chest xray and a stomach

> > ray. was so

> > > back up (so to speak) that whatever food he ate

> > (dinner being the

> > most

> > > heaviest meal) he had no room to digest it. So

> > suppositories here

> > we

> > > come. Finally he started pooping. And he has been

> > himself since

> > then.

> > > Although he says that he doesn't like yucky poops,

> > so he would hold

> > it

> > > in. OK-- does have Sensory dysfunction but

> > this is something

> > new.

> > > Has anyone had a problem like this and how do you

> > solve it.

> > is a

> > > very picky eater and WILL NOT touch a fruit or

> > veggies. I can not

> > keep

> > > giving him suppositories to go. HELP!!

> > >

> > > Cori

> > > mom to ph 8, Left clubfoot

> > > and 5, AS and Sensory Dysfunction

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I want to thank everyone for their response. I will research

Encopresis. I am fascinated by all the ideas. I do like the

suppository idea the best because it leaves the system. also

seems OK with this. As for drinking anything-he won't do that. But I

will try some of the ideas. He used to be fine with pooping, everytime

we would go into this one store, he'd have to go poop. This was the

only time outside our house he'd go.

I am amazed by all the others that have had this problem too. I don't

feel alone.

Thanks again!!!!


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I'm glad you're looking into it and not feeling alone!

I, too, was surprised at how common it is. One site

that's helped me a lot (although it sounds weird at

first when you read it) is soilingsolutions.com. I

read it through mostly out of desperation, because

nothing else worked.

Good luck, and blessings.

- A

--- mytwoboys97_00 <mytwoboys97_00@...> wrote:

> I want to thank everyone for their response. I will

> research

> Encopresis. I am fascinated by all the ideas. I do

> like the

> suppository idea the best because it leaves the

> system. also

> seems OK with this. As for drinking anything-he

> won't do that. But I

> will try some of the ideas. He used to be fine with

> pooping, everytime

> we would go into this one store, he'd have to go

> poop. This was the

> only time outside our house he'd go.

> I am amazed by all the others that have had this

> problem too. I don't

> feel alone.

> Thanks again!!!!


> Cori






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Kernal corn works wonders in our house. We buy it frozen and give our son a

serving with dinner each night. We have similar problems and have tried lots

of stuff. Mineral oil works but it is not recommended for long term use.


Adrienne Lehmann <adriennerob@...> wrote:


I'm glad you're looking into it and not feeling alone!

I, too, was surprised at how common it is. One site

that's helped me a lot (although it sounds weird at

first when you read it) is soilingsolutions.com. I

read it through mostly out of desperation, because

nothing else worked.

Good luck, and blessings.

- A

--- mytwoboys97_00 <mytwoboys97_00@...> wrote:

> I want to thank everyone for their response. I will

> research

> Encopresis. I am fascinated by all the ideas. I do

> like the

> suppository idea the best because it leaves the

> system. also

> seems OK with this. As for drinking anything-he

> won't do that. But I

> will try some of the ideas. He used to be fine with

> pooping, everytime

> we would go into this one store, he'd have to go

> poop. This was the

> only time outside our house he'd go.

> I am amazed by all the others that have had this

> problem too. I don't

> feel alone.

> Thanks again!!!!


> Cori






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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I wrote: The only thing I havent tried is the magnesium.

> Currently the only supplements Im on are garlic (tablets)

supposedly equiv to 4-5 cloves daily, and vco. Im doing the diet,

but because I seem to be ravenously hungry all the time, Im probably

having too much, so not the correct ratios. I have cooked turnips

and lots of onions, tomatos, brocoli, green beans, eggs, all sorts of

meats. Im having the celtic sea salt, cod liver oil, lots of lemon

juice. Is anyone able to offer any ideas, that worked for them, I feel

like I cant go on like this, my stomach is like a balloon.

I forgot to add that Im also taking the recommended dosage of pro

biotics - Kat

> Id be so grateful for any help or suggestions.

> Kat

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Suz,

I'm struggling really badly with this. I've tried acidophilus every

30 minutes, but I think it was the acdophilus that exhausted me much

more than usual and had me in bed all day. Enemas can help for that

day, but I can't do one every day, I need to get my system working

better. I am taking supplements, the only ones I don't have yet are

the separate Vitamin A and E (why do we need so much more of those)?

A friend purchased some kimchi for me and I'll be getting that

today. I think I should take a little with every meal to help with

digestion? Is there anything else I can do? This has been going on

too long.


On 20-Jun-06, at 8:12 AM, chefsuz2 wrote:

> sorry to hear you're suffering!


> you can do the vitamin c flush, it will definitely relieve

> constipation and will give your body a leg up on killing the candida,

> probably along with some seriously gassy side effects, so plan on

> skipping any social functions :)


> i have had that problem in the past as well. enemas helped me greatly

> when i was very uncomfortable.


> are you taking b-complex and the cal/mag? let me tell you the best

> advice i know:


> *** take the supplements bee recommends***.


> i went along for a long while not investing in the supplements,

> focusing instead on my very clean and wonderful diet. i don't like the

> idea of popping a handful of pills, it seems unnatural to me,

> especially when i'm eating such nutritious food. however - that being

> said - i was so frustrated and confused about why i would still be so

> constipated when i was doing everything " right " . when i gave in and

> began taking the b-complex and cal citrate/mag citrate it made a world

> of difference for me. the sad truth is, a lot of us are malnourished

> from being so out of whack, which leads, of course to a host of other

> problems, including constipation.

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Hi ,

Yes, I'm really constipated. It's not that I'm not going enough,

I'm not going at all. If I take higher amounts of magnesium and

vitamin C I'll get the runs, but it's strange because I still get the

sensation that I still have to go, that I haven't eliminated

enough. My digestive system doesn't seem to be doing anything on

its own. I do all the things you listed below - lots of water,

veggies and magnesium. What am I missing?


On 20-Jun-06, at 8:24 AM, Wittekind wrote:


> Are you really constipated? I know that sounds like a dumb

> question, but a

> lot of people think that constipation describes frequency of bowel

> movements and not consistency.


> When you're eating nothing but meat, veggies, eggs, and healthy

> oils, your

> body is extracting all kinds of nutrients from that food. This

> means that

> you'l be producing little waste (because you don't have the bulk of

> all

> the junk that's untritionally worthless to you.) Most people who

> follow an

> eating plan like we're following will tend to have smaller, less

> frequent

> stools, and that doesn't mean we're constipated.


> In my experience though, constipation CAN be an issue sometimes.

> My gut

> is all whacked out, but I think some hormonal issues might be

> contributing

> (and some thyroid issues too.) The things that help me from having

> hard,

> dry, difficult-to-pass stools are:


> 1) Drinking to thirst. If you're dehydrated, your body will take

> water

> from your bowels first. This can make bowel movements dry and hard to

> pass.


> 2) Magnesium citrate. It's actually a laxative. I take 800mg/day

> to help

> control my blood pressure and to help keep from getting in bowel

> distress.

> It doesn't give me diarrhea or anything. In fact, I may only have

> a bowel

> movement every other day, BUT they're not usually hard to pass.


> 3) Don't forget your veggies. The high-fiber veggies (like broccoli

> especially) will add enough bulk to help keep stools easier to pass.

> Personally, I wouldn't go adding fiber supplements (and if I recall

> correctly, Bee advises against that too), but I wouldn't skimp on the

> veggies.


> Personally, I know how tough it can be when you're having trouble with

> bowel movements. I have a rectocele, and that can really complicate

> things if I end up constipated, so I try my hardest to keep from

> landing

> myself there (although it doesn't always work.)


> Good luck!


> in IN

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Hi Elyse,

I thought of two things: At one point, Bee posted to everybody that the

reason some of us (yours truly included... :-) are constipated when

first on this diet is that we don't eat enough good fats. Maybe you

need to (1) up your good fats to the needed ratio? Also, (2) I think

enemas would help; I seem to remember this from previous posts or in

the files. I know how awful you must feel... I've been there more than


Hope this helps.


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Hi elyse,

Can you be just a little more specific about what you mean by

" constipated " ? Is it just one day between movements or several days?

Some people don't go every day, which is really ok.

Does taking massive amounts of Vit C like the article says help at all?

it's possible the acidophilus is causing more die-off (although I'm

skeptical about that) but constipation IS a die-off symptom so you may

not really be helping yourself by taking it.




> I'm struggling really badly with this. I've tried acidophilus every

> 30 minutes, but I think it was the acdophilus that exhausted me much

> more than usual and had me in bed all day. Enemas can help for that

> day, but I can't do one every day, I need to get my system working

> better.

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