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HFR Newsletter, The Probiotic Revolution

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Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue 4b 14 April 2006***THE PROBIOTIC REVOLUTION!***Published by Health Freedom Resources, Inc.___________________________It's what you and I were never taught in school about the startling link between your body's "intestinal flora," and your ability to prevent serious illness, to add vital years to your life, and enjoy a dramatically higher quality of life right now. Plain and simple, good food digestion and assimilation is at the "heart" of health, but most mainstream doctors are still in the dark about this one scientific conclusion. Therefore, they DO NOT KNOW and will NOT share with you this astonishing information. Why? Because they like getting rich peddling antibiotics that destroy the "friendly" flora in your body and may cause more immediate health

problems and life threatening disease. But there is another way. A better, new millennium SCIENTIFIC way. A 100% safe break-through way to turn the corner on any number of lifelong health problems NOW using your body's "friendly" fighters! "____________________________________________________________________************************************************************WHAT'S STEALING YOUR GET-UP-AND-GO?1)Antibiotic usage 2)Excessive Sugar Consumption 3)Stress 4)Drinking Chlorinated Water 5) Long term diet of Acid Foods Medical science now knows that when the ecology of the human gastrointestinal tract becomes disrupted, beneficial microorganisms can no longer flourish in numbers necessary for proper balance. What's more, harmful toxin producing bacteria and fungi begin to take over, further changing the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract. Medical researchers have recently revealed that the #1

health complaint received by doctors worldwide is poor digestion, malabsorption and constipation, quickly followed by complaints of "No Pep in my step" ..."No sparkle in my eyes" ..."No bounce back from illness." And, they rely on laxatives to relieve constipation which often then leads to diarrhea. When digestion is not optimum, problems can quickly evolve beyond gas and bloating. Energy is radically reduced and the immune system is radically compromised. Along with the cases of chronic indigestion, the cases of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic muscle pain, Candidiasis, arthritis, colon cancer and poor immune response are skyrocketing each year with people of all ages. ___________________________________________________________________________******************************************************************WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF WORLD-WIDE FATIGUE AND CHRONIC INDIGESTION?In a word: microorganisms. Just as the earth holds an abundance of

life forms so too does the human body hold a vast internal ecosystem consisting of thousands of billions of living microorganisms that co-exist, sometimes harmoniously and sometimes not. This vast internal ecosystem - our "human intestinal flora - dramatically influences every individual's health - including our physical and mental health, our metabolism, and quite possibly, even our life span. Over 400 distinct species of microorganisms inhabit the various regions of the human digestive tract, making up nearly four pounds of every individual's total body weight! If functioning properly, this vast unseen world of intestinal flora is now widely regarded as both a "shield and secret weapon" for maximum health and well-being. _____________________________________________________________________________********************************************************************KEEPING THE BALANCE BETWEEN FRIENDLY AND UNFRIENDLY MICROORGANISMSBear in mind

that both "friendly" and "unfriendly" microorganisms inhabit the human intestinal tract simultaneously. In fact, in many cases, each contributes to the overall function and health of the intestinal tract, while keeping the other in "check." For example, even unfriendly microorganisms, such as small colonies of Candida yeast that inhabit the intestinal track, carry out vital tasks. They aid in the digestion of sugars and release vital enzymes, nutrients and other essential substances as byproducts of their work. Normally, friendly microorganisms such as L. acidophilus and others keep the candida yeast in check. But if conditions prevail, which may allow the candida yeast to grow uncontrollably, their once beneficial work turns grossly destruction to the human host and may result in an infectious spread to other areas of the body including the intestines, genital tract, mouth and throat. It is only when the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract becomes

disturbed or otherwise altered that the balance of friendly microorganisms to unfriendly microorganisms is compromised and serious health problems begin to threaten. ______________________________________________________________________________*********************************************************************WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP THE 'FRIENDLY' MICROORGANISMS WIN?Unfortunately, because of diet and stress of modern life, the "friendly" microorganisms may no longer be present in desirable quantities in most adults. The staggering result: the fatigue and failing health of millions of young, middle-aged and elderly individuals who could otherwise enjoy the fruits of their labor without the burden of chronically poor digestion, poor energy and poor health.What's the answer? The solution may be as simple as supplementation of the diet with food products rich in "friendly" flora - foods such as cultured yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, whey -

which will aid digestion and help prevent intestinal putrefaction and the spread of the Candida yeast. These foods may be enough for general prevention. However, if you regularly take antibiotics, have a high stress level, or have any of the signs and symptoms of ill health listed here, then you may have a serious bacterial imbalance. Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Frequent intestinal gas Frequent constipation Frequent colds and flu Poor immune response Chronic bladder infections Chronic bad breath Candida infections Allergies Skin conditions Rapid onset of osteoporosis High Cholesterol levels Vitamin B deficiencies Diary product sensitivities Menstrual complaints If any one or more of theses symptoms drags you down, then you may benefit from immediate "friendly flora" replenishment.

__________________________________________________________________________******************************************************************* Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/

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