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Before our diagnosis, when my son was 3 then 4 years old (regression age 2.5; now is 8) my grandmother came to live with us for the last year of her life. It was a fascinating and sometimes eery situation, having my son who we knew there was som

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Before our diagnosis, when my son was 3 then 4 years old (regression age 2.5; now is 8) my grandmother came to live with us for the last year of her life. It was a fascinating and sometimes eery situation, having my son who we knew there was something, and my grandmother with vascular dementia interacting with each other. At times, they were beautiful, playing together. At times, he was the only person able to bring her back to us. Other times, the conflict between the two was intense.

Although I didn't know at the time about the autism, I knew that my grandmother was giving me one last gift, and training me for something.

Watching the two of them together, both on such narrow paths, both easily knocked off their path, one at the beginning of life, the other at the end was a incredible experience.

My only regret is that I wish I knew about diet and biomedicals back then so that I might have been able to give her some relief as well.

BTW, she craved muffins and buns and could no longer tolerate tomatoes. Although only a few years before her death she would eat field tomatoes by the basket. Her eye coloured changed (my son's eye coloured changed 3 mos after introducing GFCF) and her breath became quite rank. As I type this, I make another connection; it was an elimination problem that ended her journey.....Hmmm

All the best,


I work at an adult day health care center for alzheimers patients as a social worker and i am amazed every day how similair the two are. I have the natural ability in calming them down (almost always) mostly because i know how i have had to deal with my son. But all behaviors and symptoms are way too much the same. I just wish they would catch up with research on the autism side.

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