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I had a rotten night too, Jami. I hurt like

crazy. The higher my pain level, the more

confused & disorganized I become. All I can seem

to think is how if this is my future I'd rather

be dead.

I'm still here. You're still here.

Hope survives.


AOL IM: ShadoCrone

MSN MS: Shadow_Crone

YM: shadowcrone

ICQ#: 11443880

Wildly Insightful & Talented Crone with a Harley

-----Original Message-----

It's one of those mornings. My pain has been a

9.75 on a 10 scale. I took my meds a 6:30 and

7:10 like usual and they are just now (8:30)

kicking in. I hurt so much during the night that

I didn't sleep very well. Because I didn't sleep

well, the pain is that much more intense and

difficult to deal with. I sure wish someone would

find a cure for fibromyalgia. I hate this, I hate

this, I hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's times like these that my thoughts don't take

a lot to turn down the wrong directions. Thank

goodness I don't have to work at the hotel for my

second job anymore. I don't think I could do it

again. Let's pray for a peaceful weekend.

Gentle hugs to all,



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In a message dated 05/21/2002 10:15:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

melifluousone@... writes:

> Just a brief note to say hello, there is a public library lab where I may

> check my email f.o.c. (free of charge) here, thankfully. I've been

> checking the posts here and there. The girl I'm home watching

> for is away for longer than anticipated it may be. I have the energy of a

> squashed slug on a bad day and the pain. The pain. But it could be worse.

Hi! Glad you were able to find local foc email. Hope you start feeling

better tonight, and a little better each day from now on.

{{{And Pain-free Wishes}}}


" In the little decisions of life, use your mind; in the big decisions, use

your heart " [author unknown]

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  • 1 month later...
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my wife was on several of the meds that you mention, as she has went

through Bariatric surgery three years ago, and has had periods of severe

depression due to past marriages, and a rather strange child hood, We had

insurance and were seeing a Psych Md, she was actually hospitialized twice for

" cutting " on her wrists, and placed on a LOAD of meds. The last Hospitalization

was the end all, the Case worker intervied her on a emergency basis, and advised

the Md that she felt that an inpatient hospitalization was the best option for

Nikki's safety. I disagreed but went along woth the plan, well it was going on

36 hpours and sha had not seen a MD yet to evaluate her, so I hit the roof, I

called in the hospital administrator, the heds of the deparment, plus the head

of the counsuling service and had a FACT finding discussion with them.

I informed them that she was coming into the hospital for help and the hospital

had changed her medications abruptly stopping three of her medications that warn

you NOT to stop abruptly, but to wean yourself off over several weeks.

The MD during this discussion actually fell ASLEEP, theat was it, I Immediately

DEMANDED that she be released, either by his order or AMA, against medical

advice (like therre was any any way).

I filed a complaint with the JCAH Joint Comission of Acrediation of Hospitals,

so they were aware of the LOUSY treatment that was taking place.

The MD wanted to simply sedate my wife, til she could barley walk to the

restroom without assistance, and then see how she was doing after a week's

hospitalizations. the old Medicate them and forget them. I have an Associates

Degree in Psych, and am Home FULL time I can give ger better care than this so

called hospital.

BE WARY, many of the medications are given to simply supress the symptoms,

without following through with adequate counsuling, and intensive Psychotherapy

to get at the problem.

Just Watch your selves, DO NOT LET them treat you like a Lab Experiment from the

middle ages.

PS: My wife now takes only Trazadone 100mg, at bedtime, and 1.0 mg Zanax for

anxiety episodes, and is doing VERY WELL.

Become your own advocate, educat yourself on options before allowing the MD's to

simply do as they wish.





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I have an Associates

Degree in Psych, and am Home FULL time I can give ger better care

than this so

called hospital.


Your wife is lucky to have you there!! I hope she's doing better and

continues to. In the past, having been admitted to psych floor for

extended time period for depression, I know what goes on, I was

drugged up beyond recognition and nobody stopped them, I was very

naive, and it was very uneccessary for them to do what they did.

Thanks for the wise advice about education with doctors in general.

I try to be my own advocate and very proactive anymore in my

treatment. After all if they do something to harm my health where

will they be, not by my bedside holding my hand and they won't

apologize and by then, I'd be having symptoms that they can't erase

and hopefully are reversible...It's happened to me and I don't intend

to let it, again, ever. God forbid this ever happens to my boyfriend

or anyone else I care about, I will look out for them in a big way.

Learned my lessons,

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  • 5 months later...

See my comments inserted below

I haven't spoken with my nada for six months. It's a long story but

basically boils down to the fact that her cruelty was becoming a

danger to my health (I have cronic depression, for which -- unlike my

nada -- I get treatment). Anyhow, she seems to have gotten the

message, since we moved and didn't give her our address or phone

number (she only has an e-mail address for us). I got through

Christmas on bated breath, fearful that she would try to pull

something. Her MO is generally to try to get at me through my

brother, who is still enmeshed with her. Wednesday went by and I

thought I'd dodged the bullet -- she turned her guns against my

brother instead (not that that is a good thing, but I admit I was

relieved that for once it wasn't me).


2 years ago I was the one who was enmeshed. I couldn't imagine ever saying no

to my nada or not responding immediately to her constant demands. I went into a

major depression from always feeling the weight of the world was on my shoulders

and never being able to satisfy my nada's needs. Luckily I had a brother and a

sister who were there for me when I needed them. Plus many hours of therapy and

lot's of money spent on antidepressants.


Then my husband got a phone call today (Sunday) from my brother

asking if he should bring us her Christmas presents!!! Including a

big ol check(she knows we are living hand to mouth)! I can't believe

it. I'm wrenched. What an ingenious double bind -- accept the gifts

and be back under her shadow; reject them and be the " cruel " one who

breaks her heart on Christmas. It's hard to explain, maybe, but I was

so wrenched at the situation, and especially the fact that she got

her poisen to me through my brother and my husband (my only other

relatives, who both promised _not_ to be middle men for her!). I was

so depressed I couldn't move or speak for hours. Sounds extreme, I

guess . . . dunno . . .does anyone know how I feel? She wants to push

this thing as far as she can, until I either loose it completely

or " cause " her to do so instead.


Your nada knows how to get to you. Note the big ol check. It's called FOG

(fear, obligation, and guilt). Holidays have always been so hard for me. The

expectations are high and the guilt is stronger than other times. I remember

last year at Thanksgiving....I was so upset after a scene with my nada. I just

sat there all weekend and kept repeating to myself, " I'm going to see Gloria (my

T) on Monday " . That's the only thing that got me throught the weekend. There

are times when my nada calls and I can feel myself becoming so tense and scared

when I see her name on the caller id. So yes, I understand your reaction to the


This year at Christmas, I asked my nada to leave a day early. She FOGGED me

in big time, but I wasn't paralyzed with regret, fear, self loathing, and guilt

this year. As you can see from my posts, it still gets to me. And I still have

problems saying " no " to her, but this is the first year I have stated my needs

and didn't back down when the FOG started.

It does get better. There are 2 books I own, Stop Walking on Eggshells, and

Understanding the Borderline Mother. They have helped tremendously. Know that

you aren't responsible for you mother's actions. So if she " looses it " you

aren't responsible. You are only responsible for yourself. Keep posting.

There are many people who are much further down the road that I am, and they

have wonderful insights.

To get off the list, send a blank message to

ModOasis-unsubscribe . Send questions & amp; concerns to

ModOasis-owner . & quot;Stop Walking on Eggshells, & quot; a primer

for non-BPs can be ordered via 1-888-35-SHELL (). For the table of

contents, see http://www.BPDCentral.com

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  • 4 months later...
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Hi Elyse,

I think there is a difference between putting some closure on a relationship

and cutting off contact from someone.

I *have* done the cut all contact with certain members of my FOO, okay, one

member, my “fada”. It took a lot of energy for several years to cope with

the fallout.

Has your sister done something terrible to you? Is she BPD? Please forgive

me but I can’t remember at the moment if and/or what the history is here.

Sorry. I have been distracted. I guess I just wonder what she has done that

makes you want to cut her out of your life completely.

If you did, would you have any FOO left at all?

Have you sorted out emotionally and in your head what stuff belongs to your

BPD mother and what stuff belongs to your sis?

Have you tried sending an e-mail that says something like: Can we stop

fighting? Or, I would like to stop fighting and being angry with each other

(all the time) – if that fits the situation?

Is your sister treating you all bad too, like your BPD mother used to? Maybe

there is a kind of triangle being maintained by the relationship between you

and your sister? The Dance of Anger book has good stuff in getting out of


Extreme thinking or black and white thinking is a common FLEA for KO s.

Ending a relationship *can* be a kind of either/or approach to something

painful that might be dealt with in less radical ways. Have you considered

the possibility of “taking space” from your relationship with your sis for a

certain amount of time and then seeing how you feel?

It sort of seems like the relationship between you and sis is defined to a

large degree by the triangle that your mother created between the three of

you. I wonder if there is any possibility whatsoever of moving out of the

entrenched triangle and into an individual relationship with your sis. It

only takes one person to shift a triangle dramatically by, according to the

Dance of Anger, remaining calm during crisis or intensity; refusing to

involve yourself in the triangle issues, and (this was the surprizing part

to me), maintaining some degree of closeness to the folks in the triangle

(in this case, maybe your sister?)

For what it’s worth. I am sure that my own issues concerning my sister are

influencing my response to your post. It just doesn’t sound like you two

have a relationship with each other that is not controlled by your mother’s

BPD (even though she is not with us in the flesh).

I would wait and see for a while.



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Okay, one final thought in response to the draft letter for your sis.!

When I read your letter I wonder why you don’t ask her directly for

forgiveness, if you want her forgiveness. By the same token, I wonder why

you are forgiving her when she, so far as I know, hasn’t apologized or

admitted wrong-doing or asked for forgiveness. My sense is that this letter

is more to do with your relationship with yourself, than your relationship

with your sis. Like, instead of communicating with her you are thinking or

processing out loud. If I got this letter I wouldn’t see it as a peace offer

or a kind and loving attempt at a much needed closure. I would see it as

kind of mean (despite your best intentions). Also, it is hard to get around

the fact that ending a relationship is not generally understood as kind and

loving. Although I imagine it is possible to end a relationship with

kindness and love, I don’t think your letter achieves this. Your sis is

sending you nasty messages and it seems like you are thinking about reacting

to this by ending the relationship forever. Perhaps this is what you need

and want to do. But if you do it, I think you should do it for yourself and

be clear that you are doing it for yourself, and perhaps even give your

sister a chance to respond, rather than taking a kind of “this is the best

thing and only possible route for us given what nada put us through” stand.

Just because nada or fada uses divide and conquer strategies to maintain

their reign of terror, doesn’t necessarily or inevitably mean that we must

remain divided forever from our siblings.

Colleen Burns


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Dear Elyse,

Go to the library and check out Toxic Parents by Forward. she talks

about writing letters. I think you are right on the money but check out the

book because she talks about the responses that are likely to come back.

Better to be prepared than blindsided in case it doesn't go your way.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

Grieving the loss of what was and what could have been are a normal part

of the recovery process that KOs go through. Its slow and painful but

there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your eye on the light and

do something nice just for you today.


- Edith

cre8within wrote:

> Hey all. I have really been struggling with the grief and loss now

> that the reality has set in that I in effect don't have any parents

> and am not in contact with my family. It is tough. I find myself

> remembering both the good times and bad times of my childhood. It is

> the good times that especially hurt. I miss them but I know they are

> gone forever. Everything fell apart quite some time ago and will

> never be put back together. It is over. That is sad. I guess this is

> the way of recovery. First so much energy is put into being strong

> and angry and setting boundaries and then that settles down and the

> pain and grief come. I have support and this intense pain only comes

> in waves (thank god). Some days I am mostly angry. Other days I feel

> strong and defiant. Today I feel sad and orphaned. I miss my dad who

> passed away two years ago tomorrow. I grieve the loss of my family no

> matter how *ucked up they were. Sorry to be so depressing. I don't

> always feel this bad. -


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  • 4 months later...

MBP: I just had to reply...I am new to the group I am 44....also a response

to recent emails...and I was listening to Loving What Is on tape in the car

just before I logged on to my email this am....THINKING ABOUT THE SAME THING MY

FOOD ADDICTION...and feeling a bit stuck ....I also have attempted to address

this doing the worksheet.... I have not listened to the addiction tapes...I

was just so taken by the coincidence in your email and myself... I had to say

Hi...I am even more motivated to do the work and root out the root....Thanks for

your post and Hi to all you 44 year olds.....Love Hollypai, oh and thanks to

the fellow who told us about the e-book at Amazon.!

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dear MBP

i think what katie is saying that you are obsessed not with the substance

but with the thoughts about the substance. for example thoughts like: i

should not eat/use this substance. it is bad for me. i gain weight, people

will think this and that about me and so forth. those are thoughts that you

can investigate and the truth that you will see, is the truth that will set

you free.

you may use food because there is something triggering it. so Kt says to go

to the thought before you desired the substance. it could be something

simple. like my husband should be home by now, and the very next moment you

find yourself in the refridgerator. don't work on wanting to eat or desiring

food, work on my husband should be home by now.

sending you love,


-- (unknown)

Hi again,

I am back again after a long abscence from the list. I get the

digests, so I do go through them now and again and always find them

helpful. Even though I haven't been doing the work on the list,

I've been doing it for myself these last several months, almost

every single day, and it's been a most wonderful tool for me!!!

However, I've reached a sticking point in doing my own work. It has

to do with addiction - primarily a food addiction..... I have worked

on it several times, I have read the book, read other's work on it,

heard the addiction tapes, but I am still more confused than ever

about it. I just can't seem to get it. I don't understand what it

means that I am not addicted to the substance/food, I am addicted to

my thinking about it. My thinking about what? Kt says that it is

never the thing that one is addicted to, but to go to the thought

before you desired the substance, and that's what you work on.... I

am having difficulty in understanding what this means. I can't find

it for some reason. It's easy for me to say 'I don't want to', but

there is a conflict when I think this.... I DO want to know the

truth about it...... can anyone help me in this? Has anyone else

struggled with this also?

I am also wondering if there is anyone on list that would be willing

to facilitate the work with me concerning sexual assault? Thanks a


warm regards, MPB

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Hi Lynn,

It occurs to me that you could start your own sub-group in your inbox. You

could pick your favorite people, " invite them in, " and then only read their

posts. :o)


HI all,

There are over 400 messages in this egroup in the past 10

days, how will I ever catch up?

What will I miss if I dont read them?

What can I do about feeling less connected if I dont know hwat's

been going on?


I need to catch up.

I will miss something.

When I dont know whats been going on, I feel less connected.

I know I'm not the only one who feels these kinds of issues!

Yeah, so I feel a little more connected already, thinking I speak

for more than myself.

Hmmm.... and my previous reaction of wanting to start a smaller

subgroup included that I found the big group unacceptable in

being " too " large and frustrating to catch up on. So letting my

thoughts get in the way of my connection with the big group led

directly to the only possibility of " real " separation so far.

So on the day when the thoughts of frustration about catching up

fall away, I get to feel the connection. No sooner, and only until

the thoughts come back, which I get to look forward to.

I send this, wondering if I am being too spontaneous, you will

think I am so self obsessed. I send it anyway, hanging on faith

in connecting, faith in being part of the stream of life.

Love, Lynn

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  • 4 years later...

It is only 100 dollars......I have purchased some of those storys, (

not this one ) and found it is bogus. I would like to see his car do

double mileage.

onsdag 5. dec 2007 kl. 14:02 skrev Flower Chae:

> i think a good website for an add on piece is water4gas dot com, if i

> had some extra cash, i would purchase the ebooks. some have shown as

> much as 50 percent increase.


> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

My last contact with him was a couple years ago. His email was

ajroseca@... at that time.



zarin irene wrote:

> Hi All,

> I am looking for email address of Alvin Rose.

> Apparantely he has some great results with mag pulser and cancereous tumors.


> does any one know that using cesium chloride and the mag pulser could interfer

with each other?

> which one would be preferable to use first is there is contraindication of the


> if you have the right info please email me at

> cali4nia@...


> thank you,

> z



> ---------------------------------

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  • 11 months later...

Hi , I agree with you I am a single mom of two boys Josh 11 yrs old and

Tyler 6 years old that has a rare genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome that

happen to be a fluke but I would NEVER trade them for the world and anything

less. I would love to sleep all night but hey I guess I can sleep later... I

live with an alcholic and he pays the bills and has a good job I take care of

the boys and the house.. But if he wants to ruin his life by drinking then fine

I will always be here for my boys...

Subject: (unknown)

To: polymicrogyria

Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 5:07 PM

It's encouraging to have other single mother's share their stories.  I too am a

single mother of 2 beautiful little girls, my youngest Kamby with PMG.  People

are so quick to judge single moms most of the time.  I didn't choose to be

single and thought when I got married that it would be forever.  However, our

angel Kamby was born and diagnosed with PMG.  My ex couldn't handle it and while

I got wrapped up in taking care of the kids and getting the best possible care

for our daughter, he turned to drinking. 

After 2-3 years of couseling and an intreatment facility he was at least man

enough to admit that he had a problem but didn't want to do anything about it. 

I either needed to except it and deal with it or decide to leave him.  I decided

to leave him.  I was not going to raise my girls in an alcoholic household.

Within 3 months he had a new girlfriend and within a year when the divorce was

finalized they left to live in another state and sadly my girls have not seen

nor heard from him since.

Long story short-he was ordered to pay child support and has a good enough job

to pay.  He will not voluntarily pay and I have had to get our state's child

support enforcement division involved to track him down and get it withheld.

Life is never boring but I would never, ever tade either one of my girls for

anything else in this world.  It's disgusting when men or women will not help

take care of their children regardless of the kids situation.  You are exactly

right when the parent doesn't understand it's not about them, but about the


, Mom to Kamby, age 7, PMG

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  • 6 months later...

Hi ,

My name is (AKA Shell) welcome to Sydband. Losing 40 kilo's is a really great accomplishment (ok I can't spell LOL) and you should be proud of yourself. We have many members from the west to well past Northern beaches so you should be able to meet someone LOL

hope you enjoy your time here with this group. if you haven't heard about it already there is a seminar about lapband weightloss in Bondi Junction in October I'll forward the email about it to you if you would like.



My name is , Ive been banded since Feb 08, Ive lost 40 kilos, have a long way to go. I have fallen off track the last 3 months and havent lost any weight. I havent been able to get to a support group all year, due to work and location. Im hoping to meet people in my area the Northern Beaches, to chat with and hopefully meet. I really need support, as its so easy falling back into my old habits of eating crap, thats the food that goes down sooo easy.

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Hi , Thank you for your email. Bondi is far for me. I was hoping to

find something on the northern beaches. Do you know of anyone? Im proud of the

weight I have lost. falling into my old ways is very easy.


> Hi ,

> My name is (AKA Shell) welcome to Sydband. Losing 40 kilo's is a

really great accomplishment (ok I can't spell LOL) and you should be proud of

yourself. We have many members from the west to well past Northern beaches so

you should be able to meet someone LOL


> hope you enjoy your time here with this group. if you haven't heard about it

already there is a seminar about lapband weightloss in Bondi Junction in October

I'll forward the email about it to you if you would like.


> Shell

> (unknown)




> My name is , Ive been banded since Feb 08, Ive lost 40 kilos, have a

long way to go. I have fallen off track the last 3 months and havent lost any

weight. I havent been able to get to a support group all year, due to work and

location. Im hoping to meet people in my area the Northern Beaches, to chat with

and hopefully meet. I really need support, as its so easy falling back into my

old habits of eating crap, thats the food that goes down sooo easy.


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I do my brain is drawing a blank though (going to get hit tomorrow when everyone else comes online LOL)... we often have catch up lunches a few times a year in and around Sydney. I'm sure when everyone is online tomorrow they will all say Hi :)

I am only a newly banded bandit (June 17th) but have been on this for over a year.


(unknown)> > > > My name is , Ive been banded since Feb 08, Ive lost 40 kilos, have a long way to go. I have fallen off track the last 3 months and havent lost any weight. I havent been able to get to a support group all year, due to work and location. Im hoping to meet people in my area the Northern Beaches, to chat with and hopefully meet. I really need support, as its so easy falling back into my old habits of eating crap, thats the food that goes down sooo easy.>

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That would be great. Im looking forward to meeting others, I dont have any

friends that are banded, my family is supportive they dont really understand

what we go through. Great step getting the band, how do you feel? Im just a bit

down on myself and really need to get back on track.Getting the band was the

best thing I have ever done.

> >

> > Hi ,

> > My name is (AKA Shell) welcome to Sydband. Losing 40 kilo's is a

really great accomplishment (ok I can't spell LOL) and you should be proud of

yourself. We have many members from the west to well past Northern beaches so

you should be able to meet someone LOL

> >

> > hope you enjoy your time here with this group. if you haven't heard about

it already there is a seminar about lapband weightloss in Bondi Junction in

October I'll forward the email about it to you if you would like.

> >

> > Shell

> > (unknown)

> >

> >

> >

> > My name is , Ive been banded since Feb 08, Ive lost 40 kilos, have a

long way to go. I have fallen off track the last 3 months and havent lost any

weight. I havent been able to get to a support group all year, due to work and

location. Im hoping to meet people in my area the Northern Beaches, to chat with

and hopefully meet. I really need support, as its so easy falling back into my

old habits of eating crap, thats the food that goes down sooo easy.

> >


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I feel fantastic i've lost nearly 20kg so im estatic :) I know what you mean about fmaily, mum is great but she doesn't know what we go through but she is good enough to know that ;)

I get down every now and then but that's more of my depression than anything. I have to kick my butt into gear and get out of eating the bad things lol


(unknown)> > > > > > > > My name is , Ive been banded since Feb 08, Ive lost 40 kilos, have a long way to go. I have fallen off track the last 3 months and havent lost any weight. I havent been able to get to a support group all year, due to work and location. Im hoping to meet people in my area the Northern Beaches, to chat with and hopefully meet. I really need support, as its so easy falling back into my old habits of eating crap, thats the food that goes down sooo easy.> >>

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Hi ,

There are a few of us on the Northern Beaches - we must set up a night out so

that you can meet a few of us. I live at Brookvale and there are a few in the

DY & Warriewood area.

40kg is a great loss - I've lost about the same. I have the same problem as you

- haven't lost much (if anything) over the past few months but then I always

have trouble losing weight during winter. Guess this means I'll have to rejoin

the gym (hate exercise!!!!)


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Hi Danna , Thank You for your response. Yes I hope we can organise a catch up. I

would love to have some type of support group. I dont mind having it at my place

once a month if possible. I found that when I was going to the support groups I

didnt fall off track.I live in Narrabeen, please email me to organise.I know

what you mean about excersise I hate it to, a gym buddy can also help.


> Hi ,


> There are a few of us on the Northern Beaches - we must set up a night out so

that you can meet a few of us. I live at Brookvale and there are a few in the

DY & Warriewood area.


> 40kg is a great loss - I've lost about the same. I have the same problem as

you - haven't lost much (if anything) over the past few months but then I always

have trouble losing weight during winter. Guess this means I'll have to rejoin

the gym (hate exercise!!!!)


> Danna


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Well, she is 15 months old now and she doesn't sit up, crawl or walk yet. She

doesn't say much and has limited use of her hands. But she is going through lots

of physical and occupational therapy. I'm so sorry to hear about your

Granddaughter Dakota! Are you suing? Sorry to ask such personal questions, but

if I were you I would sue the pants off the hospital. Where do you live? Did

your Granddaughter also have PMG? Look forward to talking with you more!

To: polymicrogyria

From: mommateri5@...

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 14:55:46 -0700

Subject: (unknown)

Thank you so much for your response. Sorry to hea of your daughters

complications. How are things going now? Grandma Teri

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Most children with PMG have muscle tone issues and tend to not be as strong as a

typical child.  Some may have mild muscle tone issues and some severe.  That

also goes along with seizures- some do not have any at all and some to the other

extreme of many a day.  If your daughter is meeting her milestones and is

sitting up, that is wonderful! (although it doesn't take away the worry/ stress

of her seizures).   My son (4 years) also has seizures and is on Keppra, but

for him, I do not feel that the medication has any effect on his strength given

that those issues were present before the medication was started (at 20 months

of age).  Hope this helps with your question. 

Subject: (unknown)

To: " polymicrogyria " <polymicrogyria >

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 8:33 AM


Hi, this is Lina. I have a 7 months old daughter who was diagnosed with PMG she

was born with seizures disorder and taking medications to control it. Keppra and

Tegritol, the seizures are partly controlled but still happening every once and

a while I don't know why. Her development in normal to her age but I feel that

she is not strong enough and she is not holding herself as most babies on her

age. Could this be related to the medications or the PMG itself?

Best Regards,

Lina Kurdi

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Thanks , is ur son doing well at school? Is he in Kender garden yet?

Best Regards,

Lina Kurdi

> Lina,

> Most children with PMG have muscle tone issues and tend to not be as strong as

a typical child. Some may have mild muscle tone issues and some severe. That

also goes along with seizures- some do not have any at all and some to the other

extreme of many a day. If your daughter is meeting her milestones and is

sitting up, that is wonderful! (although it doesn't take away the worry/ stress

of her seizures). My son (4 years) also has seizures and is on Keppra, but for

him, I do not feel that the medication has any effect on his strength given that

those issues were present before the medication was started (at 20 months of

age). Hope this helps with your question.





> Subject: (unknown)

> To: " polymicrogyria " <polymicrogyria >

> Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 8:33 AM




> Hi, this is Lina. I have a 7 months old daughter who was diagnosed with PMG

she was born with seizures disorder and taking medications to control it. Keppra

and Tegritol, the seizures are partly controlled but still happening every once

and a while I don't know why. Her development in normal to her age but I feel

that she is not strong enough and she is not holding herself as most babies on

her age. Could this be related to the medications or the PMG itself?


> Best Regards,

> Lina Kurdi



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