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We've all be FOGged in. FOG (fear, obligation, and guilt) is how our nada's

manipulate us. If you haven't read it yet get Stop Walking on Eggshells. It

discusses FOG. I agree with Colleen to take time and decide what is best for

YOU. This is a slow process. I've been on this list for 2 (?) years.

It hasn't been easy because even though I know I

am doing the right thing I lost what family I had with my decision.

So here I am hoping to connect with others who understand. Any

suggestions on staying focused on one's decision and not allowing

guilt and feelings of responsibility destroy my new found freedom?

Apologies for the lengthiness here, I have a lot inside right now.

Thanks for listening.

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Guest guest

Hi ! Thanks for the comments and also for clarifying FOG. My

mother uses it almost exclusively as a way to get what she wants. I

really don't feel that her behavior leaves me much choice but to walk

away (for how long? I don't know). I feel her abusive behavior

prevents me from having a relationship with her. So while it is my

choice, the only other choice would be to continue to be abused. I

guess what I'm saying is her abusive behavior leaves me with no other

choice. I laugh when imagining trying to explain that one. I can hear

her response now: " How can you say that after all I sacrificed for

you? (never understood that one) Noboby had a childhood like mine.

You should feel lucky you didn't live my childhood, etc. " My mother

has NEVER listened to me and her version of my childhood makes me

think she's from another planet.

I really get angry that I had to make a hard decision like this and

that my sister isn't talking to me either (I am NOT angry with her).

I didn't cause this situation but I have to deal with it and make

these hard decisions. I am really angry over the fact that I have no

family support, that I've never had supportive parents who were there

for me or any of us. I guess this is part of acceptance. I see people

at family gatherings and involved in each others lives and I feel

cheated. Lots of anger and sadness and grief for what was and/or

wasn't and for what was taken from me. Actually my anger keeps me

grounded in my decision right now.

Thanks for listening.

> We've all be FOGged in. FOG (fear, obligation, and guilt) is how

our nada's manipulate us. If you haven't read it yet get Stop

Walking on Eggshells. It discusses FOG. I agree with Colleen to

take time and decide what is best for YOU. This is a slow process.

I've been on this list for 2 (?) years.




> It hasn't been easy because even though I know I

> am doing the right thing I lost what family I had with my


> So here I am hoping to connect with others who understand. Any

> suggestions on staying focused on one's decision and not allowing

> guilt and feelings of responsibility destroy my new found freedom?

> Apologies for the lengthiness here, I have a lot inside right now.

> Thanks for listening.










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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

I recently started taking W-Zymes (proteolytic) by s that I

bought at the Health food store.


> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Ally,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am one of those who can gain weight at the drop of a hat but


> >a terrible time losing. I had gained 25 pounds since Christmas


> >so I really had to look at what I was eating and of course, at my

> >amount of exercise. I was tired and hungry all the time and spent

> >most of the afternoon and evening doing a kitchen inventory in my

> >head and fighting off the urge to ram food into my mouth. I am

> >typically a healthy eater, so the food cravings were what I needed

> >to focus on most. My overall energy levels also needed a huge

> >boost. Over the past few weeks I have finally started losing

> >weight. I am not counting or weighing anything and I have lost 10

> >pounds in about 3 weeks and I am convinced that there is much more

> >to come. I no longer thinking about food until my body tells me

> >that I'm truly hungry and then I eat from my new selection of

> >foods. My energy levels are far from optimum, but there has been

> >great improvement. My tiny husband has also lost 3 pounds. I am


> > > career dieter and I had to look for something different. As

> >always, it's a long-winded response, but I was documenting it for


> >daughter anyway. My changes may or may not work for you, but here

> >they are…

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. I totally eliminated High Fructose Corn Syrup from my

diet. I

> >had to spend a couple of hours in each grocery store, just once


> >each store, while I found the brands for each of the things that I

> >was replacing such as cranberry, apple sauce, salad dressing,


> >bbq sauce, baked goods, bread etc. I still have a sweet tooth,


> >I always will, but the urge to ram food in my mouth was

> >diminishing. This elimination also frees up the liver to do other

> >more useful things.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. I started baking with stevia and using it in my decaf


> >Switching to stevia allows me to satisfy my sweet tooth without

> >getting the body response to sugar. Since my sweet tooth comes


> >at night, it also helps me sleep better and I no longer have the

> >truly bizarre 'sugar dreams' in the morning. My night sweats have

> >been drastically reduced as well to where I only have zero or one

> >each night. I've made muffins, cookies and banana bread so far


> >they all taste great. My afternoon and evening snacks consist of

> >fresh fruit and a stevia muffin or 2 stevia cookies. I have to be

> >careful not to have my afternoon snack too late or I have no

> >appetite for supper! There are a few articles that suggest that

> >stevia may lower testosterone levels, just so you know.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. I stopped buying lite/light products! After I started


> >all of the labels for the high fructose corn syrup, I noticed that

> >many whole products have about 1/2 of the ingredients of the

> >lite/light ones and about 1/2 again of the fat free ones. This is

> >particularly true of mayo and salad dressings. They all have the

> >same whole ingredients, but the lite/light and fat free ones are

> >filled with things that you can barely pronounce to make them


> >similar without the calories and fat. What I do now is buy and

> >organic regular full fate product that just has normal ingredients

> >like milk and eggs, and then cut it about 40/60 with plain fat


> >yogurt. It tastes just fine, plus you don't have to use as much

> >because it's thinner and gives you more coverage with a smaller

> >amount. Plus the yogurt gives me the active cultures to keep the

> >yeast in check.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 4. I nixed most of the potatoes/rice/pasta at lunch and dinner

> >from Mon-Fri and have a salad and vegetables with meat. I also

> >switched to multi grain bread without any kind of sweetener and


> >it sparingly. It's a modified Broda diet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 5. I started drinking lemon water with lunch and dinner. I


> >that the acid in it makes the food enter your system at a slower

> >rate so that you stay full longer. I'm not sure if this is


> >because I haven't really been paying attention, but the vitamin C


> >it will also help me absorb the iron from the meal and it


> >helps to clean out the liver. To make the lemon water, I squeeze

> >one lemon and one lime for juice and mix it in a glass quart

> >bottle. I then mix it half & half (8oz & 8oz) with plain water to

> >have with lunch and/or dinner.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > It sounds like a lot of changes, but it's really not. My

> >objective was to eliminate the cravings and I have done that.


> >just made substitutions of what I was already eating and so I


> >have to go hungry and I'm not counting anything. As always, I've

> >done too many things at once to know which are really doing the

> >trick, but I think the changes are all working together to clean


> >my system. My energy levels are to the point where I think I'll


> >able to start exercising this week. That's the plan anyway.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Judy

> > >

> > > aka - I'm not lazy, I'm hypoactive

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US


> >30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome ! Congratulations on your beginning journey toward health and a

whole new life. You are right... it is a LOT of work to get approved for the

surgery. Some never get approval and like me, have ended up having to self-pay.

I will be sending my very best wishes your way with some prayers sent heavenward

that your path to approval is quick and that your surgery date comes soon!

Elle *^_^*

new to the group


My name is and I am from Los Molinos CA. If nobody knows

were that is it is by Chico . I am posting my first email to the

group just to say hi. I am just starting the process for the ds

surgery with DR. K and I am waiting on approval for medi-cal. I guess

you really have to do a lot to get approved so I am jumping through

all the hoops so I can make my life better. My health has really

gotten bad in the last three years and I am afraid I might die if I do

not get surgery. I weigh 273 lbs. I have Hypothyroidism and

Hypertension and some of the other bells and whistles that everyone

basically has. please feel free to e-mail me at any time and i will

try answer quickly.

P.s. It is nice to join your group thanx

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Welcome to the group. It's an exciting journey. Feel free to ask any questions

you may have. We all love to answer them, lol. Take care.


**Wake me up from the nothing

that I've become**

-------------- Original message --------------


My name is and I am from Los Molinos CA. If nobody knows

were that is it is by Chico . I am posting my first email to the

group just to say hi. I am just starting the process for the ds

surgery with DR. K and I am waiting on approval for medi-cal. I guess

you really have to do a lot to get approved so I am jumping through

all the hoops so I can make my life better. My health has really

gotten bad in the last three years and I am afraid I might die if I do

not get surgery. I weigh 273 lbs. I have Hypothyroidism and

Hypertension and some of the other bells and whistles that everyone

basically has. please feel free to e-mail me at any time and i will

try answer quickly.

P.s. It is nice to join your group thanx

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Hey ,

Welcome to the Group!!!! I'm le, however, everyone calls me Dani. I'm

not very familur with Chico but I do know where it's at. Your going with the

right doctor and I wish you all the luck. I'm fixing to start with Dr. K as well

to try with a revision on a RNY. I think if I heard correctly Medi-Cal takes a

while. Yeah everything takes a lot of hoops. My health isn't good either. I'm

glad that you are making the right decision to take the chance to make a better

life for yourself it's a big decision. How old are you if I might ask? If you

need anything or if there is anything that I might be able to help you don't

hesitate to ask. I hope to talk to you soon.


P.S. I have Yahoo Messenger if you'd like to add me on there


" Ask me :) " wrote:


My name is and I am from Los Molinos CA. If nobody knows

were that is it is by Chico . I am posting my first email to the

group just to say hi. I am just starting the process for the ds

surgery with DR. K and I am waiting on approval for medi-cal. I guess

you really have to do a lot to get approved so I am jumping through

all the hoops so I can make my life better. My health has really

gotten bad in the last three years and I am afraid I might die if I do

not get surgery. I weigh 273 lbs. I have Hypothyroidism and

Hypertension and some of the other bells and whistles that everyone

basically has. please feel free to e-mail me at any time and i will

try answer quickly.

P.s. It is nice to join your group thanx

~ I'm Surrounded By ANGELS, I Call Them My *Friends* ~

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  • 5 months later...

Hello all,

First, I must apologize for my delay in introducing myself. My name is

Jodi, I was diagnosed with Still's in 2000 at age 25 after a lengthly

hospitalization/episode wherein they could not figure out what was wrong

with me. I was tested for everything under the sun. While in the hosptial,

I developed a fever of 105 plus and ended up in Intensive Care with

pneumonia and pleurisy on my lungs. They called my mother in from Seattle

(I live in MN) and told her that I was not going to make it through the

night. After about a month in the hospital, they sent me home, undiagnosed,

on prednisone. A few weeks later, I went to see the Rheaumatologist that

saw me in the hospital for a follow-up appointment. At that time, he told

me that he had been doing his research and that every symptom I had was

textbook Stills Disease. I continued treatement for the next few years on

prednisone and methotrexate. I moved out to Seattle to stay with my mom in

an effort to " get healthy " and dropped 100 pounds. Eventually I was able to

get off of all of my medications. I got married and got pregnant with my

second child with no problems, no symptoms (however, put all the weight I

lost back on). I was foolish enough to believe that my Stills was gone,

despite everything I knew and had learned about the disease. Well, here I

am 4 years since getting off of my meds and I am experiencing another flare

up. I am meeting with my doctor today to discuss treatment again as my body

seems to be moving downhill fast and I want to avoid hospitalization at all

costs. I am working full-time and cannot afford to have Still's take over

again. I am hoping we can stabilize most of my symptoms soon. My husband

is new to all of this Still's stuff, so I have been trying to educate him

some so he understands. Now I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and

eat right so I can take this weight back off as to avoid the added stress on

my joints and trying to slow down as much as possible so I can continue to

work. I am so thankful that there is a group like this out here. So many

people, doctors even, don't know what Still's is, and many have never even

heard of it. I look forward to getting to know you all more. It give me

hope that I am not alone. Neither are you.

God Bless,


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welcome jodi, new to the group but not new to stills, i hope you feel better


very nice to read your message.

Mumta (uk)

Jodi Braun wrote:

Hello all,

First, I must apologize for my delay in introducing myself. My name is

Jodi, I was diagnosed with Still's in 2000 at age 25 after a lengthly

hospitalization/episode wherein they could not figure out what was wrong

with me. I was tested for everything under the sun. While in the hosptial,

I developed a fever of 105 plus and ended up in Intensive Care with

pneumonia and pleurisy on my lungs. They called my mother in from Seattle

(I live in MN) and told her that I was not going to make it through the

night. After about a month in the hospital, they sent me home, undiagnosed,

on prednisone. A few weeks later, I went to see the Rheaumatologist that

saw me in the hospital for a follow-up appointment. At that time, he told

me that he had been doing his research and that every symptom I had was

textbook Stills Disease. I continued treatement for the next few years on

prednisone and methotrexate. I moved out to Seattle to stay with my mom in

an effort to " get healthy " and dropped 100 pounds. Eventually I was able to

get off of all of my medications. I got married and got pregnant with my

second child with no problems, no symptoms (however, put all the weight I

lost back on). I was foolish enough to believe that my Stills was gone,

despite everything I knew and had learned about the disease. Well, here I

am 4 years since getting off of my meds and I am experiencing another flare

up. I am meeting with my doctor today to discuss treatment again as my body

seems to be moving downhill fast and I want to avoid hospitalization at all

costs. I am working full-time and cannot afford to have Still's take over

again. I am hoping we can stabilize most of my symptoms soon. My husband

is new to all of this Still's stuff, so I have been trying to educate him

some so he understands. Now I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and

eat right so I can take this weight back off as to avoid the added stress on

my joints and trying to slow down as much as possible so I can continue to

work. I am so thankful that there is a group like this out here. So many

people, doctors even, don't know what Still's is, and many have never even

heard of it. I look forward to getting to know you all more. It give me

hope that I am not alone. Neither are you.

God Bless,


Mumta Bhutta


New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at

the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.

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Hello Jodi

Just to say welcome to the group and hope that the drs. halt your sudden

decline with the right medication. I agree it is a great comfort being here

with everyone knowing how you are feeling.

Best wishes

Joan U.K.


From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of Jodi Braun

Sent: 17 January 2007 18:49

To: stillsdisease

Subject: New to the group

Hello all,

First, I must apologize for my delay in introducing myself. My name is

Jodi, I was diagnosed with Still's in 2000 at age 25 after a lengthly

hospitalization/episode wherein they could not figure out what was wrong

with me. I was tested for everything under the sun. While in the hosptial,

I developed a fever of 105 plus and ended up in Intensive Care with

pneumonia and pleurisy on my lungs. They called my mother in from Seattle

(I live in MN) and told her that I was not going to make it through the

night. After about a month in the hospital, they sent me home, undiagnosed,

on prednisone. A few weeks later, I went to see the Rheaumatologist that

saw me in the hospital for a follow-up appointment. At that time, he told

me that he had been doing his research and that every symptom I had was

textbook Stills Disease. I continued treatement for the next few years on

prednisone and methotrexate. I moved out to Seattle to stay with my mom in

an effort to " get healthy " and dropped 100 pounds. Eventually I was able to

get off of all of my medications. I got married and got pregnant with my

second child with no problems, no symptoms (however, put all the weight I

lost back on). I was foolish enough to believe that my Stills was gone,

despite everything I knew and had learned about the disease. Well, here I

am 4 years since getting off of my meds and I am experiencing another flare

up. I am meeting with my doctor today to discuss treatment again as my body

seems to be moving downhill fast and I want to avoid hospitalization at all

costs. I am working full-time and cannot afford to have Still's take over

again. I am hoping we can stabilize most of my symptoms soon. My husband

is new to all of this Still's stuff, so I have been trying to educate him

some so he understands. Now I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and

eat right so I can take this weight back off as to avoid the added stress on

my joints and trying to slow down as much as possible so I can continue to

work. I am so thankful that there is a group like this out here. So many

people, doctors even, don't know what Still's is, and many have never even

heard of it. I look forward to getting to know you all more. It give me

hope that I am not alone. Neither are you.

God Bless,


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Hi Jodi,

Welcome to the group. I was also new last year. Last year I was also in the

hospital a couple of times, practically spent most of the year in and out. They

also tested me for every horrible disease one could imagine but finally came up

with Stills. I actually haven't written in a while because I just got out of the

hospital last week. I went in on November 16th and was released on January 11th.

I had my spleen taken out and it was all due to trying to taper the steriods and

my body just went crazy, the dr,'s told me that my white blood count was

practically non existant but when they took my spleen out the counts went up.

The spleenectomy was the last option the doctors were scared i might not make it

out of the surgery but thankfully I did after being in the ICU for so long i

lost the ability to move, So now i'm finally out but walking with a walker. I

know this disease is one that takes a lot out of a person and makes us lose hope

at times but try to stay strong we are

all here for you and can totally relate.

Kathy :)

New Jersey, U.S.A

Joan UK wrote:

Hello Jodi

Just to say welcome to the group and hope that the drs. halt your sudden

decline with the right medication. I agree it is a great comfort being here

with everyone knowing how you are feeling.

Best wishes

Joan U.K.


From: Stillsdisease [mailto:Stillsdisease ]

On Behalf Of Jodi Braun

Sent: 17 January 2007 18:49

To: stillsdisease

Subject: New to the group

Hello all,

First, I must apologize for my delay in introducing myself. My name is

Jodi, I was diagnosed with Still's in 2000 at age 25 after a lengthly

hospitalization/episode wherein they could not figure out what was wrong

with me. I was tested for everything under the sun. While in the hosptial,

I developed a fever of 105 plus and ended up in Intensive Care with

pneumonia and pleurisy on my lungs. They called my mother in from Seattle

(I live in MN) and told her that I was not going to make it through the

night. After about a month in the hospital, they sent me home, undiagnosed,

on prednisone. A few weeks later, I went to see the Rheaumatologist that

saw me in the hospital for a follow-up appointment. At that time, he told

me that he had been doing his research and that every symptom I had was

textbook Stills Disease. I continued treatement for the next few years on

prednisone and methotrexate. I moved out to Seattle to stay with my mom in

an effort to " get healthy " and dropped 100 pounds. Eventually I was able to

get off of all of my medications. I got married and got pregnant with my

second child with no problems, no symptoms (however, put all the weight I

lost back on). I was foolish enough to believe that my Stills was gone,

despite everything I knew and had learned about the disease. Well, here I

am 4 years since getting off of my meds and I am experiencing another flare

up. I am meeting with my doctor today to discuss treatment again as my body

seems to be moving downhill fast and I want to avoid hospitalization at all

costs. I am working full-time and cannot afford to have Still's take over

again. I am hoping we can stabilize most of my symptoms soon. My husband

is new to all of this Still's stuff, so I have been trying to educate him

some so he understands. Now I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and

eat right so I can take this weight back off as to avoid the added stress on

my joints and trying to slow down as much as possible so I can continue to

work. I am so thankful that there is a group like this out here. So many

people, doctors even, don't know what Still's is, and many have never even

heard of it. I look forward to getting to know you all more. It give me

hope that I am not alone. Neither are you.

God Bless,


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I am in SE PA outside Philly. Where in NJ are you? What hospital for

your splenectomy? Several docs have very vaguely, remotely. off the

cuff, not quite to that point yet, mentioned splenectomy for me. I can

not seem to keep my platelet (or red cell) count up. Enlarged spleen

(one of the dragon's many possible effects) seems to be eating them up

faster than I can make them. Procrit seems to keep them at a steady

state, but that is about it. (at $17000 a month for Procrit I would

hope for more improvement) Have had 1 Prednisone pulse in Dec. One

more try in Feb to see if that makes any difference. We will see, I


Anyway, if splenectomy, I hope my stay will be shorter than yours.

Tom from PA


> Hi Jodi,

> Welcome to the group. I was also new last year. Last year I was

also in the hospital a couple of times, practically spent most of the

year in and out. They also tested me for every horrible disease one

could imagine but finally came up with Stills. I actually haven't

written in a while because I just got out of the hospital last week. I

went in on November 16th and was released on January 11th. I had my

spleen taken out]


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Russ,

Welcome to the group,you've found a good place.I think the worse part of

Still's,is the unknown.I got sick when I was 28,but didn't actually get

diagnosed until I was 32.Being able to express how you feel to people that can

relate is so helpful. It takes time to find a balance that keeps you happy and

healthy.Making plans,and having to cancel because you feel lousy is OK. A book I

found very helpful was " Full Catastrophe Living " by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Life does

get better.The hard part is figuring out how to get through the bad

times.Surround yourself with compassionate,loving people.

Take Care,



> To: Stillsdisease

> From: nodakcanoe@...

> Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 23:35:11 +0000

> Subject: New to the group


> Hi, my name is Russ and I,m new to the group, i found out that i have

> stills about a year ago but i've had it alot longer but didn't know

> what it was. This condition drives me crazy, i don't know what is going

> to hurt each day, i'm a heavy equipment " field " mechanic so i work alot

> outdoors. I've had to wear wrist and knee braces to get through the day

> and then the next day i don't need them. I don't know what is worse

> sometimes the disease or the meds, i take

> methotrexate,enbrel,prednisone and alot of antacids. I missed a week of

> work over this when my Dr. put me in the hospital to figure this out, i

> hurt so bad that i could barely walk. Does it get any better? Most

> people have a hard time understanding the pain your in when the disease

> is pretty much invisible to them. I medicate on the weekends so i don't

> do much because i feel sick. Well enough for now thank you for letting

> me be apart of your group and hope to chat more.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Joni,

Where are you? Maybe we can recommend a rheumy to you.

Kudos to you for being proactive and trying to find your own answers.

I truly believe we have to help our doctors along sometimes!

Houston, TX

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Guest guest


That's great news about the doc wanting you to come in and check the

Ferritin level - means they do know something about Stills. Fingers

crossed that this one figures it out!


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Guest guest


Do you live in the Seattle area because you mentioned you went to Washington

Unv. if so I could recommend my RD


Re: New to the Group

Well, I was really upset that after I mentioned Still's to my doctor he called

to send me a list of dermatologists.I have read that Still's is diagnosed after

other things are ruled out, so I decided to go. The one I went to did a biopsy

of the rash to determine the source. She made a follow up appointment for two

weeks to take my stitches out and go over the results.

I called the last Rheumatologist I saw and asked if she had noted the rash in

my chart from when I was there in January (she is a Nurse Practitioner for

Washington University Department of Rheumatology. It took me 6 months to get an

appointment there. I have been there twice, and only saw the doctor once for

less than 2 minutes. He was the one that repeated all the same tests the first

Rheumatologist ran). She said that she had, and I asked her if it could be

Still's disease. Immediately she told me to make a follow up appointment and she

would check my Ferritin level. So I guess we'll see where it goes from here.

Last night my husband was ready to take me to the emergency room because the

rash was really severe.I used a cortisone cream that the doctor had prescribed,

and it calmed down a little after awhile. Then I took benedryl to help me sleep.

Thanks for the support, and hopefully someone will figure something out soon.

My son and his wife are at the hospital right now. She is being induced, and we

are heading up there early this morning. I have to hide my rash, because if

people see it they might think I have something contagious! This is our second

grandchild. The first one is 4 months. Both girls, so they should be close.Our

life is crazy, because I still have two younger ones at home, ages 9 and 11.

They are thrilled to be an aunt and uncle at such a young age. That's the main

reason I need to figure out what's going on. I don't have time to be sick!! I

know that's how you all feel.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Must be a regional carrier issue or problem with electronic filing, because both Medicare and BCBS pay very quickly using the free Availity clearinghouse. Gretchen Reis MD wrote: I’m in the process of going from no insurance at all to taking 2 insurances (just to keep the practice alive…not by choice, that’s for

sureJ). I’m disheartened that Medicare seems to be the best payer here, too…the fee schedules all the way down are almost all less than Medicare (avg probably 90-95% of Medicare). The office manager at my previous practice often said Medicare was their best and quickest payer. I’d opt back in if I didn’t hate the system so much (see ’s enlightening but depressing graph...) I’ve resigned myself to working for such meager pay…but it sure would be nice

to get paid what we’re worth, don’t you think? (I knew I should have gone into dermatology!!) Gretchen Reis MD Wellspring Family Medicine Circleville, OH From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Locke's in ColoradoSent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:11 PMTo: Subject: RE:

New to the group Welcome to the group, Steve. Would be interested in your thoughts on Medicare only, too. I could see this approach if there was a steady increase in fees every year to make up for the cost of giving

care. But if the fee schedule for Medicare remains flat (or goes down), won't you make less money every year...or at least make the same money every year -- which goes down in buying power. As it is, the fee schedule is about the same as the early 1990's -- but the buying power of that 1991 dollar is a lot less. Of course, from what

Florida colleagues have said, Medicare is their BEST payor there -- so maybe shedding low paying private insurances in Florida leaves you with Medicare. Will be interested to hear your take and how it is working out for you. Cheers Locke, MD From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lowell Kleinman, MDSent: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:49 AMTo: Subject: RE: New to the group Medicare only? That's a switch. Why have you done this? Lowell Kleinman, MD 5601 Norris Canyon Rd. Suite 340 San Ramon,

CA 94583 www.drkleinman.com drkdrkleinman From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of drhorvitzSent: Monday, April 21, 2008 9:41 AMTo: Subject: New to the group Hi All:Just came across your group recently.Seems pretty active.I have recently transitioned my solo practice to not accepting any insurance other than Medicare.So far it is working well.I found that the third party system is as unsustainable as the last years mortgage

industry.There is change a coming and we need to be in front to lead it.Do any of the docs on this list belong to SERMO?There are also interesting topics on Sermo similar to here.Steve Horvitz, D.O.

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  • 3 years later...


Just wanted to comment on you having been deneid DAFOs. I also have a PPO and

was denied a pair of my son 's DAFOs. They look at them like orthotics and

tell you there is no coverage for orthotics. This happened to us a few years ago

and I think there have been some changes to insurance law since that time

specifically regarding DAFO/MAFOs and insurance companies having to cover them

if need could be proven. We have not been denied again (and he gets a new pair

about once a year) because I appealed their decision and wrote them an email

with pictures of an old pair and an explanation that these are not simply

inserts to correct posture etc., but very necessary braces that stabilze his

legs for standing and walking, thus improving the quality of his life. I

included a picture of my son and a hint that I would take things further if the

decision was not favorable and the very next day I got a call from an appeals

manager and everything was approved. Just wanted to let you know that coverage

is out there if you fight for it.


Mom to Meghan (15) and (10) BFPP, moderate spastic quad CP


> > Hello everybody,

> > My daughter Kiri was recently diagnosed with PMG and microcephaly. She is

seven months old. I have a couple questions I was hoping some of you might be

able to offer advice on.

> >

> > My husband and I are living and working abroad but will be moving home to

California in a month to get better access to therapies for K. We're looking at

different insurance options and are trying to find the best fit. We currently

have international insurance but we'll need something more thorough when we get

home. How regularly do you take your children in for doctor's visits? Would

anyone recommend an HMO or is a PPO better for flexibility in finding better PMG

specialists? I'm unsure what sort of plan to look for because I'm not sure what

sort of care she will be needing. She hasn't had any identified seizures yet,

but we have had an EEG done and she is definitely at risk. Are most seizure

medications generic or are they mostly name-brand drugs?

> >

> > We have lots to figure out, obviously. Thanks so much for any help you can

give us.

> >

> > - Arwen

> >

> >




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Thank you so much for telling me about getting 's DAFOs approved through an

appeal. Just as you said, they told me they wouldn't cover orthotics until

after he had surgery. I was very upset- part of the reason for them is to

prevent needing surgery to correct his feet/ legs. And yes, a better quality of

life to help him get around better. He also gets new ones every year and will

be due for another pair this coming April. I will take your advice and do what

you did to get them approved. Thanks for sharing your experience! I won't back

down the next round getting his DAFOs!

Sent from my iPhone



> .


> Just wanted to comment on you having been deneid DAFOs. I also have a PPO and

was denied a pair of my son 's DAFOs. They look at them like orthotics and

tell you there is no coverage for orthotics. This happened to us a few years ago

and I think there have been some changes to insurance law since that time

specifically regarding DAFO/MAFOs and insurance companies having to cover them

if need could be proven. We have not been denied again (and he gets a new pair

about once a year) because I appealed their decision and wrote them an email

with pictures of an old pair and an explanation that these are not simply

inserts to correct posture etc., but very necessary braces that stabilze his

legs for standing and walking, thus improving the quality of his life. I

included a picture of my son and a hint that I would take things further if the

decision was not favorable and the very next day I got a call from an appeals

manager and everything was approved. Just wanted to let you know that coverage

is out there if you fight for it.


> Sue

> Mom to Meghan (15) and (10) BFPP, moderate spastic quad CP



> >

> > > Hello everybody,

> > > My daughter Kiri was recently diagnosed with PMG and microcephaly. She is

seven months old. I have a couple questions I was hoping some of you might be

able to offer advice on.

> > >

> > > My husband and I are living and working abroad but will be moving home to

California in a month to get better access to therapies for K. We're looking at

different insurance options and are trying to find the best fit. We currently

have international insurance but we'll need something more thorough when we get

home. How regularly do you take your children in for doctor's visits? Would

anyone recommend an HMO or is a PPO better for flexibility in finding better PMG

specialists? I'm unsure what sort of plan to look for because I'm not sure what

sort of care she will be needing. She hasn't had any identified seizures yet,

but we have had an EEG done and she is definitely at risk. Are most seizure

medications generic or are they mostly name-brand drugs?

> > >

> > > We have lots to figure out, obviously. Thanks so much for any help you can

give us.

> > >

> > > - Arwen

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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