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/ Taking 90% of the guesswork out of dosages & supps

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Hi .. from Sue,

I noticed that you received great advice from

others on your question for Cocobiotic dosage...

and yes..

I think it could be combined nicely with your

Acai juice....

If you can afford it-----I would highly recommend

having the dosages and selecting the order of

treatments guided by a competent

naturopath or energy specialist by various programs

like Bioset , NAET, the Dawson Program, EAV,

muscle testing, and other similar methods that help

determine what supplements , foods, and treatments are

....good for a person ----in the correct order.

FOR EXAMPLE....I first had to get my allergies

cleared... in the order my body would accept it...

determined by these methods...


Intolerance to FERMENTED foods...FATS, pork

and seafood...... That took me

over a year to resolve... with these methods.

Now ---I finally can incorporate some of the Body Ecology

fermented foods... that I once had an intolerance to.

Then when I learned how to muscle test ...taught by

local naturopaths--- I now determine much of what I need for

our own family... and do EFT for allergy clearings...

see www.emofree.com for that.

Lots of people in this group have also found these

programs to be helpful as well.

They have been a Godsend for my family...

and take about 90% of the guesswork out of treatment.

Hope that helps,

Sue ---

One can google the treatments & see

if local people have them close to you.:)))

Re: Berle's Body Ecology (BED) story

Posted by: " Handley" missy@... tommysmommy67

Mon Mar 3, 2008 7:01 am (PST)

Hi Sue - I'm seriously considering buying some of the coco-biotic to give to my son. How much should I give him a day? Is it okay to use this along with other probiotics as well? We have Culturelle here that he takes every day but I'm suspecting it's just not enough. Does the coco-biotic taste bad? Would it be okay if I mixed it into his Acai juice that he drinks every day?Sorry so many questions! Thanks! Berle's Body Ecology (BED) storyHi from Sue,Most of you will recognize Berle & her son from Stan's website.Her son is recovered from autism.Her story also appeared on Donna Gates Body Ecology newsletter ( below ) last year... so I thought the new people may enjoy reading it--so here it is again.-----SueHow Body Ecology Helped Berle's Son Overcome Autism and Her Daughter Survive Rotavirus by BodyEcology.com Berle shares how Young Coconut Kefir and dietary changes were the key to curing her son, Baxter, of autism.Over 5 years ago, 5 different experts told Berle that her young son, Baxter, was autistic. That he would never talk or potty train. That he may even be institutionalized when he got older.At first devastated and angry, did not want someone else looking into the "crystal ball of capabilities" and telling her about Baxter's future. A mom of three kids, admits that early life with Baxter was not easy. He had the classic symptoms of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) including tantrums, isolation, sleep issues, touch sensitivity, and severe gastrointestional problems."I was just a person he screamed at," she says. describes feeling alone and ashamed. Even with her background as a special education teacher, she did not know what do, or even what caused her son's condition.Shots + Antibiotics = Autism? In fact, up until 12 months of age, Baxter was developing normally; he was even starting to speak. Then between 12 and 18 months, Baxter began to show symptoms that later realized meant autism."At the time, you just rationalize it away," but is convinced that Baxter's gut health and vaccinations played a role in the autism. "Right after his first set of shots, he was hospitalized for a kidney infection, and they gave him heavy doses of antibiotics. I think the antibiotics killed the bacteria in his gut."After that, Baxter just "slipped away," says. "He had more words at one year than at three." Of all the symptoms, Baxter's gastro-intestinal issues were the worst. "One day, we counted that he had diarrhea 33 times!" Dietary Changes Bring Some Relief started looking for solutions, and turned to diet as a way to help her son. She knew that she was allergic to milk and feels like all of her children, including Eliza (now 3) and (now 6), have true milk allergies. So she thought the gluten free casein free (GFCF) diet would be a good alternative treatment for Baxter, who was 2.5 years old at the time.The first 2 weeks were tough. Baxter went through withdrawal, screaming for foods like bagels and pizza that he was used to eating.Then, as if by magic, he stopped! marveled at the changes. "Literally 2 weeks after we eliminated gluten and casein, he started speaking and making eye contact." She was so encouraged by the changes in her son that she continued to search out dietary treatments for autism.Young Coconut Kefir: "The Cream"Around that time, 's neighbor was making Young Coconut Kefir for her own autistic son. She had a batch that needed refrigeration, and was happy to provide some space. took advantage of what was in her fridge and began to serve Baxter Young Coconut Kefir. The results were amazing!Baxter's gut inflammation markers returned to normal levels and his functioning improved so much that no one would ever know that experts once believed he was autistic. Baxter is now 8 years old and doing school work on the 4th grade level. He has probiotics every day.Although autism is a distant memory, he still drinks the tasty probiotic drink, Young Coconut Kefir, that got him there, asking, "Mom, can I have the cream?" Baxter benefited from numerous therapies, ranging from the traditional to the alternative, but attributes this amazing turnaround to Body Ecology and Young Coconut Kefir.She jokes that you can often find her in the backyard, chopping up coconuts with a machete!Young Coconut Kefir Also Saved Her DaughterMake your own healing microflora-rich Young Coconut Kefir at home with our delicious Kefir Starter. Or try all 3 Starters to benefit from the range of different microflora. Save 20% when you buy all 3!As miraculous as Baxter's recovery seems, considers her daughter "the poster child for Young Coconut Kefir."Eliza contracted Rotavirus, a severe viral infection that can cause diarrhea, severe dehydration and hospitalization, when she was barely 2 years old. Little Eliza was vomiting blood, having seizures and dropped so much weight that even her doctors could not figure out how to help her recover. had never given the Young Coconut Kefir to Eliza, figuring, "You give it to your sickest kid, and at that time it was Baxter." But acknowledges, "Your whole world shifts when your child is sick," and she desperately wanted Eliza to improve. Thinking back to advice that "you can never have too many probiotics," she began to feed her little girl as much Young Coconut Kefir as she could handle. Eliza responded to the fermented drink and recovered so quickly that even her pediatrician requested the Young Coconut Kefir recipe!Body Ecology For LifeThe Berle family believes in probiotics, and all of the children get plenty of beneficial bacteria in their diets, usually in the form of Young Coconut Kefir. sometimes mixes the Young Coconut Kefir with pear juice for sweetness, but otherwise uses it like water. She also maintains a gluten free casein free home, something that is becoming easier to do and less "out there" now that grocery stores carry gluten free alternatives. Since the Body Ecology program is gluten and casein free (GFCF), along with being anti-fungal and anti-viral, it is an effective way to heal autism and end cravings for processed foods.Even for children. Baxter does not even want tempting slices of pizza, because he knows it makes him sick. The Berles believe in Body Ecology, and know that Young Coconut Kefir healed Baxter and Eliza! Reaches Out To Other Parents"I won the autism lottery," marvels, and has vowed to help others in her situation.Now that her son is completely recovered, advises some 250 parents of children with autism through her work with TACA (Talk About Curing Autism Now) and is a founding member of Generation Rescue, an organization that supports parents who seek new treatments for children with autism."I'm still involved because people need support and alternatives." has a huge amount of gratitude for Donna and the Body Ecology system for healing and internally thanks her every day for "this non-invasive, brilliant, and lovely way to help our children."For more information on how to follow the Body Ecology program to heal autism and illness, read The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates.For Information About Berle's Organizations:Talk About Curing Autism Nowwww.TACANow.orgGeneration Rescuewww.GenerationRescue.orgReturn to Newsletter ArchiveRecommend This Page to a FriendPrint this articlea.. 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