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my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4, behavior is

horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience the same?


Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.


Thanks for any advice.

 Sincerely Noel

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We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was the

worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the best

recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the constant

presence in his blood is what made the difference.

Good Luck.



From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@...>


Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

Subject: Re: Acyclovir


my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4, behavior is

horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience the same?

Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.

Thanks for any advice.

Sincerely Noel

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Thanks Bill,


We were on Valtrex and Famvir as well, you are so right, this is a pretty bad

die off period.

Looking forward to a big recovery.  I appreciate your input, it is so difficult

to step back.

Thanks again!

 Sincerely Noel

From: Bill klimas <klimas_bill@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Acyclovir

Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 6:32 AM


We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was the

worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the best

recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the constant

presence in his blood is what made the difference.

Good Luck.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@sbcglobal .net>

nidsgroups (DOT) com

Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

Subject: Re: Acyclovir


my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4, behavior is

horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience the same?

Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.

Thanks for any advice.

Sincerely Noel

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Bill, thank you for sharing this,

would you let us know why you´ve switched to acyclovir, i mean, how after not

having much success with other antivirals - and supposedly more powerful - you

still thought you had to keep trying with other one? it was titers outcome in


what was the dose/weight and frequency?

Thank you


> Noel

> We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was the

worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the best

recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the constant

presence in his blood is what made the difference.

> Good Luck.

> Bill





> ________________________________

> From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@...>

> nids

> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

> Subject: Re: Acyclovir







> Hi,


> my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4, behavior

is horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience the same?


> Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.


> Thanks for any advice.


> Sincerely Noel



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We were on Valtrex for quite a while. Although the viral tiers were lowered they

would bounce back up. I asked about Acyclovir in regard to the cost of Valtrex

but Dr G switched us to Famir first. Tiers went up again. Finnally we went to

Acyclovir. To be honest I am not sure what did the trick. At the time the

schools and other family members were really trashing the diet. I finally went

off!!! got the food right shortly after we went on acyclovir. Tiers dropped

greatly and we had steady improvements. When we started Immunovir is when it all

came together. It took a while but the activation % finnally dropped and verbal

language just went nuts. Our IGE is still high but I suspect enviromental stuff

and we are being tested for airborn allergies next.

In regard to weight Connor is 90 lbs and we take 800 mg of Acylovir five times

daily and we take 500 mg Immmunovir 5 times daily on weekdays and twice daily on


We had our first interview with the allergist in Fort Lauderdale last week and

her assistant questioned the A word Diagosis. She said Connor did not seem

Autistic. Eye contact, Talking, Calmly answering questions. I said you should

have seen him two years ago. Then she said but we all know those off the wall

treatments really don't work. I explained I did not care what the Big Med people

call it but I am treating the identifiable dease issues not Autism. As always

with mainstrem doc she rolled her eyes and chuckled, then asked Connor how old

he was. He answered, 11. March 26, in 2010 it will be a friday. So I asked him

what day will his birthday be in 2020, He said Thursday. I chuckled!  She left

the room.



From: Martín W <engranajes@...>

Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 2:48:40 PM

Subject: Re: Acyclovir

Bill, thank you for sharing this,

would you let us know why you´ve switched to acyclovir, i mean, how after not

having much success with other antivirals - and supposedly more powerful - you

still thought you had to keep trying with other one? it was titers outcome in


what was the dose/weight and frequency?

Thank you


> Noel

> We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was the

worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the best

recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the constant

presence in his blood is what made the difference.

> Good Luck.

> Bill





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@. ..>

> nidsgroups (DOT) com

> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

> Subject: Re: Acyclovir







> Hi,


> my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4, behavior

is horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience the same?


> Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.


> Thanks for any advice.


> Sincerely Noel



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For us acyclovir did not work as well as famvir or Valtrex and it needed to

be given more often which made it difficult. Maybe it didn't work as well

because it was difficult for me to get him to take it five times a day. Not



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Thank you Bill for this!

I was surpriced about dose but I found many links suporting that,

we did isoprinosine 500mg x 2 only continuosly for 3 months with no gains, then

I concluded it was useless unfortunately. I think it deserves another try.

Bill, for how long were you on that?

> >

> > Noel

> > We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was

the worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the

best recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the

constant presence in his blood is what made the difference.

> > Good Luck.

> > Bill

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@ ..>

> > nidsgroups (DOT) com

> > Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

> > Subject: Re: Acyclovir

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4,

behavior is horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience

the same?

> >

> > Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.

> >

> > Thanks for any advice.

> >

> > Sincerely Noel

> >

> >

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We started last Nov but had a short spell in late Dec that we ran out and it

took until mid Jan to get a new supply. Dr K recommends a one year period and

expects the gains to plateau at 6-8 months. our T cell count is up at that time

like I stated. I truly believe that it made a major difference.


From: Martín W <engranajes@...>

Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 1:32:12 PM

Subject: Re: Acyclovir

Thank you Bill for this!

I was surpriced about dose but I found many links suporting that,

we did isoprinosine 500mg x 2 only continuosly for 3 months with no gains, then

I concluded it was useless unfortunately. I think it deserves another try.

Bill, for how long were you on that?

> >

> > Noel

> > We have been on Acyclovir for over a tear now and the initial die-off was

the worst we ever saw. (We were on Valtrex and then Famir prior). We had the

best recovery from it as well. The frequency is a pain but I believe the

constant presence in his blood is what made the difference.

> > Good Luck.

> > Bill

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: NOEL SCHNEIDER <schneid99@ ..>

> > nidsgroups (DOT) com

> > Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:49:35 PM

> > Subject: Re: Acyclovir

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > my son 4, just switched from Famvir to Acyclovir and this is day #4,

behavior is horrific, lots of yelling, obessiveness, etc....anyone experience

the same?

> >

> > Hope this is just die off and I will smile, but this has been the biggest

regression in a long time.

> >

> > Thanks for any advice.

> >

> > Sincerely Noel

> >

> >

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Hi all,

We've had our son Lucas (who will turn 3 in late August) on Dr. G's protocol

since summer of 2008. I read this message board all the time but don't think

I've ever posted before.

Anyway, this thread sparked my interest because of our present situation.

We switched Lucas to Acyclovir on April 22 after first trying Valtrex and then

Famvir. The first two weeks after the switch were heaven: Lucas was bright and

verbal and started stringing words together for the first time. We also took him

to several parks and playgrounds and watched him act in such a typical way that

we almost felt like normal parents for once. We had no die-off whatsoever. It

was awesome!

Then, everything went south. The past three weeks have been horrible. Lucas's

behavior has deteriorated so drastically that I feel like we went from having an

almost normal kid to a severely autistic child: Screaming fits, stimming like

crazy, non-stop body movements, humming, etc.

Dr. G said the downturn can't be attributed to the Acyclovir because it would

have presented itself in the first couple weeks, which it didn't. But we didn't

change ANYTHING else in his diet our routine. We did just travel from

Mississippi to L.A. a couple days ago for our annual office visit (worst trip

ever due to his behavior) but this stuff started two weeks before the trip.

Does anyone have any theories on this, or has anyone experienced a delayed

die-off? We're going nuts over here and don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance for any advice (or just condolences ;-))


> Noel,


> For us acyclovir did not work as well as famvir or Valtrex and it needed to

> be given more often which made it difficult. Maybe it didn't work as well

> because it was difficult for me to get him to take it five times a day. Not

> sure


> Marcia





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I tried posting this on Sunday but it never showed up ... here goes again.

We switched our son from Famvir to Acyclovir on April 22. We had two weeks of

bliss (clear, bright, verbal, well-mannered) before he slipped into horrible

behavior. Dr. G said it's not die-off because that would have happened right

away instead of starting two weeks after the switch.

But we've done nothing else differently with our son, who is almost 3. No diet

change or anything.

The upside is that Lucas is still verbal and sharp. It's awesome. The downside

is that his stimming like crazy, has a hard time falling asleep at night, and

throws a tantrum at the slightest upset. He also seems like he's exploding with


Has anyone else experienced this before?



> Noel,


> For us acyclovir did not work as well as famvir or Valtrex and it needed to

> be given more often which made it difficult. Maybe it didn't work as well

> because it was difficult for me to get him to take it five times a day. Not

> sure


> Marcia





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The only delay in medicine-behavior issues I've personally seen is with a

build-up on an increase with a SSRI dose- my son's behavior regresses about 3-4

weeks later, after a slight improvement. But I think that since the first two

weeks on Acyclovir were GREAT that there wasn't an immediate die-off... but

maybe his body was happy to be off the other medicine (I know, I'm so NOT

medical!) and slacked off on the fight and then the body had to restart the

viral battle, delaying the die-off... ?

What part of MS are you in, or you central-northern? I'm in Mobile, AL and we

haven't had major allergy issues in the past month, but your son might be

reacting to an unknown pollen. Especially since it's your first spring on the

protocol. You might not have noticed behavioral regressions due to seasonal

allergies in a child so young before this year. Are you doing anything for

allergies? I'd check with adding an allergy medicine ASAP. If it is an allergy

problem you should see improvements within a few days on medication... if not,

DEMAND an anti-viral switch (but agree to re-try the Acyclovir in the future, it

sooths the sometimes-savage-beast to be willing and leave doors open) so you

don't go another week with the destressing behavior issues. I feel your pain!

My son has been on Acyclovir for over 1.5 years... and I'm pretty sure we'll be

switching this summer because that's a LONG time on one antiviral! But it's

been the ONLY medicine (even with the IMGG shots to boost things one year) to

get my son's HHV-6 to NORMAL levels and we started with Dr. G in October 2002

when my son was 4 years old (we started the antiv-viral in Nov 2002, because we

started with anti-fungal.) But it's a pain to give it 5 times a day, but it is

CHEAP- love that!

Good luck!

E-mail me off list if you'd like to.

- in Mobile, AL


" You must write for children in the same way as you do for adults, only better. "

-Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov)

" Don't ask who's influenced me. A lion is made up of the lamb he's digested, and

I've been reading all my life. " -Giorgos Seferis (Greek Poet)

Reality lies beyond the horizon... Wonderwegian


Re: Acyclovir

Hi all,

We've had our son Lucas (who will turn 3 in late August) on Dr. G's protocol

since summer of 2008. I read this message board all the time but don't think

I've ever posted before.

Anyway, this thread sparked my interest because of our present situation.

We switched Lucas to Acyclovir on April 22 after first trying Valtrex and then

Famvir. The first two weeks after the switch were heaven: Lucas was bright and

verbal and started stringing words together for the first time. We also took him

to several parks and playgrounds and watched him act in such a typical way that

we almost felt like normal parents for once. We had no die-off whatsoever. It

was awesome!

Then, everything went south. The past three weeks have been horrible. Lucas's

behavior has deteriorated so drastically that I feel like we went from having an

almost normal kid to a severely autistic child: Screaming fits, stimming like

crazy, non-stop body movements, humming, etc.

Dr. G said the downturn can't be attributed to the Acyclovir because it would

have presented itself in the first couple weeks, which it didn't. But we didn't

change ANYTHING else in his diet our routine. We did just travel from

Mississippi to L.A. a couple days ago for our annual office visit (worst trip

ever due to his behavior) but this stuff started two weeks before the trip.

Does anyone have any theories on this, or has anyone experienced a delayed

die-off? We're going nuts over here and don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance for any advice (or just condolences ;-))


> Noel,


> For us acyclovir did not work as well as famvir or Valtrex and it needed to

> be given more often which made it difficult. Maybe it didn't work as well

> because it was difficult for me to get him to take it five times a day. Not

> sure


> Marcia





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I am with Dr. G.

He is probably coming down with something, a good way to see if it is viral, is

when he goes outside see if he blocks the sun or closes his eyes, this always

works for us.



 Sincerely Noel

From: emilylecoz <emilylecoz@...>

Subject: Re: Acyclovir

Date: Sunday, May 24, 2009, 9:32 PM

Hi all,

We've had our son Lucas (who will turn 3 in late August) on Dr. G's protocol

since summer of 2008. I read this message board all the time but don't think

I've ever posted before.

Anyway, this thread sparked my interest because of our present situation.

We switched Lucas to Acyclovir on April 22 after first trying Valtrex and then

Famvir. The first two weeks after the switch were heaven: Lucas was bright and

verbal and started stringing words together for the first time. We also took him

to several parks and playgrounds and watched him act in such a typical way that

we almost felt like normal parents for once. We had no die-off whatsoever. It

was awesome!

Then, everything went south. The past three weeks have been horrible. Lucas's

behavior has deteriorated so drastically that I feel like we went from having an

almost normal kid to a severely autistic child: Screaming fits, stimming like

crazy, non-stop body movements, humming, etc.

Dr. G said the downturn can't be attributed to the Acyclovir because it would

have presented itself in the first couple weeks, which it didn't. But we didn't

change ANYTHING else in his diet our routine. We did just travel from

Mississippi to L.A. a couple days ago for our annual office visit (worst trip

ever due to his behavior) but this stuff started two weeks before the trip.

Does anyone have any theories on this, or has anyone experienced a delayed

die-off? We're going nuts over here and don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance for any advice (or just condolences ;-))


> Noel,


> For us acyclovir did not work as well as famvir or Valtrex and it needed to

> be given more often which made it difficult. Maybe it didn't work as well

> because it was difficult for me to get him to take it five times a day. Not

> sure


> Marcia





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  • 7 months later...

Both my son and I are on Acyclovir. The last RX I filled had to be liquid

because the pharmacy couldn't get the pills.

All the best,



From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 9:55:40 AM

Subject: Acyclovir

Dear Listmates,

Have any of you had any luck getting Acyclovir (Zovirax)? My pharmacy

keeps telling me it's back ordered and they don't know when they'll

receive any.



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