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Kelp Powder Dosage and an interesting article on Iodine

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I just started taking kelp as a supplement, and wasn't sure on the

dosage I should take.

I just read this article :


The article says many interesting things, and it makes me think I

should be taking more Kelp, maybe like at least a Tablespoon instead

of the teaspoon I have been taking.

Here is the quote at the end that intrigued me the most...

" Supplying daily intake of iodine for whole body sufficiency (100-400

times the RDA) gives protection2-4 against goitrogens and radioactive

iodine/iodide fallout; improves immune functions, resulting in an

adequate defense system against infection; decreases singlet oxygen

formation which is the major cause of oxidative damage to DNA and

macromolecules, resulting in an anticarcinogenic effect in every organ

in the human body; results in a detoxifying effect by increasing

urinary excretion of the toxic metals lead, mercury, cadmium, and

aluminum, as well as the goitrogens fluoride and bromide; normalizes

hormone receptor functions resulting in improved response to thyroid

hormones both endogenous and exogenous; and results in better control

of blood sugar in diabetic patients; stabilizes cardiac rhythm,

obviating the need for the toxic sustained release form of iodine,

amiodarone; and normalizes blood pressure without medication in

hypertensive patients. Iodine deficiency is the major cause of

cognitive impairment, worldwide.2 Therefore, iodine sufficiency would

result in optimal cognitive function, something of great importance to

every nation. "

I wanted to know what you smart folks thought of this :), thanks for

your help.


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