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Re: Curing my PSSD, Getting off all meds, and feeling better than ever.

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Well done matt glad to hear you recovered. Just have a couple of questions. What

did you tell your acunpuncturist your problem was? The reason i ask is because I

done acunpunture recently and it didnt do anything, but the dr only did my back

not my stomach or face. And how many sessions did you do? And finally how long

of cardio did you do each week?



> Hello all!


> I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.


> I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal

medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.


> Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> --

> I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.


> F*# & meds.

> Peace.


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Which acupuncturist and in which city?

What was his exact diagnosis in acupuncture terms?

What is the name of the exact acupuncture techniques and acupuncture points that

he used?

Did he use electrical acupuncture?

Does he know a book title or website where we can find information about this

specific treatment for sexual dysfunction?

> I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


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> Hello all!


> I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.


> I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal

medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.


> Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> --

> I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.


> F*# & meds.

> Peace.


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> Hello all!


> I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.


> I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal

medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.


> Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> --

> I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.


> F*# & meds.

> Peace.


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Hi, walden here! :)

Thank you for your posting here too!


> Hello all!


> I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.


> I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal

medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.


> Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> --

> I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.


> F*# & meds.

> Peace.


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As Steve stated below, please give us more details on the acupuncture techniques

and EXACT ACUPUNCTURE POINTS he used / targeted. I've had 1 course of

Acupuncture before but I laid on my back the Dr. focused on my feet, hands ears

and side of scalp. Obviously he targeted a completely different area. Could

you get us more, specific details?


> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >


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Thanks! And sure. I told him first that I felt like the meds had given me brain

damage, and that I couldn't think as clearly as I used to. It wasn't until the

second session that I fessed up that my libido was completely shot. I have done

5 sessions so far.

He has never put the needles in my back, in fact (when I asked him to, because

I'd heard that's what acupuncturists did) he told me that the back points are

the least effective. He puts about 5 needles in the top of my head, 1 in my

forehead, 3 in each of my ears (including 1 he called the " zero point " or " the

brain's reset button " ), 2 in each wrist, 1 in the muscle between my thumb and

pointer finger on each hand, 1 on the top of each of my feet, sometimes 1 in my

shins, and 4 in a line going down my stomach (he has also alternated the pins in

my stomach to form a diamond around my belly button in 1 session). When the

needles were in my stomach I could actually feel the blood flow being diverted,

very faintly, but i felt it.

unfortunately, there are a lot of acupuncture doctors who don't know what

they're doing. that, or they are perfectly aware of what they are doing, but

what that is is taking your money and doing jack for you.

I do about 1 hour of cardio a week. My step aerobics class is 50 minutes of

cardio, followed by a ten minute ab workout. i was doing 2 step aerobics

classes a week for a while, and a night of yoga. i've also heard that running

and swimming are great options too.

> >

> > Hello all!

> >

> > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.

> >

> > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> >

> > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> >

> > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> >

> > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> >

> > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> >

> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >

> > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> >

> > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> >

> > --

> > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> >

> > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> >

> > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> >

> > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.

> >

> > F*# & meds.

> > Peace.

> >


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Thank-you! My acupuncturist's name is Dr. Lester Banh, in Redlands, CA. Here's

his website: http://www.redlandsacupuncture.com/index.html -The guy is a


The website lists " sexual dysfunction " under the " How we can help " section.

The diagnosis he gave me was that the Meds had most likely altered the way that

my brain produced and released chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, etc..

I'm sorry I don't know the exact name of the technique, but He said that the

purpose of what he was doing is to kickstart the brain into producing and

regulating the chemicals that the Meds had been controlling. " Right now my

brain is confused, and this technique retrains it. " or something like that. I

told him I wanted to be treated for memory, depression, anxiety, and most

importantly sexual dysfunction.

The points he uses for me are:

4-5 in the crown of my head (something to do with cognitive ability)

1 in the center of my forehead, slightly above my eyebrows in between my eyes

3 in each ear (including a " zero point " or " brain reset button " in the very


2 in each wrist, where you would normally put your fingers to check a pulse

1 in the muscle between my thumb and forefinger on each hand

3-4 in my stomach (specifically for libido, sometimes he alternates the pattern,

but it's usually a straight line going down from my navel)

1 in the top of each of my feet (something like " peace point " )

1 in my shin right shin

I think they may use electrical acupuncture, but he hasn't ever used it on me.

He recommends sleeping while the pins are in, to get the most benefit out of it.

The last time I went, I fell asleep with the pins in for about 20 minutes, and

that was the time I noticed the biggest difference.

I can ask him about a book, but just doing a google search for " acupuncture for

sexual dysfunction " yields a bunch of results.

Hope that helps!


> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >


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haha, why the ehhh?

> >

> > Hello all!

> >

> > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.

> >

> > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> >

> > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> >

> > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> >

> > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> >

> > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> >

> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >

> > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> >

> > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> >

> > --

> > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> >

> > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> >

> > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> >

> > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.

> >

> > F*# & meds.

> > Peace.

> >


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Congratulations on your comeback, as it were. I'm glad you didn't give up.

Exercise is good for everything -- except bad knees or hips (I mean knees or hips that must be replaced). I'm getting a new knee this winter & then I can get the aerobic eercise I need.

Ann from WA

> > >> > Hello all!> > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.> > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was "PSSD", or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.> > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day, and cried every day.> > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.> > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:> > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.> > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.> > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal medicine called "Emporer's Tea Extract". Both of these are EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.> > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.> > > > --> > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a person. > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.> > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons. > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you can be too.> > > > F*# & meds.> > Peace.> >>

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Well done Mathew, and thanks for letting us know. People need to feel hope to

start the recovery process and so we need these positive reports.

Apart from some occasioanal twitchhing everything else with me seems to fuction

okay, i.e, taste, sight, the senses, etc. I have never been able to believe that

PSSD is permanent; that there must be some minor damge in a signicant part of

the brain. I'm pretty damn sure that peace of mind, healthy relationships, good

hobbies, exercise, omega 3, forgetting about PSSD and getting into life again,

overcoming depression and anxiety, etc, will do the trick. (And falling in love

helps a lot too).

I'm as guilty as anyone for hating this f*cking PSSD shit and getting messed up

by it but I have never taking my eye off the ball that I will eventually

recover. I have a horrible anxiety disorder which, might also be atypical

depression, which is really holding me back but I keep working on my therapy and

self development.

To be free of this illness and be in love with someone really special again

would be amazing. Lets hope one day we can all wish each other well, say goodby,

and be free.


> >

> > Hello all!

> >

> > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.

> >

> > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication

since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was

" PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along

with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I

never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never

saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking

all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete

mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> >

> > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> >

> > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin

(which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help).

While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I

decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got

me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole

life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> >

> > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> >

> > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> >

> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >

> > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> >

> > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and

when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> >

> > --

> > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and

diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> >

> > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> >

> > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> >

> > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.

> >

> > F*# & meds.

> > Peace.

> >


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Mat can u ask him if he has a referent in Rome, or in Italy?

Someone from his same school...


> > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> >


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Idk lol sounds fishy. You seem to have done every possible thing(including

acupuncture). Why do you post about this now? How can your libido be higher than

before? I have to give it to you aerobic workout works, when I do lot of bike my

sex drive goes up(thats weird because for me before ssri and for most humans

aerobic activity tends to lower sex drive. It is presumably because it lowers

testosterone ive heard). And really I don't want to be harsh nor impose my

reality on others but the effect of supplements are overrated and in my opinion

their benefits are but placebo effect.

> > >

> > > Hello all!

> > >

> > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here


> > >

> > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> > >

> > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> > >

> > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> > >

> > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> > >

> > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> > >

> > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> > >

> > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> > >

> > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection,

and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> > >

> > > --

> > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD,

and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> > >

> > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> > >

> > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> > >

> > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.

> > >

> > > F*# & meds.

> > > Peace.

> > >

> >


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But don't get me wrong I'm happy for you if you're cured. I just don't think

what you did will work on others

> > >

> > > Hello all!

> > >

> > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here


> > >

> > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> > >

> > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> > >

> > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> > >

> > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> > >

> > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> > >

> > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> > >

> > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> > >

> > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection,

and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> > >

> > > --

> > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD,

and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> > >

> > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> > >

> > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back

into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> > >

> > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out

there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you

can be too.

> > >

> > > F*# & meds.

> > > Peace.

> > >

> >


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You're right, I did do every possible thing. I wasn't shy about it when it

happened to me, as some people are. I told my family, my friends, doctors...

and took every piece of advice I could. I was pretty much like " I can't have

sex!!? well this is effing unacceptable. i must announce this to the world " .

I'm posting about it now, because after this last weekend i realize I'm finally

cured and now I'm thinking " well this is more like it. people need to know

about this. " I spent months reading people's accounts of PSSD, and driving

myself further and further into depression, and although I may get a bit more

obsessed with things than other people, I know there are probably lots of people

who do the same thing. This was sort of a call to arms, like " Hey! Get off the

computer and get some effing exercise! Don't kill yourself, buy some

supplements and make an acupuncture appointment! " I'm not doing this to brag

about my own success, I'm trying to raise awareness that there are other options

out there that people may not have tried yet, and not to give up hope. 6 months

ago I was in the fetal position in my house, with my parents trying to console

me... my dad telling me " i am NOT going to let you kill yourself " ... and now I'm

back and people need to know it can happen.

Maybe my libido isn't HIGHER than it was before i started taking anything, but

it feels like it did before. It's higher than it's been in over a year, and it

doesn't feel FAKE like it does when I'd take meds again to overcome it.

I'm reading that aerobic activity RAISES sex drive in humans, except for

EXCESSIVE aerobic activity. we're not taking it to excess. actually the only

website that i found that said that excessive aerobic activity lowers sex drive

also suggested taking SSRI's to increase sex drive, so i think that site is just

full of crap. maybe if you swim for 40 hours a week it might lower your sex

drive, but i'm not suggesting anyone do that. i'm doing 1-2 hours of cardio a

week... that's not going to lower anyone's sex drive, that's going to raise it,

like you said.

As far as supplements go... The supplements I take all consist of herbs that

have been tested by thousands of years of use. I think we've been brainwashed

into thinking that Pharmaceuticals are the only real effective medicine, when

alternative methods have been right in front of us the whole time. The

effectiveness of things like acupuncture and supplements aren't as well known,

because no huge corporations have anything to GAIN by conducting studies about

them. " New Study shows Acupuncture MORE effective than Prozac in treating

depression " <- Who would pay for that study? Certainly not big Pharma. No one

has the money to fund something like that except for people who have something

to gain, which are the companies that are telling doctors that we all have

chemical imbalances and need to take their poison to get better.

It's the same reason no doctor has even heard of PSSD. why would they have?

Pharmaceutical companies aren't going to tell them about it, because it would

hurt their sales. I called my old psychiatrist (who first put me on Wellbutrin,

and then when i had a manic episode told me I was bi-polar and put me on a whole

bunch of anti-psychotics that made me fat and lazy) and told her about it, and

of course she said " well I've never heard of that before. You are the first

person who's EVER said anything like that. " She also refused to read any

boards, or testimonials about PSSD, because they aren't official " studies " . It

bugs the crap out of me that that's how doctors work, but it's true.

Before you knock supplements, try ZENERX. it's a little expensive, but it

WORKS, seriously. it has an ingredient in it called Tongkat Ali which i'd read

about as a way to combat PSSD. it doesn't have any dangerous stimulant

ingredients in it like other over-the-counter ED supplements. They recommend

taking 2 a day, and taking up to an additional 3 about an hour before sexual

activity. I wouldn't recommend RELYING on ZENERX, but i think it's a good way

to show people that everything down there may still work, it just needs a


I'm not GUARANTEEING that what I've done will help EVERYONE. But I am saying at

least give it a shot, because it worked for me, and I thought I was hopeless.

> > > >

> > > > Hello all!

> > > >

> > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here


> > > >

> > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> > > >

> > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual

function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> > > >

> > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> > > >

> > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> > > >

> > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be

skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio

workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off.

I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> > > >

> > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> > > >

> > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese

Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are EXCELLENT for

rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement

called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I

asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's

just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it

definitely helped kickstart things.

> > > >

> > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection,

and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the

night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few

months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy

all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now

my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was

when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD,

and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive.

People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not

bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> > > >

> > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> > > >

> > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get

back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> > > >

> > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person

out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know

you can be too.

> > > >

> > > > F*# & meds.

> > > > Peace.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Well, like they used to say, don't knock it till you've tried it. I knew an MD who couldn't get her BP controlled by any med, even exercise. In desperation and with great skepticism, she went to an acupunturist. He was able to lower her BP.


> > > >> > > > Hello all!> > > > > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.> > > > > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was "PSSD", or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.> > > > > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day, and cried every day.> > > > > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.> > > > > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:> > > > > > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.> > > > > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.> > > > > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal medicine called "Emporer's Tea Extract". Both of these are EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.> > > > > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.> > > > > > > > --> > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a person. > > > > > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.> > > > > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons. > > > > > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you can be too.> > > > > > > > F*# & meds.> > > > Peace.> > > >> > >> >>

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I'm on your side, here. I believe you. I just wanted to say that supplements may interact with other drugs some people take. I don't know of any, but it's worth a Google.


>> > > > You're right, I did do every possible thing. I wasn't shy about it when it happened to me, as some people are. I told my family, my friends, doctors... and took every piece of advice I could. I was pretty much like "I can't have sex!!? well this is effing unacceptable. i must announce this to the world". I'm posting about it now, because after this last weekend i realize I'm finally cured and now I'm thinking "well this is more like it. people need to know about this." I spent months reading people's accounts of PSSD, and driving myself further and further into depression, and although I may get a bit more obsessed with things than other people, I know there are probably lots of people who do the same thing. This was sort of a call to arms, like "Hey! Get off the computer and get some effing exercise! Don't kill yourself, buy some supplements and make an acupuncture appointment!" I'm not doing this to brag about my own success, I'm trying to raise awareness that there are other options out there that people may not have tried yet, and not to give up hope. 6 months ago I was in the fetal position in my house, with my parents trying to console me... my dad telling me "i am NOT going to let you kill yourself"... and now I'm back and people need to know it can happen.> > Maybe my libido isn't HIGHER than it was before i started taking anything, but it feels like it did before. It's higher than it's been in over a year, and it doesn't feel FAKE like it does when I'd take meds again to overcome it.> > I'm reading that aerobic activity RAISES sex drive in humans, except for EXCESSIVE aerobic activity. we're not taking it to excess. actually the only website that i found that said that excessive aerobic activity lowers sex drive also suggested taking SSRI's to increase sex drive, so i think that site is just full of crap. maybe if you swim for 40 hours a week it might lower your sex drive, but i'm not suggesting anyone do that. i'm doing 1-2 hours of cardio a week... that's not going to lower anyone's sex drive, that's going to raise it, like you said.> > As far as supplements go... The supplements I take all consist of herbs that have been tested by thousands of years of use. I think we've been brainwashed into thinking that Pharmaceuticals are the only real effective medicine, when alternative methods have been right in front of us the whole time. The effectiveness of things like acupuncture and supplements aren't as well known, because no huge corporations have anything to GAIN by conducting studies about them. "New Study shows Acupuncture MORE effective than Prozac in treating depression" <- Who would pay for that study? Certainly not big Pharma. No one has the money to fund something like that except for people who have something to gain, which are the companies that are telling doctors that we all have chemical imbalances and need to take their poison to get better.> > It's the same reason no doctor has even heard of PSSD. why would they have? Pharmaceutical companies aren't going to tell them about it, because it would hurt their sales. I called my old psychiatrist (who first put me on Wellbutrin, and then when i had a manic episode told me I was bi-polar and put me on a whole bunch of anti-psychotics that made me fat and lazy) and told her about it, and of course she said "well I've never heard of that before. You are the first person who's EVER said anything like that." She also refused to read any boards, or testimonials about PSSD, because they aren't official "studies". It bugs the crap out of me that that's how doctors work, but it's true.> > Before you knock supplements, try ZENERX. it's a little expensive, but it WORKS, seriously. it has an ingredient in it called Tongkat Ali which i'd read about as a way to combat PSSD. it doesn't have any dangerous stimulant ingredients in it like other over-the-counter ED supplements. They recommend taking 2 a day, and taking up to an additional 3 about an hour before sexual activity. I wouldn't recommend RELYING on ZENERX, but i think it's a good way to show people that everything down there may still work, it just needs a kickstart.> > I'm not GUARANTEEING that what I've done will help EVERYONE. But I am saying at least give it a shot, because it worked for me, and I thought I was hopeless.>

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Hey Congartulations fella!!

I just have a couple fo questions if you dont mind answering. Did you have a

loss of penile sensation whilst having pssd and if so has that improved aswell?

Did having acupuncture cause any brusing or permanant scarring?

By the way i have been seeing a therapist based on Harley Street in London UK

for the last few months, talking to him about my sexual dysfunction and my other

issues in life and it has definatly helped. I also feel like a fog has slightly


All the best

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello all!

> > > > >

> > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here


> > > > >

> > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> > > > >

> > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no

sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.

> > > > >

> > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> > > > >

> > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> > > > >

> > > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may

be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best

cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my

*** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> > > > >

> > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a

Chinese Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are

EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health

supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least

temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and

he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every

day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.

> > > > >

> > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an

erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I

spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself

just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts

were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning

wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as

strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> > > > >

> > > > > --

> > > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of

PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING

positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do

not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a


> > > > >

> > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get

back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> > > > >

> > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person

out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know

you can be too.

> > > > >

> > > > > F*# & meds.

> > > > > Peace.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Jojo

Although it might sound just bunch of words but power of believe is the starting point of journey of healing. the method used below is basically the same things I followed. At a point I tried acupunture as well. But that was done separately. Acupuncture will difinately relax you, and if the acuputucror is good you will feel you are on murphine. But I basically exercised, checked vit D, omega-3 and most importantly strongly believed that I will recover. Believing can not be injected by a needle or taken as a pill. It is in the heart and not brain.

Power of believe.


Subject: Re: Curing my PSSD, Getting off all meds, and feeling better than ever.To: SSRIsex Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 12:38 PM

But don't get me wrong I'm happy for you if you're cured. I just don't think what you did will work on others> > >> > >

Hello all!> > > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.> > > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was "PSSD", or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.> > > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day, and cried every day.> > > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.> > > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:> > > > >

> I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.> > > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going every

week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.> > > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal medicine called "Emporer's Tea Extract". Both of these are EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.> > > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the night with a girl

and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.> > > > > > --> > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a person. > > >

> > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.> > > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons. > > > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you can be too.> > > > > > F*# & meds.> > > Peace.> > >> >>

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How many acupuncture sessions did you go through and over how long of a period?Subject: Re: Curing my PSSD, Getting off all meds, and feeling better than ever.To: SSRIsex Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 6:21 PM

You're right, I did do every possible thing. I wasn't shy about it when it happened to me, as some people are. I told my family, my friends, doctors... and took every piece of advice I could. I was pretty much like "I can't have sex!!? well this is effing unacceptable. i must announce this to the world". I'm posting about it now, because after this last weekend i realize I'm finally cured and now I'm thinking "well this is more like it. people need to know about this." I spent months reading people's accounts of PSSD, and driving myself further and further into depression, and although I may get a bit more obsessed with things than other people, I know there are probably lots of people who do the same thing. This was sort of a call to arms, like "Hey! Get off the computer and get some effing exercise! Don't kill yourself, buy some supplements and make an acupuncture appointment!" I'm not doing this to brag about my own success, I'm trying to

raise awareness that there are other options out there that people may not have tried yet, and not to give up hope. 6 months ago I was in the fetal position in my house, with my parents trying to console me... my dad telling me "i am NOT going to let you kill yourself"... and now I'm back and people need to know it can happen.

Maybe my libido isn't HIGHER than it was before i started taking anything, but it feels like it did before. It's higher than it's been in over a year, and it doesn't feel FAKE like it does when I'd take meds again to overcome it.

I'm reading that aerobic activity RAISES sex drive in humans, except for EXCESSIVE aerobic activity. we're not taking it to excess. actually the only website that i found that said that excessive aerobic activity lowers sex drive also suggested taking SSRI's to increase sex drive, so i think that site is just full of crap. maybe if you swim for 40 hours a week it might lower your sex drive, but i'm not suggesting anyone do that. i'm doing 1-2 hours of cardio a week... that's not going to lower anyone's sex drive, that's going to raise it, like you said.

As far as supplements go... The supplements I take all consist of herbs that have been tested by thousands of years of use. I think we've been brainwashed into thinking that Pharmaceuticals are the only real effective medicine, when alternative methods have been right in front of us the whole time. The effectiveness of things like acupuncture and supplements aren't as well known, because no huge corporations have anything to GAIN by conducting studies about them. "New Study shows Acupuncture MORE effective than Prozac in treating depression" <- Who would pay for that study? Certainly not big Pharma. No one has the money to fund something like that except for people who have something to gain, which are the companies that are telling doctors that we all have chemical imbalances and need to take their poison to get better.

It's the same reason no doctor has even heard of PSSD. why would they have? Pharmaceutical companies aren't going to tell them about it, because it would hurt their sales. I called my old psychiatrist (who first put me on Wellbutrin, and then when i had a manic episode told me I was bi-polar and put me on a whole bunch of anti-psychotics that made me fat and lazy) and told her about it, and of course she said "well I've never heard of that before. You are the first person who's EVER said anything like that." She also refused to read any boards, or testimonials about PSSD, because they aren't official "studies". It bugs the crap out of me that that's how doctors work, but it's true.

Before you knock supplements, try ZENERX. it's a little expensive, but it WORKS, seriously. it has an ingredient in it called Tongkat Ali which i'd read about as a way to combat PSSD. it doesn't have any dangerous stimulant ingredients in it like other over-the-counter ED supplements. They recommend taking 2 a day, and taking up to an additional 3 about an hour before sexual activity. I wouldn't recommend RELYING on ZENERX, but i think it's a good way to show people that everything down there may still work, it just needs a kickstart.

I'm not GUARANTEEING that what I've done will help EVERYONE. But I am saying at least give it a shot, because it worked for me, and I thought I was hopeless.

> > > >

> > > > Hello all!

> > > >

> > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.

> > > >

> > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was "PSSD", or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.

> > > >

> > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day, and cried every day.

> > > >

> > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.

> > > >

> > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:

> > > >

> > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.

> > > >

> > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.

> > > >

> > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal medicine called "Emporer's Tea Extract". Both of these are EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.

> > > >

> > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a person.

> > > >

> > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.

> > > >

> > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.

> > > >

> > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you can be too.

> > > >

> > > > F*# & meds.

> > > > Peace.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I've had 6 sessions now, over 6 weeks.

Last time I posted I thought my condition was fully back to normal, but since

then it's been fluctuating. it's weird, some days my libido is as strong as it

was 8 years ago, and then other days it's just so-so. but Dr. Lester told me

this is completely expected. he said it will be spotty at first, and continue

to get better, and then everything will be back to normal it just might take a

little while.

he's going on vacation so i'll be going 2 weeks now until my next apt.


> > > > >


> > > > > Hello all!


> > > > >


> > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here



> > > > >


> > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> > > > >


> > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no

sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> > > > >


> > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> > > > >


> > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> > > > >


> > > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may

be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best

cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my

*** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> > > > >


> > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is

AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles

in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was

stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with

endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also

uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office,

the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull

of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going

every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to

ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it

WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> > > > >


> > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a

Chinese Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are

EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health

supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least

temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and

he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every

day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.


> > > > >


> > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an

erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I

spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself

just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts

were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning

wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as

strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> > > > >


> > > > > --


> > > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of

PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING

positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do

not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> > > > >


> > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> > > > >


> > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get

back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> > > > >


> > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person

out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know

you can be too.


> > > > >


> > > > > F*# & meds.


> > > > > Peace.


> > > > >


> > > >


> > >


> >


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did it do anything for numbness? how long were you off antidepressants again before you tried acupuncture? Subject: Re: Curing my PSSD, Getting off all meds, and feeling better than ever.To: SSRIsex Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 1:35 PM

I've had 6 sessions now, over 6 weeks.

Last time I posted I thought my condition was fully back to normal, but since then it's been fluctuating. it's weird, some days my libido is as strong as it was 8 years ago, and then other days it's just so-so. but Dr. Lester told me this is completely expected. he said it will be spotty at first, and continue to get better, and then everything will be back to normal it just might take a little while.

he's going on vacation so i'll be going 2 weeks now until my next apt.


> > > > >


> > > > > Hello all!


> > > > >


> > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it here also.


> > > > >


> > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I thought was "PSSD", or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5 years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds, etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds, so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> > > > >


> > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day, and cried every day.


> > > > >


> > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> > > > >


> > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> > > > >


> > > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my *** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> > > > >


> > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still going every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> > > > >


> > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a Chinese Herbal medicine called "Emporer's Tea Extract". Both of these are EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.


> > > > >


> > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> > > > >


> > > > > --


> > > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a person.


> > > > >


> > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> > > > >


> > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal reasons.


> > > > >


> > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I know you can be too.


> > > > >


> > > > > F*# & meds.


> > > > > Peace.


> > > > >


> > > >


> > >


> >


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I don't really like the format for this web group, lol. I feel like I'm

answering some of the same questions multiple times :) No worries, I don't

mind, i've just never participated in a board that was formatted this way.

I wasn't completely numb, but i'm definitely less numb. I feel like there's

just better blood flow, so that may be why i think the numbness has lifted. I'm

unfamiliar with genital anesthesia, but i believe that if anything can help,

acupuncture can. when I was experiencing my worst PSSD symptoms I couldn't

hardly feel a damn thing, and even orgasm was unenjoyable. That has definitely

gotten much better.

I was off antidepressants for roughly a year, with a 2-3 week relapse in

between. I started taking Wellbutrin on my own, but only for about 2-3 weeks.

I was off Wellbutrin for probably about 2 weeks before I began the acupuncture

treatments, but like I said, before that I hadn't taken anything in about a

year. Wellbutrin isn't an SSRI anyway.


Here are a couple online resources that I found on the subject of Acupuncture

for sexual dysfunction, that I would recommend checking out. They are real

documented cases, along with lists of other points that I hadn't seen before.

It might be difficult to find an acupuncturist willing to do some of these

points though, lol:



As always, happy to answer any more questions.



> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > Hello all!


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I posted this today in Depression Forums and was asked to post it

here also.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I am a 25 year old male. I had taken some form of anti-depressant

medication since I was 20. Afterward, for about a year I suffered from what I

thought was " PSSD " , or Post-SSRI-Sexual-Dysfunction. I took Prozac for almost 5

years, along with bouts of Wellbutrin, Adderall, Vyvanse, Anti-anxiety meds,

etc... and I never noticed a change in my sexual functioning while on the meds,

so I never saw a need to alter, or go off of them. Then suddenly, after a year

of taking all of these together, I became completely impotent overnight. I had a

complete mental breakdown, and ended up in a behavioral medical center. Twice.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I went off all my meds, and for almost a year I had little to no

sexual function. I didn't realize it before, but apparently sex is/was EXTREMELY

important to me. I was never warned of the sexual side effects of these kind of

medications (if I HAD been, I never would have touched them). I hated my doctors

for putting me on them and not warning me. I hated myself for ever going on

them, because I felt like I'd ruined my life. I thought about suicide every day,

and cried every day.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > The only thing that seemed to solve the problem was going back on

Wellbutrin (which I'd read repeatedly on different websites, as something that

could help). While this seemed to temporarily help the problem, it also made me

manic, and I decided I just really didn't want to be on meds anymore, since

that's what got me in this situation to begin with. I don't want to rely on

taking meds my whole life. I had also read that PSSD can go away with exercise.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > WHAT FINALLY WORKED is a combination of the following things:


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I joined a gym. Every Tuesday I go to a step aerobics class. You may

be skeptical about it, but it is a TON of fun, in addition to being the best

cardio workout i've ever done. I push myself as hard as I can go, and sweat my

*** off. I go to the gym at LEAST once a week. I do Yoga when I can also.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I started seeing an Acupuncturist. I am new acupuncture CONVERT, it

is AMAZING. The very first session I could ABSOLUTELY feel working. He put

needles in the back of my neck and top of my head that made my mind swim like I

was stoned, and then suddenly it was like a fog lifted and my brain was flooded

with endorphins (something I felt like I could only get from meds anymore). He

also uses pins in my stomach, for my previously absent libido. Leaving his

office, the air outside smelled better than it had in YEARS, and I could feel

the pull of my libido waking back up. It's like it rebooted my brain. I'm still

going every week, and getting better and better. I would recommend Acupuncture

to ANYBODY. I know you may be skeptical about this too, I sure as hell was, but

it WORKS! I am amazed by the results, and have friends that have been also.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > I'm taking vitamins. Omega 3's (anywhere from 3-9 a day), and a

Chinese Herbal medicine called " Emporer's Tea Extract " . Both of these are

EXCELLENT for rebuilding brain power. I also began taking a Men's Sexual Health

supplement called Zenerx. I would definitely reccomend Zenerx, at least

temporarily. I asked my acupuncturist if the ingredients in it were alright, and

he said it's just more chinese herbs, and perfectly safe. I don't take it every

day, but it definitely helped kickstart things.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > Last weekend, after months of barely even being able to get an

erection, and when I did having it not last for longer than a couple minutes, I

spent the night with a girl and I am BACK. Seriously, I wanted to end myself

just a few months ago because I felt like I'd destroyed my brain (my thoughts

were cloudy all the time, and it had been months since I'd even had morning

wood), and now my thinking is getting clearer, and my LIBIDO is back and as

strong as it was when I was 18. I feel like a kid again.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > --


> >


> > > > > > I used to spend HOURS obsessing, pouring over people's accounts of

PSSD, and diminished brain power from Meds; and I almost never read ANYTHING

positive. People suggested to me that maybe those people who recovered simply do

not bother logging back on to tell their success stories. They just post the

problem, and when the problem goes away they stop posting. So I decided I had to

post my story here, to let people know that there IS an answer. You will have to

work for it, but there IS a cure for the damage these terrible drugs do to a



> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > Vitamins/Supplements, Acupuncture, Cardiovascular Exercise.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > Also, If you smoke cigarettes, STOP. This makes it WAY easier to

get back into shape. I've quit smoking weed also, but that's for personal



> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > So that's my story, and I hope it brings hope to even one other

person out there. I'm happier than I ever thought I was going to be again, and I

know you can be too.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > > > F*# & meds.


> >


> > > > > > Peace.


> >


> > > > > >


> >


> > > > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > >


> >


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