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Helpful Tips for Life

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#1 - If you want others to be tolerant of you, then you be tolerant of others.

#2 - If you want people to understand you, then be understanding.

#3 - If you don't want people to judge you, then don't judge people.

#4 - The virtue of patience is patience

#5 - Don't assume, ask questions.

#6 - Don't react, listen and negotiate.

#7 - You may be right, but listen to the other side anyways, cause you actually

may not be right.

#8 - Ask if you have the correct understanding, before taking what someone says

as an insult. Ask for clarification.

#9 - If you want people to be kind to you, be kind to them.

#10 - Give of what you have, even if you don't have much to give.

#11 - Tell someone you care. Don't assume they know.

#12 - Learn from other people's mistakes.

#13 - Adults are more experienced than kids, however neither are more or less

intelligent than the other.

Your child might actually know something you don't. Kids should be both seen and

heard. So shut up and listen.

#14 - You can be a teacher or a student at any age.

#15 - When someone wrongs you, remain peaceful, and do nothing. They will bury

themselves in your inactions.

#16 - The generation gap is nothing but a void of arrogance filling the space

between misunderstandings.

#17 - Respect is earned not given. How can your child learn respect when they

don't know what it is?

#18 - Help others as much as you can, but not at your own expense.

#19 - Do not help others, before helping yourself first.

#20 - Choose your battles wisely. Do not get upset over trivial issues.

#21 - Hate only hurts you, not those you hate.

#22 - Do not expect others to do something that you are not willing to do


#23 - If you are going to give advise, make sure its advice you are also willing

to take.

#24 - Accept people for who they are. Like them for their qualities, don't hate

them for their flaws.

#25 - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but only if you learn from it.

Otherwise it will destroy you.

#26 - You cannot force someone to change. It must be a choice they make, if it

is to be made at all.

#27 - The only person whose choices you are responsible for is you.

#28 - Apologizing for something you've done wrong is a show of strength, not


#29 - Always forgive those who wrong you. It only hurts you if you don't.

#30 - Forgive yourself when you've done wrong.

#31 - Forgiveness and trust are not the same thing.

#32 - Trust is earned, not given.

#33 - A friend is not the sum of a person's social or financial status.

#34 - A friend is not the sum of all of their choices you happen to agree with.

#35 - Friendship is revealed in actions, not words.

#36 - Swallowing your pride to save a life is a better alternative than saving

your pride at the expense of a life.

#37 - Peace and friendship are not the same thing.

#38 - Do not hold a grudge, and always accept an apology.

#39 - Accepting an apology should not also entail reopening the door to get

screwed again.

#40 - If you do not give someone a chance to earn your trust, they never will.

#41 - If you do not give someone a chance to earn your respect, they never will.

#42 - Life is perception. No mater what happens, it is what you make of it.

#43 - True friendship never ends, even if you are apart.

#44 - Never end a friendship over trivial issues.

#45 - Never borrow a lot of money from a friend unless you are absolutely

certain you can pay it back.

#46 - Never let someone you do not know stay in your home.

#47 - Romance with your best friend has a better chance of succeeding than

romance with a complete stranger.

#48 - Do not take unnecessary risks, but do not be afraid to take risks.

#49 - Life is a chance. So take it.

#50 - Suicide only hurts those who care about you.

#51 - Do not become the thing you hate.

#52 - Hard times can be a learning experience, or your downfall. The choice is


#53 - Never tell a white lie to cover your butt, but it is ok to tell one to

keep a friend from getting hurt.

#54 - Do not protect a friend from getting hurt unless it is absolutely


#55 - Always take the middle ground. Extremes lead to disaster.

#56 - Do not tell a sugar coated lie nor a harsh blunt truth. Just be honest.

#57 - By saying nothing, you're saying everything.

#58 - Your inactions can be more powerful than your actions.

#59 - Venting to people is healthy. Venting on them is not.

#60 - An excuse is not a reason you disagree with.

#61 - A reason is not an excuse you agree with.

#62 - A person has only as much ammunition to throw at you as you give them.

#63 - Do not be concerned with those who prove they are not your friends, just

be concerned with those who prove they are.

#64 - You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. It just takes a lot of

time. Do not expect results over night.

#65 - Fight fire with water, not fire. Respond to hostility with diplomacy.

#66 - Other people’s opinions do not matter; just yours, and those who care

about you.

#67 - Do not believe everything you hear. Do some research. Gather facts.

#68 - Do not take sides in a fight between 2 friends, or you may lose them both.

#69 - Whatever you do, do for you. Not to impress others.

#70 - Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to obtain


#71 - To see the big picture take a few steps back.

#72 - Everything happens for a reason, even if it is not apparent at the time.

#73 - Do not blow off everything as coincidence.

#74 - Do not make snap decisions, but take everything into consideration.

#75 - Do not dislike someone just because your friend happens to dislike him or


#76 - Do not speak in anger. Calm down first.

#77 - Your gut feeling is almost always right.

#78 - All good things come in due time.

#79 - It is better to try, than spending the rest of your life wondering if you

could have succeeded.

#80 - A dollar is just a dollar until you have a million of them.

#81 - There is such a thing as a stupid question.

#82 - To be truly mature, you must be both adult and child in equal measure.

#83 - To be a truly good parent, you must be parent and friend in equal measure.

#84 - To forget your childhood is to forget yourself.

#85 - Do not judge someone until you've walked a mile in his or her shoes.

#86 - Lashing out can be a cry for help. Don't assume someone is just trying to

be a jerk.

#87 - Do not fight a hopeless battle. There is no shame in retreat.

#88 - Never take revenge. They will eventually burn themselves.

#89 - Realizing you have made a mistake means you are capable of learning, it

does not mean that you are an idiot.

#90 - You do not know what love is until you have been hurt.

#91 - Chromosomes, estrogen, and testosterone determine sexuality. It is not a


#92 - Getting frustrated will not solve the problem.

#93 - Making love and having sex are not the same thing.

#94 - A relationship is a partnership, not a dictatorship.

#95 - There is no relationship without trust.

#96 - Never be in a relationship with your opposite or your equal. Be with one

that is a little of each.

#97 - You will get as much out of something as you put into it.

#98 - A relationship based purely on physical attraction is doomed to fail.

#99 - The person you want is not necessarily the person you need.

#100 - Not getting something you've wished for can sometimes be to your


#101 – Wisdom is only as good as those who use it.


A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, that discusses ways to

cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard! PJ and Gang

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