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My Introduction

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Hello, I'm , mommy to Luke (5) and Quincy (3), and wife to

Lance. We live in Corpus Christi. We recently had Quincy evaluated

for a speech delay and were told that he is most likely high

functioning Autistic. It didn't come as much of a suprise, it has

crossed my mind before. It's been a week and a half now and I'm done

with the tears and ready to gather information and see what we can do

to help our wonderful, beautiful little boy live the best life he

possibly can (and his big brother too, of course!). He has his PEP3

on December 6th and will start preschool at our home school soon.

I just wanted to say hello and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

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i remember that feeling. my daughters were dia with autisum at the age of 3.

all i could do was cry. they made it out to be worse than it really is. as long

as you give them love and support they will grow and learn.

My Introduction

Hello, I'm , mommy to Luke (5) and Quincy (3), and wife to

Lance. We live in Corpus Christi. We recently had Quincy evaluated

for a speech delay and were told that he is most likely high

functioning Autistic. It didn't come as much of a suprise, it has

crossed my mind before. It's been a week and a half now and I'm done

with the tears and ready to gather information and see what we can do

to help our wonderful, beautiful little boy live the best life he

possibly can (and his big brother too, of course!). He has his PEP3

on December 6th and will start preschool at our home school soon.

I just wanted to say hello and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.


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Happy Thanksgiving !

You are blessed and highly favored, expect much from your Father in Heaven.

Keep the praise on your lips and be amazed at His mercy. He will take care

of everything if you seek Him first. Matt 6:33.

Your best days are ahead of you, anything telling you different IS OF THE

WORLD, and it is better to Trust God than to put confidence in man ALWAYS.

(Psalms 118:8)

The world was spoken into existence, you have no idea (neither do I really)

the power of the spoken word, choose your words carefully, LIFE AND DEATH

are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) so KNOW that when you speak

the TRUE WORD OF GOD over yourself and your loved ones (OVER AND OVER) you

will begin to believe it and it will be made manifest. For example, speaking

“My son (or daughter) has the mind of Christ.” There are 1000’s you can

use, but just use any of them DAILY. Pray for wisdom and expect nothing

less than 100% perfection for your children. Now don’t misunderstand me, I

don’t mean DO NOT TOLERATE your children if they are less than perfect in

your sight, I mean expect that they have A PERFECT FRAMEWORK AND CHANCE IN

LIFE just like God intended for them. You have already gotten your degree

in unconditional love by now, that is not the matter for debate it s about

what HOPE you will demand for your kids as well as yourself.


May God bless you and everyone here, richly and abundantly!!


My Introduction

Hello, I'm , mommy to Luke (5) and Quincy (3), and wife to

Lance. We live in Corpus Christi. We recently had Quincy evaluated

for a speech delay and were told that he is most likely high

functioning Autistic. It didn't come as much of a suprise, it has

crossed my mind before. It's been a week and a half now and I'm done

with the tears and ready to gather information and see what we can do

to help our wonderful, beautiful little boy live the best life he

possibly can (and his big brother too, of course!). He has his PEP3

on December 6th and will start preschool at our home school soon.

I just wanted to say hello and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

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  • 4 years later...

Do you have any role models that disprove this idea?  if not, it may be time to

find some!  I have a couple of friends who are fit / thin and they do more

stuff (which they'd do no matter their size or age, they were just born with

that gene to go & do & adventure!) than I will ever do (or truly, don't want to

do ...) but some of the gals at the gym I go do are a ton of fun to be around

(great sense of humor, have great families & do fun things like mud runs and

volunteer places) and I look to them in many ways (from how they dress to how

they work out)

and I like Eldred's train of thought!  There are probably a number of things

that you either can't do or don't do because of your size or fitness level, that

you'd like to do if you did lose weight or become more fit (go on a zip line

adventure, maybe do a marathon or wearing a special sexy dress or swimsuit that

makes you feel good, take up ballroom dancing, etc.)?


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:10 PM

Subject: Re: My introduction


> As I was listening to some of the first podcasts (I think #4 or #5)I came to

realize that once of the thoughts that is holding me back is that if I am fit

and slim, then life won't be fun anymore. I picture life as a fit and slim

person as someone who takes themselves too serious and therefore is actually not

at peace. My overall goal is have peace in my soul and my body so losing weight

is not a very attractive option for me.


> Does anyone or has anyone dealt with this belief? I am having a difficult time

getting past it and would love some support.


Would it help to think of the fun you would be able to have AS a thin and fit

person? Meaning, you'd have more energy, able to do fun physical things, play

with your kids(if that applies). Seems like that would give you a sense of

peace as well.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply Edlred. Im sorry for late response but this is literally

the first time Ive been able to visit this group since then.

I think you are onto something with your suggestion. My partner is very

sport-minded luckily so when we are together, we are usually active in some way

and I am finding that I am slowly beginning to enjoy it and ~gasp~ prefer it!

And now that she and I have moved in together I am hoping that being active

turns into a daily habit!

Although I have not lost any weight since listening to the podcast (about a

month) I do generally feel better about myself and my body. Add this to a more

active life, and my intention is finally let go of the weight that holds me


Thanks again Eldred!

> > As I was listening to some of the first podcasts (I think #4 or #5)I came to

realize that once of the thoughts that is holding me back is that if I am fit

and slim, then life won't be fun anymore. I picture life as a fit and slim

person as someone who takes themselves too serious and therefore is actually not

at peace. My overall goal is have peace in my soul and my body so losing weight

is not a very attractive option for me.

> >

> > Does anyone or has anyone dealt with this belief? I am having a difficult

time getting past it and would love some support.

> >


> Would it help to think of the fun you would be able to have AS a thin and fit

person? Meaning, you'd have more energy, able to do fun physical things, play

with your kids(if that applies). Seems like that would give you a sense of

peace as well.


> Eldred


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