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Has any of the parents tried Zoloft? My daughter is 9 years old has OCD and is

extremely gifted.

We have now discovered she has OCD. She was on Prozac and Resperdiral to no

aval. They switched her to Zoloft.

Please give me some advise on the meds which have been prescribed.

Please also give me your input in regards to being gifted/ocd, do they run hand

in hand?

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thanks for your reply


> Lori asked about our experience with Zoloft and side effects. When

> first started taking it, she had dry mouth for a couple of

> weeks, but that was pretty much it. No digestive-related problems at

> all.


> Over the course of six months, she titrated up to 200 mg. a day, where

> she's been for almost a year.


> ~Taffy in San Diego


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  • 11 months later...

Zoloft was a game-changer for us! It provided my daughter with immense

relief. She did have some mild appetite suppression and excitability at

first, and she does have some ongoing issues with getting to sleep, but the

help it's provided has been amazing. It enabled my daughter to gain control

over her anxieties and it had zero impact on her personality or self. We've

had to tinker with the dosage a few times but she's holding steady at 75

milligrams, which the doctor told me was within the low range for

a therapeutic dosage.

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After a long time of trying to control our DS 13's anxiety w/out meds, he

started on Zoloft last May. He started on 25mg which made a big difference and

got us through the summer but as soon as school started it was not  enough and

it was upped to 50mg.   That seems to be fine to help w/the anxiety.   I would

not say it is all gone and it does affect his schooling.   He also has ADHD and

we hoped controlling the anxiety would help that but it did not so in Dec he

started on Concerta which has helped a lot.   So, he is on both now, they help

tremendously, but certainly do not take it out of his (our) lives.   Each day

is a struggle in some way and some days go relatively well and some are a

nightmare to us.   Good luck trying to figure out what works.  It seems to

always be a balancing act of not to over medicate but to have enough to make a

difference in his life................................Larkellen


Estate and Garage Sales Facebook Page




Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 9:40 AM

Subject: Zoloft

My 10 year old daughter and I had our second appointment with the Developmental

Pediatrician this morning and he confirmed what he initially thought was the

problem:  OCD plus ADD, and the anxiety from the OCD contributes a great deal

to her inability to focus.  She’s always thinking ahead about what might go

wrong and she fails to pay attention.  He did a lot of testing with me right

there in the room, and then he sent her out so he could talk with me.  He asked

me whether I considered the anxiety a bigger problem than the inattention, or

vice versa.  I told him the anxiety was worse because if she wasn’t so

anxious, she might be able to focus more, which was exactly where he was

going.  He said she shuts down when she makes a mistake (which I had already

observed) and that it’s because of her anxiety.  So he prescribed her some

Zoloft, only 12.5 mg to start out, and we’re supposed to see him again in

about a month. 

Does anybody have any experience with Zoloft that they don’t mind sharing? 

He told me to watch out for disinhibition (basically acting totally out of

character) but that it shouldn’t affect her appetite or make her into a zombie

like the Daytrana patch did.  He felt like if the Zoloft could relieve some

anxiety, she might have better focus as a result.

Kim A.

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Thanks for the responses! It really helps to know how it worked for others, and

now I know if she acts a little hyper the first couple of days, that’s OK.

It’s good to know about the sleeping thing too. I wonder if melatonin would

help with that.

Kim A.

From: Larkellen

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:43 PM


Subject: Re: Zoloft

After a long time of trying to control our DS 13's anxiety w/out meds, he

started on Zoloft last May. He started on 25mg which made a big difference and

got us through the summer but as soon as school started it was not enough and

it was upped to 50mg. That seems to be fine to help w/the anxiety. I would

not say it is all gone and it does affect his schooling. He also has ADHD and

we hoped controlling the anxiety would help that but it did not so in Dec he

started on Concerta which has helped a lot. So, he is on both now, they help

tremendously, but certainly do not take it out of his (our) lives. Each day is

a struggle in some way and some days go relatively well and some are a nightmare

to us. Good luck trying to figure out what works. It seems to always be a

balancing act of not to over medicate but to have enough to make a difference in

his life................................Larkellen

Estate and Garage Sales Facebook Page



From: Kim A. <mailto:my3girlsmom%40charter.net>

To: mailto:%40yahoogroups.com

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 9:40 AM

Subject: Zoloft

My 10 year old daughter and I had our second appointment with the Developmental

Pediatrician this morning and he confirmed what he initially thought was the

problem: OCD plus ADD, and the anxiety from the OCD contributes a great deal to

her inability to focus. She’s always thinking ahead about what might go wrong

and she fails to pay attention. He did a lot of testing with me right there in

the room, and then he sent her out so he could talk with me. He asked me

whether I considered the anxiety a bigger problem than the inattention, or vice

versa. I told him the anxiety was worse because if she wasn’t so anxious, she

might be able to focus more, which was exactly where he was going. He said she

shuts down when she makes a mistake (which I had already observed) and that

it’s because of her anxiety. So he prescribed her some Zoloft, only 12.5 mg

to start out, and we’re supposed to see him again in about a month.

Does anybody have any experience with Zoloft that they don’t mind sharing? He

told me to watch out for disinhibition (basically acting totally out of

character) but that it shouldn’t affect her appetite or make her into a zombie

like the Daytrana patch did. He felt like if the Zoloft could relieve some

anxiety, she might have better focus as a result.

Kim A.

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Thanks for the responses! It really helps to know how it worked for others, and

now I know if she acts a little hyper the first couple of days, that’s OK.

It’s good to know about the sleeping thing too. I wonder if melatonin would

help with that.

Kim A.

From: Larkellen

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:43 PM


Subject: Re: Zoloft

After a long time of trying to control our DS 13's anxiety w/out meds, he

started on Zoloft last May. He started on 25mg which made a big difference and

got us through the summer but as soon as school started it was not enough and

it was upped to 50mg. That seems to be fine to help w/the anxiety. I would

not say it is all gone and it does affect his schooling. He also has ADHD and

we hoped controlling the anxiety would help that but it did not so in Dec he

started on Concerta which has helped a lot. So, he is on both now, they help

tremendously, but certainly do not take it out of his (our) lives. Each day is

a struggle in some way and some days go relatively well and some are a nightmare

to us. Good luck trying to figure out what works. It seems to always be a

balancing act of not to over medicate but to have enough to make a difference in

his life................................Larkellen

Estate and Garage Sales Facebook Page



From: Kim A. <mailto:my3girlsmom%40charter.net>

To: mailto:%40yahoogroups.com

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 9:40 AM

Subject: Zoloft

My 10 year old daughter and I had our second appointment with the Developmental

Pediatrician this morning and he confirmed what he initially thought was the

problem: OCD plus ADD, and the anxiety from the OCD contributes a great deal to

her inability to focus. She’s always thinking ahead about what might go wrong

and she fails to pay attention. He did a lot of testing with me right there in

the room, and then he sent her out so he could talk with me. He asked me

whether I considered the anxiety a bigger problem than the inattention, or vice

versa. I told him the anxiety was worse because if she wasn’t so anxious, she

might be able to focus more, which was exactly where he was going. He said she

shuts down when she makes a mistake (which I had already observed) and that

it’s because of her anxiety. So he prescribed her some Zoloft, only 12.5 mg

to start out, and we’re supposed to see him again in about a month.

Does anybody have any experience with Zoloft that they don’t mind sharing? He

told me to watch out for disinhibition (basically acting totally out of

character) but that it shouldn’t affect her appetite or make her into a zombie

like the Daytrana patch did. He felt like if the Zoloft could relieve some

anxiety, she might have better focus as a result.

Kim A.

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