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Sticker Aversion

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My son has an aversion to stickers - they seem to disgust him. This includes

" fun " stickers that kids use for decorating things or teachers use on tests, as

well as price tags, stickers on library books, postage stamps, mailing labels,

stickers on fruit, all of it. He can't eat if there's a sticker within sight and

is always asking me to take stickers off various things and move mail out of

sight. At this point, it's so bad he won't check books out of the library

(something we've always done). When he's at school, if there are stickers within

sight, he skips eating.

Has anyone else seen this and what did you do? I'm going to talk with our

therapist on Wed about it, but wanted to get parents' perspectives if I could.

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  • 3 years later...
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I am not a parent but have had this same issue as far as I can remember. It has gotten better in that I am able to function as long as I don't touch the sticker. It's a symptom of a few disorders, most commonly OCD.

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