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Fw: [DISTRICT5NEWS] Fw: [LaManchaTalk] we need info and access NID

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[LaManchaTalk] we need info and access NID

AllHaving been preparing for an interview with the USDA for a position implementing the National ID program( yes folks () is correct they are already hiring staff) It was my understanding that the ID program recommendations were left up to the idividual industires to present what program they are going to use for now. Information is available on just about all web sites of Cattle, sheep swine and Boer breed registries and Idustry representatives(ie National Cattlemans association). So while we are may be represented, where is easy access to what is required.It appears we have been a little behind in communicating facts to our members and the public(vets). Hence the confusion. If tattoos have indeed been deemed acceptable to the USDA for dairy goats it would help us as porducers to have this fact stated on our association web site so that when the vets come out and start punching tags in goats that dont need it, or refusing health papers, we could have somewhere to go to support our position.(didnt happen here but at another farm of a novice breeder during a routine health stop. These animals where not leaving the preimise.)This is especially true with Lamanchas as I am sure you can understand. Tags where put in these animals by the same ignorant vet. I am sure you can guess how infected they got. Yes , ok the vet may have been at fault but the novice breeder had no idea where to lookI guess I veiw this from the breeder Novice position who is trying to learn as much as they can about their new goats without being thrown in front of the bus on their first attempt at health papers going to a show. Here we have access to many neighboring state shows so I shiver to think what is going to happen in a few months time trying to get health papers. Everyone is confused.At the risk of being flamed, we as an idustry are for whatever or for many resons always seem to be a little slower to grab the ball and run with it. Put the information on the ADGA site so we can all have it at hand.And no I didnt get the job, not sure if thats good or bad LOL!Just my two centsDoni Dehttp://www.geocities.com/demdare

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