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Fw: Please help protect our pets and livestock. This is important.

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Please help protect our pets and livestock. This is important.

The government is proposing a program where our animals will be microchipped, owners will have to register their information (not unlike owning a car or gun), and then our animals every movement will be tracked and our lives, freedom, and privacy ever more invaded. Please help to stop this by signing the petition on the following link. It only takes a moment. I have included a link to the usda.gov/nais for you to review, and another link to a site that has information pertaining to this. The government seems to be hell bent on putting every small farmer out of business. This one is for real!

Here is a petition to sign.


Here is the government site. This is very frightening.


Here is more information on the subject.


Fieldstone Organic Farmwww.fieldstoneorganicfarm.com

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way, that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." --Cherokee Proverb

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I'm originally from a small farming community, you know around milking time you could take your "milk can" to a farmer neighbor and ask if they had extra milk and he would fill it up for ya.... Cool, Dad always grabbed the cream from the top for his coffee and still enough left over for the rest....

Now as I drive thru Susquehanna county I see farmers selling off parts of their farm and working at some outside job. I see a way of life gone.. They just couldn't compete (feeding the animals and getting next to nothing for their milk). Susquehanna County Pennsylvania was once a proud farming area, but all I see are a couple of Big Dairys and all the small farms are gone....

You know when it comes to election time they focus on "gay marriages" and "abortion", while the real issues "small farmers" "middle class" "inflation" "jobs being shipped to other countries" "the big pharm" too many to mention.... get lost....

The Federal govt has to justify their existance, so they come up with this hairbrained scheme, has a number of people people working for them, this will keep their job intact for years to come.... I just think that "big brother" just arrived about 20 years later than expected .......


~~PEACE~~HippeeSandeehttp://hippeesandee.com/HippeeSandee's Endless Mountains Realmsandee@...

Please help protect our pets and livestock. This is important.

The government is proposing a program where our animals will be microchipped, owners will have to register their information (not unlike owning a car or gun), and then our animals every movement will be tracked and our lives, freedom, and privacy ever more invaded. Please help to stop this by signing the petition on the following link. It only takes a moment. I have included a link to the usda.gov/nais for you to review, and another link to a site that has information pertaining to this. The government seems to be hell bent on putting every small farmer out of business. This one is for real!

Here is a petition to sign.


Here is the government site. This is very frightening.


Here is more information on the subject.


Fieldstone Organic Farmwww.fieldstoneorganicfarm.com

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way, that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." --Cherokee Proverb

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