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Last night was a good night, I slept well with no pain so I decided to do another workout today. I didn't have much time, 30 minutes tops and was really planning to only do 20 so I put in Walk Away Your Stress. It is supposed to be 30 minutes and at each 10 minute mark she tells you you've done 10 minutes and that you can cool-down & stretch or keep going. Well, her 10 minutes & my HRM disagreed so the first "10 minute" mark was at 12 minutes and the second was at about 23 or 24 so after she announced the 2nd 10 minute mark I fast forwarded (and tried to do the movements they were doing but at a regular pace, not speeded up like the video was then!), did a few more minutes of walking then slowed down & "stretched" with her for my own 30 minute workout. The stretch was do a wide leg squat or two then with knees still bent stretch your arms up and bring them down twice. Great workout, worthless stretch. I love the music in this one and the pace is fast so that is fun too. Excellent stress reliever for me. I was a little nervous about doing it, but I didn't modify anything, except not reaching as much sometimes with the arms because of the dumb stitches in my chest. My feet felt good though and I had real FUN for the first time in a long time with a workout. I've been working out just to workout but not loving it because of how low key I've had to keep it, I let loose for the most part (but no jumping like I wanted to on the double side steps) and that was so wonderful. We'll see how the rest of the day/night goes. I have another foot doc appointment tomorrow morning and will hopefully have really good news for him (no pain all week I hope).

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