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Lang may yer lum reek! (and appreciation!)

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Lang (long) may yer (your) Lum (Chimney) reek (smell)! I think it originated

when there wasn't much fuel about so that if your chimney smelled it must be

alight and therefore you were doing okay!

I know I don't post much but it is so good to know there are others in the

same boat and that I am not the only one who has run ins with the docs! My

research into Music as a complementary analgesic continues - I read an

article yesterday that said " Pain is whatever the experiencing person says

it is, existing whenever he says it does. " (Melzack & Wall (1982) The

Challenge of Pain) Okay so why have I got a sore head from banging it on the

proverbial brick wall?

In a jovial mood today!

Love from the snowy North East where we know how to celebrate Hogmanay!


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Dear Carole,

You just had to throw that last one in there, didn't you?!!! LOL

OK, I'll bite: what is Hogmanay?? I'm not even going to try to figure it

out - I thought lang may yer lum reek was something like long may your light

shine, or long may your sheep live!

I'd love to know more about your research into music as an analgesic. I

know it works for me as a sleep aid - I've been playing the same CD for months

at a low enough level that it doesn't intrude, yet loud enough that I don't find

myself straining to hear. It's like Pavlov's dogs - I hear that music starting,

and it's not long til I'm out. Or maybe a type of self-hypnosis.

When is Hogmanay? St. Paddy's is BIG in Chicago; they actually dye the

river green! Of course, being of almost 100% Hungarian Magyar gypsy ancestry, I

celebrate St. Swithin's Day. Sometimes I cheat a little and do it early!

Gypsy Jo

(wanted to use that for my screen name, but Dan said no - people would think

I was a stripper! LOLOL!!)

Lang may yer lum reek! (and appreciation!)


Lang (long) may yer (your) Lum (Chimney) reek (smell)! I think it originated

when there wasn't much fuel about so that if your chimney smelled it must be

alight and therefore you were doing okay!

I know I don't post much but it is so good to know there are others in the

same boat and that I am not the only one who has run ins with the docs! My

research into Music as a complementary analgesic continues - I read an

article yesterday that said " Pain is whatever the experiencing person says

it is, existing whenever he says it does. " (Melzack & Wall (1982) The

Challenge of Pain) Okay so why have I got a sore head from banging it on the

proverbial brick wall?

In a jovial mood today!

Love from the snowy North East where we know how to celebrate Hogmanay!


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