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Fwd: Re: Re: making peace

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Dear ,

If only it were sympathetic looks I received instead of the out and out

disdain or hateful looks or the comments that people make in front of my son so

that he can hear them, which only makes matters worse! Our son also suffers

from Tourettes Sydrome and when his tics are active, people stare and say look

at him, what kind of weird thing is he doing, or when he's having a hard time

with crowds (we honestly try to avoid them as much as possible, but there are

times that its not feasible and I warn him ahead of time) people will say all

that kid needs is a good butt whoopin' or what's the matter with him, is he

retarded? We've heard it all, and even after I speak up (which I have MANY

times and not so nicely either, I might add, especially to the very RUDE and

condescending) they just shake their heads and walk away. Its not nearly as bad

as it once was, but I'm always ready to defend my son's actions and explain to

people what they don't know, (it took me a long time to realize

that people react because the lack in knowledge and I too it upon myself to

educate and speak out. Its not easy all of the time and I have my bad moments

as I'm sure every other parent out there experiences because we have children of

special needs...Why me? Why my beautiful, precious baby, but after all of this,

I believe it is because I have been given a gift, its been a gift to be my son's

mother, it has made me open my eyes to not take things for granted, and to be

the best person that I can be. I've learned a lot from my child, and I continue

to do so. I truly am proud to be my son's Mom.


To: Texas-Autism-Advocacy

From: lroger9@...

Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 10:52:57 -0600

Subject: Re: Re: making peace

I think that I would rather have people think that I was a bad parent

than the sympathetic looks that I receive. I truely enjoy my child 90%

of the time. He may be 13 but he is still a child and still responses

with non compliance at times. He is helpful and loving. He is making

progress each day so I still have hope. He is verbal enough to express

some of his needs but has trouble with others. I forgot to cut his

sandwich this morning and I am hearing " let go " instead of cut. We are

still working on expressive language.

He gave one of his therapist butterfly kisses after they exchanged

gifts. He anticipated Christmas for the first time and even asked to

open (meaning gifts) before the others arrived. He sat in a small room

with 8 other people and opened gifts for the first time and enjoyed it.

He got up Christmas morning and almost ran to see what Santa had

brought. I am truly happy with the progress that my child has made in

the year 2005 and look forward to seeing what progress is in store for


in Alvin

Texas Autism Advocacy


Texas Disability Network

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