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Rogen and e

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Hi Rogene and e,

Here I go again, butting into someone else's conversation. I just wanted to add: I too have been having trouble with my legs and feet. I use a walker with a seat built in for any "distance" walking. Which my Primary Physician in California wrote me an order for. In 1997 - A Neurologist in California ordered a Somatosensory Evoked Potential on my Lower Extremity. The Findings were: "Right" posterior tibial P38 was 38.4 msec. "Left" P38 was 61.03 msec. (Comment) - "The above study shows evidence of a sensory pathway abnormality with left lower extremity stimulation."

Yet, the Neurologist I've recently seen here in Missouri ( you know, the one who says I'm Psychotic) not only disagrees with those previous findings, but stated her evoke response test was normal (without any documentation of test results).

Never in my life have I ever seen anything like it! As a matter of fact, the evoke response test was done three separate times on my left leg (one of the girls doing the test was an "on the job trainee") and they took it upon themselves to just throw the first test away! Then they took a second test of the left leg and after all tests were done, asked me if they could do a third test on the left leg and during that test, the one girl took the electrode moving it periodically around the inside of my ankle, then pressing it as hard as she could in different spots as they ran the machine. When I asked the Doctor about this procedure, she denied that this was done. Somewhere in this conversation was when I asked her, "Who got to you? You bought you out?" I guess that was the wrong thing to ask! Haven't seen her since - But oh my goodness! You should see this four page report she wrote!

And I'm suppose to trust someone to cut into my neck and around my spinal cord? I don't think so. Yet one of these quack Doctor's stated, if I don't have this surgery done, one day I'll be paralyzed, but I guarantee you, that's not going to happen either! So, I've learned to just live today and God and I will deal with the tomorrow's as they come.

Oh, I almost forgot, they also found two spurs in my right foot, so that might also explain some of the pain in my feet, including my bone loss. I don't know what else to do, in regard to my health or SSD. All I do know, is that I'm tired, I don't want to fight anymore and I'm not sure if I even care.

I do care though, about this support group and I love my Lord and my husband. I only wish, those that have hurt us, would also know that kind of love. Take care and God Bless you both!

Love and Hugs............

Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: My thrombopheblitis resulted in the complete blockageof both the left and right ilieac veins. Hospitalizedfor ten weeks . . . fourty six years ago.I have a good pulse in both legs though.I think the numbness is associated with nerve damageas a result of implants.A neurologist did the test (ENG?), said there wasnothing wrong . . . BS! Too many doctors had alreadypicked up on the problem . . . doctors examining womenfor implant lawsuits were well aware there may be aproblem there.I have the most pain when standing after resting. Iwalk like I'm ninety then . . . after about a minute,my gait smooths out and the pain is much better. I dowell as long as I'm walking . . . I don't do wellstanding still, or sitting with my legs down.I don't take any medication to prevent blood clots . .. I don't think I have a clotting problem anymore.Even small cuts bleed an average time.The only precaution I take is that I don't take femalehormones orally!Rogene--- eRene@... wrote:> Rogene,> > Your foot symtoms sound exactly like what I have. > While > I do have foot pain, which is concentrated in the> arch > of my foot, my foot is also numb, which I know> sounds > bizarre. My neurosurgeon has pricked me with pins > several times, and all I feel is pressure, but not> the > pain of a sharp point. I've always figured I've had> a > type of neuropathy, but no one has ever diagnosed me> > with it, so I've never pursued it. Yet I've always > thought it's bizarre I can feel the pain in my foot.> > But I suppose it's because it's a different type of > pain. The foot pain is is more deep and muscular (I> > think) related, although I think there is a bone > component as well. But my ability to feel> peripheral > sensations is nil. And the lack of peripheral> sensation > goes all the way up my leg. I have very minimal > sensation on the surface of my legs up to about my> mid > thigh, then sensation begins to return. > > Unlike you, though, I have hyperreflexia. As a> matter > of fact, I have clonus, and no one knows why. I> tend to > have approximately 8-10 beats of clonus. I> originally > started out having clonus only in my ankles, then I > started having it in my wrists, although not as> severe > as in my ankles. I haven't had my deep tendon> reflexes > checked since last Feb, so I don't know if it's> gotten > worse or better or has gone away. I see a> neurosurgeon > on Jan 4, and I'm sure he'll check, as I'm real> curious.> > It sounds like you developed collateral circulation> in > the arteries in your legs. Did you develop a clot> in > your femoral artery? That would explain your > neuropathy. Very often people who have clots in > arteries will develop a neuropathy because they> depend > on collateral circulation which isn't the best > circulation, but it keeps the blood flowing. > However, > because it's not perfusing the body as well or as > efficiently, that's why you can feel numbness or > tingling in the extremities, because the blood flow > isn't the greatest.> > So, are you taking an anticoagulant now? Like> coumadin > or plavix? Or do you just take an aspirin a day?> > e> > __________________________________________________

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