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Good for you, Sharon! Just remember that it is in your power to quit.

Being in the hospital is a good incentive. My thoughts and prayers will

be with you. Good luck!


On Wednesday, April 5, 2006, at 06:34 PM, buckswheat1 wrote:

> I'm beginning

> to understand now, and I've made a decision to stop smoking on April

> 10 - the day before I have a total knee replacement. I'll be in the

> hospital for at least 5 days and I KNOW this is going to help me

> immensely.

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it wasn't this docs fault about my parking placard expiring or my meds running

out....that was cuz of my old rheumy retiring and his office not getting a new

one like they were certain they were going to.

I did not feel " picked on " and the doc was nice enough about how he went about

all this. I think he is thinking he can convince me to quit....he did set me

another appt with him for 3 weeks from yesterday.

I can see his point about smoking.......I can. Maybe thats the hardest part for

me. He said smokers are 40 timees more likely to get RA and that the cigs dump

more inflammation causing problems into the body. He said he wants me to be up

and running, not sick and down.

I do not understand my own thinking..I KNOW how bad smoking is but.......I do

not hate smoking. I do not know why. I want to hate smoking......instead I am

grieiving my smoking.

- In , <kyrik@...> wrote:


> >>But doc made it kinda pretty clear. It is my own fault I am symptomatic,

> >>cuz I smoke. ANd I cannot even imagine not smoking, cuz I keep trying

> >>with no luck. And since I smoke, I guess that means Ineed tojust shut up

> >>and accept what I did tomyself or something.


> This is so wrong that he won't treat you. As an ex smoker I know how

> hard it is and you can only do it when you're ready. And it's

> unconsionable (sp?) that you've been without your DMARDS or your

> handicapped placard for so long! IMHO you *have* to find a new rh.

> It sounds like a horrible ordeal to go searching again but you so need

> treatment.


> Plus, isn't this doc legally responsible to treat a patient with a

> need like this? Does anybody know if there's any legal resource?




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Kat, that is fantastic! The best of luck to you. I know you can do it.

Thanks for sharing your story with others here who need that extra support

right now.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Smoking

> Hi,

> I don't post but once in a while. I was just reading all the e-mails

> about those that smoke and those that are trying to quit. I am 46 and

> have smoked since I was around 16 or so. I have tried to quit many

> times before but always failed at it. Well about three weeks ago the

> clinic I go to were offering a Smoking Cessation. It is free so I

> decided to join. I started on a medicine two weeks ago and signed my

> quit smoking contract yesterday. My quit date is April 25th. This is

> what they call a step down program. Your on the meds for two weeks,

> change to a lower tar cig for 10 days then an even lower one for 10

> more days and then start on patches and gum if needed. Your on 21mg

> of patch for two weeks, then 14mg for two weeks, then 7mg for two

> weeks.

> The instructor says you can be on the patches for a third week if

> needed. I believe it is going to work for me this time. There is a

> group of us so we have support. Everyone is struggling with it but so

> far some have made it and are on the patches. What makes me believe

> this time I am going to do it is this: the first day the instructor

> told us things that I never knew before about cigs. For example there

> are 4000 chemicals that go into cigs, they cause your blood vessels

> to constrict, they cause your extremies to be cold. Some of the

> chemicals are the same thing that goes into oven cleaner, bathroom

> cleaner, rodent killer, wood, metal,lavender oil, peppermint oil,

> just on and on. She also gave us a website that lists some of the

> chemicals. When I read that and after hearing her I was in such AWWW

> that I told myself this time I am quitting for sure. If anyone is

> interested in the website and I will send to you. Had I known all of

> the things I have learned so far I would have quit years ago. She

> also said that it is harder for a smoker to quit then a drug addict

> and she works with addicts too not just smokers. I could go on and on

> about things I have learned.

> Anyway sorry to have been so long but I just get excited knowing in

> three weeks I will be smoke free. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! I pray that

> those of you trying to quit will suceed. If you think a step down

> program would work for you check into it through you insurance or

> doctor. Oh yeah... this quit program is through Duke University here

> in NC. The instructor gives us a book to read and a CD to listen to

> twice a day for 15 mins to clean our mind and then a fake cig to use

> if we need something to do with our hands or to chew on.

> I promise I am going to stop now. I pray everyone has a pain free

> rest of the week.

> Kat

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I hope your total knee replacement surgery goes very well and that you have

an excellent outcome.

It's great that you decided to quit smoking the day before your surgery.

Please let us know how you are doing afterward. We'll be thinking of you.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Smoking

> Since joining this group I've only posted a few times but read the

> letters every day.

> SMOKING: Those of us that smoke have a harder road to walk than

> others and feel that no one understands us. WOW!!!! I'm beginning

> to understand now, and I've made a decision to stop smoking on April

> 10 - the day before I have a total knee replacement. I'll be in the

> hospital for at least 5 days and I KNOW this is going to help me

> immensely. I'll look to all the super folks here to support and

> give me the confidence I'll need to succeed. I've had so many

> hospital stays over the last 6 years and have always told the

> doctors " I promise I'll quit " and never do. But after smoking for

> about 37 years now (am 53) and having all the medical problems (RA,

> CHF, COPD, Fibro, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and lets not leave

> out the diabetes) I realize I can't continue with the road I've been

> on.

> FATIGUE: I sympathize and understand how you feel. I'm the same

> way. Used to be so active with work, social functions, home, kids,

> (all grown up now), friends, etc., and now I'm lucky to get myself

> out of bed in the morning, make the bed, get dressed and a few other

> home chores. Went outdoor to enjoy the sunshine today and fell

> asleep in the swing. Am not on all the meds you folks are on as my

> body doesn't want to cooperate so I can't blame the fatigue on

> meds. I now understand the RA itself takes a lot out of you.

> SELLING MEDS: I know for a fact it is illegal to do this, so please

> be careful if you do. Have a friend who takes oxycotnin (among

> other things) and after her husband passed away she moved to another

> city and made new friends who " wiped her out " . She had to pursue

> this as she couldn't get a refill without filing a police report

> which led to investigations, finding the person who took her meds,

> prosecuting the person, etc. She discovered that even giving an

> aspirin could be considered as being a " dealer " - this was told to

> her by the district attorney. You never know what someone else's

> meds can do to you. The thief was a young single mother that she

> befriended. The girl received two years at a women's facility.

> THANKS: A special thank you to and others who provide such

> excellent reports and info. I've learned so much and now have

> numerous questions for my RA (and other) docs. Please continue to

> do this for us.

> God bless all and may you have a pain free day.

> Sharon

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Kat, I pray that you will be successful in your endeavor to stop smoking. It

will be wonderful for you and for all those around you. Having a plan and a

support group sounds like a great way to go. My problem is my weight and just

saying I need to do something and dieting a day or two occassionally has not

worked. I've joined curves and am working out 3-4 times a week (sometimes when

having a bad day I go very slow and do less but try to do some) and am doing the

curves eating plan and have had good success. With out a plan I was just

continuing to gain weight and beat myself up because I didn't have the willpower

to stop eating. What I found out was that by eating so little I was really

slowing my metabolism and compounding the problem. I'm eating more (of the

right things) and loosing. The knowledge you get from the support group will be

a big help. Stopping smoking will be hard but you will feel so much better in a

few months that you will say " why didn't I do

this years ago " .

Put the money aside that you are saving and give yourself a special reward.

You will be amazed at how much it will add up.

<Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote:

Kat, that is fantastic! The best of luck to you. I know you can do it.

Thanks for sharing your story with others here who need that extra support

right now.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Smoking

> Hi,

> I don't post but once in a while. I was just reading all the e-mails

> about those that smoke and those that are trying to quit. I am 46 and

> have smoked since I was around 16 or so. I have tried to quit many

> times before but always failed at it. Well about three weeks ago the

> clinic I go to were offering a Smoking Cessation. It is free so I

> decided to join. I started on a medicine two weeks ago and signed my

> quit smoking contract yesterday. My quit date is April 25th. This is

> what they call a step down program. Your on the meds for two weeks,

> change to a lower tar cig for 10 days then an even lower one for 10

> more days and then start on patches and gum if needed. Your on 21mg

> of patch for two weeks, then 14mg for two weeks, then 7mg for two

> weeks.

> The instructor says you can be on the patches for a third week if

> needed. I believe it is going to work for me this time. There is a

> group of us so we have support. Everyone is struggling with it but so

> far some have made it and are on the patches. What makes me believe

> this time I am going to do it is this: the first day the instructor

> told us things that I never knew before about cigs. For example there

> are 4000 chemicals that go into cigs, they cause your blood vessels

> to constrict, they cause your extremies to be cold. Some of the

> chemicals are the same thing that goes into oven cleaner, bathroom

> cleaner, rodent killer, wood, metal,lavender oil, peppermint oil,

> just on and on. She also gave us a website that lists some of the

> chemicals. When I read that and after hearing her I was in such AWWW

> that I told myself this time I am quitting for sure. If anyone is

> interested in the website and I will send to you. Had I known all of

> the things I have learned so far I would have quit years ago. She

> also said that it is harder for a smoker to quit then a drug addict

> and she works with addicts too not just smokers. I could go on and on

> about things I have learned.

> Anyway sorry to have been so long but I just get excited knowing in

> three weeks I will be smoke free. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!! I pray that

> those of you trying to quit will suceed. If you think a step down

> program would work for you check into it through you insurance or

> doctor. Oh yeah... this quit program is through Duke University here

> in NC. The instructor gives us a book to read and a CD to listen to

> twice a day for 15 mins to clean our mind and then a fake cig to use

> if we need something to do with our hands or to chew on.

> I promise I am going to stop now. I pray everyone has a pain free

> rest of the week.

> Kat

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Fantastic news! I am now five years smoke free after 30 years...

My Mother died of lung cancer this January - my brother was there

holding her hand as she fought for each last breath - it took twenty

minutes of horrendus struggle for her to give up the battle and pass

on. I would not wish that kind of death on anyone, and hope that it

is not my way out.


> > I have quit smoking after 48 years of 40 cigs a day!I am now

3 months

> > smoke free,and i feel great!


> Yay! After I quit I had dreams for (literally) a year afterward,

where I

> was a social smoker, maybe only a couple a week. It was

> like my body/psyche was trying to trick me into smoking again

because in

> the morning I'd think, hey I can do that, only smoke a few! Very


> But it was all worth it. Congrats :)




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> Babs, you have to take my posts with a grain of salt. I have a habit of

> posting tongue-in-cheek, and if you aren't paying attention, you might

> believe what I say. But wouldn't it be interesting if the RA did

> disappear

> if a person went back to smoking?

I swear it might be worth it :) Unfortunately, even though we'd then

be pain free, we'd all die young from lung cancer. Decisions, decisions...

Just kidding, of course :)

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Hey ,

Sorry but did u just write that we must not smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rather die with both RA and lung cancer than

not smoke

NOT ONE CIGGERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why god why, im only 26 (lol)

Sorry guys but i have to go for a smoke now (lol)

Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)



> > Babs, you have to take my posts with a grain of salt. I have a habit


> > posting tongue-in-cheek, and if you aren't paying attention, you


> > believe what I say. But wouldn't it be interesting if the RA did

> > disappear

> > if a person went back to smoking?


> I swear it might be worth it :) Unfortunately, even though we'd then

> be pain free, we'd all die young from lung cancer. Decisions,



> Just kidding, of course :)


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Yes, Marwa, you really do need to stop smoking. It's not as hard as you

think. You just have to make up your mind to stop, and then just do it.

There are also aids, but I don't know if they're available in Egypt or

not. People who die of lung cancer suffer a lot before they die. You

don't want that, do you? You're so young, the habit is probably not

entrenched in you yet. So quit while it's still easy.

Let us know of your progress.


On Saturday, July 1, 2006, at 11:16 AM, sicsica2000 wrote:


> Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)


> Marwa

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> >

> > > Babs, you have to take my posts with a grain of salt. I have a


> of

> > > posting tongue-in-cheek, and if you aren't paying attention, you

> might

> > > believe what I say. But wouldn't it be interesting if the RA did

> > > disappear

> > > if a person went back to smoking?

> >

> > I swear it might be worth it :) Unfortunately, even though we'd


> > be pain free, we'd all die young from lung cancer. Decisions,

> decisions...

> >

> > Just kidding, of course :)

> >






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My Technical Manager moved into my office so we could be more efficient.

Knowing he smoked a lot and I didn't, I told him he could smoke all he

wanted in the office as long as he didn't exhale! It worked for us.:)

Marwa, you know how those ex-smokers are, don't you? I do because I'm one of

them, and we can be horribly blunt when it comes to defending against

smoking. Smoke all you want, just don't exhale! ;)

Dennis in Eastexas

" You can't always fix it with money "

[ ] Re: smoking



> Hey ,


> Sorry but did u just write that we must not smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!


> NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rather die with both RA and lung cancer than

> not smoke


> NOT ONE CIGGERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Why god why, im only 26 (lol)


> Sorry guys but i have to go for a smoke now (lol)


> Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)


> Marwa

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Hey Sue,

First i wanna thank u for saying that im brave although it cost

me much cuz i had to buy new cloths that fit my new ego.(lol)

Now im sorry to say that i wont stop smoking, i know its a bad habit

and there are aids to help me if i want but thats the problem i dont

want to stop cuz maybe u will think that im stuiped but for 13 years

smoking was the thing that kept me going through very hard years.

I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.

Sorry again but thanks really for the advise.


> >

> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

> >

> > Marwa


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Hey Jenna,

Im really so sorry, u must be going through very hard time,

and i dont know how u manage to not trip and fall cuz i fell from

anything all day( from my bed, in the bathroom, from stairs) im the

queen of falling (lol),i think if i have osteoporosis i wouldnt

survive day one.

How are you doing in ur work and in ur life, it must be affecting

everything? how could u adjust ur life? wow this must be very hard

to do. Could u tell me more about it?




> One of my diagnoses, and one which causes me the most intense bone

> pain....constantly and never ending is severe osteoporosis. And do

> you kow how I got it?? From smoking and drinking colas ! They BOTH

> leach the calcium right out of your bones. And I have ALWAYS been


> big milk drinker and dairy eater....none of it mattered. I take

> medication to improve my bones (the worst my Dr has ever seen by


> way)....but it will be years if before they see any


> any at all. In the meantime I must live with the pain, which is

> generally worse than

> you could ever imagine even with morphine. And worry that if I


> and fall I will break something that will never heal. So please

> consider the smoking issue very carefully.There is a lozenge for

> quitting smoking that is very good and I recommend it highly!! Try

> it! You do not want to add osteoporosis to your other problems !

> Trust me on that one!! Jenna

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Man thats cruel, really really cruel, but any way i assure u that i

dont smoke in public places, mostly cuz all public places has the

non smoking signs (lol)


> My Technical Manager moved into my office so we could be more


> Knowing he smoked a lot and I didn't, I told him he could smoke

all he

> wanted in the office as long as he didn't exhale! It worked for



> Marwa, you know how those ex-smokers are, don't you? I do because

I'm one of

> them, and we can be horribly blunt when it comes to defending


> smoking. Smoke all you want, just don't exhale! ;)


> Dennis in Eastexas

> " You can't always fix it with money "


> [ ] Re: smoking



> >

> >

> > Hey ,

> >

> > Sorry but did u just write that we must not


> >

> > NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rather die with both RA and lung

cancer than

> > not smoke

> >

> > NOT ONE CIGGERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> >

> > Why god why, im only 26 (lol)

> >

> > Sorry guys but i have to go for a smoke now (lol)

> >

> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

> >

> > Marwa


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On July 2nd Marwa wrote:

I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.

Marwa .

I know the feeling. I smoked for 50 years, two packs a day. But when the

thought of actually dying from something began to insert itself upon my

conscience thoughts, I said to myself.... " Self, it might be best if you quit

the cigarettes to eliminate the obvious threat to your continued existence. "

It has been 10 years now since I lit up and I wonder what I saw in them for

all that time. When the time comes that you can feel death coming, life

becomes more attractive.


" Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of

time. " Carlin

[ ] Re: smoking


> Hey Sue,




> First i wanna thank u for saying that im brave although it cost

> me much cuz i had to buy new cloths that fit my new ego.(lol)


> Now im sorry to say that i wont stop smoking, i know its a bad habit

> and there are aids to help me if i want but thats the problem i dont

> want to stop cuz maybe u will think that im stuiped but for 13 years

> smoking was the thing that kept me going through very hard years.



> I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

> cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.


> Sorry again but thanks really for the advise.

> Marwa






>> >

>> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

>> >

>> > Marwa













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Hey ,

You have a point really, i think i will stop smoking if im in

pain but i dont think i will stop when it comes to death, cuz im not

scared of death, the only thing that scares me is needing someone

else and being not able to do the things that i want or need but

death is not an issue for me, i actually sometimes feel eager to see

life after death and what will happen. I think it will be way coool.

By the way im really glad that u quit cuz u know " SMOKING IS



> Marwa .


> I know the feeling. I smoked for 50 years, two packs a day. But

when the

> thought of actually dying from something began to insert itself

upon my

> conscience thoughts, I said to myself.... " Self, it might be best

if you quit

> the cigarettes to eliminate the obvious threat to your continued

existence. "


> It has been 10 years now since I lit up and I wonder what I saw in

them for

> all that time. When the time comes that you can feel death coming,


> becomes more attractive.



> 2534

> " Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long

period of

> time. " Carlin

> [ ] Re: smoking



> >

> > Hey Sue,

> >

> >

> >

> > First i wanna thank u for saying that im brave although it


> > me much cuz i had to buy new cloths that fit my new ego.(lol)

> >

> > Now im sorry to say that i wont stop smoking, i know its a bad


> > and there are aids to help me if i want but thats the problem i


> > want to stop cuz maybe u will think that im stuiped but for 13


> > smoking was the thing that kept me going through very hard years.

> >

> >

> > I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

> > cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.

> >

> > Sorry again but thanks really for the advise.

> > Marwa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> >

> >> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say


> >> >

> >> > Marwa

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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All there is after death is staring at the underside of a coffin lid for



" il faut d'abord durer " Hemingway

[ ] Re: smoking



>> >

>> > Hey Sue,

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > First i wanna thank u for saying that im brave although it

> cost

>> > me much cuz i had to buy new cloths that fit my new ego.(lol)

>> >

>> > Now im sorry to say that i wont stop smoking, i know its a bad

> habit

>> > and there are aids to help me if i want but thats the problem i

> dont

>> > want to stop cuz maybe u will think that im stuiped but for 13

> years

>> > smoking was the thing that kept me going through very hard years.

>> >

>> >

>> > I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

>> > cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.

>> >

>> > Sorry again but thanks really for the advise.

>> > Marwa

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >> >

>> >> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say

> no)

>> >> >

>> >> > Marwa

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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In a message dated 7/2/06 6:32:06 AM, ikennedy2@... writes:

> . But when the

> thought of actually dying from something began to insert itself upon my

> conscience thoughts, I said to myself..


It's not just dying, it is making a choice to burden your family with your

suffering, too.

And spending the last 20 years of life gasping for breath. It is a slow


It is a destructive, dirty habit.

Some day, some day......you will say, how could I have been so stupid?

And now I must suffer and the people I love must suffer.....all because of a

choice I made, because it " felt good " ..

I remember as a 16 year old girl, I was in charge of feeding my grandfather,

with lung cancer. Here was a strong man I repected all my life, reduced to a

tearful, pathetic mess, gasping for just one breath of air, reduced to 90#.

Other people are affected, too.

You WILL stop.

It is just a matter of if you will stop before it starts to ruin your life.


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> i actually sometimes feel eager to see

> life after death and what will happen. I think it will be way coool.


You need to at least get paid for this.

Do you do any stunts? Mountain climbing (whoops, low lung capacity) !

Motorcycle racing? Hang gliding?

You do not sound like a person interested in health issues.


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[ ] Re: smoking



> >

> >

> > Hey ,

> >

> > Sorry but did u just write that we must not


> >

> > NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rather die with both RA and lung

cancer than

> > not smoke

> >

> > NOT ONE CIGGERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> >

> > Why god why, im only 26 (lol)

> >

> > Sorry guys but i have to go for a smoke now (lol)

> >

> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

> >

> > Marwa


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I think until you are ready to stop, you won't no matter what anyone says or how

much they explain it is bad. So I say do whatever it takes to get thru the

day... jmo, jenn

[ ] Re: smoking

Hey Sue,

First i wanna thank u for saying that im brave although it cost

me much cuz i had to buy new cloths that fit my new ego.(lol)

Now im sorry to say that i wont stop smoking, i know its a bad habit

and there are aids to help me if i want but thats the problem i dont

want to stop cuz maybe u will think that im stuiped but for 13 years

smoking was the thing that kept me going through very hard years.

I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.

Sorry again but thanks really for the advise.


> >

> > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

> >

> > Marwa


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God bless u sis...............Did i told before how much i love u????


Take care and dont smoke cuz its REALLY REALLY REALLY bad habit.


> > >

> > > Have fun and do we really have to stop smoking?????? (plz say no)

> > >

> > > Marwa

> >







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Im sorry that i made u remember those hard days, u r right i cant

argue with that, smoking is a very selfish act, thats why i dont

smoke in public places or when im around non-smokers.

As for family and people who love me (lol) suffering, thank god i

dont have any and im intended to keep it going this way.




> In a message dated 7/2/06 6:32:06 AM, ikennedy2@... writes:



> > . But when the

> > thought of actually dying from something began to insert itself

upon my

> > conscience thoughts, I said to myself..

> >


> It's not just dying, it is making a choice to burden your family

with your

> suffering, too.

> And spending the last 20 years of life gasping for breath. It is a


> detioriation.

> It is a destructive, dirty habit.

> Some day, some day......you will say, how could I have been so


> And now I must suffer and the people I love must suffer.....all

because of a

> choice I made, because it " felt good " ..

> I remember as a 16 year old girl, I was in charge of feeding my


> with lung cancer. Here was a strong man I repected all my life,

reduced to a

> tearful, pathetic mess, gasping for just one breath of air,

reduced to 90#.

> Other people are affected, too.

> You WILL stop.

> It is just a matter of if you will stop before it starts to ruin

your life.

> Pris







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> I

Who said any thing about health issues?????????

Im more interested in fun issues.

I dont know if u would consider car racing as a stunt and i used to

jump of buildings when i was younger until they made me sign to

atleast not involve other kids in the jumping (lol)



> > i actually sometimes feel eager to see

> > life after death and what will happen. I think it will be way


> >


> You need to at least get paid for this.

> Do you do any stunts? Mountain climbing (whoops, low lung

capacity) !

> Motorcycle racing? Hang gliding?

> You do not sound like a person interested in health issues.

> Pris







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That is so sad. Cigarettes make a poor substitute for friends. In your

new country, aren't there some people at work that you could make

friends with?

It's also sad that you would prefer to die rather than stop smoking. If

smoking gives you lung cancer, you will probably die. But first, you

will suffer.

If you don't want to quit, of course you can't. You are letting

yourself be ruled by nicotine. Your addiction is controlling your life.

I know that I can say nothing to convince you to quit. So I'll shut up.


On Sunday, July 2, 2006, at 02:05 AM, sicsica2000 wrote:


> I dont have friends, family or anything at all but i have my

> cigarettes, so i prefer to die than to stop.


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