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My January plan

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Okay, back to the real world now. Tomorrow morning I am going to get on the scale and probably fall to the floor in tears when I see how much I weigh. I was doing so good, I don't know WHF happened, but anyways, I'm not going to dwell on it, I am going to start over now. I am going to write down my weight on the calendar and then on the 1st of every month I am going to get weighed. I was doing it every week before but every time I gained I would get so upset. I am going to try the once a month weigh in and see what happens. I have decided to work thru my KCM for the month of January. I am thinking as follows:






Friday-Rest day


I will start with Start Here on Monday, which will probably be good enough with all the slacking I have done lately. Then I will do a full 30 minute KCM workout each workday, till I get thru all of them. I will pick a longer yoga workout for the weekend and also a kettlebell workout on the weekend. I will start tomorrow. I have a goal of completing 300 workouts next year total. I am going to write them on my wall calendar right here next to my computer. I am off now to search out all my KCM workouts, I think I have all of them. I am also on a very strict budget this year, I desperately need to save for a new to me car. I will buy preorders of my faves, but I will very picky this year, and no workouts from anyone other than Cathe, KCM, Bob Harper, Jillian and Jari. I have all of their current ones already so it shouldn't be too hard. Nite all. Happy New Year's.

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