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Tuesday Workout

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lateral raises always kill me too, they fatigue so quickly!  


Good morning! 


     This morning I did Muscle Max " upper body "   premix.  I started with the core work first so I skipped the warm up.  This was a nice change up to do abs first.  I went straight to pushups after that.



Chest Push Ups-  toesDumbbell Flys #1    15Dumbbell Flys #2    15Push Ups- toes  (last 2 reps on my knees)Back Barbell Underhand Rows #1   50Barbell Underhand Rows #2   50 Dumbbell One Arm Rows  25Barbell Pullovers   30


ShouldersDumbbell Lateral Raise #1  10Dumbbell Lateral Raise #2   10Band Lateral Raise ( I used 5 lb DB.  This FRIED)Dumbbell Upright Row#1  10Dumbbell Upright Row #2  10Barbell Front Raise/Delt    15Biceps Barbell Curls #1    30Barbell Curls #2    30Dumbbell Curls     10TricepsDumbbell Press/Dips #1    15Dumbbell Press/Dips #2     15Band Kickbacks-  I used 5 lb DB 


Have a great day!~~

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Wow! This is awesome, ! Too coll you combined them too!

Tuesday Workout

Good morning!

Today I wanted upper body. Had no idea what to do. That's why I love rotations so much, I don't have to worry about this every morning. I had some extra time this morning because is going to the doctor mid morning so I just kept her out of school.

So I ended up doing the Gym Style workouts. I did both timesavers. This was like a completely different workout for me. I didn't mind changing the disk. In fact, it gave me a nice break seeing as how she doesn't rest AT ALL in these workouts.

So here's how it went for me:


warm up

Pushups 16,12,8,4 (I did these all on my toes. I was proud of myself)

Bench press 20 ( 2 sets)

Flys 20 (2 sets)

Incline bench press 20 ( 1 set)

Incline fly 20 ( 1 set)

Close grip BB press 35 ( 1 set)



Lying extensions 8 ( 1 set)

Seated overhead extension 20 ( 1 set)

Cross body extensions 10 ( 1 set)

Bonus burn ( band) no band for me. I used 5's and I fried!!!

Kickbacks 8 ( 1 set)

Kickbacks ( band) no band 5's

No cool down. I went straight to back,shoulders and biceps skipping the warm up

BACKDumbbell Row Reverse Grip #1 25Dumbbell Row Reverse Grip #2 25Dumbbell One Arm Row #1 25Band T-Back Squeeze- no band- I did seated rear delts with 5'sBarbell Pullovers #1 30MODIFIED BACK EXTENSIONS (lower back)Prone Back Side Rotations (lower back)SHOULDERSDumbbell Overhead Press #1 12Dumbbell Overhead Press #2 12Dumbbell Lateral Raise #1 8Band Lateral Raise - I used 5's ( use 3's next time)Band Front Raise - I used 5's ( use 3's next time)Dumbbell Rear Fly #1 8Band Rear Delt Raise- 5'sBICEPSBarbell Curls #1 35Dumbbell Curls 10 Dumbbell Concentration Curls 12Wrist Turn Lower Down 10Dumbbell Hammer Curls 10Dumbbell Wrist Curls 10stretch

This whole thing ended up being about 65 minutes. It was just what I was looking for this morning.

Have a great day!~~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please be careful with your lower back and hip, !  Oh, and I didn't see the scorpion part in Fear Factor; the part that grossed me out were when then were in cow's blood and had to take cow hearts in their mouths to the box outside of the blood tank.  Blech!!  I'm sure the scorpion one would have done me in too from the sounds of it! 


Good morning!


     Well, I ditched the TLT workouts...at least for today.  I might try to do the rest of them here and there and not commit myself to them all back to back.


I've been wanting to do Angie 's Crave Results again for a while now.  I've only done it just once.   has got me wanting to pull it out since she did it the other day (and her KB Boot Camp) so that's what I did this morrning.


I burned 419 calories, avg 136 and max 164.


My lower back/hip was throbbing.  I was even sweating a ton and I know it wasn't the workout.  Not sure what the heck this is, but I'd like it to go away.



Have a great day!~~

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oOh - I will have to check out a clip of this one!Donna

Subject: Tuesday WorkoutTo: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans , exercisevideos , fitandthatsit Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 9:24 AM

Good morning!

Well, I ditched the TLT workouts...at least for today. I might try to do the rest of them here and there and not commit myself to them all back to back.

I've been wanting to do Angie 's Crave Results again for a while now. I've only done it just once. has got me wanting to pull it out since she did it the other day (and her KB Boot Camp) so that's what I did this morrning.

I burned 419 calories, avg 136 and max 164.

My lower back/hip was throbbing. I was even sweating a ton and I know it wasn't the workout. Not sure what the heck this is, but I'd like it to go away.

Have a great day!~~

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> *My lower back/hip was throbbing. I was even sweating a ton and I

> know it wasn't the workout. Not sure what the heck this is, but

> I'd like it to go away.*

is it possible that you have a UTI or kidney infection?


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Hmm.. I'm baffled! Hip flexor? So much connects at the hip/butt.....


Subject: Re: Tuesday WorkoutTo: exercisevideos Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 5:12 AM

is it possible that you have a UTI or kidney infection?

I mentioned this to my husband and he said its not in the right location and it wouldn't come and go. I agree with him. Its more further down my low back, almost on the top of my butt.

This started after doing Cathe's tri-sets lower body a few weeks back. I definitely don't have DOMS. I did get it in my thighs at the time, but that's since went away. My husband thinks its a nerve since it hurts down the front of my leg when I walk.

It just needs to go away. I'm sick of dealing with it. I know you understand with all that you've been through with your neck.


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I feel so bad for you with all the trouble you've been having with your neck. I know this back/butt thing is driving me crazy, but you've been dealing with your neck for a long time. Sure wish there was a magic pill we could take. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone----- Reply message -----To: <exercisevideos >Subject: Tuesday WorkoutDate: Wed, Dec 14, 2011 7:46 am > *I mentioned this to my husband and he said its not in the right> location and it wouldn't come and go. I agree with him. Its more> further down my low back, almost on the top of my butt. *hmmmm, then heck, i dunno! the only thing i can think of in that area is the tailbone. i wonder if you write to tonya, then she might know. maybe put her name in the subject line and she will comment on it. she knows ALOT of stuff !when i get sciatic pain, it is usually down the back of my leg, however it can go down the front as well, depending on where the pinch is. whatever, keep putting heat on it, try ice if you can stand it and do keep doing all of the stretches. is it possible to massage the area? if it comes and goes then that is a good thing and gives you the opportunity to get rid of it before it totally flares up. hang in there and baby it for a while, if it doesnt go away then pls see a dr who will attempt to break the pain cycle with meds.hugs,:*carolyn.ps: my stupid neck is feeling a bit better... i havent had physio for 2 weeks and cant get an appt for yet another week. i hope it isnt a total mess by then... ugh! i do alot of preventative stuff with it now and that seems to be helping. i told my dh that he doesnt have to get me anything for xmas because he bought us a hot tub/spa which has totally saved my life!! every single day i want to kiss his feet for buying that thing.

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> I feel so bad for you with all the trouble you've been having

> with your neck.

it is a bitch but life goes on....

im very careful with it... like donna said, ive grown tired of

feeling the pain.


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Mine is actually palindromic rheumatism (at least that's the latest diagnosis but the podiatrist agrees with the rheumatologist's thinking on this so it probably is, I'm waiting for a definite diagnosis, probably when I see the rheumatologist again in February). The primary blessing of it is that it doesn't damage the joints the way RA does. The flares feel every bit as horrible but the consolation and true blessing is that they won't leave damage behind. I just found that out last year, that this is the type of arthritis I probably have. I was diagnosed with RA 20 years ago but the docs have always been shocked my joints were in such good shape, now we know why. I take hydroxychlorquine (generic Plaquenil) which is a DMARD (disease modifying antirheumatic drug) and like you, if I miss a few doses, I start to feel it. I don't miss doses hardly ever... it has truly changed my life.

Re: Tuesday Workout

I had RA for about 7 years, and it left some minor damage to my hands and feet. I take (generic) Voltaren (NSAID)for it rather religiously. I can feel it if I miss a dose or two.Indyrose> > I feel so bad for you with all the trouble you've been having> > with your neck.> > it is a bitch but life goes on....> im very careful with it... like donna said, ive grown tired of > feeling the pain.> :*c.>

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Good morning!

Today was cardio and back. I did Cardio Supersets (minus the step portion) and then worked meso 3 back.

I modified all the plank stuff she does on the floor and did either jumping jacks, plie jacks, high knees, and running in place. At one point I thought I was going to have to stop on MY modifications lol. That's definitely a sign that what I was doing was working. I was a sweaty mess at the end.

I think after this week I'm going to be done with meso 3. It's just an overwhelming program. I'll stick with the same theme (short cardio, one body part and one leg) but use a different weight series and finish that out for the last week of the month.


Bar Bell rows 70

One arm rows 30

One arm horizontal rows ( 2 sets) 30 For the other 2 sets of horizontal rows I did pullovers 30

(left out the deadlifts)

I burned 458 calories, avg 144, max 185. I think the high max number was on my own modifications for her plank stuff. :)

Have a great day!~~

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70 for barbells rows - YEAH!!! GET SOME!!


Good morning!

    Today was cardio and back.  I did Cardio Supersets (minus the step portion) and then worked meso 3 back.


I modified all the plank stuff she does on the floor and did either jumping jacks, plie jacks, high knees, and running in place.  At one point I thought I was going to have to stop on MY modifications lol.  That's definitely a sign that what I was doing was working.  I was a sweaty mess at the end.


I think after this week I'm going to be done with meso 3.   It's just an overwhelming program.   I'll stick with the same theme (short cardio, one body part and one leg) but use a different weight series and finish that out for the last week of the month.



Bar Bell rows 70

One arm rows 30

One arm horizontal rows ( 2 sets) 30    For the other 2 sets of horizontal rows I did pullovers  30


(left out the deadlifts)


I burned 458 calories, avg 144, max 185.  I think the high max number was on my own modifications for her plank stuff. :) 


Have a great day!~~

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  • 3 weeks later...

oohh I think I would love this KB and weight workout but I don't have a step..judy To: Cathe_Friedrich_Fans ; exercisevideos ; fitandthatsit Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:04 AM Subject: Tuesday Workout

Good morning!

I was looking forward to the workout this morning because I had planned to do a premix from 's new Step Boxing workout.

I went with the "kick box and dumb bell" premix. This was SO MUCH FUN!! I wore my 1 lb weighted gloves for all of it, even the weight work. The kick box segments were short, but flowed really well with the weight segments.

I jotted down the exercises in the weight segments in-between each one. I hope I got them right.

All the weights I used were 1 or 2 lbs heavier since I was wearing the gloves.

Clean & press (1) 15

KB segment

Side & rear lunge 13

KB segment

Side obleecs (1) 10

KB segment

Curl & press w/ knee in (1) 15

KB segment

Lunge side pick up bell 12

KB segment

Over the top switching feet (1) 10

KB segment

After that, I put in e Corne Detox yoga and finished up the rest of the purify routine. I love this DVD. I love 's DVD. :)

I burned 367 calories total. I turned my HRM off too soon so I didn't get a chance to write down the rest of the numbers.

Got notice that the D. new Peak workout is on its way. Looking forward to getting that.

Have a great day!~~

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