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Re: (unknown)

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My son with autism has seizures, ask away. Have lots I can relay, also

on onelist is epilepsycuredonelist I recommend that list. (I have a

daughter with autism too, thus I am on the list, thankfully she does not

have seizures)

My recommendations (because they are controlled now)

Ambrotose (www.glycoscience.com)

Soil Based organisms (lots of brands)


SuperNU Thera p5p and TMG with Folic Acid and Colustrum (kirkman labs)

CLO (BUT...and a BIG BUT...work on EPO first) ask me more questions about

that-that is so individual, if you have done pat kanes body bio fatty acid

heme test that would help you with information, invaluable



B-12 injections in the butt

Microhydin (royal body care)

Aminoplex (blend of amino acids)

No Gluten or Cassein, HIGH FATS, LOW CARBS (lots of red meat) almost PALEO


Essiac Tea (bitters)

Betain HCL

Epsom Salt Baths everynight (uptake of magnesium, helps calm brain) hot

water 20 minutes without fail every night.

Vitamin E, C and K and nicotinamide

Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg (chelates heavy metals, challenge test this for a

couple of days, every 5 hours give them this for 2 days, see what happens)

*even overnight.

*now looking into chelating heavy metals, especially mercury, this could be

your culrpit to the whole shabang...see<autismandmercury4400 - Test right

away for mercury or other heavy metals, this often causes seizures. Also

check to see if a little heart condition may be present as well.


Homeopathic detox-nux vominica, thuja, belladona, silicea

Natures Sunshine -detox formulation

Cell Salts (important)-so overlooked, in and by itself could be the whole


Drink ONLY WATER...no sodas, no milk, no juice-Water is the best healer in

town, drink (of course filtered) at least 8 glasses a day, many seizures are

caused just by pure dehydration electroylytes...think of it this way, you

short out if you don't have enough juice...

NO TARTRAZINE (yellow food color), check to see if you have PST deficiency

(In williss' paper-can email you if you don't have that already), NO

ASPARTAME, NO FLOURIDE toothpaste or in water or medicines (often in

diflucan), see also www.feingold.org

I hope this helps, he is under control now for 3 years, ask me if I thought

that would ever happen? NOPE....it did with this investigation of obvious

preterbures or things that become excitotoxic to the brain.

( I hope I remembered everything he takes, it is even more wider for the

autism things, but those are truly the ones you should at least try, even

one at a time if needs be)

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  • 9 months later...
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Where in SC do you live? I am in Columbia and we too have Tefra. How old

is your daughter? We are trying to use our medicaid waiver for ABA but

the way it is set up is that once the child is school aged the only way

you can use medicaid to fund a home based program is through the school

districts and if the district refuses to do it, well too bad! It really

stinks and you have to go to due process to get it. We are looking at

that right now because our district has denied home ABA services. Just

curious as to where you live!



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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Dayna,

According to the service list,

Therapy and assessment for PT, OT, ST and respiratory

Therapeutic massage and assessment

Behavior analysis and assessment

Dietitian services and assessment

Support coordination

Psychological assessment and specialized mental health services

Physician services

Pharmacy program

and more.

If you can use " The consumer directed care research project " , it will give

you more control over providers and services.

We are not able to use any of services yet but sure looking forward to have



>Reply-To: Autism_in_Girls

>To: Autism_in_Girls

>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 20:24:01 -0700 (PDT)


>Hi Yukiko,


>Yes, I've heard about the 6,000 person waiting list

>for medicaid waiver in Florida! I read an email that

>Florida was granted some money to cover that problem,

>so hopefully it will be resolved soon. Are you looking

>to get your daughter in to ABA? I am currently in

>South Carolina...we might be moving to Florida in

>June. My daughter's ABA program is provided through

>the school district, who hires and trains their own

>therapists. The program is in it's 3rd year and now

>they are doing away with it next year, and only

>offering a small amount of 1:1 ABA while the children

>are enrolled in spec ed or reg ed classrooms.

>What I don't understand is this: I have medicaid

>waiver here in SC. It does not cover therapies, only

>provides funds for respite care. Is it different in

>Florida or am I missing something?







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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

So very sorry to hear your sad news.I know how hard this time must be

for you right now.I am one year into it and while I can't say things are

better they are different.My 3.10 yr. old daughter is potty trained is more

verbal every day and I am convinced that they are getting very close to

finding out what this Autism thing is really about.Her fraternal twin brother

is typical....Email me if you need to talk...


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  • 7 months later...

Thanks for your reply ... It seems to be a blood clot.. They are waiting

for it to go away.. So we'll see...


shlface@... wrote: Dot

I had a lump and a big red circle around a site where they took blood a

couple of years ago. It was warm to the touch and I think I voiced my

concerns to the group. Doc wasn't concerned though, I massaged it and kept

warm compresses on it for a couple of days and it went away. Hope yours goes

away this easy.

Stay healthy

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Thanks soo much!!

I will keep you all posted for and will need some advice!


patricia wrote: Aww Dorothy, you must be very

sad and confused at this point. As Marilyn

says, see what these other doctors say and then refer back to your onset dx

and maybe this will lead you to some reassurance as to what form you have.

Sometimes I think that a new doctor that was not there at onset would think

twice about ruling out Still's. Good luck with the clot also. Is very

reassuring that they looked into it and are watching now for problems in

that area. Good luck dear, keep us up on how things are going, please.

Till soon, Melt

Re: (unknown)


> Thanks for your reply ... It seems to be a blood clot.. They are

waiting for it to go away.. So we'll see...

> Dot

> shlface@... wrote: Dot


> I had a lump and a big red circle around a site where they took blood a

> couple of years ago. It was warm to the touch and I think I voiced my

> concerns to the group. Doc wasn't concerned though, I massaged it and


> warm compresses on it for a couple of days and it went away. Hope yours


> away this easy.


> Stay healthy




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  • 1 year later...


The lawsuits are going full steam ahead. The infamous Eli Lilly Rider (that

was repealed) really had no effect on any of the cases that were properly filed.

My best.


Jeff Sell

Z. Sell, P.C.

4309 Yoakum Blvd.

2nd Floor

Houston, Texas 77006






Hi Everyone

I have been following the VICA bill closely and have worked very hard

with letter writing etc to help the cause.

I have a friend with an autistic son who is part of a class action

law suit which apparently was being held up by the rider attached to

the Homeland Security Act. That rider has been gone since January

and he is having difficulty trying to find out the status of this

lawsuit....do you know if any other parents have found their lawsuits

going forward since that time or is everything still on hold.

I'd appreciate any information you can give me....

Thank you


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  • 1 month later...

Hey, my son had ear infections constantly from the time he was born until the dumb doctors listened to mom and put tubes in his ears at the age of 2. They "suspected" that his hearing loss and speech delay was from that, until we had one of those newer computer hearing tests that measures the ear drums responses to noise (the other tests that they do with the beeps he came out as partially deaf). The new test showed that he had NO hearing loss at all and he even had an ear infection at the time of the test. SO the theory that all his language problems were from his ear infections was bogus and was totally discredited at that point. Now his test scores show that he has a receptive/expressive langauge disorder (as do all children on the spectrum to some degree) or a central auditory processing disorder which is why his language was so delayed and "wrong".

Doctors really tick me off sometimes... ;)

Re: (unknown)

3. My son had constant ear infections which I had to fight my doctor to get anything done about until I switched doctors, so my son had about a year and a half of not hearing quite right so he is speech and language delayed. We have him presently in private speech theraphy and he is doing wonderful now there is stil the odd word or sound that he needs help with but is a vast difference since he had his tubes in and adnoids taken out.

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  • 8 years later...
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I am not going to the web site on this as the subject is unknown and there is no

message other than website.  I just don't do that.

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: raw@...; mark@...; APierce@...;

isaiah40_31@...; dwallace@...; dkomos@...;

ivcaminos@...; gjmitche@...;

confirm-unsub-35k53nrpj553x4ax45cdjkkjfx4mnvpn ;

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SolarCooking-unsubscribe ; sproutpeople ;

rjg1055wc@...; gmwillingham@...; g_willingham2@...;

eliz7212@...; thedrkqueen@...

Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 7:30 PM

Subject: (unknown)


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I agree Carolyn, This may just be a left over of when EW's account got



On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Carolyn Wilkerson <

carolyn.wilkerson@...> wrote:


> I am not going to the web site on this as the subject is unknown and there

> is no message other than website. I just don't do that.


> Carolyn Wilkerson






> ________________________________


> To: raw@...; mark@...; APierce@...;

> isaiah40_31@...; dwallace@...; dkomos@...;

> ivcaminos@...; gjmitche@...;

> confirm-unsub-35k53nrpj553x4ax45cdjkkjfx4mnvpn ;

> mjlacour@...; orders@...;

> SolarCooking-unsubscribe ; sproutpeople ;

> rjg1055wc@...; gmwillingham@...; g_willingham2@...;

> eliz7212@...; thedrkqueen@...

> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 7:30 PM

> Subject: (unknown)








http://www.jail.wxv.pl/redir.php?miponaf=google.com & vekote=facebook.com & url=http\






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