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Emf sensitivity

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Seshmet wrote:

> well i finally broke down and went to doctor not done with all the test

> yet but have found very high blood pressure 170/110 so they put me on a

> betablocker and gave me another pill for itchy crawly skin. Both of the

> pills seem to be working so maybe my sensitivity is just something else

> not just EMF.

Are the pills you are being given supposed to cure the root cause, or

merely suppress the symptoms? If it is the latter, then I'd still be

looking for potential causes...


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  • 3 years later...

hi julia

I have severe EMF sensitivity too- I can't work or go into offices or peoples

homes with wi-fi and I can't use a mobile phone unless it's on speaker phone. I

also have to wear a screening headnet to use my laptop. It's a nightmare and

very few people understand what it must be like- most doctors etc think I am

under some kind of delusion!

I have done quite a bit of research into this area, as I am a nutritionist and

health writer- and I have an article coming out here in the UK about it at the

end of the year, which I can forward to you if you like, as a pdf (when it comes

out- if they send me a pdf). In my research I found that every single person

with EM sensitivity who I interviewed also has Candida/gut dysbiosis. One theory

is that electrosensitive people are not able to keep calcium ionised in the

blood so it precipitates into the soft tissues and hair, and creates stiffness

etc. the other thing that is constantly taxing calcium is the constant need to

buffer metabolic acidosis- over-acidity of the blood. This doesn't mean that one

needs to start pursuing an 'alkalising' diet, but it does mean that poor

digestion, particularly of starch and sugar, leads to a build up of acids

(specifically something called D lactate) in the blood.

the other thing that calcium requires in order to be properly ionised is a

proper sodium to potassium ration of about 2.4- 1, so sea salt is important.

Most people with candida have ongoing stress problems and under-performing

adrenals, which interferes with sodium retention.

I can't answer your questions about why things are worse when you are on the

diet as regards the EM sensitivity- the only clue I can pick up here is that you

also experiencing anxiety, which will cause you to lose more electrolytes, so

possibly making the EM problem worse. Are you taking enough sodium and

magnesium? Personally I don't take calcium (although it's on the programme) as

I'm really magnesium deficient, and you need sufficient quantities of Mg to

ionise calcium in the blood as well as sodium and Vitamin D.

Do feel free to email me at naturallywells@... (not the tiscali address

above, which is no longer in use)

best wishes


> Hello Bee and all:


> It has been a while since I have been on this board. I have had a rough past

few months. I have developed a great sensitivity to EMF waves...cell phones,

comoputers, wireless anything, power lines, etc. anything with an

electromagnetic field. This gets worse when I am on the diet. When I get off

the diet it seems to get a little better. When I am very strict with the diet I

get extremely sensitive, depressed and anxious. I have to go off the diet to

ease my reactions. Does anyone else have experience with EMF hypersensitivity?

Bee, do you know anything about this? I need to be on the diet, but I cannot

function with the sensitivity. It's a catch 22. Help!




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> Hello Bee and all:


> It has been a while since I have been on this board. I have had a rough past

few months. I have developed a great sensitivity to EMF waves...cell phones,

comoputers, wireless anything, power lines, etc. anything with an

electromagnetic field. This gets worse when I am on the diet. When I get off

the diet it seems to get a little better. When I am very strict with the diet I

get extremely sensitive, depressed and anxious. I have to go off the diet to

ease my reactions. Does anyone else have experience with EMF hypersensitivity?

Bee, do you know anything about this? I need to be on the diet, but I cannot

function with the sensitivity. It's a catch 22. Help!


+++Hi ,

Zack, our moderator, is an Electrical Engineer, and he says you cannot get away

from EMFs even if you don't have anything electrical in your home, since those

fields are everywhere and cannot be avoided no matter what you do.

So the only answer is to get healthy, and persevere the reactions so you won't

be as sensitive to EMFs.

Of course depression and anxiety are normal to have when your body is going

through the healing processes, so they also cannot be avoided.

All the best, Bee

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Good Morning Bee and All,

I also experience EMF sensitivity...my question is this: what about the

various methods of defraying the waves?..e.g. the discs that can be worn

around one's neck. I do understand that if they were completely effectual

at stopping the waves altogether, that the very devices causing the waves

wouldn't function at all.

However, I purchased a necklace which is suppose to offer some protection.

(like a Stein watch) I haven't removed it since I got it, and have

been enjoying an improved quality of sleep at night.

What of this phenomena? While some would say it is bunk, I 'feel' the

difference. I tend to be skeptical, and had no expectations one way or

another about the necklace. What is the science behind this..why the

controversy, do you have personal experience with this?

Top of the day to you,

Jen B.

P.S. I love the coconut oil. At first I wondered how I would 'eat' oil.

Now my body craves it. Go fig. I must need it!

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Hi Jen,

Electromagnetic waves behave in unexpected manners. A disk worn around the

neck has a resonant frequency. If the wave you are trying to get rid of has

a frequency at that resonance, that disk will act like an antenna,

distributing the energy all over your body. If it is not at resonance, it

may or may not have a cancelling effect. It depends on the characteristics

of the disk and the frequencies you want to get rid of.

It would not have any effect on the head if worn around the neck. The most

dangerous RF (radio-frequency energy) is on upper UHF and microwave

frequencies. These have wavelengths that are too short for something worn

around the neck to protect the head or chest or lower areas.

We are bombarded with RF energy of all frequencies these days. Cell phones

operate in the upper UHF range but wireless computer devices operate in the

microwave range. There is nothing that can screen out all of them.



RF engineer

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Jen <cupoftea@...> wrote:





> Good Morning Bee and All,


> I also experience EMF sensitivity...my question is this: what about the

> various methods of defraying the waves?..e.g. the discs that can be worn

> around one's neck. I do understand that if they were completely effectual

> at stopping the waves altogether, that the very devices causing the waves

> wouldn't function at all.


> However, I purchased a necklace which is suppose to offer some protection.

> (like a Stein watch) I haven't removed it since I got it, and have

> been enjoying an improved quality of sleep at night.


> What of this phenomena? While some would say it is bunk, I 'feel' the

> difference. I tend to be skeptical, and had no expectations one way or

> another about the necklace. What is the science behind this..why the

> controversy, do you have personal experience with this?


> Top of the day to you,


> Jen B.


> P.S. I love the coconut oil. At first I wondered how I would 'eat' oil.

> Now my body craves it. Go fig. I must need it!



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Hi Zack and All,

Thank you for this information. I understand that we cannot really get away

from EMF's, but I've been wondering a while about whether we should move to a

different house, since the street we live on is parallel to high tension power

lines (the huge ones). Our house is probably 50 yards from the power lines.

How bad is this?

Thanks again!

Marti in Florida


> Hi Jen,


> Electromagnetic waves behave in unexpected manners. A disk worn around the

> neck has a resonant frequency. If the wave you are trying to get rid of has

> a frequency at that resonance, that disk will act like an antenna,

> distributing the energy all over your body. If it is not at resonance, it

> may or may not have a cancelling effect. It depends on the characteristics

> of the disk and the frequencies you want to get rid of.


> It would not have any effect on the head if worn around the neck. The most

> dangerous RF (radio-frequency energy) is on upper UHF and microwave

> frequencies. These have wavelengths that are too short for something worn

> around the neck to protect the head or chest or lower areas.


> We are bombarded with RF energy of all frequencies these days. Cell phones

> operate in the upper UHF range but wireless computer devices operate in the

> microwave range. There is nothing that can screen out all of them.


> Zack

> moderator

> RF engineer


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I appreciate and respect your knowledge on this topic.

Is there anything we can do to protect us from the big ones...the EMF's that are

the strongest and most damaging?

I've been considering buying a pendant that has quartz crystal in it that

supposedly protects you from " something. " I just don't know enough about it.

Thanks in advance,


> Hi Zack and All,


> Thank you for this information. I understand that we cannot really get away

from EMF's, but I've been wondering a while about whether we should move to a

different house, since the street we live on is parallel to high tension power

lines (the huge ones). Our house is probably 50 yards from the power lines.

How bad is this?


> Thanks again!

> Marti in Florida


> >

> > Hi Jen,

> >

> > Electromagnetic waves behave in unexpected manners. A disk worn around the

> > neck has a resonant frequency. If the wave you are trying to get rid of has

> > a frequency at that resonance, that disk will act like an antenna,

> > distributing the energy all over your body. If it is not at resonance, it

> > may or may not have a cancelling effect. It depends on the characteristics

> > of the disk and the frequencies you want to get rid of.

> >

> > It would not have any effect on the head if worn around the neck. The most

> > dangerous RF (radio-frequency energy) is on upper UHF and microwave

> > frequencies. These have wavelengths that are too short for something worn

> > around the neck to protect the head or chest or lower areas.

> >

> > We are bombarded with RF energy of all frequencies these days. Cell phones

> > operate in the upper UHF range but wireless computer devices operate in the

> > microwave range. There is nothing that can screen out all of them.

> >

> > Zack

> > moderator

> > RF engineer

> >


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> Zach,


> I appreciate and respect your knowledge on this topic.


> Is there anything we can do to protect us from the big ones...the EMF's that

are the strongest and most damaging?


> I've been considering buying a pendant that has quartz crystal in it that

supposedly protects you from " something. " I just don't know enough about it.


> Thanks in advance,




@@ Hi ,

There is nothing you can WEAR to diffuse EMFs that is known to plausibly defend

your entire body. Yes, this includes the cute pendant that has the quartz

crystal :)

However, you can minimize the negative effects by adding plants in your home,

particularly spider plants and cactus. Furthermore, you may also add or mix for

variety small fountains with running water.

The running water creates negative ions like the plants which counter


Plants also clean your indoor air, absorb offgassing of fumes from carpeting &

furnishings, as well as improve your mood.

Lastly, by strengthening your immune system with proper nutrition and a healthy

lifestyle you empower your immune system to better defend against any negative

effects of EMFs. And also in addition, minimizing exposure when sensibly


All these strategies, aforementioned, are your best defense.

No gizmos or batteries required ;]


group moderator

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> Hi Zack and All,


> Thank you for this information. I understand that we cannot really get away

from EMF's, but I've been wondering a while about whether we should move to a

different house, since the street we live on is parallel to high tension power

lines (the huge ones). Our house is probably 50 yards from the power lines.

How bad is this?

+++Hi Marti,

I may help to move to another location, but getting healthy is much more


All the best, Bee

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Hi Ed and all, Am really interested in this topic. While I know it's

controversial, we do have a small home ozone machine. We use it responsibly.

We understand how dangerous it CAN be if misused. (house currently being

professionally ozoned as final step of a house fire cleanup, computer burned up)

Anyway, after reading this post about the water, will ozone help with EMF

sensitivity?? The smell is very close to running water.

Thanks so much in advance,

Kathy B

[ ] Re: EMF sensitivity

Hi ,


>There is nothing you can WEAR to diffuse EMFs that is known to plausibly

defend your entire body (snip) for variety small fountains with running water.

>The running water creates negative ions like the plants which counter



>Plants also clean your indoor air, absorb offgassing of fumes from carpeting &

furnishings, as well as improve your mood.


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> Hi Ed and all, Am really interested in this topic. While I know it's

controversial, we do have a small home ozone machine. We use it responsibly.

We understand how dangerous it CAN be if misused. (house currently being

professionally ozoned as final step of a house fire cleanup, computer burned up)

Anyway, after reading this post about the water, will ozone help with EMF

sensitivity?? The smell is very close to running water.


> Thanks so much in advance,

> Kathy B


@@ Snip

@@ Hi ,

Ozone Machines will NOT address the minimizing of EMFs. Their focus, accordingly

is to minimize / eliminate chemicals in your home ,purify the air and thus, more

clean oxygen in the home.

Plants will do all what the ozone machines will do and more, including EMFs. The

ozone machine basically is an air purifier. I'm sorry you were not aware of

plants beforehand.

NASA in the 1970's did a study looking for the best ways to purify the air in

the space capsules for their astronauts. The plants were by far the best and

coincidentally the cheapest to accomplish this task.

I have already given links to this and the link on the study on plants and EMFs

in the past on group. You can do a search for EMFs, on group, I'm certain you

will find it.

Lastly as Zack has stated in the past, we cannot escape EMFs. Since they are all

around us. That is unfortunately, logically sound and I have to tend to agree

with him.

Thus, the recommendations I've given, previously to contend & minimize the

effects of EMFs and purifying indoor air as an added benefit.

You are very welcome.

All The Best,


group moderator

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Negative ions do not affect EM fields. They MAY affect bodies and proof up

resistance to various things. I am not sure; I haven't investigated this

very much yet.

Plants do not offer much resistance to electromagnetic fields. If they do,

it would be in the 2450 MHz region, the resonant frequency of water

molecules. But even there, it's not a lot.

I made some amateur radio contacts with a person about 110 miles from me

last August. He had suffered a lightning hit to his equipment and on one

band, the 3456 MHz band, was running extremely low power (30 milliwatts).

This is a band in the lower microwave range. That power level is far less

than an average flashlight consumes. He wanted to try for a contact. I had

to point a dish antenna through about a quarter mile of corn that was 6+

feet tall. The dish antenna was only 3 feet off the ground. I actually

copied his signal. Neither of us could hardly believe it. But it convinced

me that the plants were not really attenuating the signal at all. And that

was a lot of corn!

There is so much radio-frequency pollution from cell phone towers, wireless

computer equipment, etc. these days that all you can really do is proof up

your immune system.


On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Ed <imysterios@...> wrote:






> >

> > Zach,

> >

> > I appreciate and respect your knowledge on this topic.

> >

> > Is there anything we can do to protect us from the big ones...the EMF's

> that are the strongest and most damaging?

> >

> > I've been considering buying a pendant that has quartz crystal in it that

> supposedly protects you from " something. " I just don't know enough about it.

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> >

> >

> >


> @@ Hi ,


> There is nothing you can WEAR to diffuse EMFs that is known to plausibly

> defend your entire body. Yes, this includes the cute pendant that has the

> quartz crystal :)


> However, you can minimize the negative effects by adding plants in your

> home, particularly spider plants and cactus. Furthermore, you may also add

> or mix for variety small fountains with running water.

> The running water creates negative ions like the plants which counter

> EMFs.


> Plants also clean your indoor air, absorb offgassing of fumes from

> carpeting & furnishings, as well as improve your mood.


> Lastly, by strengthening your immune system with proper nutrition and a

> healthy lifestyle you empower your immune system to better defend against

> any negative effects of EMFs. And also in addition, minimizing exposure when

> sensibly possible.


> All these strategies, aforementioned, are your best defense.


> No gizmos or batteries required ;]

> Ed

> group moderator




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> Negative ions do not affect EM fields. They MAY affect bodies and proof up

resistance to various things. I am not sure; I haven't investigated this very

much yet.


> Plants do not offer much resistance to electromagnetic fields. If they do, it

would be in the 2450 MHz region, the resonant frequency of water molecules. But

even there, it's not a lot.


> I made some amateur radio contacts with a person about 110 miles from me last

August. He had suffered a lightning hit to his equipment and on one band, the

3456 MHz band, was running extremely low power (30 milliwatts).

> This is a band in the lower microwave range. That power level is far less than

an average flashlight consumes. He wanted to try for a contact. I had to point

a dish antenna through about a quarter mile of corn that was 6+ feet tall. The

dish antenna was only 3 feet off the ground. I actually copied his signal.

Neither of us could hardly believe it. But it convinced me that the plants were

not really attenuating the signal at all. And that was a lot of corn!


> There is so much radio-frequency pollution from cell phone towers, wireless

computer equipment, etc. these days that all you can really do is proof up your

immune system.


> Zack

@@ Hi Zack,

Actually that is the point. Plants offer and improve resistance of EMFs as the

following research dictates.

Here are some links below that did the research.

[1] :

Study done by Institut Des Recherches en Geobiologie at Chadonne in Switzerland

out a two year research program. cactus plants and spider plants & Peace Lily

have shown potential .

http://books.google.ca/books?id=pvHFPnH3Zu8C & pg=RA1-PA142 & lpg=RA1-PA142 & dq=cactu\

s+reducing+emf & source=bl & ots=a0vXpkFFr- & sig=vHDDzHcIAT-G83CFWAcPxJ9WWbI & hl=en & ei\

=BsuqSozwHpXTlAet37jmBg & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=1#v=onepage & q & f=fal\


[2] :

Here is another link below that makes reference to cactus reducing EMF which was

researched by Coghill of England .

http://books.google.ca/books?id=YAtpGYteEpEC & pg=PA32 & lpg=PA32 & dq=cactus+reducing\

+emf & source=bl & ots=f_V-yQjZfb & sig=ycWa022N-or0raXobu0RZkhX2zA & hl=en & ei=UcyqSt_KH\

5W2lAfM043SBg & a=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=8#v=onepage & q & f=false

Thus, your difference of your opinion would have to be addressed by the

reputable people above whom conducted the research or experiments.

Nonetheless, combining the suggested plants in conjunction with the other

variables I mentioned it would be the most advantageous to anyone to utilize

these in their health regime.

Lastly, I agree with proofing up one's immune system as I did state in my

previous message, to also focus on empowering ones immune system with diet and

healthy lifestyle changes.

Thanks again.

With Appreciation,


group moderator

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Hi Ed, Zack and all,

What do you think about salt lamps?



They are advertised as emitting negative ions in the air, thus purifying the

air. Here is an interesting article:





> @@ Hi Zack,


> Actually that is the point. Plants offer and improve resistance of EMFs as

the following research dictates.


> Here are some links below that did the research.



> [1] :


> Study done by Institut Des Recherches en Geobiologie at Chadonne in

Switzerland out a two year research program. cactus plants and spider plants

& Peace Lily have shown potential .



http://books.google.ca/books?id=pvHFPnH3Zu8C & pg=RA1-PA142 & lpg=RA1-PA142 & dq=cactu\

s+reducing+emf & source=bl & ots=a0vXpkFFr- & sig=vHDDzHcIAT-G83CFWAcPxJ9WWbI & hl=en & ei\

=BsuqSozwHpXTlAet37jmBg & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=1#v=onepage & q & f=fal\



> [2] :


> Here is another link below that makes reference to cactus reducing EMF which

was researched by Coghill of England .




http://books.google.ca/books?id=YAtpGYteEpEC & pg=PA32 & lpg=PA32 & dq=cactus+reducing\

+emf & source=bl & ots=f_V-yQjZfb & sig=ycWa022N-or0raXobu0RZkhX2zA & hl=en & ei=UcyqSt_KH\

5W2lAfM043SBg & a=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=8#v=onepage & q & f=false


> Thus, your difference of your opinion would have to be addressed by the

reputable people above whom conducted the research or experiments.

Nonetheless, combining the suggested plants in conjunction with the other

variables I mentioned it would be the most advantageous to anyone to utilize

these in their health regime.


> Lastly, I agree with proofing up one's immune system as I did state in my

previous message, to also focus on empowering ones immune system with diet and

healthy lifestyle changes.


> Thanks again.


> With Appreciation,

> Ed

> group moderator


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Interesting article. I hadn't heard of these until now.

They wouldn't offer any electromagnetic protection but might help in

the case of breathing difficulties, etc. as the article states.

There is this paragraph:

" Widespread anecdotal claims about crystal salt " generating " negative

ions have yet to be scientifically studied, documented, published, and

peer reviewed. This could likely be either a lack of available data,

or simply an urban legend that has earned its share of skeptics over

the years. There is another theory about salt lamps realized by Ionic

salts, however, that logically suggests benefits come from two

conditions created by the attraction of water and salt rather than

simply negative ion generation. "

The theory is that they can create an abundance of negative ions by

causing the positively-charged dust, etc. to precipitate out of the


They also look quite aesthetic!



On 11/21/10, Moyre <moyre_03@...> wrote:

> Hi Ed, Zack and all,


> What do you think about salt lamps?






> They are advertised as emitting negative ions in the air, thus purifying the

> air. Here is an interesting article:






> Ina.






>> @@ Hi Zack,


>> Actually that is the point. Plants offer and improve resistance of EMFs

>> as the following research dictates.


>> Here are some links below that did the research.



>> [1] :


>> Study done by Institut Des Recherches en Geobiologie at Chadonne in

>> Switzerland out a two year research program. cactus plants and spider

>> plants & Peace Lily have shown potential .



http://books.google.ca/books?id=pvHFPnH3Zu8C & pg=RA1-PA142 & lpg=RA1-PA142 & dq=cactu\

s+reducing+emf & source=bl & ots=a0vXpkFFr- & sig=vHDDzHcIAT-G83CFWAcPxJ9WWbI & hl=en & ei\

=BsuqSozwHpXTlAet37jmBg & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=1#v=onepage & q & f=fal\



>> [2] :


>> Here is another link below that makes reference to cactus reducing EMF

>> which was researched by Coghill of England .




http://books.google.ca/books?id=YAtpGYteEpEC & pg=PA32 & lpg=PA32 & dq=cactus+reducing\

+emf & source=bl & ots=f_V-yQjZfb & sig=ycWa022N-or0raXobu0RZkhX2zA & hl=en & ei=UcyqSt_KH\

5W2lAfM043SBg & a=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=8#v=onepage & q & f=false


>> Thus, your difference of your opinion would have to be addressed by the

>> reputable people above whom conducted the research or experiments.

>> Nonetheless, combining the suggested plants in conjunction with the other

>> variables I mentioned it would be the most advantageous to anyone to

>> utilize these in their health regime.


>> Lastly, I agree with proofing up one's immune system as I did state in my

>> previous message, to also focus on empowering ones immune system with diet

>> and healthy lifestyle changes.


>> Thanks again.


>> With Appreciation,

>> Ed

>> group moderator





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> > Hi Ed, Zack and all,

> >

> > What do you think about salt lamps?

> >

> >



> >

> > They are advertised as emitting negative ions in the air, thus purifying the

> > air. Here is an interesting article:

> >

> >



> >

> > Ina.

@@ Hi Ina,

Yes, agreed, interesting article.

However, one thing that would come to mind is Salt lamps have to be plugged in

using electricity thus positive charge / ions. Therefore its helping create

what it is supposedly designed to counter.

Sort of a catch 22 isn't it? Thus, my initial skepticism. But, hey it may have

merit. Since as Zack states this has yet to be scientifically studied.

Electrical charges / ions are either positive or negative there are no neutrals

or middle ground if you will. This includes EMFs which produce positive charges

/ ions.

Basically, positive needs negative to balance it out. In example, our human

body is based on electricity which is also positively charged, thus why negative

charges balance us out and keep us healthy.

It has been discovered that the dispersion of water from waterfalls, waves, or

even lightning and water evaporation from plants, create hydrogen ions by

splitting water molecules. The negative electrons join up with other free

positive electrons in the air thus, neutralizing / cancelling their electrical


Plants emit water vapors through transpiration, (evaporation of water into the

air) they produce Negative ions. This is why running water or plants are useful

in reducing EMFs effects of positive ions or electrical charges. Thus man made

electricity is not used nor needed to produce these beneficial effects.

Negative ions are what also purify the air which creates a richer oxygen

environment. Which correlates to improved health & thus a stronger immune

system. The very thing we are looking to do with this diet.

Hopefully, everyone now has an understanding ,minus most of the technical

jargon, why and how plants & running water help lower the effects of EMFs.

As an extra tidbit, The computer notebook producer ASUS even introduced air

ionizers in their computers. Which help counter positive ions, thus the effects

of EMFs. Intriguing, eh?

Your Friend in Health,


group moderator

P.S - Apologies, I maybe incorrect, air ionizers maybe useful.

Albeit, the natural ionizers i.e plants have more benefits.

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Ed, I really appreciate your posts. Thanks for all info on ionizers. Living

in the desert, cactus is not one of my favourite things, but I will be

getting some spider plants. Do any other plants work as well??

And the salt lamps, I do have a couple of electric ones, but I also ordered

some that use tea lights, one size uses 2, one 3. I choose not to be

concerned about particles emitted. As y'all have stated repeatedly, it's

not realistic to be 100% free of EMF's. And I don't choose to live in a


I am snipping the posts as I don't want to clog mailboxes.

Again, thanks to all for discussing this topic.

Kathy B


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> Ed, I really appreciate your posts. Thanks for all info on ionizers. Living

in the desert, cactus is not one of my favourite things, but I will be getting

some spider plants. Do any other plants work as well??


@@ Snip

@@ Hi Kathy,

You're welcome. Peace Lily is another plant that also supposedly tested and

known to perform well, similar to spider plants.

Yeah, the plastic bubble would cramp my style too ;)

Best 2 U,


group moderator

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I appreciate your replies, Zack & Ed.

Ed, regarding plants I think we should have a lot of plants (salt lamps too) in

order for them to be effective :) Otherwise their benefit may be negligible.

Here are two articles on plants:






> @@ Hi Ina,


> Yes, agreed, interesting article.


> However, one thing that would come to mind is Salt lamps have to be plugged in

using electricity thus positive charge / ions. Therefore its helping create

what it is supposedly designed to counter.


> Sort of a catch 22 isn't it? Thus, my initial skepticism. But, hey it may

have merit. Since as Zack states this has yet to be scientifically studied.


> Electrical charges / ions are either positive or negative there are no

neutrals or middle ground if you will. This includes EMFs which produce positive

charges / ions.


> Basically, positive needs negative to balance it out. In example, our human

body is based on electricity which is also positively charged, thus why negative

charges balance us out and keep us healthy.


> It has been discovered that the dispersion of water from waterfalls, waves, or

even lightning and water evaporation from plants, create hydrogen ions by

splitting water molecules. The negative electrons join up with other free

positive electrons in the air thus, neutralizing / cancelling their electrical



> Plants emit water vapors through transpiration, (evaporation of water into the

air) they produce Negative ions. This is why running water or plants are useful

in reducing EMFs effects of positive ions or electrical charges. Thus man made

electricity is not used nor needed to produce these beneficial effects.


> Negative ions are what also purify the air which creates a richer oxygen

environment. Which correlates to improved health & thus a stronger immune

system. The very thing we are looking to do with this diet.


> Hopefully, everyone now has an understanding ,minus most of the technical

jargon, why and how plants & running water help lower the effects of EMFs.


> As an extra tidbit, The computer notebook producer ASUS even introduced air

ionizers in their computers. Which help counter positive ions, thus the effects

of EMFs. Intriguing, eh?


> Your Friend in Health,

> Ed

> group moderator


> P.S - Apologies, I maybe incorrect, air ionizers maybe useful.

> Albeit, the natural ionizers i.e plants have more benefits.


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The worst effects from electromagnetic radiation do not occur from positive

ions, but rather from the direct effects this energy produces on the body.

From what I've read, it is slow and cumulative and things would just seem to

get worse over time.

I wish I or someone else had a solution other than to go and live somewhere

where there is a minimum of electromagnetic energy.

There are a few people who did research on this whose research was squashed

back in the 1940's - 50's. I'm kind of surprised no one else has tried to

duplicate their efforts " under the radar, " as enough is known about what

they were doing to be able to repeat it with enough research. That may be

the bug, though - it may take a LOT of work.


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Ed <imysterios@...> wrote:






> > > Hi Ed, Zack and all,

> > >

> > > What do you think about salt lamps?

> > >

> > >




> > >

> > > They are advertised as emitting negative ions in the air, thus

> purifying the

> > > air. Here is an interesting article:

> > >

> > >




> > >

> > > Ina.


> @@ Hi Ina,


> Yes, agreed, interesting article.


> However, one thing that would come to mind is Salt lamps have to be plugged

> in using electricity thus positive charge / ions. Therefore its helping

> create what it is supposedly designed to counter.


> Sort of a catch 22 isn't it? Thus, my initial skepticism. But, hey it may

> have merit. Since as Zack states this has yet to be scientifically studied.


> Electrical charges / ions are either positive or negative there are no

> neutrals or middle ground if you will. This includes EMFs which produce

> positive charges / ions.


> Basically, positive needs negative to balance it out. In example, our human

> body is based on electricity which is also positively charged, thus why

> negative charges balance us out and keep us healthy.


> It has been discovered that the dispersion of water from waterfalls, waves,

> or even lightning and water evaporation from plants, create hydrogen ions by

> splitting water molecules. The negative electrons join up with other free

> positive electrons in the air thus, neutralizing / cancelling their

> electrical charge.


> Plants emit water vapors through transpiration, (evaporation of water into

> the air) they produce Negative ions. This is why running water or plants are

> useful in reducing EMFs effects of positive ions or electrical charges. Thus

> man made electricity is not used nor needed to produce these beneficial

> effects.


> Negative ions are what also purify the air which creates a richer oxygen

> environment. Which correlates to improved health & thus a stronger immune

> system. The very thing we are looking to do with this diet.


> Hopefully, everyone now has an understanding ,minus most of the technical

> jargon, why and how plants & running water help lower the effects of EMFs.


> As an extra tidbit, The computer notebook producer ASUS even introduced air

> ionizers in their computers. Which help counter positive ions, thus the

> effects of EMFs. Intriguing, eh?


> Your Friend in Health,

> Ed

> group moderator


> P.S - Apologies, I maybe incorrect, air ionizers maybe useful.

> Albeit, the natural ionizers i.e plants have more benefits.




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> I appreciate your replies, Zack & Ed.


> Ed, regarding plants I think we should have a lot of plants (salt lamps too)

in order for them to be effective :) Otherwise their benefit may be negligible.


> Here are two articles on plants:

> http://www.wolvertonenvironmental.com/airFAQ.htm


> http://www.earthcouncil.net/freshair.htm


> Ina.


@@ Hi Ina,


According to this link's example scenario of a room of 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) office

with an 8 ft (2.4 m) ceiling contains a volume of 800 ft3 (22,640 liters) of

air. Based upon the above data, if the air contained 0.173 µg/liter of

formaldehyde, then the room would contain a total of approximately 3,917

µg(Micrograms/mcg Per Liter (µg/l) of formaldehyde.

Therefore the plant, " Lady palm " with weakest removal rate of

formaldehyde at 876 mcg , one would need 5 'Lady Palm ' plants approximately to

be effective. Of course, one could use 4 Peace lily plants which are much

smaller to do the same thing. I used formaldehyde as the choice chemical in

example, since it seems the most mentioned & prevalent within indoor settings.

However, agreed, one plant by your computer maybe effective for that small area,

but not your entire home. So yes, a few would be necessary for that effect.

Nonetheless, rather, than just focusing on one element alone and thus limiting

one's efforts, i.e. plants. Its best to combine diet and healthy lifestyle

modifications which can also include plants in your living environment, if you

desire, to fortify your immune system.

So, if one safeguard, in the above, falls short. There is enough of the other

health implementations to still protect your health. Thus, no worries.

With Appreciation,


group moderator

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> The worst effects from electromagnetic radiation do not occur from positive

ions, but rather from the direct effects this energy produces on the body.

> From what I've read, it is slow and cumulative and things would just seem to

get worse over time.


> I wish I or someone else had a solution other than to go and live somewhere

where there is a minimum of electromagnetic energy.


> There are a few people who did research on this whose research was squashed

back in the 1940's - 50's. I'm kind of surprised no one else has tried to

duplicate their efforts " under the radar, " as enough is known about what they

were doing to be able to repeat it with enough research. That may be the bug,

though - it may take a LOT of work.


> Zack


@@ Snip

@@ Hi Zack,

Okay , in regards to positive ions which seem impart lower oxygen content which

tend to encourage a weaker immune system ( whereas negative ions improve

oxygen)... what other effects of electromagnetic radiation's energy are you

talking about?

Furthermore, if I'm empowering the oxygen content my body( which strengthens my

immune system) with a combination of diet, supplements, exercise, plants ..etc

.... then how are these cumulative effects going to accumulate enough to be a


Otherwise, of course, if one is not implementing enough of the aforementioned

healthy, lifestyle modifications, then yes, I agree the slow & cumulative

effects of EMFs in conjunction with the body's deficiencies would be quite

damaging, over time.

Lastly, I also agree, its a shame the research mentioned was squashed &

abandoned in the 1940's - 50's.



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Ed, what type of waterfalls were you referring in previous posts? Aren't those

also using electricity?


ugh research. That may be the bug, though - it may take a LOT of work.

> >

> Okay , in regards to positive ions which seem impart lower oxygen content

which tend to encourage a weaker immune system ( whereas negative ions improve

oxygen)... what other effects of electromagnetic radiation's energy are you

talking about?


> Furthermore, if I'm empowering the oxygen content my body( which strengthens

my immune system) with a combination of diet, supplements, exercise, plants

...etc ... then how are these cumulative effects going to accumulate enough to be

a problem?


> Otherwise, of course, if one is not implementing enough of the aforementioned

healthy, lifestyle modifications, then yes, I agree the slow & cumulative

effects of EMFs in conjunction with the body's deficiencies would be quite

damaging, over time.


> Lastly, I also agree, its a shame the research mentioned was squashed &

abandoned in the 1940's - 50's.


> Cordially,

> Ed

> group moderator


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> Ed, what type of waterfalls were you referring in previous posts? Aren't those

also using electricity?


> Ina.


@@ Snip

@@ Hi Ina,

Waterfalls on their own do not create electricity.

The electricity you refer is called " hydroelectricity " which is man made. This

is accomplished by utilizing generators which create electricity from the

motion/energy of the falling water.



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I meant don't they have to be plugged in? Aren't those indoor waterfalls

electrical appliances like salt lamps? That's why I asked what type were you

referring to.

Can you post a link maybe?



> Waterfalls on their own do not create electricity.


> The electricity you refer is called " hydroelectricity " which is man made.

This is accomplished by utilizing generators which create electricity from the

motion/energy of the falling water.


> Cheers,

> Ed

> group moderator


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