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Re: potty training

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Hi Amber,

is 14 now almost 15 geez........but he was trained totally by 5, what

really worked for him, was i bought him special underwear, something he was

really into like barney etc,. and he didn't want to " mess " them up, I also made a

super big deal out of him using the potty, my daughters and I and my mom if

she was over used to clap and cheer so loud and he loved the praise.. Hope

this helps and good luck! Viola:

We have been trying to work on potty training, but it really is a slow

go. We sit our daughter (4) on the potty and when she does pee in

there she is SOOOOO PROUD of herself and loves us to celebrate with

her. The problem is she never volunteers to go and when we sit her on

the potty it may take the course of 3 hours to get her to go.

So just wondering if anyone has any good tips from personal experience?

Thanks much,


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We used the book Steps to Independence and found that the charts for

baseline and for working on a structured toilet program helped us.

Also - offer lots of fluids so there is more opportunity to need to go.

Sara - Choose to make lemonade, not complain about the lemons.





>Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:19:01 -0000


>We have been trying to work on potty training, but it really is a slow

>go. We sit our daughter (4) on the potty and when she does pee in

>there she is SOOOOO PROUD of herself and loves us to celebrate with

>her. The problem is she never volunteers to go and when we sit her on

>the potty it may take the course of 3 hours to get her to go.

>So just wondering if anyone has any good tips from personal experience?


>Thanks much,







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when nathan was little like that, the doc said due to delay in development

etc they dont recongnize and some dont develop that urge to go until later,

but we started with schedule training him first at 3yrs old with school's help

and under the direction of the university's developmental disability people.

Start at 2-3 certain times a day and then broaden it each every few weeks,

she will eventually and mainly only go when its the scheduled time---then

eventually they figure it out i feel like this when i go --put two and two

together and start going on their own, i think nathan was around 9-10 before


started just going occasionally on his own at unscheduled times and continues

to just go on own when needs to. Start in the morning and gradually add on

every few weeks. for example have her try and go first thing when wakes up,

even if wet, most likely will still tinkle a little, and then maybe two hours

after that, even if at school, mid morning, around 9-10am. If she can stay

persistenly dry in between these times and go, without problems each time

taken then add on another scheduled bathroom break a couple hours after that,

just before or right after lunch, the remainder of the day dont push it --let

her wear her pull-ups or briefs whatever- gradually add on every few weeks or

as she is handling it, eventually she will be scheduled trained throughout

the day, and then when the day gets mastered you can try the night. I wouldn't

let her sit on the toilet for 3hours, may hate this, get bored and thus

reverse your goal, no one feels the urge to go for 3 hours in a row, unless

your a

little old lady over 90, lol, just make a social story, read her potty

books for kids, remind her time to go potty, go in and do her thing, do the


potty dance,lots of praise, wash hands and then go about your activites. I

hope this makes sense for you. Other things to remember is to have easy

clothing she can do per herself, elastic pants etc. Have it so her feet can


a step stool at the toilet or a little potty seat just for her, gives her

security dont want to scare her I think some even have those handles on each

side of the toilet. Most of all Make it a fun time every time so she looks

forward to going and earning the happy potty dance and praise. shawna

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  • 2 weeks later...
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HI Sherrill,

No free rides for us parents, right? :-) She'll get it; it doesn't

really matter when, in the whole scheme of things... You are a great

Mom. I like that you are focused on the most important stuff. Who

cares when they learn it.

I taught the girls because there was an opportunity during the school

closings; I knew the school was avoiding potty-training them but would

have to support it if I did the first 70% of the job; and I was frankly

pissed off that they had the gall to write in the January p.t. &

educational evaluations (for re-eligibility - this is another can of

worms altogether!) all these ridiculous prerequisties before the girls

were supposedly ready to potty-train. Their remarks were, " Why don't I

wait 'til summer (so they don't have to lift a finger)? " My pleas for

help because of the daily thrown bm diapers and the fact that I had 2

kids w/special needs (3 with ) that both needed help ( " unique

needs/independent living " didn't ring a bell) and since they are in

school each day, the school needed to assist, all fell on deaf ears.

They even said that the girls weren't capable. That was the straw that

broke the camels' back for me.

Now, the school says that I ambushed them, even though I discussed my

concerns about it all year. The following Tuesday, the first school day

after 6 days off, I walked the girls into school carrying 2 backpacks, 2

potties & supplies. I told them the girls were potty-trained and I

would stay to support them as long as they needed/wanted me. They asked

me to stay for 2 days, then afterwards, they told me they would not

follow the KKI protocol and they didn't want me there, so I said, " Do

your thing. You know what to do. I'm here if you need me. " Since

then, when I pick the girls up after school twice a week for therapy,

the girls are loaded with liquid. But I'm prepared and no one's had an

accident. They pee in the car before we leave school and then they pee

at our therapy destination before the session and then after therapy

too, and then once at home, they pee before they get out of the car --

then I throw the trash bag away. Can't believe how much urine they have

right after school. That's obviously the school's way of trying to get

me to fold by loading them up with fluids before pickup. I just laugh

because the girls WANT to pee on the potty and they are so proud of

themselves. It's beautiful to see their little faces light up and their

eyes come up to meet mine after they " performed " or Mommy's so happy

with them after a dry pants check. Sweet little girls! Their smiles

like up the room!

I'm glad they learned during the school year because it will wear you

out (I'm old!) and if you have to do it by yourself (neglecting your

other kids) all day/everyday during the summer with no support, that

really stinks. In the beginning, you live on 15-30 minute increments

with a timer and do every 5 minute dry pants checks. At the end of

that, having the school deal with them during the day once they're

working towards 1 hour intervals (some parts of the day longer,

depending on fluid intake) is so great.

Sorry so long - this discussion hits a big nerve! :-)


Mom to Haley, Nikki, & , all under 4 & potty-training

SETREB@... wrote:


> Wow ; give yourself a big hug and pat on the back from me. You

> really deserve it. I must admit I am partly to blame for not

> being trained. It takes soooo much time in and patience. My 9 year

> old is the toughest one to keep in the house for a period of time.

> But we are on the right track.....keep your fingers crossed for me and

> keep up the good work.


> Sherrill

> mom to Jillian 9, and (D/s) 5




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I think you are describing a common

problem with having to go 15x during the day. I like to say Gavin has a

drippy skippy. What helped the most was getting out of pull-ups and using

incontinence liners. All the independence of big boy underwear with a wee

bit of insurance to get them over the pull-up hurdle. We still use the

liners as he is still mastering snaps, zippers and buttons (and sometimes pee

pee doesn’t wait for fasteners). We also spent a lot of time in

just underwear (or underwear and a t-shirt) so we could tackle toileting separate

from undressing.

Keep up the work!

Suze (mom to Nicolas and Kristopher

identical/15/Opitz and Gavin 7/DS)


Multiples-DS [mailto:Multiples-DS ] On Behalf Of mrsimoffshore@...

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:59


To: Multiples-DS

Subject: Update on

and , also Magic Touch Computer Screen, and potty training

Hi everyone. I don't keep up very well with the listserve, but that

should change next month when the boys are in school for a large part of the


We've had a busy summer. At the start of the summer we purchased a

" Magic Touch " computer screen, so the boys can be independent on the

computer. Their main website is Starfall. They can navigate through

the site very well, and when they are on the computer together it's really

funny. If opens something and doesn't want the same thing,

will close that window! So, it's a great time for turn taking.

The boys are doing a lot of swimming this summer. They are probably in

the water 5 times a week. They are both officially swimming this

year. They both jump off the diving board and swim to the side and get

out, without anyone helping or being in the pool with them. One of the

Special Olympics swim coaches saw them swimming and asked if they would like to

join in January. We plan on having them join, and get into the program early.

They won't be able to compete until they are 8 years old, but the practices

should be fun for them.

We are also working on potty training. They have pee-ed in the potty more

this summer than ever, but we still have a long way to go. I was having too

hard a time training both boys at the same time, so I am focusing more on one

at this time. My boys seem to have very immature bladders. They pee

12 to 15 times during the day.

Has anyone else had this problem? Matty will have an accident, and since I'm

watching his so closely, he isn't finished, so I take him to the potty and he

pees more. But often 30 to 45 minutes later, he has another accident!

I'm going crazy, but it's fun.

Got to go!


Mom to and , 5 year old twins, both with DS

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Thanks for the ideas. I hadn't thought of incontinence liners. Where do you get them? Just at Walmart? My sons wear size 4 T. Do you get adult or kids size?



I think you are describing a common problem with having to go 15x during the day. I like to say Gavin has a drippy skippy. What helped the most was getting out of pull-ups and using incontinence liners. All the independence of big boy underwear with a wee bit of insurance to get them over the pull-up hurdle. We still use the liners as he is still mastering snaps, zippers and buttons (and sometimes pee pee doesn’t wait for fasteners). We also spent a lot of time in just underwear (or underwear and a t-shirt) so we could tackle toileting separate from undressing.

Keep up the work!

Suze (mom to Nicolas and Kristopher identical/15/Opitz and Gavin 7/DS)

From: Multiples-DS [mailto:Multiples-DS ] On Behalf Of mrsimoffshoreaol

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:59 PM

To: Multiples-DS

Subject: Update on and , also Magic Touch Computer Screen, and potty training

Hi everyone. I don't keep up very well with the listserve, but that should change next month when the boys are in school for a large part of the day.

We've had a busy summer. At the start of the summer we purchased a "Magic Touch" computer screen, so the boys can be independent on the computer. Their main website is Starfall. They can navigate through the site very well, and when they are on the computer together it's really funny. If opens something and doesn't want the same thing, will close that window! So, it's a great time for turn taking.

The boys are doing a lot of swimming this summer. They are probably in the water 5 times a week. They are both officially swimming this year. They both jump off the diving board and swim to the side and get out, without anyone helping or being in the pool with them. One of the Special Olympics swim coaches saw them swimming and asked if they would like to join in January. We plan on having them join, and get into the program early. They won't be able to compete until they are 8 years old, but the practices should be fun for them.

We are also working on potty training. They have pee-ed in the potty more this summ

er than ever, but we still have a long way to go. I was having too hard a time training both boys at the same time, so I am focusing more on one at this time. My boys seem to have very immature bladders. They pee 12 to 15 times during the day.

Has anyone else had this problem? Matty will have an accident, and since I'm watching his so closely, he isn't finished, so I take him to the potty and he pees more. But often 30 to 45 minutes later, he has another accident!

I'm going crazy, but it's fun.

Got to go!


Mom to and , 5 year old twins, both with DS

The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame - in your br

owser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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Hi a,

I get the panty-liner ones (at the grocery

store, WalMart… drug store). They are for adults, but I just put them up

higher in front. You don’t need thick, or wings… It just catches those little

oopses and the waited a few seconds too long. These are better then ladies

panty-liners because they are intended to absorb odor without perfumes. I found

these really helpful in school because the pull-ups were very stigmatizing. He

looked like a big boy and it made him more confident.

Hope it helps!


From: Multiples-DS

[mailto:Multiples-DS ] On

Behalf Of mrsimoffshore@...

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:48


To: Multiples-DS

Subject: Re: Potty


Thanks for the ideas. I hadn't thought of

incontinence liners. Where do you get them? Just at Walmart?

My sons wear size 4 T. Do you get adult or kids size?



I think you are describing a common

problem with having to go 15x during the day. I like to say Gavin has a

drippy skippy. What helped the most was getting out of pull-ups and using

incontinence liners. All the independence of big boy underwear with a wee

bit of insurance to get them over the pull-up hurdle. We still use the

liners as he is still mastering snaps, zippers and buttons (and sometimes pee

pee doesn’t wait for fasteners). We also spent a lot of time in just

underwear (or underwear and a t-shirt) so we could tackle toileting separate

from undressing.

Keep up the work!

Suze (mom to Nicolas and Kristopher

identical/15/Opitz and Gavin 7/DS)

From: Multiples-DS

[mailto:Multiples-DS ]

On Behalf Of mrsimoffshoreaol

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:59


To: Multiples-DS

Subject: Update on

and , also Magic Touch Computer Screen, and potty training

Hi everyone. I don't keep up very well with the listserve, but that

should change next month when the boys are in school for a large part of the


We've had a busy summer. At the start of the summer we purchased a

" Magic Touch " computer screen, so the boys can be independent on the

computer. Their main website is Starfall. They can navigate through

the site very well, and when they are on the computer together it's really

funny. If opens something and doesn't want the same

thing, will close that window! So, it's a great time for turn


The boys are doing a lot of swimming this summer. They are probably in

the water 5 times a week. They are both officially swimming this

year. They both jump off the diving board and swim to the side and get

out, without anyone helping or being in the pool with them. One of the

Special Olympics swim coaches saw them swimming and asked if they would like to

join in January. We plan on having them join, and get into the program

early. They won't be able to compete until they are 8 years old, but the

practices should be fun for them.

We are also working on potty training. They have pee-ed in the potty more

this summ er than ever, but we still have a long way to go. I was having

too hard a time training both boys at the same time, so I am focusing more on

one at this time. My boys seem to have very immature bladders. They

pee 12 to 15 times during the day.

Has anyone else had this problem? Matty will have an accident, and since

I'm watching his so closely, he isn't finished, so I take him to the potty and

he pees more. But often 30 to 45 minutes later, he has another accident!

I'm going crazy, but it's fun.

Got to go!


Mom to and , 5 year old twins, both with DS

The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame - in

your br owser. Get

the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame - in

your browser. Get

the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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Thank you!

Update on and , also Magic Touch Computer Screen, and potty training

Hi everyone. I don't keep up very well with the listserve, but that should change next month when the boys are in school for a large part of the day.

We've had a busy summer. At the start of the summer we purchased a "Magic Touch" computer screen, so the boys can be independent on the computer. Their main website is Starfall. They can navigate through the site very well, and when they are on the computer together it's really funny. If opens something and doesn't want the same thing, will close that window! So, it's a great time for turn taking.

The boys are doing a lot of swimming this summer. They are probably in the water 5 times a week. They are both officially swimming this year. They both jump off the diving board and swim to the side and get out, without anyone helping or being in the pool with them. One of the Special Olympics swim coaches saw them swimming and asked if they would like to join in January. We plan on having them join, and get into the program early. They won't be able to compete until they are 8 years old, but the practices should be fun for them.

We20are also working on potty training. They have pee-ed in the potty more this summ er than ever, but we still have a long way to go. I was having too hard a time training both boys at the same time, so I am focusing more on one at this time. My boys seem to have very immature bladders. They pee 12 to 15 times during the day.

Has anyone else had this problem? Matty will have an accident, and since I'm watching his so closely, he isn't finished, so I take him to the potty and he pees more. But often 30 to 45 minutes later, he has another accident!

I'm going crazy, but it's fun.

Got to go!


Mom to and , 5 year old twins, both with DS

The Famous, the Infam

ous, the Lame - in your br owser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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e Infamous, the Lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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Hi everybody!! Hey, does anyone have the name of that potty training book that is for Down Syndrome kids? My computer crashed and I lost the email with the info. . .I am having a hard time with the poop part!

Thanks, Jodie

Mom of identical girls Holly and h age 7. Moses Lake washington

Subject: Re: Potty TrainingTo: Multiples-DS Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 6:17 PM

Thank you! Update on and , also Magic Touch Computer Screen, and potty training

Hi everyone. I don't keep up very well with the listserve, but that should change next month when the boys are in school for a large part of the day.We've had a busy summer. At the start of the summer we purchased a "Magic Touch" computer screen, so the boys can be independent on the computer. Their main website is Starfall. They can navigate through the site very well, and when they are on the computer together it's really funny. If opens something and doesn't want the same thing, will close that window! So, it's a great time for turn taking.The boys are doing a lot of swimming this summer. They are probably in the water 5 times a week. They are both officially swimming this year. They both jump off the diving board and swim to the side and get out, without anyone helping

or being in the pool with them. One of the Special Olympics swim coaches saw them swimming and asked if they would like to join in January. We plan on having them join, and get into the program early. They won't be able to compete until they are 8 years old, but the practices should be fun for them.We20are also working on potty training. They have pee-ed in the potty more this summ er than ever, but we still have a long way to go. I was having too hard a time training both boys at the same time, so I am focusing more on one at this time. My boys seem to have very immature bladders. They pee 12 to 15 times during the day.Has anyone else had this problem? Matty will have an accident, and since I'm watching his so closely, he isn't finished, so I take him to the potty and he pees more. But often 30 to 45 minutes later, he has another accident!I'm going crazy, but it's fun.Got

to go!aMom to and , 5 year old twins, both with DS

The Famous, the Infam ous, the Lame - in your br owser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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The Famous, th e Infamous, the Lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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  • 6 months later...


we are at the old end of this topic. The boys will be 9 on Valentines and is "potty trained" with a few accidents. Like most kids, if he is involved in something then just forget it... The chair by the computer is a mess. As for , add a bit of autism to the equation and we are ok at school, but could careless at home. stays dry through the night and it is hit and miss. Not sure when it will be complete, but I do know that thinks are starting to click now with speech and other areas at school as well. the boys spent the first 4 years in the hospital, so maybe that has added to the delay, but so glad pull ups are not being purchased nearly as often. Or Wipes. YEH!!!

Sandy Weber , 207...

mom to Way too Many! Including Triplets!

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, ds/adhd/autism (age 12) is not toilet trained, during the day or night.Subject: Re: potty trainingTo: Multiples-DS Received: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 12:17 PM


we are at the old end of this topic. The boys will be 9 on Valentines and is "potty trained" with a few accidents. Like most kids, if he is involved in something then just forget it... The chair by the computer is a mess. As for , add a bit of autism to the equation and we are ok at school, but could careless at home. stays dry through the night and it is hit and miss. Not sure when it will be complete, but I do know that thinks are starting to click now with speech and other areas at school as well. the boys spent the first 4 years in the hospital, so maybe that has added to the delay, but so glad pull ups are not being purchased nearly as often. Or Wipes. YEH!!!

Sandy Weber , 207... mom to Way too Many! Including Triplets!

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, I feel ya!!! Dayton is 10yr still nothing yet! was 5yrs old and is 6yr not pottty trained!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryFrom: Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 11:08:02 -0800 (PST)To: <Multiples-DS >Subject: Re: Re: potty training , ds/adhd/autism (age 12) is not toilet trained, during the day or night.From: Weber <junglemom9>Subject: Re: potty trainingTo: Multiples-DS Received: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 12:17 PM Ok,we are at the old end of this topic. The boys will be 9 on Valentines and is "potty trained" with a few accidents. Like most kids, if he is involved in something then just forget it... The chair by the computer is a mess. As for , add a bit of autism to the equation and we are ok at school, but could careless at home. stays dry through the night and it is hit and miss. Not sure when it will be complete, but I do know that thinks are starting to click now with speech and other areas at school as well. the boys spent the first 4 years in the hospital, so maybe that has added to the delay, but so glad pull ups are not being purchased nearly as often. Or Wipes. YEH!!! Sandy Weber , 207... mom to Way too Many! Including Triplets!

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

How is everyone doing with potty training? We've been hard at it for a few days. We've been focusing on "dry pants". We do "dry pant" checks every 30 minutes and they get 5 goldfish crackers if they are dry. They love these crackers and don't get them any other time, so it is working quite well.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.


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and Landon are 6 and Landon has been trained for about a year and a half- is a lot TOUGHER! Anyone have suggestions for the DS/Autistic category? stiffens like a board when I try to put him on-he knows when he goes but won't let me know before!!

Subject: Re: Potty trainingTo: Multiples-DS Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 8:39 PM

How is everyone doing with potty training? We've been hard at it for a few days. We've been focusing on "dry pants". We do "dry pant" checks every 30 minutes and they get 5 goldfish crackers if they are dry. They love these crackers and don't get them any other time, so it is working quite well.Hope everyone is having a great summer.a

Dell Inspiron 15 Laptop: Now in 6 vibrant colors! Shop Dell's full line of laptops.

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  • 1 year later...


Potting training for our guys with DS

takes a lot longer than a child who does not have DS. My guys who are seventeen

now were not day trained until they were six years old and was not night

trained until he was almost nine. Neil was not night trained fully until a few

years ago. I have been taking Neil and to a chiropractor for the past

five years and this has helped Neil at night time. Don’t get too

frustrated if Austin

is not really ready to be potty trained right now it may take longer.

As for the eating part maybe try you feed

him one spoon full and he has to feed himself the next spoonful and then start

to back off where you feed him one spoonful and then he feeds himself two

spoonfuls until he is feeding himself without realizing you are not doing

it anymore. Make a game of it and reward him with lots of praise each time he

eats by himself. I have found now if Neil and do not want to do something

they will get the other to do it for them or try and get me to do it. They are

very smart and have learned to manipulate certain situations to their advantage,

this is not a bad thing it is their way of having some control in their lives.

Don’t get to frustrated

everything will fall into place on Austin’s

time, unfortunately not on our time. I have been told many times Neil and

are not able to do something and I just say maybe not in your time limit but

they will in their time limit and they usually do. One good example is when the

boys were in grade three or four the music teacher told me not to waste my money

on buying the boys a recorder because they will not learn to play the

instrument. I looked at her and told her the boys will learn to play the instrument

and they did playing, they even played hot cross buns in front of the whole

elementary school.

You are doing a great job

I hope what I said helps

Take Care

Caroline Mom to Neil and 17 year old

identical twins who both are typical teenagers and they happen to have DS



[mailto:Multiples-DS ]

On Behalf Of mcronder

Sent: January-06-11 7:31 AM

To: Multiples-DS

Subject: POTTY


Hi, I was wondering if anyone had advise for potty

training. We have been trying for like 3 months now and Austin refuses to anounce that he has to go

to the bathroom. I know he understands what he has to do,especially because he

sees his brother do it all the time, sometimes he does it and we praise him,

but other times he just sits in front of me en pees on the floor without saying

anything. It gets fustrating! Also he refuses to eat by himself. Of course he

can do it, but it like " oh it so much easier if you give me the

food " . So he will sit infront of his food with the spoon in his hand and

cry because he is houngry and doesn't want to eat by himself..


, mother to and Austin (DS), 3 years.

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Ah the potty training years, this is what we did can’t say it is the best way, we potty trained everyone a bit late. and Nick (typical triplet sibs) at 3 they were so ready and it took maybe 2 weeks. Of course we talked about it all the time before as a set up to the big day. With Zack ds we waited to be sure the other sibs got it,no accidents etc (mostly for me). He wasn’t young like 3 maybe 4.5 or 5, when we got serious. If he wasn’t going to be intent on learning we weren’t going to waste all that time Once we started with the big boy pants (new pull ups then underwear) we jumped in serious. It’s a while ago I know we encouraged the other boys to bring him along to the potty when they went and have him sit after they did. It’s not clear anymore how long it took but he got it and never looked back , very few accidents (since he was older). Good luck.


Jake 14,

Zack ds, , 12

From: mcronder

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 10:30 AM

To: Multiples-DS


Hi, I was wondering if anyone had advise for potty training. We have been trying for like 3 months now and Austin refuses to anounce that he has to go to the bathroom. I know he understands what he has to do,especially because he sees his brother do it all the time, sometimes he does it and we praise him, but other times he just sits in front of me en pees on the floor without saying anything. It gets fustrating! Also he refuses to eat by himself. Of course he can do it, but it like "oh it so much easier if you give me the food". So he will sit infront of his food with the spoon in his hand and cry because he is houngry and doesn't want to eat by himself.. Thanks,, mother to and Austin (DS), 3 years.

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Boy do I know exactly what you are talking about. Toilet training has been

a nightmare. Hamish still does not tell us when he wants to go, especially

when we are away from home. I think he does not want to tell us because he

does not like the toilet, especially other toilets. Infact he is quite

scared of toilets. He is 8 years old and we have finally gone cold turkey

to try and get him trained. He knows what to do, I am sure, but it is just

not a priority and loves attention good or bad, so he has your attention

when you are talking about the toilet of cleaning up the mess!. We have

been unfortunately been given a lot of unhelpful information by 'experts' in

the medical profession in our quest to help Hamish. Through much research

and Googling, I finally came across 'Toms Toliet Triumphs' - a resource

written specifically for chidlren with special needs and with a video. I

wish I had found it about 6 years ago! It has been very helpful and Hamish

loves it. The visual cues. It basically can take a long long time to train

our kids sometimes ... much to our frustration. Patience Patience Patience

..... and boy do I know that is easier said than done as I have lost it on

numerous occasions. (The resource 'Are you Ready? has been put out by

Disability SA.)

And as for the eating - we have had to feed Hamish a lot too, especially

when he was tired. Again eating has never been a high priority for Hamish

and takes a lot of energy. He has got better as time has gone by and I

guess I have just taken the attitude that at least he is eating even if I

have to do it and have slowly got him to do one spoonful and then I have

done the next. Now at 8 he mostly eats by himself ... unless of course if

he is tired.

Hang in there - it will happen!

from NZ - Mum to Hamish (DS) and Sam - 8 year old twins

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  • 1 year later...

My son just turned 4 and has been in underwear for over a month. I still wouldn’t say he’s completely potty-trained, because I still ask/remind him often and I still have to bring him to the bathroom. However, very few accidents. I need to get him to the independent stage and like some of the suggestions of the method described. . Colin also does not have many words, but does have over 100 signs and is obsessed right now with the Signing Time series. He loves music and will “sing” the songs to himself, signing furiously and grinning. They have a “Potty Time” DVD so we got it for Colin for Christmas and he watched it over and over and over (he can run the tv/dvd player, so even when I turn it off he manages to get it back on). He loved it! This was helpful to us because we would sing the cute (corny) songs as reminders, when he was on the potty, and when he had an accident. I also look forward to seeing responses about relapses and getting him to be more independent. From all I’ve heard it is an on-going process. EileenMom to Owen (9), Maeve (7), Colin (4/Ds) and (4) From: Multiples-DS [mailto:Multiples-DS ] On Behalf Of Beau MersereauSent: Friday, February 17, 2012 9:54 AMTo: Multiples-DS Subject: RE: Potty Training Any good tips? Our son isn’t potty trained yet. We put him on the toilet hourly and try to be positive whenever he goes. Will is 6 and isn’t very verbal.****************************************************************************************************************************This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: Any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.(FR08-i203d)****************************************************************************************************************************

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