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Re: Re: Hcg injections for PSSD..

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If you usu HCG after TRT, You will not have any of those side effects.lightsoutluther wrote: As I said before, TRT needs to be handled very delicately. Most people don't get thorough care (doesn't seem like you did) which includes keeping estradiol within range. Those that do reap the benefits. It's not easy to keep everything in line once things get out of whack. The guy that got "fuked up" as you say has a terrible doctor who merely checks lab ranges for T and that's

it.You are blaming the concept of TRT when you should be blaming the shitty doctor that treated you.Luther>> one more thing, neither of you 2 have even tried trt so how the fuck > wud u kno what it does? i tried trt, androgel that is, it shrunk my > testes some wat andddd it caused my sex drive libido, penis to fuck > up even more. heres another link to a guy that got fuked up wit trt> > "I am 44 years old. I have been on testosterone replacement therapy> for four years now and increasingly I just don't feel right. I often> feel aggressive and quite irritable, and I often experience a low> libido and a decrease in> erectile function, which I thought the therapy was supposed to cure. > To top it all

off, I have noted both testicular and penile atrophy --> this is VERY discouraging. Despite no changes in my diet, I also have> been gaining a lot of fat around my abdomen that I cannot lose no> matter how much I exercise. Lately my voice has also gotten higher. > My MD routinely orders a testosterone level that shows I am in> "normal" range and he leaves it at that, but things> do not feel at all normal to me. This is rather distressing -- can> you tell me what is going on?"> > > heres the site> > http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=441790> > > but anyways, please dont believe me, go ahead and try trt. then u > can join a PTRTSD site, persistant testerone replacement tehrapy > sexual disorder

LOL> __________________________________________________

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hey Ive been on TRT for 3 weeks and my erections and sex drive are through the wall. I am taking Testosterone cypionate 1ML a week. I am being prescribed HCG when I come off of it, so I wont have any side effects. Hcg starts your natural production of testosterone.robbnc1 wrote: If you had bothered to read and comprehend my post you would know thatI HAVE been on TRT for 1.5 years. Its very hard to find a good TRTdoc, if he gave you the starting dose of Androgel and that's it

thenit's no surprise you had a bad experience. TRT is trial and erroron an individual basis at best. And it's hard to find a doc willingto experiment. What happened to you is a very common scenario. If the doc didn't adjust dosage after your HPTA shut down and alsogive you something to control estrogen then you were doomed to failure. And if he was content with mid-range T levels this probablywouldn't help your symptoms anyway.In SSRIsex , "reedpower23" wrote:>> one more thing, neither of you 2 have even tried trt so how the fuck > wud u kno what it does? i tried trt, androgel that is, it shrunk my > testes some wat andddd it caused my sex drive libido, penis to fuck > up even more. heres another link to a guy that got fuked up wit trt> > "I am 44 years old. I have been on testosterone

replacement therapy> for four years now and increasingly I just don't feel right. I often> feel aggressive and quite irritable, and I often experience a low> libido and a decrease in> erectile function, which I thought the therapy was supposed to cure. > To top it all off, I have noted both testicular and penile atrophy --> this is VERY discouraging. Despite no changes in my diet, I also have> been gaining a lot of fat around my abdomen that I cannot lose no> matter how much I exercise. Lately my voice has also gotten higher. > My MD routinely orders a testosterone level that shows I am in> "normal" range and he leaves it at that, but things> do not feel at all normal to me. This is rather distressing -- can> you tell me what is going on?"> > > heres the site> > http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=441790> > > but anyways, please dont believe me, go ahead and try trt. then u > can join a PTRTSD site, persistant testerone replacement tehrapy > sexual disorder LOL> __________________________________________________

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