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Milk Thistle

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<< For anyone interested in Milk Thisle and its ability to protect your liver:




thanks . I have been reading about milk thistle on other newsgroups, and

the benefits were starting to look interesting. And guess what, nobody came

swooping in to the newsgroups trying to sell the stuff either! LOL I may

pick some up today during my run through the store.


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  • 11 months later...
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Hi Benjie1238 !

I take a 500 mg capsule every day. I think it is the whole herb. The active

ingredient in it is silimarin (sp?) which is something like 175 mg

guaranteed. I have been taking it for the liver for the last 3 years or so

and believe it has really helped. I had very high liver enzymes for a while

and ferritin levels 4 or 5 times the norm. I would say 6 months after

starting milk thistle, most everything returned to the normal range -- iron

took the longest....Regards, Dean.

rheumatic Milk Thistle

> Hi...Can anyone tell me how many mgs. of milk thistle they take a day and


> you take the dried extract or whole herb capsule ? Thanks


> Benjie1238@...




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  • 3 months later...

I take two milk thistle caps per day. My brand is Thystlyn. Never has

reacted with anything else.

Gloria M. Tate wrote:

> Since starting celebrex, I am concerned about my liver. How much milk

> thistle should one take and does it interact badly with anything else?

> Thanks,

> Gloria



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Gloria: I take one in a.m. with breakfast, one in p.m. with dinner. I have

an extremely sensitive stomache and this has given me no problems whatsoever.

I've taken it on empty stomache, too, when I realize I forgot to take it -

no problem. I swear by milk thistle. My readings got out of line on

methotrexate so I started milk thistle. Within a month, all were in normal

readings. I also recommend folic acid. Hope this helps! :>)


RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

200 mg. Doxycycline

112 mcg. Synthroid

2 mg. Hytrin


Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

> I have started Logan on milk thistle (70mg/daily)

This should be 4 times a day.

>to support liver

> function. For people who have or are using this, are there any side

> effects or will it cause improvements in behavior? I'm not expecting

> it too, but want to know if it's possible because I'm changing

> Logan's DMSA schedule. If I see improvements I want to know if it's

> the new schedule or the milk thistle.


> Thanks,

> Kaye

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It is unlikely you will see behavoural differences. Milk thistle will

improve the immune system by supporting the liver and that will ultimately

offer more strength to the neuroimmunosuppression autistic children suffer


The body only has so much energy (called " prana " by the Hindus and " quanta "

by Quantum Physics). For instance, some people run and their hair becomes

sweaty Some people run that same distance and they stink to high Heaven and

are wet everywhere except their hair. Prana carries the heat upward if your

body has a proper immune system because your body wants to get the lead out.

When the lead is leaving via running, the spirit is happier and the runners

feel that high (Nirvana) as a compensatory communication between body, mind

and spirit.

Consequently, people keep running and then, after a measure of time,

although they are in excellent health and perhaps have no lead to go into

their hair via the brain having been poisoned, they grow to love it

spiritually because of all of the benefits they gain, i.e. stronger muscles,

more strength, vitality, better lungs through the intake of measured amounts

of air they must gain mastery over in order to sustain themselves for

marathons or other 10-ks, or runs of whatever distance ... a mathematical

equation comes into play, one that would be calculable to a team of


A form of the high keeps coming because spiritual integrity is being forged.

Runners are usually more apt to enjoy a good sex life if they have a

partner, more apt to only want good and wholesome foods in their diet, etc.

and it becomes a complete package, just like those who practice yoga and

T'ai Chi or even martial art forms. Health begets health.

Milk thistle is used in cases of AIDS and the immune system's leap towards

wellness has somehow been calculated by researchers. You can find Medline

reports on that subject. Milk thistle is also called silymarin (in case you

have difficulty).

In autism, the brain has no immune system. The brain has been battered by

an onslaught of various items. It needs oil, which is why fish is known as

" brain food. " If it does not have oil, it has no defense to speak of and is

helpless, so in autism we supplement essential fatty oils that are healthy

and, as I understood a post recently from a credible source, some vegetable

oils have nickel, a substance many people are highly allergic to even if

they wear earrings that have nickel.

Now let's imagine what happens to the brain when nickel assaults it and it

has no immunodefense to speak of ... or do we need to imagine? It might be

causing autistic symptoms and no one knows which ones, but we all know if we

wear copper, it can turn our fingers black and that same thing happens if I

wear nickel.

In the world of autism we have some kids, like Raun Kaufman, who only needed

to cut meats and have a diet high in folic acid and without chemicals as

well as an intensive one-on-one therapy for 40 hours per week in order to

train how he measures how much emotion he is going to put forth into the

world at large. So while he was being fed foods that boost his immune

system by cutting out problem foods, there is no doubt in my mind, since the

patients of Dr. Stanley Baker get better with high amounts of folic acid,

that he might have had enough oil in his brain and his liver might not have

been burdening the entire immune system while the physicality of his brain

got a rest from the onslaught and got whatever components it required to fix

itself during an interim wherein his mother took control of how to force him

to pay attention to her and revere her enough to obey completely and offer

his trust.

I see no reason not to give milk thistle and have not heard of anyone being

allergic to that herb, but have heard of children allergic to enchinacea and

I do not know whether or not that particular brand of echinacea contained

nickel or not, but it just might be that an allergy to nickle impacts the

brain severely.

We need subgroups assessed so these mysteries may be properly identified,

which is one of the goals of The Chamelogian Autism Management and Education

Organization (CAMEO) of Washington, DC, a non-profit and charitable

organization we are currently setting up in order to get an NIH grant, which

has been said to be forthcoming as soon as the organization and its experts

are in place.

If victims of AIDS are shown to benefit from milk thistle and autistic

children are having trouble cleaning their blood and that's what the liver

is for, I say all support to the liver and also remember the essential fatty

oils is vital. We also want as much prana and thermodynamic energy to the


And we want the spirits of these children to soar. Mine is known worldwide

as " the epitome of joy and mirth " and it was a long road. She was kidnapped

and I did not know where she was for 3 years. Since I was an educated

mother, I knew she was suffering more and more onslaughts to her system and

to her brain in particular and not being fed what the brain and body needed.

Still, my spirit remained intact and I trusted Heaven to make lemons into

lemonade, which it did in so many ways I would have to write another book.

So do not expect the behaviours to stop or change. Watch instead for prana

to rise, more energy and hopefully more exuberance.

Now, for that exuberance to be calculated, what you need to do is to put the

child into circumstances and stay keenly aware of whether or not their

attention span may also be TRAINED to become longer since their system does

not need to expend as much energy to the liver at that time ...

If you cannot think of examples, just write and I'll put my thoughts

thereto, but it would be an excellent time to watch for changes in the

amount of energy the child has since all that helps the immune system

should, by some degree, open the chance for the spirit to dominate in some

manner, just as it does after a runner finishes his run and receives that

" mysterious " high.

The child, after a measure of time, might have more of a spiritual capacity

to become enchanted by a book wherein the alphabet is shown by photographic

magnification to be contained within the wings of butterflies. That book is

highly popular with autistic children of a particular age and when they get

older, you may ask them if the alphabet was always there and until the wings

were magnified, no one knew; whether the wings were pinpointedly etched with

the alphabet; or whether or not some aliens transported those photographs

electronically and a human decided to publish them <grin>.

You can test their imaginative abilities since we know runners become more

talented at sex ... odd as that may sound ... and more apt to adopt a

healthier lifestyle all around.

And when they say they know no one etched the wings, but instead drew the

alphabet onto the photographs of the wings of butterflies and then published

those, you might decide it was a matter of cutting the nickel in oils,

supplementing milk thistle to support the liver's abilities, adding

essential fatty oils, etc. and it was all of those things that kept him from

falling for silliness <grin>.

The book is sold at & Noble if anyone wants to see it. It is quite

fascinating and fun to present to a child and cause him to wonder a bit.


[ ] Milk Thistle

> I have started Logan on milk thistle (70mg/daily) to support liver

> function. For people who have or are using this, are there any side

> effects or will it cause improvements in behavior? I'm not expecting

> it too, but want to know if it's possible because I'm changing

> Logan's DMSA schedule. If I see improvements I want to know if it's

> the new schedule or the milk thistle.


> Thanks,

> Kaye




> =======================================================


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

> How long should one take milk thistle for?

All the time. 3-4 times a day.

>Should you take it during

> your entire chelating time?


><How long can you take it safely?



> aware that some herbs you can only take for shorter durations off


> on--is this one of them?)


> Thanks,

> Rhond

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  • 5 months later...

TwoTonks@... wrote:

> Hi,


> I'm wanting to start my son on milk thistle, but he reacts so negatively to

> so much (zinc, MSM, glutathione, B6, P5P, Biotin, B12, chromium, B5 and more,

> I'm sure) that I wondered if anyone had ever had any negative side effects

> with milk thistle. Is there any type of child that should not use it?


are you sure he's reacting to those things or agenmts which might be associated

with those things, for instance maltodextrin, rice or potato starches as


Took me forever to find things that DONT have these in them.


> What exactly does it detoxify in the liver? How does it work? What would be a

> good starting dosage for a 40-pounder?


> Thanks so much,

> Debbie

Sorry I have no idea about the milk thistle


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  • 2 months later...
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I've recently tried for the second time to take milk thistle. I am in the

process of removing amalgams and intend to chelate in a few months. Each

time I begin to have right upper quadrant discomfort. I do have gallstones

but this discomfort is more involved that my typical gallbladder pain. I

hurts around the rib cage and sometimes down into the right side in addition

to the right epigastric area. It's not unbearable but is it something I

should try to continue in order to get the benefit for the liver. Thanks.


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  • 1 month later...
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As per Great Smokies liver detox panel, my son has very fast phase I and

several underfunctioning phase II liver detox pathways. The Willis Langford

theory is that milk thistle speeds up phase I, which in my son's case would

be a bad idea. But I've also read some stuff online (mostly in sales pitches

for various liver remedies) that milk thistle is good for underfunctioning

phase II.

Anyone have ideas to support either way? I hate to just try milk thistle on

my son and see what happens, especially since he's doing really poorly right


And yes, I know Willis Langford is not a doctor, which is why I wonder how

accurate his theory is.



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Milk thistle encourages production of glutathione, the main phaseII liver

support. I have a long passage scanned on liver function from the Detox Cure

(a book from Great Smokies authors) that anyone can have by emailing me

directly. Ask for the " liver function article "

Seems the boy could probably use some Immunocal/HMS-90 for glutathione

increase. Cheapest in North America at

http://members.shaw.ca/widewest/HMS-90.html if you click " International " .

Duncan Crow


As per Great Smokies liver detox panel, my son has very fast phase I and

several underfunctioning phase II liver detox pathways. The Willis Langford

theory is that milk thistle speeds up phase I, which in my son's case would

be a bad idea. But I've also read some stuff online (mostly in sales pitches

for various liver remedies) that milk thistle is good for underfunctioning

phase II.

Anyone have ideas to support either way? I hate to just try milk thistle on

my son and see what happens, especially since he's doing really poorly right


And yes, I know Willis Langford is not a doctor, which is why I wonder how

accurate his theory is.




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  • 2 months later...
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I got it at the HFS and it's made by Nature's Answer.

--- Imgoodasnew@... wrote:

> Hi,


> Someone on this list posted that there was a liquid

> milk thistle. I haven't

> heard of this before. Where can I get it?


> Thanks,

> Eileen



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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In a message dated 7/23/2002 10:34:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

siannuzzi@... writes:

> Eileen,

> I got it at the HFS and it's made by Nature's Answer.





Thanks so much! Does it have a taste to it like the capsules?


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  • 1 month later...


I have given my son Milk Thistle for the first time two days ago. I used one

capsule spread out over 4 juices given throughout the day. No negative

reaction except that he went to sleep fine at 8pm and woke up at midnight and

never went back to sleep. Has anyone else seen sleep disturbances from Milk

Thistle. Didnt think it was the Milk Thistle, so I gave it to him again

yesterday and when I put him to bed at 8:00 he couldnt fall asleep and tried

and tried until finally fell asleep at 1:30 p.m. (This is after Melatonin and

usually falling asleep by 8:05). Could be a coincidence, but I was just

wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Should this be

something given only in the a.m.? Just wondering.......


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No not really any positive but it was only 2 days. I know it is so good for

the liver, so I would like to keep going with it, but I cant stay awake

another night. I will ask Andy if he thinks it could even be the Milk

Thistle. I will give only Melatonin for two nights and then re-introduce the

milk thistle and see what happens.



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I have been giving my son milk thistle for 21/2 months now and had no

problems like this but I use the liquid extract. Is it possible that

there are any fillers in the capsule version? Just a thought. Maybe

Andy would have an explanation if it IS the milk thistle? Have you

noticed any other positive changes?


- In @y..., LTMLuke137@c... wrote:

> Listmates:

> I have given my son Milk Thistle for the first time two days ago. I

used one

> capsule spread out over 4 juices given throughout the day. No negative

> reaction except that he went to sleep fine at 8pm and woke up at

midnight and

> never went back to sleep. Has anyone else seen sleep disturbances

from Milk

> Thistle. Didnt think it was the Milk Thistle, so I gave it to him


> yesterday and when I put him to bed at 8:00 he couldnt fall asleep

and tried

> and tried until finally fell asleep at 1:30 p.m. (This is after

Melatonin and

> usually falling asleep by 8:05). Could be a coincidence, but I was just

> wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Should this be

> something given only in the a.m.? Just wondering.......

> Thanks,


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My son does this on melatonin. Maybe your son doesnt nee dthe melatonin

anymore. Only give him the melatonin tonight and see what happens. Then

tomorrow, give him bth again and see if you get same no sleep rxn. Would be

painful but would get your answer. If you just do the emlatonin tonight , you

may find that is what it is. OSounds also like a phenol rxn to me. Have you

been giving him more phenol foods the last two days?

Re: [ ]Milk Thistle


I have been giving my son milk thistle for 21/2 months now and had no

problems like this but I use the liquid extract. Is it possible that

there are any fillers in the capsule version? Just a thought. Maybe

Andy would have an explanation if it IS the milk thistle? Have you

noticed any other positive changes?


- In @y..., LTMLuke137@c... wrote:

> Listmates:

> I have given my son Milk Thistle for the first time two days ago. I

used one

> capsule spread out over 4 juices given throughout the day. No negative

> reaction except that he went to sleep fine at 8pm and woke up at

midnight and

> never went back to sleep. Has anyone else seen sleep disturbances

from Milk

> Thistle. Didnt think it was the Milk Thistle, so I gave it to him


> yesterday and when I put him to bed at 8:00 he couldnt fall asleep

and tried

> and tried until finally fell asleep at 1:30 p.m. (This is after

Melatonin and

> usually falling asleep by 8:05). Could be a coincidence, but I was just

> wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Should this be

> something given only in the a.m.? Just wondering.......

> Thanks,



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---OR you could try giving the milk thistle and NO melatonin and see

what happens. Maybe with the milk thistle helping the liver he no

longer needs the melatonin? Patti

In @y..., " TnT Pilger " <tntpilger@e...> wrote:

> My son does this on melatonin. Maybe your son doesnt nee dthe

melatonin anymore. Only give him the melatonin tonight and see what

happens. Then tomorrow, give him bth again and see if you get same no

sleep rxn. Would be painful but would get your answer. If you just

do the emlatonin tonight , you may find that is what it is. OSounds

also like a phenol rxn to me. Have you been giving him more phenol

foods the last two days?

> Re: [ ]Milk Thistle



> --,

> I have been giving my son milk thistle for 21/2 months now and had no

> problems like this but I use the liquid extract. Is it possible that

> there are any fillers in the capsule version? Just a thought. Maybe

> Andy would have an explanation if it IS the milk thistle? Have you

> noticed any other positive changes?

> Patti


> - In @y..., LTMLuke137@c... wrote:

> > Listmates:

> > I have given my son Milk Thistle for the first time two days ago. I

> used one

> > capsule spread out over 4 juices given throughout the day. No


> > reaction except that he went to sleep fine at 8pm and woke up at

> midnight and

> > never went back to sleep. Has anyone else seen sleep disturbances

> from Milk

> > Thistle. Didnt think it was the Milk Thistle, so I gave it to him

> again

> > yesterday and when I put him to bed at 8:00 he couldnt fall asleep

> and tried

> > and tried until finally fell asleep at 1:30 p.m. (This is after

> Melatonin and

> > usually falling asleep by 8:05). Could be a coincidence, but I

was just

> > wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Should

this be

> > something given only in the a.m.? Just wondering.......

> > Thanks,

> >



> =======================================================


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Really. Then it probably is that. I gave him just a little this morning and

then I poured out the other juices that I had mixed it in, so hopefully he

will sleep tonight. Gosh, I know how good it is for you, but cant afford to

give it if it keeps him awake! Wonder if the tincture would do the same. I

have capsules and they are really clean, from Kirkman, so Im assuming it is

the Milk Thistle itself doing it and not other fillers, etc.

I will post to Andy and see if he has heard of this.


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Hi, !

If your child had this reaction, then just stop giving it to him. Although this

may not be the case for others, it is the case for your child. As you well

know, sleep is essential for good health, and anything that interferes with that

has got to go! It is not unusual for our kids to have very different reactions

to certain things that don't bother others.

Re: [ ]Milk Thistle


I have given my son Milk Thistle for the first time two days ago. I used one

capsule spread out over 4 juices given throughout the day. No negative

reaction except that he went to sleep fine at 8pm and woke up at midnight and

never went back to sleep. Has anyone else seen sleep disturbances from Milk

Thistle. Didnt think it was the Milk Thistle, so I gave it to him again

yesterday and when I put him to bed at 8:00 he couldnt fall asleep and tried

and tried until finally fell asleep at 1:30 p.m. (This is after Melatonin and

usually falling asleep by 8:05). Could be a coincidence, but I was just

wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Should this be

something given only in the a.m.? Just wondering.......



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  • 1 month later...

> Is their a toxicity range on this?


I think it's very safe. (my opinion)

> How many milligrams is appropriate for a

> metal toxic kid? (about 35 pounds?) Thanks- Keri

I give mine about 40mg, 3-4 times a day.


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> Is their a toxicity range on this?

As far as I'm aware it is non toxic.

It is used to TREAT toxicity.

It helps the liver.

You can buy a booklet about it if you wish:

" Milk Thistle: the liver herb " by Hobbs.

How many milligrams is

appropriate for a

> metal toxic kid? (about 35 pounds?)

(sorry, I don't know) (I just take a bunch)

best wishes,


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