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I'm confused....

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Thank you all so much for letting me know that I'm not losing my

mind! Yes, I am on the cancellation list. I am really hoping I get

a call before my set appointment. I've heard that this doctor is

really helpful. I've just always been afraid of being known as a

complainer. Thank you all for letting me know that I'm not alone.

God Bless,


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  • 7 years later...
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I don't dash well but I'm trying. We are following Dr. G's testing advice so

right now I'm not on anything! I was on 50 Mg of hydrolazine tid and 25 of hctz

two weeks ago.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

dsmemory <dsmemory@...> wrote:


>Hi Cybal;


>I understand what you are going through, and many on this board can relate.

Yes, you can have all those symptoms with PA. I was tested twice for pheo, but

it turned out to be PA. The very best thing you can do to help control your

symptoms and your blood pressure is to start eating DASH diet (get the book by

T. on low salt/ high potassium). I am amazed at how eating this way has

taken away so many symptoms, especially jittery/ adrenaline rush feelings I was

having. Of course everyone is different, but I turned around quite quickly with

the DASH diet.


>Please include all drugs you are on under your signature. Also, make sure your

24h testing follows Dr. Grim's protocol. Those tests are not cheap and you

don't want to have to do a 5th one if you don't need to.







>> If anyone can help clarify something for me that would be fantastic. I'm in

the process of my 4th 24 hour urine. During the last two months I have had high

serum aldosterone and high urine aldosterone. Low K+,Mg, CA. The most

bothersome symptom right now for me (besides the uncontrolled BP) are attacks

similiar to those for pheocrytocomia. During some of my testing my

catacholemines were elevated, but my nephro said not elevated enough to worry

about. Can hyperaldo cause these same sort of symptom s: pallor,headache,

anxiety, sky high BP? These attacks are debilitating and scary. My nephro told

me if this last testing is positive for aldo she will change my meds...possibly

try aldactone. Anyone here have symptoms similar? I do not want to be

prescribed a benzo for anxiety attacks. Also, CT was negative but echo showed

significant LVH.

>> Cybil -36 y.o. female with no real diagnosis of anything but HTN at this



>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone




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Since I got things under control I also notice that a big salty meal - even when I stay under the DASH allowance of sodium for the day, hits me as if I hadn't been dashing.

Even worse, now when my BP spikes I KNOW immediately and feel it profoundly. I have told my wife on several occasions that I cannot believe I felt like that every day for years when it was always high - felt THAT miserable I mean - and how I dealt with it. I think when we had chronic high bp and the issues with PA it was never the body adapting physically to it, but the me adapting mentally and even emotionally. I felt horrible, every single body system affected in some way, but as I have said on here many times, we push on. We're human and built to try and survive and move forward.

But it sometimes took such incredible energy physically, emotionally, and mentally...and throw in spritually, just to get out of bed sometimes (I mean this literally) that when I read on here about the "new guy or gal" and what they're going through, usually before they are being treated for it yet, I cringe with empathy and sympathy because those were some very dark days (YEARS!). And when mine reached it's apex my professional life and finaincial well-being collapsed and while I have managed to keep a wonderful family together (we don't really have relationship issues Thank God) , the PA years (funny, but the disease began at the same time I entered PA school as a profession so they are one and the same) is awful dark for me.

So I will always cringe when I hear of someone being "blown off" or suffering through some things that really, with a tiny bit of caring and listening by their doc, could have the answer and be treated and avoid so much.

From: lvasiliu@... <lvasiliu@...>Subject: Re: I'm confused....hyperaldosteronism Date: Thursday, June 7, 2012, 6:13 PM

DASH does magic to my BP if I stick to it.Once in a while my BP is so good that I almost forget and I go and eat out and I can tell you that every time I do that my BP skyrocket!Low K, Mg Ca are part of PA gifts! And I also DO have those "pheo like" attacks and I believe those are consequces of electrolyte imbalance (but I might be wrong too!).I am not saying that you don't have a pheo (I am not a doctor) but low K does strange things to your body (BTW, low Mg, Ca does too).BTW my echo last year said mild LVH but my last echo no LVH noted!So try to DASH (<1.5g Na) and magically LVH will disappear!PS. If CATS/METS elevated, from what I've read in pheo these are >2-3Xthe upper limit to diagnose pheo.tiu>> If anyone can help clarify something for me that would be fantastic. I'm in the process of my 4th 24 hour urine. During the last two months I have had high serum aldosterone and high urine aldosterone. Low K+,Mg, CA. The most bothersome symptom right now for me (besides the uncontrolled BP) are attacks similiar to those for pheocrytocomia. During some of my testing my catacholemines were elevated, but my nephro said not elevated enough to worry about. Can hyperaldo cause these same sort of symptom s: pallor,headache, anxiety, sky high BP? These attacks are debilitating and scary. My nephro told me if this last testing is positive for aldo she will change my meds...possibly try aldactone. Anyone here have symptoms similar? I do not want to be prescribed a benzo for anxiety attacks. Also, CT was negative but

echo showed significant LVH.> Cybil -36 y.o. female with no real diagnosis of anything but HTN at this time.> > Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

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