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in Spectator UK: A Deer in the Headlights

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in Spectator UK: A Deer in the Headlights

Managing Editor's Note: The headline I wanted to create was profane. Alas, we are a family site. (Insert eye roll here.) The photo tells you the headline in my mind. Two words. Verb first. Got it?Eleven days ago, Deer renewed his onslaught against Wakefield in the Sunday Times. I wrote about it here and made the point that, since Deer’s allegations sparked the General Medical Council case against Wakefield which would not have occurred without his involvement, he was effectively a principal player in the story he was reporting — a clear conflict of interest and breach of journalistic standards.

After I noted this, an American TV show last week accused Deer of journalistic misconduct in reporting a story in which he was a major player without acknowledging this fact. Deer has been trying to deny this ever since.

First he threatened to sue the TV station, denying that he had laid the initial complaint which formed the bulk of the GMC inquiry and claiming instead that the GMC had approached him for information about Wakefield following his stories:

Read more at the Spectator and comment HERE. <http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/3362116/a-deer-in-the-headlights.thtml>

Love, Gabby. :0)


"I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin." ~ Jerry Newport

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