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Even though I am brand new here I would like to welcome you to the group! I

most definitely agree with your message about how there are times when an

email should be sent to the person privately........another group I belong

to for weight loss surgery tend to cut each other to the quick on the

posting board and then there will be all these hateful messages from people

getting in the middle of what should have never gone out publicly. It sucks

big time! I saw some of that the first week I was on here, but it was nipped

in the butt quickly and it wasn't tolerated by the listowner, now thats my

kind of group! I would love for everybody to take a minute to write in their

" all about me story " since I dont know anyone's history. Maybe there is a

place these already exist? Is there a members profile site?

You hang in there, you have a huge cross to bear, but I bet in some way you

are a better person for it. We have to be strong and compassionate to live

with this disease.

BTW: there is a very informative site with photos and all (everyone should

see this) www.rsds.org and www.rsdhope.com (or org?)

in Alaska

rsd To Everyone here at CRPS@egroups

> To all members of the CRPSegroups:


> Please read this as if I were writing it just for you in a personal

> email.


> I am still a relatively new member as we all are basically. I have been

> reading the posts quietly to myself here lately without responding

> because I do not know who likes to be emailed directly and who does not.

> There are times when emailing the group is not appropriate. I will never

> mail anyone a nasty (bad) email or put anyone down for their beliefs,

> ideas, or even their thoughts. We all have the given right to our own

> opinions, and I believe that we can learn from each other by expressing

> ourselves. My email address set up just for RSD is raj@... I

> would appreciate knowing if you would or would not like to be emailed

> personally from time-to-time?


> About Myself:


> I am male, 35, extremely happily married, have two boys ages 10 and 12,

> overweight (225), 6 foot 1 inches tall, and I have a million questions

> about RSD and Fibromialgia. I also love to know about other places,

> countries, states, it's scenery, etc. I live in Texas in-between Fort

> Worth, Dallas, and Waco.


> I started having problems with my left hand, arm, and shoulder in 1995.

> They were turning blue, swelling, and had a hot stinging pain that just

> would not go away. This interfered with my profession of over 15 years

> as a brick and stone mason to a point that I had to quit altogether.


> In May of 1996, I had my first ulnar nerve surgery. Soon afterwards the

> rsd spread to my right arm and shoulder. My surgeon died a couple of

> months later, so I had no doctor to explain why my right arm was acting

> just like my left one. The same surgery was done in May of 97 by the

> tallest doctor I have ever seen! The surgery spread the rsd to my hips

> and both legs and feet. This doctor had no idea why I was not getting

> better?


> Finally, in " MAY " of 98, I was diagnosed with rsd by a surgeon and

> another pain specialist. I'm not a big fan of the month of May anymore!

> I'm probably just like 99% of the rest of you out there, I had no idea

> what RSD was, but I have been learning ever sense I found out that I

> have it. In 99, my doctor suggested that I probably have Fibromialgia

> too, and when she did the pressure point test I almost fell down when

> she touched the one under my shoulder blades. Again, I was diagnosed

> with another disease that I had never heard of.


> About Chat:


> I downloaded AOL instant messenger and also have Yahoo instant

> messenger. I don't know how to use them right though. I can't chat on

> Mondays and Wednesdays because my wife gets off work during the time the

> chat is online, and I won't tie up our phone lines just in case she

> needs to call home during this time. All the other nights are perfectly

> all right to go to the chat, but I don't know how. (Oh yeah, my memory

> is horrible, so if you have explained how to do this before - I don't

> remember.)


> You curious new rsd member at CRPSegroups:







> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Buy Long Distance with your GROUP and SAVE!!!

> http://click./1/4123/0/_/706883/_/959532913/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------



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