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cell cept update/?for Aubrey or Tim

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For those that are new to the group: My husband has been participating in a

study at the Mayo for the use of Cell cept. This is his 8th month in the

study. No major side effects except for headaches and the typical psc

symtoms. His results: Blood work was taken last week.

Alk phos- 532 Ast (GOT)-40 both still elevated. Bili totals are with in

normal range:)

My concern, Aubrey and Tim.......His Leukocytes, Monocytes and Basophilis had

dropped extremly just from Nov. The Basoplilis is out of range on the low

end. Another concern- his platelet count is now out of range also. Just

from Nov to Dec it went from 188 to 147 (x10(9)/L. range indicated 150-450.

With that low of a count, is it true that he will be more suseptible to

infection? I have yet taken the time to learn about the other terms

(leukocytes, etc). Those are the lowest I have ever seem them. Thanks for

the input! Sincerely, wife of

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