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well, I am sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been kinda busy.

ended up in the hospital for a week, and got out the week before Christmas. he was having horrible pains in his side. they put him on iv antibiotics. they put a picc line in and sent him home on the iv antibiotics. he is home now. he had weighed at 121 lbs, the docs told him that he needs to gain his weight up. that he was too weak that he wouldn't make it thru a transplant if a liver was available. they sent him home and kept him on iv antibiotics every 6 hours we had to administer thru the picc line in his arm. but he got real sick from the antibiotics and wasn't able to keep anything down, I had asked the doc about zofran and he decided to put him on it and he was able to keep food down and he changed it to every 8 hours instead of 6. that did the trick and he was able to keep food down and we took him off the zofran after 2 doses with out any problems. he has been eating more and now weighs 130 lbs. with in the last few days he has been eating a lot more and has had allot more energy. before he would only be up for 2-4 hours a day and now he stays up for most of the day. but on new years eve he got his tube that goes into his liver stuck on the dishwasher when he walked past it and it pulled it. and it bled allot. but he wasn't in any pain except from when he first did it and he was able to flush it with no problem. but today he was unable to flush it. he has a docs appointment on Thursday and he just wants to wait till then, even though he has slight stomach pain. his picc line will be taken out tomorrow or the day after since today is the last day he will be on his antibiotics. I am glad he is getting off the antibiotics since it was a pain for me to get up at 4 in the morning everyday. he has had a home health agency that goes thru the hospital send nurses out to show us how to do the antibiotics and then to come and do blood work so he doesn't have to drive all the way to the hospital to do it. its quite the drive. and they come to change dressing and such. and they deliver meds and supplies to the door, too bad not all his meds. but things have been good. I just wonder what will happen with the tube not draining. I guess I will find out when I get off work. and I will be moving into 's parents basement. they are finishing it off and building a room there for us. we will be breaking out lease. but them I wont be the only one taking care of him and we wont have any bills to pay. so it will all work out. I am going to miss out apartment though buts its ok. I will get back as soon as I can. oh and is on the list now. we are still waiting for the pager it should be here soon. we got the antibiotics and the letter.

michelle g/f of 19 years, uc/psc dx aug/00 stage 4

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