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antibiotic dosage

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Hi Barbara,

Dr. Brown's approach would be to increase gradually to 200mg MWF. The off-days

give the tissues a rest and help to let the gut recover. Make sure you're taking

plenty of acidophilus.



>Hi All - I am about to increase my doxycycline dosage and am looking for

>some feedback on the different options. Currently I take 100 mg of Doxy

>daily on Mon. Wed. Fri. I am not sure whether to increase the MWF doses

>to 200 mg or add another two days and do 100 mg five days a week. Any

>increases will be done gradually.

>I have long term severe RA which has responded well to AP in the past 2

>1/2 years. We are trying to push things along a bit with doxy rather

>than reintroducing Clarithromycin which gave me severe herxing.

>Any feedback/ experiences would be most welcome.

>Thanks - Barbara


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Hi Sharon,

The best approach is to increase by only 50mg per week, i.e. next week take

100mg Mon, 50mg Wed, 50mg Fri. The week after that 100mg Mon, 100mg Wed, 50mg

Fri and so on.

Let me know if you need more help,


>I have started taking 50mg of Minocin last M, W and F (just one week). When

>should I up my dose to 100mg M, W and F?





> Re: rheumatic Antibiotic dosage



>Hi Barbara,


>Dr. Brown's approach would be to increase gradually to 200mg MWF. The


>give the tissues a rest and help to let the gut recover. Make sure you're


>plenty of acidophilus.




>>Hi All - I am about to increase my doxycycline dosage and am looking for

>>some feedback on the different options. Currently I take 100 mg of Doxy

>>daily on Mon. Wed. Fri. I am not sure whether to increase the MWF doses

>>to 200 mg or add another two days and do 100 mg five days a week. Any

>>increases will be done gradually.

>>I have long term severe RA which has responded well to AP in the past 2

>>1/2 years. We are trying to push things along a bit with doxy rather

>>than reintroducing Clarithromycin which gave me severe herxing.

>>Any feedback/ experiences would be most welcome.

>>Thanks - Barbara


>>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups



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Hi Roni,

Welcome to the group :)

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 rb09322@... wrote:


> My question....my doctor refuses to do IV treatment.

> (GP) My rheumatologise recommends to up the minocin to

> every day 200 mg a day. I don't have too much of a

> problem doing 5 days (currently I'm on M-W-F) but every

> day seems a bit much to me. What do you think. Do you

> know if anyone else on the ring has " altered " the

> protocol upon their doctor's suggestion? Thanks alot.

It's interesting that many more doctors are embracing Dr. Brown's work and

methods these days, but also interesting that so many want to vary his

protocol when he used it successfully for 50 years :) Dr. Brown did

however, use intermittent doses of varying lengths and daily doses for

short periods.

Personally I would agree with you. If you put up the Minocin to five days

a week and have weekends off, you will be giving your body a rest on the

weekends and give your gut a chance to recover, i.e. it's still

intermittent. You can also take extra acidophilus on the weekends when the

Minocin isn't being taken. For the long haul the MWF routine is best.

The IVs were extremely hard to get here also. My daughter has systemic

scleroderma and needed IVs too. Intramuscular injections are also an

option and are often easier to get from doctors. He might prescribe oral

clindamycin for you, in which case you continue on Minocin 200mg MWF and

take oral clindamycin, 1200mg in a single dose, once a week on a day

you're not taking Minocin.

Let us know what help you need,


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