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Introducing Myself

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Dear Members,I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am a bit shy and quite awkward in these matters. I am also quite new to , so I am still learning how this whole thing works.I would like to tell you something about myself: I am 39 years old man, single, with a passion for good health. I am into alternative health. I enjoy reading and

learning about new alternative treatments for treating and curing various health-related problems such as cancer, lupus, etc. Since I am broadly interested in good health, that is why I am interested in this group.For the past two years I have been self-administering a 4-day-out-of-the-week detox therapy in order to chelate mercury that had been accumulating in my body for nearly 20 years!  Mercury is supposed to make you extremely tired. This is one of its main symptoms. How I got so much mercury?  Unfortunately because of having had 7 mercury fillings in my mouth for about 20 years, very small fragments of mercury have been slipping inside my body and making me very sick.  Because of all of that dangerous mercury that I had swallowed over the years, I was diagnosed to be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It was only 3 years ago that I learned by reading the recovery stories of other CFS

sufferers, that the root cause of my health condition was mercury poisoning.  It made perfect sense after I thought about it for a while.  Only a few months ago, I was forced to sleep around 12.5 hours on a daily basis. But thanks to the detox treatment that I have been religiously doing, I have been able to successfully reduce my sleep requirement to only 9.5 hours/daily. This is a huge improvement. At my blog link below I relate about one important detox treatment that I used on myself with great success and also lost weight amazingly fast without even wanting or trying to lose anything. http://how-to-lose-5-pounds-in-30-minute.blogspot.com 

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Thanks for the introduction ! I'm glad that your in the group, I love reading yours posts!Vi


Dear Members,I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am a bit shy and quite awkward in these matters. I am also quite new to , so I am still learning how this whole thing works.

I would like to tell you something about myself: I am 39 years old man, single, with a passion for good health. I am into alternative health. I enjoy reading and

learning about new alternative treatments for treating and curing various health-related problems such as cancer, lupus, etc. Since I am broadly interested in good health, that is why I am interested in this group.

For the past two years I have been self-administering a 4-day-out-of-the-week detox therapy in order to chelate mercury that had been accumulating in my body for nearly 20 years!  Mercury is supposed to make you extremely tired. This is one of its main symptoms. How I got so much mercury?  Unfortunately because of having had 7 mercury fillings in my mouth for about 20 years, very small fragments of mercury have been slipping inside my body and making me very sick.  

Because of all of that dangerous mercury that I had swallowed over the years, I was diagnosed to be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It was only 3 years ago that I learned by reading the recovery stories of other CFS

sufferers, that the root cause of my health condition was mercury poisoning.  It made perfect sense after I thought about it for a while.  Only a few months ago, I was forced to sleep around 12.5 hours on a daily basis. But thanks to the detox treatment that I have been religiously doing, I have been able to successfully reduce my sleep requirement to only 9.5 hours/daily. This is a huge improvement. 

At my blog link below I relate about one important detox treatment that I used on myself with great success and also lost weight amazingly fast without even wanting or trying to lose anything.


-- Take Care, Vi

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


The most important step is finding a good doctor. I live out by exit

3 of the Mass Pike and I have to go to Boston too. I was diagnosed at Mass

Gen when I was 24 and I have been going to Brigham and Women's in Boston

for my care for 5 years now. I have an amazing team of doctors there and

they are willing to work with my local doctors so that I don't have to

travel out there as much. I have almost died twice from plural-cardial

effusions and they kept me alive. I have the most extensive Avascular

Necrosis on record at Brigham. I have 2 reconstructed ankles and 2 knee

replacements and a reconstructed elbow. All of that had been done before I

was 27. I am now almost 29 and thanks to my doctors there I am currently

expecting a healthy baby girl. So if you need any recommendations in the

New England area, please contact me. My personal email is



> **



> you will also find us on facebook international stilss disease and

> welcome i am sorry for the reason but glad you are here


> ________________________________


> To: stillsdisease

> Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:34 PM

> Subject: Introducing myself





> I was very pleased to find this group and hope I can give back to the

> group too.


> My name is a and I was diagnosed with Stills Disease on Tuesday by my

> rheumatologist at mass General in Boston. I live about 3 1/2 hours from

> there but was not getting help her in the capital region on NY State.


> My Stills disease story starts with a trip to the Dr to check out a

> pinched nerve, ended up taking gabapentin for this and physical therapy.

> Worked great.


> But I was found to have a heart murmur, which I never had before. This was

> March/April of last year. When it didn't go away, I was sent for an echo to

> find out I had a mild pericardial effusion. First cardiologist blew me off

> so I found another and she took it very seriously as did my primary care

> doctor.


> I went on to have a cardiac catheterization and continued to be monitored

> every 4-6 weeks. The cardiologist put me on indomethicin, an NSAID, to hope

> to bring it down. When that didn't happen she wanted to put me on

> prednisone, which I would not do unless I had a very good reason.


> On Jan 9th my echo was unchanged. We went to FLA on the 13th, that night I

> had, what I thought was, the beginnings of a cold. That funny feeling in

> the back of your throat. Took some lozenges for a few days. By the 18th I

> was limping on my left knee. Figured it was either something I did or maybe

> something to do with my heart. But I was OK, just sore. Started missing

> some of my meds as I was on vacation.


> We come home on the 20th and by the next day I was limping in both knees

> and soon both ankles. Within a couple more days I felt awful and almost

> like a serious flu.


> Went to the doctor's again but blood work was fine. So he sent me back to

> the cardiologist. On Feb 5th I was in tamponade and required surgery to

> take the fluid off of my heart. My cardiologist sent me to Mass General to

> a fantastic surgeon there. A ton of pre surgery tests and blood work for

> the rheumatologist there too, for my limping.


> I had a partial pericardiectomy on Feb 29th. They took a liter of fluid

> off of my heart too. Stayed in hospital for 5 days and got to come home!

> Well, all should be good now, except for recovering from major surgery.


> Went back to mass General for follow up with surgeon and meet with

> rheumatologist to go over things. Blood work was fine so he figured I

> probably had a mild fibromyalgia. It did not seem right.


> Went to a rheumatologist around here and he was useless. Took x-rays of my

> knees and they were fine.


> 3 weeks after surgery I had my first experience with a pleural effusion.

> How scary that was. But blood work still normal so sent me home on

> colchicine and naproxen. Woke up feeling so much better the next day!!


> About 2-3 weeks after that another pleural effusion but started with a

> sore throat, fever and I had a high WBC. Went to cardiologist but just a

> bit of an effusion in the back part of my pericardium. Possible pneumonia?

> Went to the ER, wrong hospital( They were more worried about some normal

> spot on my liver and the fluid in the back half of my heart. Overall,

> terrible night at the hospital. A few IVs of antibiotics and continued with

> the Indocin as the colchicine did not help this time.


> 2 weeks after that, sore throat, headache, ears hurt, fever, high WBC and

> pleural effusion. BTW, knees always hurt. But when I feel my worst, they

> bother me way less. So, back to the ER, right hospital this time. I just

> wanted the meds to go home and feel better. Hospital beds are so

> uncomfortable and could not stay another minute in one. Three doctors tried

> to get me to stay as they felt what I had was quite complex.


> 2 1/2 weeks later, my knees got even worse then came the pleural effusion,

> sore throat, fever, head and ear pain, and fever. In a few days my fever

> went to 103


> The head and ear pain are hard to describe as they are not like a regular

> headache.


> My primary care Dr was getting nowhere with specialists here, my

> cardiologist just wanted to put me on pred without knowing why. So I called

> my surgeon, my primary care doctor asked me if I wanted to back to Boston,

> and he got me back in with the rheumatologist again. This time I had stuff

> on my blood work. I had become anemic, my CRP was 152 and my Sed Rate was

> high.


> This time, I did not recover like the other times.


> The rheumatologist called me last Sunday to say he should see me sooner

> than later as my blood work and symptoms showed serious problems.


> Two days later, he diagnosed me with Stills Disease. Started my on 40mg of

> prednisone a day and will re evaluate in two weeks.


> The pred has helped a lot with the effusion but still get a bit of a sore

> throat and knees still sore. I have lost about 14 pounds since my surgery

> but I am good with that.


> When reading up on Stills, it made me think of at time when I was in the

> 8th grade. I got a terrible fever and could barely walk. They thought I had

> juvenile arthritis or something. My mother's friend, who was a nurse, was

> giving me vinegar baths to bring down the fever.


> I am now 47 years old and feel way older some times.


> I have no idea what is in store for me next.


> Thank you for letting me share.


> a Elson



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