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Re: Anslie Mears - Stillness Meditation

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The link needs a .au on the endCheersKateHi,I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)www.stillnessmeditation.comSimone

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I read some Ainslie Mears stuff years ago and thought that his approach was very interesting. He wrote some interesting books, some of them were like poetry or verse. I will have to refresh my knowledge of it all though.KateHi,I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)www.stillnessmeditation.comSimone

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yes - sorry.


hope this works

Hi,I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)www.stillnessmeditation.comSimone

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Haven't read it, but will put it on my to-read list, I love a success story! Hope you are doing well XXX______________________Signature: Mrs Em Equanimity This is my personal blog where I record my experience applying Acceptance Commitment Therapy to my anxiety and agoraphobia in particular, and my life in general. Feel free to browse. http://eyeofthehurricane-act.blogspot.com/--- El mar, 31/5/11, adrianandboo

escribió:De: adrianandboo Asunto: Anslie Mears - Stillness MeditationPara: ACT_for_the_Public Fecha: martes, 31 de mayo, 2011 08:57


I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.

I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)



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Hi SimoneYes. I bought Ainslie Mears book "Relief Without Drugs" over 20 years ago and tried out his Mental Atataxis exercises. To date I have found his method to be the most simple yet effective cure for anxiety and depression that I've ever come across. Even friends and casual acquaintances noticed how relaxed and at one I was with the world then. I would thoroughly recommend his methods. I figured that if you could overcome pain using his methods how much easier it would then be to overcome anxiety and depression (although I never tried having a tooth extracted without anesthetic like he did himself).He never once used the word "meditation" in that book which I'm glad about as, at that time in my life, it would have put me off as being mumbo jumbo. In my opinion he presented the principles of Zen and Krishnamurti's Choice-less Awareness concept to

the scientific western mind although there are some outdated, politically in-correct parts to the book (e.g. cures for homosexuality) and some claims that go a bit far. However all in all I thinks he has made an invaluable contribution.Subject: Anslie Mears - Stillness MeditationTo: ACT_for_the_Public Date: Tuesday, 31 May, 2011, 8:57


I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.

I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)



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Hi ,

Thanks for that - I've brought the book. It's language is so quaint it makes me laugh! I actually think it's out of print now - I got it secondhand. I'll give it a go - although I'm not 100% sure as I think there is an element of self/hypnosis in there. And I've tried that a couple of times and it did nothing for me. Also Bill is going to be really mad with me for keep trying different things! And I do love Bill! Not giving up on the ACT though - no way! But thanks for the info - interesting.


Subject: Anslie Mears - Stillness MeditationTo: ACT_for_the_Public Date: Tuesday, 31 May, 2011, 8:57

Hi,I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)www.stillnessmeditation.comSimone

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Your dead right, Hugh, and I figured the same thing when I first read Ainsle Meares book, Releif Wilthout Drugs. I felt that any method that can knock out severe pain has got to be effective with most types of depression, or mental distress, too. I also reckon his method it could also cure my tinitus and hopefully my PSSD as well. The brain is neuroplastic and can repair itself under the right conditions.

Ainslie Meares Painless Tooth Extraction

Then a big chance came. I had to have a decayed tooth extracted. My usual refered me to a dental surgeon, but instead I aproached a dentist friend and asked him if he would co-operate with me in an experiment and take out my tooth without anaesthetic. With some insistance on my part he agreed, but said he must take an X-ray. The next day he phoned me saying that the X-ray showed it would be a very difficult extraction and that he was not prepared to proceed with the experiment. After further discussion, though, he agreed to try it. I relaxed in the dental chair, and the tooth was extracted without discomfort. I was surprised at the ease and effectivness of the way that pain was inhibited, and the dentist himself was truly amazed. He told me that he had to cut the gum and peel it off the bone, then chisel away the bone at the level of the end of the root, and then extract the tooth obliquely. The dentist was so impressed that he reported our little experiment to the Medical Journal of Australia.

Ainsle Meares, Relief Without Drugs


> > Subject: Anslie Mears - Stillness Meditation> To: ACT_for_the_Public > Date: Tuesday, 31 May, 2011, 8:57> > > > > > > > Â > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi,> > > > I just dusted off an old book I had years ago called In Stillness Conquer Fear by ine Mckinnon. It is the autobiography of her journey with agrophobia - and complete cure- through stillness meditation, as taught by eminent psychiatrist Anslie Mears.> > I didn't get the meditation bit back then - I totally do now. The book is the best description I have ever read about what it feels like to be limited in this way. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it - or heard of Anslie Mears and what your thoughts are. He is on Wikipedia and here is a link to the website. A bit off topic - but I'll risk it! ( See I can take risks sometimes!)> > > > www.stillnessmeditation.com> > > > Simone>

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