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I think i've probably had signs of this for years now, that were missed or

misdiagnosed. Probably partially my fault for not wanting to take time off work

to go to the doctor everytime i didnt feel well. But I had some instances over

the years never as severe as now and not always the same symptoms all at once

that were treated as other things or some cases no answers at all but the

symptoms would go away so i didnt worry about it.

I guess it's time to pay attention now :)

I'm really glad i found this group, not knowing anyone else with this disease is

really hard.

Friends and family dont really understand what it does to a persons body... i

try to explain, and they try to understand, but it's nice to hear from people

that do.

The inforamation i've been getting from reading all the emails has helped

tremendously as well.


Have a great day!!


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 8:16 PM

Subject: Re: hello


Hi !

glad you found the group! When I first got diagnosed in 2007 it was after

9 1/2 years of searching for answers. I'm so happy you found a doctor

that was knowledgeable enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together so

quickly for you!

Everyone here can relate to what you are saying about not getting to do

what you love to do outdoors. It is a different life than the one we used to

have for sure. But try to stay positive, some members find the right

combination of medications that work well for them and they get their lives

back. I would say I myself am not at my worst, but I cannot work so that is

not my own personal best. BUT I am now able to look at my life, see what

really matters to me, what plans and activities mean the most to me, and weed

out the ones that mean less so that I can attempt to participate in the

ones that mean a lot to me.

I used to exorcize for over an hour about 4-5 x /week before I got sick.

It meant a lot to me. I really enjoyed it. I am not longer able to do

that, bt when I feel up to it, I really enjoy a walk with my dog and when the

weather is nice I enjoy going in our pool. I have been trying to do some

push-ups every day. I had to start with EIGHT!!! OMG, it sounds silly! And

I added ONE push up each day (unless I felt worse, then I either don't do

them, or I drop it back) but I'm up to 18! So let me just put it out

there, I'm 47. I am pretty sure my daughter can't do 18 pushups at once!!! And

I don't tell my husband because he'd think I was hurting my body. But to

me, it's taking back just at TINY SLICE of who I once was!!! When I was

working out religiously part of my work out was to do twenty pushups! And I

will get back to that soon! SO TAKE THAT YOU DRAGON!!!

there, I rambled back, now you feel at home right??? LOL



In a message dated 3/8/2012 10:32:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

achrisman32@... writes:

I started getting sick pretty much the very next day, and I still haven't

managed to get back to normal yet.

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Guest guest

Kirk, I'm from Portage county Pittsburgh is only about 2 hours from me, so not

out of reach which is good, I will call my insurance on Monday and see if he is

in my network. I have been looking into Cleveland Clininc as well but they don't

list anyone with Stills as an area of expertiese which is what i'm looking for.

I have a hard time spending more than a few minutes on the computer because my

back, and ribs start hurting really bad, and my hands have been giving me a lot

of trouble. So if it takes me awhile to email that is why, but i usually read

the emails on my phone as they come in.


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 12:27 AM

Subject: Re: hello


, I don't know what part of Ohio you are from, but if Pittsburgh is

within reach of you there is a Dr in Pittsburgh who has extensive

experience with Stills Disease. I was going to go to him (Pittsburgh is

300+ miles from me) but he sent me to one of his ex students who is right @

100 miles away from me.

I don't recall his name but know I found him on the internet. If that

doesn't work, I can contact my RD and find out who this guy is. Having an

aggressive, experienced Dr. is one of the few things I have going for me,

but it took me a couple of " not so good " ones before I found Dr. Kantor (My


Funny how you started working out when you got whacked...I was a

powerlifter whose lifetime goal was to bench press over 400lbs. I

successfully pressed 405 2x in November of 2003 after 4 years of heavy

lifting (though I lifted most of my life, starting when I was 12) and I

became violently ill in January of '04.

Sorry you had to find us this way but you found a pretty damn good group

of people to help you out in loads of ways. I am no longer able to work,

but I am one of the rare birds who never has had a remission. I also had to

have a morphine pump implant as my back hurt so bad I could not stand or

walk for close to 2 years. If you feel you may be down for a long time,

think about filing for SSDI. It is a royal pain in the A$$, but if you

unfortunate enough to not catch a remission or get worse you're going to

need to do something........add to that even if you are approved they will

not give you a dime until you are down for at least 2 years from the time

you became ill, so filing early has its advantages. I would definitely

consult my DR/RD on this, but it sounds as if you may need to.

Best of luck, Kirk.

> **



> Hi everyone I'm new to this group and just wanted to take a minute to

> introduce myself. My name is I'm from Ohio, have 2 boys 16, and 13,

> and an 18 year old daughter. I began getting sick the beginning of January

> ironically I started the new year by getting a membership to a rec center

> where the kids and I could go work out play raquet ball, and just find a

> way to stay active through the winter, and start taking better care of

> myself. I started getting sick pretty much the very next day, and I still

> haven't managed to get back to normal yet. For me I started breaking out in

> hives at work one day I went to the hospital they said it was a food

> allergy and sent me home with benadryl. I would wake up in the mornings

> fine then in the afternoons I would break out again, I followed up with a

> doctor in my primary care practice, who said give it more time, when that

> didn't help I seen another doctor who gave me a steroid shot and see an

> allergist. I seen the allergist who prescribed a ton of meds, the next day

> my hives turned into a different kind of rash, I called the allergist who

> told me to double up on the already high doses of allergy meds, when that

> didn't work I went back to the allergist who then said I had strep throat

> and scarlet fever (at thus point I had began nightly fevers of 102.4)

> During these weeks everytime I seen a doctor I mentioned joint pain that

> seemed to get be getting worse and started at the time the rash started.

> After a couple days I went to see my pcp who ran a bunch of blood work, but

> I ended up getting so bad unable to drive, brush my hair, or even hold a

> fork to feed myself so she put me in the hospital and after a week they

> sent me home with no diagnosis. I foolowed up with a rhuematologist who

> diagnosised me in Feb with Stills. I have been on 60mg prednisone for over

> a month, and now methotrexate as well. He is trying to wean me off the

> prednisone but my joints start flaring up so it's not going well. I still

> haven't been able to get back to work, I have trouble walking sometimes

> even standing. I'm 34 years old and summer is coming which is when I love

> to go hiking, and camping with the kids, I'm having a hard time with

> acceptance. Ok I'll stop rambling for the night, but want to let you know

> I'm really glad to be a part of this group, so far I've found it very

> informative, as I'm finding the rest of the world is very uninformed.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Guest guest

Kirk, I'm from Portage county Pittsburgh is only about 2 hours from me, so not

out of reach which is good, I will call my insurance on Monday and see if he is

in my network. I have been looking into Cleveland Clininc as well but they don't

list anyone with Stills as an area of expertiese which is what i'm looking for.

I have a hard time spending more than a few minutes on the computer because my

back, and ribs start hurting really bad, and my hands have been giving me a lot

of trouble. So if it takes me awhile to email that is why, but i usually read

the emails on my phone as they come in.


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 12:27 AM

Subject: Re: hello


, I don't know what part of Ohio you are from, but if Pittsburgh is

within reach of you there is a Dr in Pittsburgh who has extensive

experience with Stills Disease. I was going to go to him (Pittsburgh is

300+ miles from me) but he sent me to one of his ex students who is right @

100 miles away from me.

I don't recall his name but know I found him on the internet. If that

doesn't work, I can contact my RD and find out who this guy is. Having an

aggressive, experienced Dr. is one of the few things I have going for me,

but it took me a couple of " not so good " ones before I found Dr. Kantor (My


Funny how you started working out when you got whacked...I was a

powerlifter whose lifetime goal was to bench press over 400lbs. I

successfully pressed 405 2x in November of 2003 after 4 years of heavy

lifting (though I lifted most of my life, starting when I was 12) and I

became violently ill in January of '04.

Sorry you had to find us this way but you found a pretty damn good group

of people to help you out in loads of ways. I am no longer able to work,

but I am one of the rare birds who never has had a remission. I also had to

have a morphine pump implant as my back hurt so bad I could not stand or

walk for close to 2 years. If you feel you may be down for a long time,

think about filing for SSDI. It is a royal pain in the A$$, but if you

unfortunate enough to not catch a remission or get worse you're going to

need to do something........add to that even if you are approved they will

not give you a dime until you are down for at least 2 years from the time

you became ill, so filing early has its advantages. I would definitely

consult my DR/RD on this, but it sounds as if you may need to.

Best of luck, Kirk.

> **



> Hi everyone I'm new to this group and just wanted to take a minute to

> introduce myself. My name is I'm from Ohio, have 2 boys 16, and 13,

> and an 18 year old daughter. I began getting sick the beginning of January

> ironically I started the new year by getting a membership to a rec center

> where the kids and I could go work out play raquet ball, and just find a

> way to stay active through the winter, and start taking better care of

> myself. I started getting sick pretty much the very next day, and I still

> haven't managed to get back to normal yet. For me I started breaking out in

> hives at work one day I went to the hospital they said it was a food

> allergy and sent me home with benadryl. I would wake up in the mornings

> fine then in the afternoons I would break out again, I followed up with a

> doctor in my primary care practice, who said give it more time, when that

> didn't help I seen another doctor who gave me a steroid shot and see an

> allergist. I seen the allergist who prescribed a ton of meds, the next day

> my hives turned into a different kind of rash, I called the allergist who

> told me to double up on the already high doses of allergy meds, when that

> didn't work I went back to the allergist who then said I had strep throat

> and scarlet fever (at thus point I had began nightly fevers of 102.4)

> During these weeks everytime I seen a doctor I mentioned joint pain that

> seemed to get be getting worse and started at the time the rash started.

> After a couple days I went to see my pcp who ran a bunch of blood work, but

> I ended up getting so bad unable to drive, brush my hair, or even hold a

> fork to feed myself so she put me in the hospital and after a week they

> sent me home with no diagnosis. I foolowed up with a rhuematologist who

> diagnosised me in Feb with Stills. I have been on 60mg prednisone for over

> a month, and now methotrexate as well. He is trying to wean me off the

> prednisone but my joints start flaring up so it's not going well. I still

> haven't been able to get back to work, I have trouble walking sometimes

> even standing. I'm 34 years old and summer is coming which is when I love

> to go hiking, and camping with the kids, I'm having a hard time with

> acceptance. Ok I'll stop rambling for the night, but want to let you know

> I'm really glad to be a part of this group, so far I've found it very

> informative, as I'm finding the rest of the world is very uninformed.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Guest guest

I will try to find out his name as soon as I can, but I don't have an appt

with my RD for another 6 weeks. I'll try writing a letter to him also. I do

know my wife found this other guy by doing an internet search.

One other thing, even though the Cleveland Clinic may not have a Dr

experienced with Stills, I do know they are supposed to be one of the

nations premier care centers, and probably have a lot of younger, up to

date Dr's than most places.

Let me know what's going on....meanwhile I will tryt to find out who

this dude in Pittsburgh is.

Adios, Kirk

> **



> Kirk, I'm from Portage county Pittsburgh is only about 2 hours from me, so

> not out of reach which is good, I will call my insurance on Monday and see

> if he is in my network. I have been looking into Cleveland Clininc as well

> but they don't list anyone with Stills as an area of expertiese which is

> what i'm looking for. I have a hard time spending more than a few minutes

> on the computer because my back, and ribs start hurting really bad, and my

> hands have been giving me a lot of trouble. So if it takes me awhile to

> email that is why, but i usually read the emails on my phone as they come

> in.




> To: Stillsdisease

> Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 12:27 AM

> Subject: Re: hello



> , I don't know what part of Ohio you are from, but if Pittsburgh is

> within reach of you there is a Dr in Pittsburgh who has extensive

> experience with Stills Disease. I was going to go to him (Pittsburgh is

> 300+ miles from me) but he sent me to one of his ex students who is right @

> 100 miles away from me.

> I don't recall his name but know I found him on the internet. If that

> doesn't work, I can contact my RD and find out who this guy is. Having an

> aggressive, experienced Dr. is one of the few things I have going for me,

> but it took me a couple of " not so good " ones before I found Dr. Kantor (My

> RD).

> Funny how you started working out when you got whacked...I was a

> powerlifter whose lifetime goal was to bench press over 400lbs. I

> successfully pressed 405 2x in November of 2003 after 4 years of heavy

> lifting (though I lifted most of my life, starting when I was 12) and I

> became violently ill in January of '04.

> Sorry you had to find us this way but you found a pretty damn good group

> of people to help you out in loads of ways. I am no longer able to work,

> but I am one of the rare birds who never has had a remission. I also had to

> have a morphine pump implant as my back hurt so bad I could not stand or

> walk for close to 2 years. If you feel you may be down for a long time,

> think about filing for SSDI. It is a royal pain in the A$$, but if you

> unfortunate enough to not catch a remission or get worse you're going to

> need to do something........add to that even if you are approved they will

> not give you a dime until you are down for at least 2 years from the time

> you became ill, so filing early has its advantages. I would definitely

> consult my DR/RD on this, but it sounds as if you may need to.

> Best of luck, Kirk.




> > **

> >

> >

> > Hi everyone I'm new to this group and just wanted to take a minute to

> > introduce myself. My name is I'm from Ohio, have 2 boys 16, and

> 13,

> > and an 18 year old daughter. I began getting sick the beginning of

> January

> > ironically I started the new year by getting a membership to a rec center

> > where the kids and I could go work out play raquet ball, and just find a

> > way to stay active through the winter, and start taking better care of

> > myself. I started getting sick pretty much the very next day, and I still

> > haven't managed to get back to normal yet. For me I started breaking out

> in

> > hives at work one day I went to the hospital they said it was a food

> > allergy and sent me home with benadryl. I would wake up in the mornings

> > fine then in the afternoons I would break out again, I followed up with a

> > doctor in my primary care practice, who said give it more time, when that

> > didn't help I seen another doctor who gave me a steroid shot and see an

> > allergist. I seen the allergist who prescribed a ton of meds, the next

> day

> > my hives turned into a different kind of rash, I called the allergist who

> > told me to double up on the already high doses of allergy meds, when that

> > didn't work I went back to the allergist who then said I had strep throat

> > and scarlet fever (at thus point I had began nightly fevers of 102.4)

> > During these weeks everytime I seen a doctor I mentioned joint pain that

> > seemed to get be getting worse and started at the time the rash started.

> > After a couple days I went to see my pcp who ran a bunch of blood work,

> but

> > I ended up getting so bad unable to drive, brush my hair, or even hold a

> > fork to feed myself so she put me in the hospital and after a week they

> > sent me home with no diagnosis. I foolowed up with a rhuematologist who

> > diagnosised me in Feb with Stills. I have been on 60mg prednisone for

> over

> > a month, and now methotrexate as well. He is trying to wean me off the

> > prednisone but my joints start flaring up so it's not going well. I still

> > haven't been able to get back to work, I have trouble walking sometimes

> > even standing. I'm 34 years old and summer is coming which is when I love

> > to go hiking, and camping with the kids, I'm having a hard time with

> > acceptance. Ok I'll stop rambling for the night, but want to let you know

> > I'm really glad to be a part of this group, so far I've found it very

> > informative, as I'm finding the rest of the world is very uninformed.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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Guest guest

I will try to find out his name as soon as I can, but I don't have an appt

with my RD for another 6 weeks. I'll try writing a letter to him also. I do

know my wife found this other guy by doing an internet search.

One other thing, even though the Cleveland Clinic may not have a Dr

experienced with Stills, I do know they are supposed to be one of the

nations premier care centers, and probably have a lot of younger, up to

date Dr's than most places.

Let me know what's going on....meanwhile I will tryt to find out who

this dude in Pittsburgh is.

Adios, Kirk

> **



> Kirk, I'm from Portage county Pittsburgh is only about 2 hours from me, so

> not out of reach which is good, I will call my insurance on Monday and see

> if he is in my network. I have been looking into Cleveland Clininc as well

> but they don't list anyone with Stills as an area of expertiese which is

> what i'm looking for. I have a hard time spending more than a few minutes

> on the computer because my back, and ribs start hurting really bad, and my

> hands have been giving me a lot of trouble. So if it takes me awhile to

> email that is why, but i usually read the emails on my phone as they come

> in.




> To: Stillsdisease

> Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 12:27 AM

> Subject: Re: hello



> , I don't know what part of Ohio you are from, but if Pittsburgh is

> within reach of you there is a Dr in Pittsburgh who has extensive

> experience with Stills Disease. I was going to go to him (Pittsburgh is

> 300+ miles from me) but he sent me to one of his ex students who is right @

> 100 miles away from me.

> I don't recall his name but know I found him on the internet. If that

> doesn't work, I can contact my RD and find out who this guy is. Having an

> aggressive, experienced Dr. is one of the few things I have going for me,

> but it took me a couple of " not so good " ones before I found Dr. Kantor (My

> RD).

> Funny how you started working out when you got whacked...I was a

> powerlifter whose lifetime goal was to bench press over 400lbs. I

> successfully pressed 405 2x in November of 2003 after 4 years of heavy

> lifting (though I lifted most of my life, starting when I was 12) and I

> became violently ill in January of '04.

> Sorry you had to find us this way but you found a pretty damn good group

> of people to help you out in loads of ways. I am no longer able to work,

> but I am one of the rare birds who never has had a remission. I also had to

> have a morphine pump implant as my back hurt so bad I could not stand or

> walk for close to 2 years. If you feel you may be down for a long time,

> think about filing for SSDI. It is a royal pain in the A$$, but if you

> unfortunate enough to not catch a remission or get worse you're going to

> need to do something........add to that even if you are approved they will

> not give you a dime until you are down for at least 2 years from the time

> you became ill, so filing early has its advantages. I would definitely

> consult my DR/RD on this, but it sounds as if you may need to.

> Best of luck, Kirk.




> > **

> >

> >

> > Hi everyone I'm new to this group and just wanted to take a minute to

> > introduce myself. My name is I'm from Ohio, have 2 boys 16, and

> 13,

> > and an 18 year old daughter. I began getting sick the beginning of

> January

> > ironically I started the new year by getting a membership to a rec center

> > where the kids and I could go work out play raquet ball, and just find a

> > way to stay active through the winter, and start taking better care of

> > myself. I started getting sick pretty much the very next day, and I still

> > haven't managed to get back to normal yet. For me I started breaking out

> in

> > hives at work one day I went to the hospital they said it was a food

> > allergy and sent me home with benadryl. I would wake up in the mornings

> > fine then in the afternoons I would break out again, I followed up with a

> > doctor in my primary care practice, who said give it more time, when that

> > didn't help I seen another doctor who gave me a steroid shot and see an

> > allergist. I seen the allergist who prescribed a ton of meds, the next

> day

> > my hives turned into a different kind of rash, I called the allergist who

> > told me to double up on the already high doses of allergy meds, when that

> > didn't work I went back to the allergist who then said I had strep throat

> > and scarlet fever (at thus point I had began nightly fevers of 102.4)

> > During these weeks everytime I seen a doctor I mentioned joint pain that

> > seemed to get be getting worse and started at the time the rash started.

> > After a couple days I went to see my pcp who ran a bunch of blood work,

> but

> > I ended up getting so bad unable to drive, brush my hair, or even hold a

> > fork to feed myself so she put me in the hospital and after a week they

> > sent me home with no diagnosis. I foolowed up with a rhuematologist who

> > diagnosised me in Feb with Stills. I have been on 60mg prednisone for

> over

> > a month, and now methotrexate as well. He is trying to wean me off the

> > prednisone but my joints start flaring up so it's not going well. I still

> > haven't been able to get back to work, I have trouble walking sometimes

> > even standing. I'm 34 years old and summer is coming which is when I love

> > to go hiking, and camping with the kids, I'm having a hard time with

> > acceptance. Ok I'll stop rambling for the night, but want to let you know

> > I'm really glad to be a part of this group, so far I've found it very

> > informative, as I'm finding the rest of the world is very uninformed.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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Guest guest

& Kirk:

I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as


Dr A Medsger

BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

University Of Pittsburg

Pittsburg, PA 15261

Tel Ofc: , Fax:

Hope this helps you some? Take care now.




Panama City, FL 32404

Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel Ave.,

Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!

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Guest guest

& Kirk:

I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as


Dr A Medsger

BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

University Of Pittsburg

Pittsburg, PA 15261

Tel Ofc: , Fax:

Hope this helps you some? Take care now.




Panama City, FL 32404

Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel Ave.,

Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!

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Guest guest

That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about

positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk

> **




> & Kirk:

> I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

> found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

> Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as

> follows:

> Dr A Medsger

> BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

> University Of Pittsburg

> Pittsburg, PA 15261

> Tel Ofc: , Fax:


> Hope this helps you some? Take care now.







> Bob

> Secretary/Treasurer


> Panama City, FL 32404

> Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

> www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

> volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel

> Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!



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Guest guest

That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about

positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk

> **




> & Kirk:

> I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

> found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

> Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as

> follows:

> Dr A Medsger

> BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

> University Of Pittsburg

> Pittsburg, PA 15261

> Tel Ofc: , Fax:


> Hope this helps you some? Take care now.







> Bob

> Secretary/Treasurer


> Panama City, FL 32404

> Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

> www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

> volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel

> Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!



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Thanks for the information, I really do appreciate it. I will make some phone

calls to his office and my insurance and see what my options are.

-- Sent from my Palm Pixi

On Mar 12, 2012 12:08 PM, Kirk Bonanny & lt;kbonanny@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about

positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk

On 11 March 2012 14:16, Himes & lt;oldgoat378@... & gt; wrote:

& gt; **

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; & amp; Kirk:

& gt; I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

& gt; found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

& gt; Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as

& gt; follows:

& gt; Dr A Medsger

& gt; BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

& gt; University Of Pittsburg

& gt; Pittsburg, PA 15261

& gt; Tel Ofc: , Fax:

& gt;

& gt; Hope this helps you some? Take care now.

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; 

& gt; Bob

& gt; Secretary/Treasurer

& gt; ISDF

& gt; Panama City, FL 32404

& gt; Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

& gt; www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

& gt; volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel

& gt; Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!

& gt;

& gt;

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Guest guest

Thanks for the information, I really do appreciate it. I will make some phone

calls to his office and my insurance and see what my options are.

-- Sent from my Palm Pixi

On Mar 12, 2012 12:08 PM, Kirk Bonanny & lt;kbonanny@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about

positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk

On 11 March 2012 14:16, Himes & lt;oldgoat378@... & gt; wrote:

& gt; **

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; & amp; Kirk:

& gt; I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

& gt; found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

& gt; Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as

& gt; follows:

& gt; Dr A Medsger

& gt; BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

& gt; University Of Pittsburg

& gt; Pittsburg, PA 15261

& gt; Tel Ofc: , Fax:

& gt;

& gt; Hope this helps you some? Take care now.

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; 

& gt; Bob

& gt; Secretary/Treasurer

& gt; ISDF

& gt; Panama City, FL 32404

& gt; Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

& gt; www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

& gt; volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel

& gt; Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!

& gt;

& gt;

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Guest guest

Thanks for the information, I really do appreciate it. I will make some phone

calls to his office and my insurance and see what my options are.

-- Sent from my Palm Pixi

On Mar 12, 2012 12:08 PM, Kirk Bonanny & lt;kbonanny@... & gt; wrote:

& nbsp;

That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about

positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk

On 11 March 2012 14:16, Himes & lt;oldgoat378@... & gt; wrote:

& gt; **

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; & amp; Kirk:

& gt; I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and

& gt; found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in Stills

& gt; Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as

& gt; follows:

& gt; Dr A Medsger

& gt; BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street

& gt; University Of Pittsburg

& gt; Pittsburg, PA 15261

& gt; Tel Ofc: , Fax:

& gt;

& gt; Hope this helps you some? Take care now.

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; 

& gt; Bob

& gt; Secretary/Treasurer

& gt; ISDF

& gt; Panama City, FL 32404

& gt; Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web Site at

& gt; www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the all

& gt; volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S. Kimbrel

& gt; Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!

& gt;

& gt;

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Guest guest

He may not give you an appointment as he may know someone closer to you

that he will recommend. I do know this guy is highly thought of, even by

his former interns/students. Being as you aren't too far from him he may

opt to see you though. Either way, he is a good contact. The Dr he set me

up with (Dr. Kantor out of Lebanon, Pa (25 miles North of

Lancaster)) is FANTASTIC, and exactly the type of Dr. I need. He s very

intelligent, pretty aggressive, very up to date and most importantly not

afraid to tell me I'm wrong! I am so sick & tired of blood work and all of

the other tests I have to go through that I sometimes slack off. He makes

sure to remind me in a pretty firm way that I can't do that. His only

downside is that he is a N.Y. Giants fan, and I detest the Giants! I am a

die-hard life-long Cowboys fan!

Best of luck. Once you get set up with a good RD, a good PCP and

whatever else you may need, you'll do about as well as possible. Adios,


> **



> Thanks for the information, I really do appreciate it. I will make some

> phone calls to his office and my insurance and see what my options are.


> -- Sent from my Palm Pixi

> On Mar 12, 2012 12:08 PM, Kirk Bonanny & lt;kbonanny@... & gt; wrote:


> & nbsp;


> That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about


> positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk


> On 11 March 2012 14:16, Himes & lt;oldgoat378@... & gt; wrote:


> & gt; **


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt; & amp; Kirk:


> & gt; I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and


> & gt; found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in

> Stills


> & gt; Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as


> & gt; follows:


> & gt; Dr A Medsger


> & gt; BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street


> & gt; University Of Pittsburg


> & gt; Pittsburg, PA 15261


> & gt; Tel Ofc: , Fax:


> & gt;


> & gt; Hope this helps you some? Take care now.


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt; 


> & gt; Bob


> & gt; Secretary/Treasurer


> & gt; ISDF


> & gt; Panama City, FL 32404


> & gt; Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web

> Site at


> & gt; www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the

> all


> & gt; volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S.

> Kimbrel


> & gt; Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!


> & gt;


> & gt;

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Guest guest

He may not give you an appointment as he may know someone closer to you

that he will recommend. I do know this guy is highly thought of, even by

his former interns/students. Being as you aren't too far from him he may

opt to see you though. Either way, he is a good contact. The Dr he set me

up with (Dr. Kantor out of Lebanon, Pa (25 miles North of

Lancaster)) is FANTASTIC, and exactly the type of Dr. I need. He s very

intelligent, pretty aggressive, very up to date and most importantly not

afraid to tell me I'm wrong! I am so sick & tired of blood work and all of

the other tests I have to go through that I sometimes slack off. He makes

sure to remind me in a pretty firm way that I can't do that. His only

downside is that he is a N.Y. Giants fan, and I detest the Giants! I am a

die-hard life-long Cowboys fan!

Best of luck. Once you get set up with a good RD, a good PCP and

whatever else you may need, you'll do about as well as possible. Adios,


> **



> Thanks for the information, I really do appreciate it. I will make some

> phone calls to his office and my insurance and see what my options are.


> -- Sent from my Palm Pixi

> On Mar 12, 2012 12:08 PM, Kirk Bonanny & lt;kbonanny@... & gt; wrote:


> & nbsp;


> That sounds like the right name....it's been 8 years but I',m about


> positive that is who set me up with my current RD.Kirk


> On 11 March 2012 14:16, Himes & lt;oldgoat378@... & gt; wrote:


> & gt; **


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt; & amp; Kirk:


> & gt; I just looked through my list of stills Doctors and


> & gt; found a Doctor in Pittsburg who is listed as being well versed in

> Stills


> & gt; Disease so this may be the one you are talking about? His info is as


> & gt; follows:


> & gt; Dr A Medsger


> & gt; BST South 721 3500 Terrace Street


> & gt; University Of Pittsburg


> & gt; Pittsburg, PA 15261


> & gt; Tel Ofc: , Fax:


> & gt;


> & gt; Hope this helps you some? Take care now.


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt;


> & gt; 


> & gt; Bob


> & gt; Secretary/Treasurer


> & gt; ISDF


> & gt; Panama City, FL 32404


> & gt; Please visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Inc. Web

> Site at


> & gt; www.stillsdisease.org . Please make TAX DEDUCTIBLE Donations to the

> all


> & gt; volunteer, International Stills Disease Foundation (ISDF), 1123 S.

> Kimbrel


> & gt; Ave., Panama City, FL 32404. Thanks!


> & gt;


> & gt;

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick.  At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there. 

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Guest guest

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick.  At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there. 

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Guest guest

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick.  At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there. 

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I remember your other post about being new. I’m sorry if

people have been too sick to contact you yet. But they will in time. The helpful

person in our group who administrates and volunteers his time will hopefully

have a referral for you. His name is Bob and we call him Dad.

Dad if you see the post, can you provide some kind of help for to find a


Hopefully , keep the chin up and know that it’s a one step at a time deal.

People here will be there for you though.


From: anna cauley

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:25 PM

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick. At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there.

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I remember your other post about being new. I’m sorry if

people have been too sick to contact you yet. But they will in time. The helpful

person in our group who administrates and volunteers his time will hopefully

have a referral for you. His name is Bob and we call him Dad.

Dad if you see the post, can you provide some kind of help for to find a


Hopefully , keep the chin up and know that it’s a one step at a time deal.

People here will be there for you though.


From: anna cauley

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:25 PM

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick. At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there.

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I remember your other post about being new. I’m sorry if

people have been too sick to contact you yet. But they will in time. The helpful

person in our group who administrates and volunteers his time will hopefully

have a referral for you. His name is Bob and we call him Dad.

Dad if you see the post, can you provide some kind of help for to find a


Hopefully , keep the chin up and know that it’s a one step at a time deal.

People here will be there for you though.


From: anna cauley

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:25 PM

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick. At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there.

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Guest guest

Hi, , and welcome to our wonderful group of people. On the organizations web

page http://www.stillsdisease.org/ there is a link toward the bottom to " find a

rhuematologist " in your area. Of course you don't WANT this disease...none of us

does. But if you have it you want to KNOW what you're dealing with. Do you have

a diagnosis yet? I have heard of one other who was thought to have Stills but

were found to have something else. Proper diagnosis is key so proper treatment

can begin. Best of luck.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick.  At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there. 

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Guest guest

Hi, , and welcome to our wonderful group of people. On the organizations web

page http://www.stillsdisease.org/ there is a link toward the bottom to " find a

rhuematologist " in your area. Of course you don't WANT this disease...none of us

does. But if you have it you want to KNOW what you're dealing with. Do you have

a diagnosis yet? I have heard of one other who was thought to have Stills but

were found to have something else. Proper diagnosis is key so proper treatment

can begin. Best of luck.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick.  At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there. 

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Guest guest

Thank you so much for the support and kind words, you don't know how much I

needed them.


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 5:40 PM

Subject: Re: hello


Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I remember your other post about being new. I’m sorry if

people have been too sick to contact you yet. But they will in time. The helpful

person in our group who administrates and volunteers his time will hopefully

have a referral for you. His name is Bob and we call him Dad.

Dad if you see the post, can you provide some kind of help for to find a


Hopefully , keep the chin up and know that it’s a one step at a time deal.

People here will be there for you though.


From: anna cauley

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:25 PM

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick. At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there.

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Guest guest

Thank you so much for the support and kind words, you don't know how much I

needed them.


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 5:40 PM

Subject: Re: hello


Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I remember your other post about being new. I’m sorry if

people have been too sick to contact you yet. But they will in time. The helpful

person in our group who administrates and volunteers his time will hopefully

have a referral for you. His name is Bob and we call him Dad.

Dad if you see the post, can you provide some kind of help for to find a


Hopefully , keep the chin up and know that it’s a one step at a time deal.

People here will be there for you though.


From: anna cauley

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:25 PM

To: Stillsdisease

Subject: RE: hello

Hi my name is , I am also new to the group. I hate the circumstances but I'm

glad I have found this group. I felt very very alone for the past five years. I

worked at a local elementary school and when I went back to work in Aug of 2007

and just kept getting worse. I had to quit work and I have had a really hard

time trying to get a doctor to listen to me. I was 32 when I got sick and the

docs would look at me and think I was fine. I have been told to see a therapist

more times than I can count. They keep telling me I'm depressed. I agree with

them, but its because I'm sick all the time. My husband doesn't understand how

sick I am, he keeps telling me since the doctors couldn't find anything on the

blood test I have to be fine. He thinks I pick the days I want to be sick. At

one time I believed there was something mentally wrong so I did go to a

therapist. Long story short, it wasn't in my head. Because the fevers only came

when they wanted the

doctors were skeptical. They think I just want meds. When I asked the doctors

about Still's Disease I had three doctors look at me and say, " You dont want

that, that is a bad disease " like it was a choice I was making. I live in

western kentucky, if any one knows of a good doctor please let me know, I really

need one. Thanks for listening to me complain and thanks more for being there.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I have that problem (the insomnia, that is). One of my trigger sounds is my cats grooming them selves. They sleep at the foot of our bed and often, just as I am dozing off, I will hear one of their metal tags jingling which sometimes means they are grooming. When that happens, I jolt awake and prop up and look to see if they are grooming. If one of them is, I usually end up pushing him off the bed with my foot. I feel bad every time I do that, which ends up being at least once every night. Amazingly though, my cats are pretty well trained to stop licking when I snap my fingers. I don't want to snap loudly at night because I don't want to wake my husband up, but during the day, I will snap my fingers and say " STOP " , and they stop and go finish in another room every time.


Hello Everyone,


             This condition is at its absolute worst when I first wake up in the morning, if any of my triggers occur I fly into a rage and it takes at least 30 minutes to calm all the way down-it leaves me exhausted.  This condition has also has caused insomina for as long as I can remember-the smallest noise jolts me awake.  My mother was the only other person I have ever met or heard of that had this besides me, I was starting to think I was nuts or over critical etc all the negative thing I have been called throughout the years.  I look  forward to being a member of this group.


Thank you,


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