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Dear Shirley:

You are so incredibly sweet to send that info to me, especially since you are not feeling so great. I have a mass, I picked up my MRI just a few minutes ago to take to the surgeon. I 'm getting back my fight now, so I'll be fine.

I'm sorry to whine to you all, thanks for being..


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Dear Tom,

Thank you for reminding me that I'm an ongoing project created by someone bigger than me. Faith and good friends surround me, I'm not alone.

I appreciate your thoughts and your comments, they help a lot.


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thank you for the prayers, I believe they do help. I've been reading on tumors in the brain and I'm not so scared anymore..I'll fight this too. I'm really upset at the shaved head..LOL last time my hair grew back curly, so maybe it will be straight again.

Thanks for the cheering up.


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you are in my prayers.

Please try to not think ahead....attend your appointment and then get a plan of action after you talk with the doc.

I know you are in chaos somewhat with the phone call.....please try to ease your mind.

Keep us informed.

We are here for you!

God Bless,

Kim in Nebraska


Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Bette ~

Prayers and love to you, sweetie! I just had the same thing yesterday. There are things that can be done today without traditional surgery. A woman in my church had the laser treatment for a brain tumor/mass without any surgery. She's out of the wheelchair and living a normal life. Hang in there.

~ spacey

> Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Hi Bette

This why I have always enjoyed this group to let friends know what is happening. I am sorry that you are having the trouble you are having and I hope we here good news from you soon again.



Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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{{{{{Bette}}}}}}} Did it say just mass or mass effect? I found this http://www.sma.org/smj2002/octsmj02/pdf/gutrecht.pdf and this http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/medpix.html?mode=single & recnum=1498 & srchstr=multiple%20sclerosi%20involving%20cervical%20cord & search=multiple%20sclerosi%20involving%20cervical%20cord#top

Don't get yourself worked up about anything though. Sometimes research does more harm than good until you see the doctor. Just keep us updated. Thoughts and prayers are coming to ya.


ShirleySkymstress@... wrote:

Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Hi Bette,

I don't know anything about "Ms with mass" but I do know that your thoughts and feelings are perfectly natural. The unknown regarding health is an extremely fearful circumstance. You are not wallowing in self-pity.

I am not a "Holy Roller" but think God I do have a lot of Faith. There are a lot of folks in this group saying Prayers for you. Those Prayers are heard and they are answered. No doubt in my mind that God is with you. Every step of the way, whether we know it or not, He is with us and you. These things are surely a mystery. Just do the best that you can, you can't do more that that. Then turn over your concerns to God. That will giveyou peace. You are not alone, a lot of us are with you.




Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Thank goodness you had the MRI and they found the mass. Hopefully it is small and you can recover quickly.


Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Oh my dear -- you will definitely be in my prayers and thoughts -- what a frightening phone call to receive! Please do keep us posted on this.



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-- MRI

Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Hi Bette,

My experience with an MRI with "something" there was with my son, (13 at the time). He was set for an MRI without contrast then, in the midst of the MRI, I was brought the paperwork to okay the contrast. The minute I walked in my door, the Neuro called and we were back at the hospital. The Neurosurgeon met us there. (Wonderful man! <smile>).

That was when was dxed with his JPA (brain tumor). There are a number of things which can show as a mass and the docs can pretty well get an idea what they're looking at. (The Neuro told me on the phone that they thought it looked to be a tumor -- the Neurosurgeon had it's name before the biopsy). Do you have your films with you? You can see it easily (something and I learned quickly lol). Though, if it causes you more anguish than relief, I'd avoid it.

Even if it does turn out to be a tumor, there are many types, and many locations... and many things which affect the role such things play in life and the way they're managed. And, really, brain tumors are far more common than most of us realize. :o) Successes abound and treatments amaze! :o)

I know it's hard, but try not to worry. You'll have answers soon enough. From there, just as with anything else you've dealt with, you'll go forward and manage to get through it all. Hopefully there won't be much for you to "get through". :o)

Do you have an appointment yet? Do you have a Neurosurgeon's name yet? Where are you in this now? :o)

Let's see what the docs say and then maybe some of us here can help you find others who are dealing with the same sort of thing. :o)



~~SSgt. B. HobbsDied Oct. 2004(Afghanistan) A man of great integrity and incredible faith.

Hi everyone,

I had my second MRI with contrast on tues., yesterday the neuro called me at * am to tell me I needed to see a neurosurgeon right away, he called back with an appointment for this Fri.

It would appear I have something very wrong on my MRI, and that immediate surgery may be required. I looked on my films and appointment card and it says MS with mass.

So I guess I was wondering has anyone had anything like this? I'm crying my heart out because I can't imagine why I have MS, had cancer and now a brain mass. I guess the real question is why not me? Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself and I always thought better me than someone younger with small children.

I hope I will get off the self pity and start building strength again. Thanks to each of you for all the advice, and care you radiate.


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Oh, they can do tremendous things. :o) Often, they can work with just a small area shaved, and they work carefully to ensure as small a scar as possible. For , it's not noticeable. We do have to find someone who is good with cutting hair and understands the need to keep his scars in mind.


~~SSgt. B. HobbsDied Oct. 2004(Afghanistan) A man of great integrity and incredible faith.

thank you for the prayers, I believe they do help. I've been reading on tumors in the brain and I'm not so scared anymore..I'll fight this too. I'm really upset at the shaved head..LOL last time my hair grew back curly, so maybe it will be straight again.

Thanks for the cheering up.


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Hi Bette,

We are all in this together, You're in my Prayer's.




Dear Tom,

Thank you for reminding me that I'm an ongoing project created by someone bigger than me. Faith and good friends surround me, I'm not alone.

I appreciate your thoughts and your comments, they help a lot.


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I am so sorry to hear your bad news. I hope that you will post what

happens on Friday if you feel up to it. Life sort of throws a lot to

you sometimes, huh? I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that

what they have found is easy to take care of. Hang tight and do the

best you can to keep your chin up. I would give you the biggest hug

if I could!


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Dear Challis,

Thank you so very much for the info, my appt. is tomorrow, and I'm ready to get over the waiting game. You all have been such a wonderful group of people who have comforted me beyond belief. I definitely don't feel so alone.

Thank you,


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