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Re: Iodine & herx

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Hi Jan

I posted about using Lugol's iodine that kills bacteria and also Candida... It

is antibacterial and anti fungal, can kill Lyme and the co's and also Candida,

all of which if too much is killed at once there may be a herx...

Here is a link written by Walter Last...


>>>One unpleasant side-effect of most methods used to reduce the pathogenic

microbial overgrowth of the intestines is the Herxheimer reaction - a sudden

worsening of symptoms due to toxins released by the dead or dying microbes. This

is sometimes used as a diagnostic tool, especially for Candida.<<<<

Take care,



> I read on one of the posts about iodine causing die off and making it feel

like one is herxing. Does it? Is there a site someone can refer me to? I am

curious about this, because I was feeling very poorly for a wk or more just

recently, and it was at the time I had started iodine. I have tried looking it

up, but keep coming up with water treatment.


> jan p


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I personally think its not a good practice to assume that every time a

supplement makes us feel rotten its because we are herxing. It might make us

feel rotten because our body does not need it or we have an allergy to it, etc.,


If it is a herx sooner or later you will feel better. If it is negatively

affecting your thyroid you will just feel worse and worse.


> >

> > I read on one of the posts about iodine causing die off and making it feel

like one is herxing. Does it? Is there a site someone can refer me to? I am

curious about this, because I was feeling very poorly for a wk or more just

recently, and it was at the time I had started iodine. I have tried looking it

up, but keep coming up with water treatment.

> >

> > jan p

> >


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Hi all,

Thanks for the info.

Tamara, I have read that only Lyme and syphilis die off cause herxing. I know

that a reaction can feel just as bad and a cleansing can feel bad (I wouldn't

say just as bad unless a herx is mild).

What I don't understand is what differentiates a herx reaction from other

reactions from die off. Is it that a herx is from the toxins released with die

off increasing the toxin load that is already being released by the living Bb

and any other die off is just the body trying to deal with said die off and

being a bit overwhelmed? I don't even know if I make sense, but I am trying.

LOL I can't wrap my head around it.

Btw, I do feel better. I think it was just an adjustment of some sort.

Would anybody mind me passing this on to a friend?




> I personally think its not a good practice to assume that every time a

supplement makes us feel rotten its because we are herxing. It might make us

feel rotten because our body does not need it or we have an allergy to it, etc.,



> If it is a herx sooner or later you will feel better. If it is negatively

affecting your thyroid you will just feel worse and worse.


> Tamara

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PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I forget what I have read previously. I should take notes, but I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread. http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htmjan

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Hi Jan P,

Lugol's iodine is such an important supplement for our good health, yet today

most doctors are clueless as to what it is and what it does...

100 years ago, if you went to a doctor in the US for an ailment, chances are

high you would leave with a bottle of Lugol's iodine as it cure so many issues..

At the time, Lugol's made a docs job much easier as it cured many ailments and

was used by all doctors... Then along came BIG pharma who convinced doctors

their little white pills were better, doctors bought into this and eventually

most doctors stopped using Lugol's...

Lugol's used to be used in making bread, added to table salt and veggies were

grown in iodine rich soils, many eating a healthy diet got enough of this

mineral and it contributed to better health... Then Lugol's was replaced by

bromide in bread making and this meant a lot less iodine was consumed in diet.

Then came the low salt diet in the 70's and this along with iodine depleted

soils meant the average person was not getting enough iodine in their diet...

Some like me stopped using salt altogether except for what was already in


As I understand, today many diseases are related to low iodine levels... If we

don't eat enough iodized salt, then we most likely are not getting enough

iodine... And many today who eat healthy don't use iodized table salt as it is

so unhealthy.






Take care,



> PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with

> reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I

> forget what I have read previously. [8-|] I should take notes, but

> I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think

> noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread.

> [:>]


> http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htm


> jan


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Just google iodine and thyroid and you will see that with the thyroid iodine

could go either way. It could be the answer to all your problems or push you

over the edge. I think that iodine is necessary but you want to be careful that

you really are deficient before you supplement.

In the case of auto-immune thyroid iodine can be very dangerous and cause

further damage to your thyroid gland. Since auto-immune a/k/a Hashimoto's is

the number one thyroid condition in our country and especially common with lyme

it is something to be careful about.

If you have a diagnosed thyroid problem you should get your tsh levels checked

often and your antibodies tested. You don't want to stimulate the thyroid glad

to work harder because this will just cause your antibodies to attack your gland

even further.

What you do want to do is support the conversion of t4 to t3 with

supplementation, detox and clean living. Don't eat any foods that block the

thyroid such as broccoli. I get my meds compounded for me and take extra t3

when necessary.


> >

> > PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with

> > reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I

> > forget what I have read previously. [8-|] I should take notes, but

> > I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think

> > noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread.

> > [:>]

> >

> > http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htm

> >

> > jan

> >


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Thanks for all the links.

jan p


> Hi Jan P,


> Lugol's iodine is such an important supplement for our good health, yet today

most doctors are clueless as to what it is and what it does...

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PS Dr. Brownstein says in SALT YOUR WAY TO HEALTH, that we can't get enough

iodine from table salt. On the link I posted it says sea salt contains iodine,

I am not saying that it contains enough or that it does. I really want to read

that page, but it's too much for me at this time. :o(

jan p

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Thanks for this info Tamara, I have not done very well with Iodoral and I

thought I would try a small dose of Lugols and see how that works, I had just

assumed I was low in Iodine, which is true with all of my minerals, so I thought

that I needed to supplement. I didn't think about s and Iodine supps.

causing more damage. I will proceed cautiously.

> > >

> > > PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with

> > > reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I

> > > forget what I have read previously. [8-|] I should take notes, but

> > > I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think

> > > noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread.

> > > [:>]

> > >

> > > http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htm

> > >

> > > jan

> > >

> >


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Hi Tamara,

I just love it when you give me a challenge like this... :-) This is how we get

to share good info with everyone...

I am familiar with what others say about taking iodine if the person using it

has an autoimmune disease of the thyroid...

Dr. Brownstein, MD is one of the most knowledge doctors who treats thyroid

disease with Lugol's iodine. He is a doctor's doctor

and highly respected in the medical community for treating thyroid conditions...

I would highly recommend his book :



It is very important to note that iodine, specifically Lugol's is not just

important for the thyroid, but for every cell in our body and

most importantly all of our organs.. I've read it is believed one can not get

cancer if they have sufficient amounts of iodine in

the body.. Women with fibrocystic breasts would not have this disease if they

had enough iodine in their body and it is also

curable by taking higher doses of Lugol's iodine. Folks with low iodine levels

are really open to a lot of disease.

And this I am reading from his book:

.......... " in his study of 24 patients showed that 92% of those with Hashimoto's

(hypOthyroid) and Grave's _hypeRthyroid disease had iodine deficiency " .....

.......... " Inorganic, non-radioactive iodine such as Lugol's or Iodoral has been

used to treat autoimmune thyroid problems for over 100 years. " ...........

.......... " There is a concern that the use of iodine on an autoimmune thyroid

patient can exacerbate the symptoms of thyroid toxicosis. Sometimes this claim

is made when the TSH test elevates shortly after starting iodine therapy.

However, after beginning iodine therapy it is common for the TSh test to

elevate. " ......

.......... " My experience has clearly shown that the appropriate use of iodine in

treating thyroid disorders, from hypOthyroidism to Graves' and Hashimoto's

disease, is not only safe, but effective and inexpensive. This is a holistic

way to search for and treat an underlying cause of thyroid problems with a safe

and natural agent. But, most importantly, people improve their condition

without experiencing any serious adverse effects. " .....

This links talks about Dr. Brownstein and Hashimoto's and iodine.


Brownstein_Autoimmune improving with iodine:


>>>Dr. Brownstein describes the use of therapeutic doses of iodine to treat many

different disorders such as: thyroid problems (including Graves' and Hashimoto's

Disease), autoimmune disorders, cancer (breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate),

fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and cystic breasts. Many more

uses of iodine are covered in this book. Dr. Brownstein gives numerous citations

and uses case studies to illustrate his points.<<<

>>>>Thyroid disorders and iodine deficiency are reviewed in Chapter 6. Dr.

Brownstein shows why iodine needs to be evaluated in all patients with a thyroid

disorder. He focuses on three major illnesses of the thyroid: hypothyroidism,

Graves' and Hashimoto's disease. Not a lot of information has been written about

iodine deficiency in relation to Graves' and Hashimoto's disease. Dr. Brownstein

first presents his own studies that show that Graves' and Hashimoto's patients

are iodine deficient. Next he gives compelling case studies showing these

autoimmune patients improving with iodine replacement. The case histories are a

must read. This information needs to be read by all who treat or suffer with

thyroid problems.<<<

There may be some with Hashimoto's and Graves who may have an adverse reaction

to using Lugol's, but according to Dr. Brownstein this is seldom.

And there is a way to also start with a tiny amount of Lugol's if someone with

Hashimoto's or Graves wishes to do so.. Fill a glass with 8 oz of distilled

water, add 1 drop of Lugol's, mix and only drink 1 oz of this solution. This

equates to 1/8th of a drop of Lugol's... And while there are now two strengths

of Lugol's being sold, one should buy the 5% solution sold now only in 1 oz

bottles for about $16...







Hope this helps clear up some of these thyroid and iodine issues....

Take care,


> > >

> > > PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with

> > > reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I

> > > forget what I have read previously. [8-|] I should take notes, but

> > > I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think

> > > noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread.

> > > [:>]

> > >

> > > http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htm

> > >

> > > jan

> > >

> >


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Hi Jan P,

Sea salts do have tiny amounts of iodine, it will not fulfill you daily needs...

There is also iodine in some foods and this may be fine for someone who does not

have an iodine deficiency, but for many supplementation is needed. Some use kelp

to get their iodine, but on my thyroid support group the moderators say not to

take kelp as it has too much arsenic.

Take care,



> PS Dr. Brownstein says in SALT YOUR WAY TO HEALTH, that we can't get enough

iodine from table salt. On the link I posted it says sea salt contains iodine,

I am not saying that it contains enough or that it does. I really want to read

that page, but it's too much for me at this time. :o(


> jan p


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I just got home from my appt. with my LLMD. I asked her what she thought about

me taking iodine, she said not to, because it could mess up my thyroid further.

I didn't ask why as there was too much going on at my appt. and I was only

supposed to be there for my injections. I'll just take her at her word. I am

not saying anybody else should avoid it, I just wanted to share this with you.

jan p

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Hi Jim,

I am not familiar with Dr. Brownstein but I would be willing to read his book.

Is there a test you can take to see where your iodine is or would it be

beneficial. I think with everything I have read too little or too much can do

equal damage when you have auto-immune thyroid. I usually would be willing to

lab rat for the cause but I have very little actual thyroid left and after

having one thyroid attack I don't think I could live through another.

I do not believe everything I read in mainstream and that is why I don't really

listen too much to my endo but a point has been made over and over. If iodine

is the key to thyroid health then why is thyroid disease so prevalent in Japan?

There might be a simple explanation but I don't know it.


> > > >

> > > > PS I wanted to pass on this link. I wish my Lyme brain could deal with

> > > > reading it all at once, because by the time I go back to reading it I

> > > > forget what I have read previously. [8-|] I should take notes, but

> > > > I am too tired. Anyway, if you read it and find some things you think

> > > > noteworthy maybe you will be kind of enough to post them in this thread.

> > > > [:>]

> > > >

> > > > http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Liodine.htm

> > > >

> > > > jan

> > > >

> > >

> >


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