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Hi Cherie,

Could you support fronts on something like a small roll of some kind ( lg. cardboard tube/ethafoam roll/lger width PVC pipe/skateboard or dolly-type apparatus and encourage him to use rears while assisting leg placement as needed? Someone out front is providing the right motivation and guiding the dog and whatever it is you choose to use for the rolling support. Dog takes a few steps forward, rests, a few steps more, rests--with an overall goal of increasing distance over time as a home exercise. So maybe he only does 3 feet in 5 minutes, next week or two--5 feet in 5 minutes, then.... Also, I think owners get into the habit of carrying little dogs and not making them work--part of it is feeling sorry for the dog, fear that something will happen if they do the wrong thing and part of it is, that it's just easier to carry & cuddle the dog. You may not have that problem--but just thought I'd mention.

For all that we can accomplish in a rehab session, it is so little when you add up the hours in the rest of the week that Mom and Dad can be doing home exercise.

Judy Peltz MPT, CCRT

Dec 20, 2010 09:08:17 AM, VetRehab wrote:

Hello - I'm looking for some tips in dealing with this case. Charlie is a 4 y.o. M(N) Bichon that had type II disc protrusion and surgical decompression. He has been coming weekly for therapy sessions (UWTM/laser) and slowly progressing towards walking. He has great purposeful movement, alternating gait, and no knuckling in the tank, now with minimal bouyancy. He is taking about six steps at a time at home, then rests. He quite happily drags with his rear on the ground and legs extended forward. After making progress each week he seems to be stalled at this stage. He reminds me of the little post-op ortho dogs that really have no reason to be non-weight bearing apart from the fact they find it easier to run on three. i.e. we know he can walk, but he can go faster on his but! The owner does not have a cart as he was progressing toward independent walking. They tail walk with him often. Can anyone provide me with advice on how to encourage this little guy to try more? Thanks.Email direct if necessary to: Dr. Cherie White"

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Try a Kong ball that drops kibble or treats as the dog rolls it. This will keep

the dog engaged and helps to maintain a slow pace, so he can use his legs a few

steps at a time. The owners can feed him his meals in this manner so be does it

at least twice per day.


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Cherie, I may be able to shed some light as well. With the little dogs i find very often (more than not) as Judy mentions owners often carry these dogs...this leads to a few things that go un noticed...so check the following: What type of surface is the dog using at home, often i have found the little dogs live in a condo environment, with slippery hardwood floors, so the dog learns to trust the forelimbs and never really uses the back legs because it is ‘easier’. Little dogs don’t seem to really care if they can’t use the back legs, easy to get around dragging, and the owner always will help, this is where telling the owner about tough love comes in...things like putting down a rubber runner and have the food and water bowl at the end of it...not bringing the food/water to the dog (i see this alot!) Walking slowly is key...i have owners use a H harness at home, and then attach the leash...the slower the dog walks the more he has to think about using the rear legs....at this stage i have a take home sheet, that they can fill out each day after exercises...so if on day 7 he walks 7 steps, lets shoot for 8 steps then 10 etc...i find so many owners are so focused on the end goal they forget the ‘baby steps’ and want to rush past them... To check the actual functional use of rear limbs at my facility i will put some vet wrap on one front foot, this causes the dog to (not always) try and work out using the back legs..if it works at your facility have them try it at home while supervised On the same note, i have owners have the dog sit (ok so most little dogs are not trained, so sieze the day here) i find most of these dogs always have the head down (so not to use rear legs) i have owners start with sits, and have the treat above the nose encouraging rising from a sit with the head up, to ensure use of the back legs....work from there to walking (even if it is a few steps) with a treat (or whatever drives that particular dog) again above the nose.... I even have had some owners set up in a hall way, or to the food, some broom sticks (start with 4-5) on the floor...making the dog have to lift the hind limbs...after dragging sticks across the floor a few times, they eventually will try to lift up the rear legs to get to where they need to go... Physio balls and the like are great tools, easy for the owner to purchase and have at home, really makes the dog use core strength and learn proper positioning and body awareness... The little dogs especially Bishons and maltese are so tricky and stubborn.....but once they (owners) understand everything is part of a building block with the end goal of going to the park...i have had some who i knew could walk if the owners just would stop helping them....once they figured it out...they were fine.. Not sure if this helps... TaniaCCRP, VT, CAAP, CMT

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  • 2 weeks later...

In terms of transfers - how is this dog doing? Is it able to rise on it's own?

We will pretty quickly post-op start eliciting the STNR reflex by having one

person in front hold a treat overhead and give the command to sit. as the

patient looks up, reflex is to sit. Person in back guides rump to floor. As most

post-hemilam dogs sit with the HL's extended cranially, the person sitting

behind the dog will manually place the HL's flexed underneath (at times I have

to do toe pinches to overcome extension hypertonicity). Then " treat-person " will

ask the pt to stand while placing treat on floor ~1-2' in front of pt. Looking

down a the treat elicits reflex to stand and person in back will assist as

needed. Of course, this only really works with treat-motivated pt's, at times

toys will help as well.

Along with everybody else, slowing the patient down is important!

Good luck,

Shinas, LVT, CCRP

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I take Ultram, with good results.  It's not considered a narcotic but still

pretty strong.  Not as easy to get dependent with this, so it works for me.  I

was taking Lortab for a long time, then began to experience symptoms of being

addicted.  But plz understand, there IS a difference in being addicted to pain

meds and being DEPENDENT on pain meds.  If you have fibromyalgia, I am shocked

that they are not giving you something for that alone.  Speak to your doc, be

very frank, use phrases like, " quality of life " and such. 


Keep us posted

Gail (KY, home of the UK Wildcats, Final Four bound!!!)


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 11:20 PM

Subject: need advice


I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor Thursday,

my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure how to ask



I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group will be

from my raincoin@... address...sorry.

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Guest guest

I take Ultram, with good results.  It's not considered a narcotic but still

pretty strong.  Not as easy to get dependent with this, so it works for me.  I

was taking Lortab for a long time, then began to experience symptoms of being

addicted.  But plz understand, there IS a difference in being addicted to pain

meds and being DEPENDENT on pain meds.  If you have fibromyalgia, I am shocked

that they are not giving you something for that alone.  Speak to your doc, be

very frank, use phrases like, " quality of life " and such. 


Keep us posted

Gail (KY, home of the UK Wildcats, Final Four bound!!!)


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 11:20 PM

Subject: need advice


I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor Thursday,

my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure how to ask



I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group will be

from my raincoin@... address...sorry.

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Guest guest

I take Ultram, with good results.  It's not considered a narcotic but still

pretty strong.  Not as easy to get dependent with this, so it works for me.  I

was taking Lortab for a long time, then began to experience symptoms of being

addicted.  But plz understand, there IS a difference in being addicted to pain

meds and being DEPENDENT on pain meds.  If you have fibromyalgia, I am shocked

that they are not giving you something for that alone.  Speak to your doc, be

very frank, use phrases like, " quality of life " and such. 


Keep us posted

Gail (KY, home of the UK Wildcats, Final Four bound!!!)


To: Stillsdisease

Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 11:20 PM

Subject: need advice


I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor Thursday,

my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure how to ask



I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group will be

from my raincoin@... address...sorry.

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Hi April

You do need to be politely assertive when you see your Doctor. Say things like

" I can't do this " and " I need you to help relieve my pain " . You will need to be


My Dr looked at my x-ray and didn't see my lung half full of fluid because he

thought I may have a broken rib because of my pain. No broken rib so he sent me

home. I just accepted it as " there is nothing wrong with me, so I'm done for " .

The next day my son took me (barely conscious) to A & E at the hospital where I

stayed for the next 6 weeks. Pericarditis, 41 degree temps at 4am every morning

and unimaginable pain.

The emergency dept at the hospital was going to send me home as well, because

they couldn't find anything wrong with me. It wasn't until my sister insisted

that something HAD to be wrong because of my pain. they did a CT scan and found

the fluid around my heart and in my lung.

So, my point is YOU have to insist that you need pain medication that works. and

that you are prepared to try several to find one that works for you. Good luck,

we are all thinking of you.

Kind regards


> My RD has said, " you will always have some pain. " But I have never explained

> how bad. And how debilitating my pain truely is because up until now I have

> always been able to cope....part of it is me and part of it is the

> doctors...I have just reached my limits of what I can handle. I am going to

> schedule the appointment for a longer timethan the usual few minutes they

> normally give you. So. The doctor has time to talk with me and isn't so

> rushed, though.


> April


> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


> need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,



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Hi April

You do need to be politely assertive when you see your Doctor. Say things like

" I can't do this " and " I need you to help relieve my pain " . You will need to be


My Dr looked at my x-ray and didn't see my lung half full of fluid because he

thought I may have a broken rib because of my pain. No broken rib so he sent me

home. I just accepted it as " there is nothing wrong with me, so I'm done for " .

The next day my son took me (barely conscious) to A & E at the hospital where I

stayed for the next 6 weeks. Pericarditis, 41 degree temps at 4am every morning

and unimaginable pain.

The emergency dept at the hospital was going to send me home as well, because

they couldn't find anything wrong with me. It wasn't until my sister insisted

that something HAD to be wrong because of my pain. they did a CT scan and found

the fluid around my heart and in my lung.

So, my point is YOU have to insist that you need pain medication that works. and

that you are prepared to try several to find one that works for you. Good luck,

we are all thinking of you.

Kind regards


> My RD has said, " you will always have some pain. " But I have never explained

> how bad. And how debilitating my pain truely is because up until now I have

> always been able to cope....part of it is me and part of it is the

> doctors...I have just reached my limits of what I can handle. I am going to

> schedule the appointment for a longer timethan the usual few minutes they

> normally give you. So. The doctor has time to talk with me and isn't so

> rushed, though.


> April


> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


> need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,



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Thank you, Maureen. I HAVE been in THAT situation before, but fortunately they

DID believe there was something wrong...probably only because I could not

breatheat the time. How frustrating that must have been for you.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,



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Guest guest

Thank you, Maureen. I HAVE been in THAT situation before, but fortunately they

DID believe there was something wrong...probably only because I could not

breatheat the time. How frustrating that must have been for you.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,



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Guest guest

Thank you, Maureen. I HAVE been in THAT situation before, but fortunately they

DID believe there was something wrong...probably only because I could not

breatheat the time. How frustrating that must have been for you.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,



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April and Maureen, I think you have both brought up very good points. First

April, my doctor's receptionist once also suggested that when I needed extra

time it helped them to know so they could give me the proper attention I needed.

Maureen, we had a speaker at one of our conferences one year named Bob Scheff,

that wrote a book about being a Medical Mentor for yourself and or a loved one.

It is always very good to be able to have a loved one, a friend/someone to be

able to represent on your behalf should you not be assertive or physically able

to get the care you need and deserve. April, I would like to share a bit of my

experience since you have asked all of us.When I was early in diagnoses I had

paricarditis and that is when I needed a pain medication the most and was put on

Codeine at that time. The dosage given was adequate and was all I needed up to a

certain amount daily IF needed for many years. I switched to Vicodin some years

later and then less Tylenol content but stronger dose of Vicodin to Norco but

never had to increase the amount over 30 + years until just last year so my

doctor was always happy with that. My thoughts are that people can become

tolerant to the amounts prescribed and sometimes need more and sometimes others

become addicted but I believe there is a difference. I think that if someone

shows a problem the doctor should look for signs after, not before and take the

appropriate action to help the patient. In the USA we have what is called the

Patient's Bill Of Rights and part of that states that a person has the right to

a life not suffering in pain, ( in my words, not exact ). So, as you and others

have said I think you are on the right track to be honest with your doctor, not

exaggerate and let him/her know that you are requesting help to live with a

level of comfort if possible. Another point about pain management that many

don't think of is that pain medication is best taken on a prescribed schedule.

NOT just when your pain is so bad that you can't stand it any longer. If I take

it after then my pain is worse because my muscles and joints flare worse. The

pain is much harder to manage. If taken before it gets so bad medication works

far better and my pain doesn't get so horrible I want to die rather than live

that way. These thoughts are my experiences and what has been shared by my

friends. I wish you the best luck and hope that you will share with us how it

goes. Good day with smiles and hugs,

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for

medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or

professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific

medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical

attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations

or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or

preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within

this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

April and Maureen, I think you have both brought up very good points. First

April, my doctor's receptionist once also suggested that when I needed extra

time it helped them to know so they could give me the proper attention I needed.

Maureen, we had a speaker at one of our conferences one year named Bob Scheff,

that wrote a book about being a Medical Mentor for yourself and or a loved one.

It is always very good to be able to have a loved one, a friend/someone to be

able to represent on your behalf should you not be assertive or physically able

to get the care you need and deserve. April, I would like to share a bit of my

experience since you have asked all of us.When I was early in diagnoses I had

paricarditis and that is when I needed a pain medication the most and was put on

Codeine at that time. The dosage given was adequate and was all I needed up to a

certain amount daily IF needed for many years. I switched to Vicodin some years

later and then less Tylenol content but stronger dose of Vicodin to Norco but

never had to increase the amount over 30 + years until just last year so my

doctor was always happy with that. My thoughts are that people can become

tolerant to the amounts prescribed and sometimes need more and sometimes others

become addicted but I believe there is a difference. I think that if someone

shows a problem the doctor should look for signs after, not before and take the

appropriate action to help the patient. In the USA we have what is called the

Patient's Bill Of Rights and part of that states that a person has the right to

a life not suffering in pain, ( in my words, not exact ). So, as you and others

have said I think you are on the right track to be honest with your doctor, not

exaggerate and let him/her know that you are requesting help to live with a

level of comfort if possible. Another point about pain management that many

don't think of is that pain medication is best taken on a prescribed schedule.

NOT just when your pain is so bad that you can't stand it any longer. If I take

it after then my pain is worse because my muscles and joints flare worse. The

pain is much harder to manage. If taken before it gets so bad medication works

far better and my pain doesn't get so horrible I want to die rather than live

that way. These thoughts are my experiences and what has been shared by my

friends. I wish you the best luck and hope that you will share with us how it

goes. Good day with smiles and hugs,

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for

medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or

professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific

medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical

attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations

or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or

preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within

this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

April and Maureen, I think you have both brought up very good points. First

April, my doctor's receptionist once also suggested that when I needed extra

time it helped them to know so they could give me the proper attention I needed.

Maureen, we had a speaker at one of our conferences one year named Bob Scheff,

that wrote a book about being a Medical Mentor for yourself and or a loved one.

It is always very good to be able to have a loved one, a friend/someone to be

able to represent on your behalf should you not be assertive or physically able

to get the care you need and deserve. April, I would like to share a bit of my

experience since you have asked all of us.When I was early in diagnoses I had

paricarditis and that is when I needed a pain medication the most and was put on

Codeine at that time. The dosage given was adequate and was all I needed up to a

certain amount daily IF needed for many years. I switched to Vicodin some years

later and then less Tylenol content but stronger dose of Vicodin to Norco but

never had to increase the amount over 30 + years until just last year so my

doctor was always happy with that. My thoughts are that people can become

tolerant to the amounts prescribed and sometimes need more and sometimes others

become addicted but I believe there is a difference. I think that if someone

shows a problem the doctor should look for signs after, not before and take the

appropriate action to help the patient. In the USA we have what is called the

Patient's Bill Of Rights and part of that states that a person has the right to

a life not suffering in pain, ( in my words, not exact ). So, as you and others

have said I think you are on the right track to be honest with your doctor, not

exaggerate and let him/her know that you are requesting help to live with a

level of comfort if possible. Another point about pain management that many

don't think of is that pain medication is best taken on a prescribed schedule.

NOT just when your pain is so bad that you can't stand it any longer. If I take

it after then my pain is worse because my muscles and joints flare worse. The

pain is much harder to manage. If taken before it gets so bad medication works

far better and my pain doesn't get so horrible I want to die rather than live

that way. These thoughts are my experiences and what has been shared by my

friends. I wish you the best luck and hope that you will share with us how it

goes. Good day with smiles and hugs,

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for

medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or

professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific

medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical

attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations

or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or

preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within

this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

Thank you all for your advice and sharing. I actually have an appointment

for late Tuesday afternoon instead of Thursday. Wow! I have a list of things

I want to bring up with my doctor, yet I am nervous as to how to broach the

subject. I am comfortable with my doctor. I have been seeing him for 22

years or so now. I know part of the problem is that I have not been honest

with him as to the problems I have, or rather as to how bad the problems I

have are affecting me. I will share with the group how it goes. I feel kind

of. Silly being nervous. I don't really know why all together. My next

appointments with my RD and with my nuerologist are in April.

Again, thanks!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute

for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical

or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on

specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or

medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no

representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action,

application, medication or preparation by any person following the

information offered or provided within this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

Thank you all for your advice and sharing. I actually have an appointment

for late Tuesday afternoon instead of Thursday. Wow! I have a list of things

I want to bring up with my doctor, yet I am nervous as to how to broach the

subject. I am comfortable with my doctor. I have been seeing him for 22

years or so now. I know part of the problem is that I have not been honest

with him as to the problems I have, or rather as to how bad the problems I

have are affecting me. I will share with the group how it goes. I feel kind

of. Silly being nervous. I don't really know why all together. My next

appointments with my RD and with my nuerologist are in April.

Again, thanks!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute

for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical

or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on

specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or

medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no

representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action,

application, medication or preparation by any person following the

information offered or provided within this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

Thank you all for your advice and sharing. I actually have an appointment

for late Tuesday afternoon instead of Thursday. Wow! I have a list of things

I want to bring up with my doctor, yet I am nervous as to how to broach the

subject. I am comfortable with my doctor. I have been seeing him for 22

years or so now. I know part of the problem is that I have not been honest

with him as to the problems I have, or rather as to how bad the problems I

have are affecting me. I will share with the group how it goes. I feel kind

of. Silly being nervous. I don't really know why all together. My next

appointments with my RD and with my nuerologist are in April.

Again, thanks!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

need advice


> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine,


Visit the Still's Disease Message Board


The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to

replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute

for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The

International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical

or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on

specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or

medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no

representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action,

application, medication or preparation by any person following the

information offered or provided within this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this

support form.

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Guest guest

April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

and that has been consistent for 8 years.

IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

to be.

Good luck, Kirk.

> **



> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX injections

> instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve. I

> plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he MUST

> address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the migraines,

> and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks ago

> when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do not

> want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken into

> account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all after

> a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.


> April


> PS


> I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Guest guest

April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

and that has been consistent for 8 years.

IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

to be.

Good luck, Kirk.

> **



> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX injections

> instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve. I

> plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he MUST

> address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the migraines,

> and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks ago

> when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do not

> want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken into

> account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all after

> a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.


> April


> PS


> I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Guest guest

April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

and that has been consistent for 8 years.

IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

to be.

Good luck, Kirk.

> **



> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX injections

> instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve. I

> plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he MUST

> address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the migraines,

> and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks ago

> when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do not

> want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken into

> account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all after

> a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.


> April


> PS


> I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

Link to comment
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Guest guest

Thank you, Kirk. I have been keeping a journal...just for the last two

weeks, but I have been keeping one. I will highlight go through it and

highlight each time I had to take a lortab which I only think is about 10 or

so, but that's just when the pain is so intense I just can't stand it any

longer. I HATE taking them, and I have told my doctor that on more than one

occassion. I don't think he is concerned about me taking them too often. I

guess there is just a part of me that. Feels like I am doing something wrong

asking for pain meds, but I do have to do something...I just can't keep

going on like this...I won't keep going if I do. Thank you for posting about

the journal. I think I will continue doing it. It's a good idea.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Re: need advice

April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

and that has been consistent for 8 years.

IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

to be.

Good luck, Kirk.

> **



> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX


> instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve. I

> plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he


> address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the


> and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks


> when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do


> want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken into

> account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all


> a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.


> April


> PS


> I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest guest

Thank you, Kirk. I have been keeping a journal...just for the last two

weeks, but I have been keeping one. I will highlight go through it and

highlight each time I had to take a lortab which I only think is about 10 or

so, but that's just when the pain is so intense I just can't stand it any

longer. I HATE taking them, and I have told my doctor that on more than one

occassion. I don't think he is concerned about me taking them too often. I

guess there is just a part of me that. Feels like I am doing something wrong

asking for pain meds, but I do have to do something...I just can't keep

going on like this...I won't keep going if I do. Thank you for posting about

the journal. I think I will continue doing it. It's a good idea.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Re: need advice

April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

and that has been consistent for 8 years.

IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

to be.

Good luck, Kirk.

> **



> I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX


> instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve. I

> plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he


> address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the


> and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks


> when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do


> want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken into

> account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all


> a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.


> April


> PS


> I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Guest guest

I wouldn't get too worried about what your Dr thinks, I keep the Journal

for two reasons. The first is to let them see that I am not abusing the

medication, which you are not either. My second purpose was that if they

ever noticed I was going through the meds more frequently I'd like them to

be aware of it as I have no desire to become hooked on this stuff. Granted,

I am on as strong of pain meds as one can get. I have roxicodone 15mg

(instant release for sharp pain that usually works)....OxyContin 40mg that

I generally only use in the winter and Dilaudid for my headaches. It took

them 6 years to give me a script for Dilaudid but that has kept me out of

the resort for headaches, which are indescribable and far beyond any level

of pain anyone should ever have to deal with!!! Considering I was

hospitalized 35 times in a shade over 5 years for headaches alone will give

you n idea of how bad they are. Smashing my head as hard as I can off of a

block wall actually feels better than the pain. the pain is also not like

a regular headache, as it is on top of and right behind my eyes...it

actually feels as if something is ramming my eyes out of my skull, yet

after more than a dozen MRI/MRA/Cat Scans/EEC's and the like and three

separate Neuro Opthomologists (spelling??) no one can figure out why, but

it started the first time I got hit with the fluctuating fevers and has

never left.

I was down at Jefferson University for 13 days (hospitalized) under the

care of Dr. Wm Young (OUTSTANDING!!!!) and came out with a diagnosis of

" New Daily Persistent Headache " . Joy oh ******** JOY! I am lucky if I can

go two days in a row without a headache, but I have become pretty used to

them and only have to take the pills when they get to the point that I can

no longer stand them. I also get double/quadruple vision, things appear to

be moving that aren't, etc..... It sure as hell is not fun. The worst part

is that I can't predict nor stop them no matter what. I tried the water

cure and numerous dietary changes to no avail. I am pretty much going to

have to deal with them until they spread my ashes from my boat on the

Susquehanna River over my favorite area. LOL.

Being that you are already on some form of a pain med, I highly doubt

that your Dr. wouldn't work with you to get you the most effective

treatment for you. Best of luck, Kirk.

> **



> Thank you, Kirk. I have been keeping a journal...just for the last two

> weeks, but I have been keeping one. I will highlight go through it and

> highlight each time I had to take a lortab which I only think is about 10

> or

> so, but that's just when the pain is so intense I just can't stand it any

> longer. I HATE taking them, and I have told my doctor that on more than

> one

> occassion. I don't think he is concerned about me taking them too often. I

> guess there is just a part of me that. Feels like I am doing something

> wrong

> asking for pain meds, but I do have to do something...I just can't keep

> going on like this...I won't keep going if I do. Thank you for posting

> about

> the journal. I think I will continue doing it. It's a good idea.


> April


> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


> Re: need advice


> April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

> still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

> with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

> come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

> can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

> So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

> problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

> a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

> pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

> longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

> closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

> and that has been consistent for 8 years.

> IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

> advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

> most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

> feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

> can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

> to be.

> Good luck, Kirk.




> > **

> >

> >

> > I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> > Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> > how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> > definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> > great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> > occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> > joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX

> injections

> > instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> > pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> > wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> > wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve.

> I

> > plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he


> > address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the

> migraines,

> > and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> > sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks

> ago

> > when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> > the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> > just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do

> not

> > want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> > and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> > something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> > has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken

> into

> > account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> > know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> > doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> > was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> > stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all

> after

> > a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.

> >

> > April

> >

> > PS

> >

> > I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> > will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest guest

I wouldn't get too worried about what your Dr thinks, I keep the Journal

for two reasons. The first is to let them see that I am not abusing the

medication, which you are not either. My second purpose was that if they

ever noticed I was going through the meds more frequently I'd like them to

be aware of it as I have no desire to become hooked on this stuff. Granted,

I am on as strong of pain meds as one can get. I have roxicodone 15mg

(instant release for sharp pain that usually works)....OxyContin 40mg that

I generally only use in the winter and Dilaudid for my headaches. It took

them 6 years to give me a script for Dilaudid but that has kept me out of

the resort for headaches, which are indescribable and far beyond any level

of pain anyone should ever have to deal with!!! Considering I was

hospitalized 35 times in a shade over 5 years for headaches alone will give

you n idea of how bad they are. Smashing my head as hard as I can off of a

block wall actually feels better than the pain. the pain is also not like

a regular headache, as it is on top of and right behind my eyes...it

actually feels as if something is ramming my eyes out of my skull, yet

after more than a dozen MRI/MRA/Cat Scans/EEC's and the like and three

separate Neuro Opthomologists (spelling??) no one can figure out why, but

it started the first time I got hit with the fluctuating fevers and has

never left.

I was down at Jefferson University for 13 days (hospitalized) under the

care of Dr. Wm Young (OUTSTANDING!!!!) and came out with a diagnosis of

" New Daily Persistent Headache " . Joy oh ******** JOY! I am lucky if I can

go two days in a row without a headache, but I have become pretty used to

them and only have to take the pills when they get to the point that I can

no longer stand them. I also get double/quadruple vision, things appear to

be moving that aren't, etc..... It sure as hell is not fun. The worst part

is that I can't predict nor stop them no matter what. I tried the water

cure and numerous dietary changes to no avail. I am pretty much going to

have to deal with them until they spread my ashes from my boat on the

Susquehanna River over my favorite area. LOL.

Being that you are already on some form of a pain med, I highly doubt

that your Dr. wouldn't work with you to get you the most effective

treatment for you. Best of luck, Kirk.

> **



> Thank you, Kirk. I have been keeping a journal...just for the last two

> weeks, but I have been keeping one. I will highlight go through it and

> highlight each time I had to take a lortab which I only think is about 10

> or

> so, but that's just when the pain is so intense I just can't stand it any

> longer. I HATE taking them, and I have told my doctor that on more than

> one

> occassion. I don't think he is concerned about me taking them too often. I

> guess there is just a part of me that. Feels like I am doing something

> wrong

> asking for pain meds, but I do have to do something...I just can't keep

> going on like this...I won't keep going if I do. Thank you for posting

> about

> the journal. I think I will continue doing it. It's a good idea.


> April


> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


> Re: need advice


> April, I (and many others on this list) have been in your shoes, and many

> still are. I feel the most important thing is to be up front and honest

> with your Dr.....which you should be all of the time regardless. I have

> come across some Dr's who will not issue pain meds, and I don't argue as I

> can get them from either my PCP or my Pain Specialist.

> So long as you are up front and honest, you should not have much of a

> problem. One thing I found to be re-assuring to all of my Dr's was to keep

> a journal of when I took pain med(s) and the reason. Once they saw a

> pattern where I wasn't relying on them every hour of every day they no

> longer have any questions. I average a refill every 3 months....a little

> closer to 4 in the summer and closer to 2 in the winter between refills,

> and that has been consistent for 8 years.

> IF you have a Dr that will not issue pain meds no matter what than I

> advise you to find another Dr or see a pain management specialist. They

> most likely are going to start you off with the lightest duty med that they

> feel they can and will adjust until both you and the Dr are satisfied. that

> can be a tough road to be on but it will eventually get you where you need

> to be.

> Good luck, Kirk.




> > **

> >

> >

> > I would like advice from anyone and everyone. I am goin to the doctor

> > Thursday, my primary. I want to ask for pain medicine, but I am not sure

> > how to ask exactly. I don't have a constant pain med I take daily but I

> > definately need something. I have a plethera of conditions that cause a

> > great deal of pain and OTC options have run their coarse. On a rare

> > occassion asprin still helps a little for some headaches. Stills causes

> > joint pain, but that is much better since I have been on the MTX

> injections

> > instead of the pills. I also take Kineret. I also have nerve pain from a

> > pinched nerve in my hip. I have migraines. I have fybro. I have something

> > wrong with my neck, upper spine and lumbar spine. There is also something

> > wrong with my left hip that I think is different from the pinched nerve.

> I

> > plan on bringing all these things up with my doctor and telling him he


> > address these issues AND my pain. I do see a nuerologist for the

> migraines,

> > and he is just starting to delve into the nerve issues. But I am just not

> > sure how to address the pain med issue. He gave me lortab acouple weeks

> ago

> > when my back gave out. So bad I could not walk, but it was just to treat

> > the " acute " symptoms. I can suck it up and deal with the pain better than

> > just about anybody I know, but it is more than I can bare anymore. I do

> not

> > want something that makes me loopy. I still want to work. I need to work,

> > and I feel like I can...if I can keep my pain under control. I don't want

> > something that is addictive. My kidneys are not filtering properly. That

> > has been showing up on my bloodwork recently, so that has to be taken

> into

> > account, too. I plan to ask my RD about that on my next visit as I don't

> > know how bad theyn are, just that they aren't working right. My primary

> > doctor said due to the kidneys I should probably stop taking my mobic. He

> > was concerned about that affecting my arthritis symptoms, though. I just

> > stopped to see what happened and did not notice any difference at all

> after

> > a week and a half, so I don't really see any point in taking the Mobic.

> >

> > April

> >

> > PS

> >

> > I'm the one with the weird messed up emails, so my respones to the group

> > will be from my raincoin@... address...sorry.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Everything in life sucks except things that should!



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