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Re: Labrynthitis

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It sounds more like Meniere's.

You might weant to add Aesculus and Tarax fol.to help

clear the head. I've been using this with a pt with a

similar condition.


--- vicki pitman wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,


> If anyone has experience with treating this

> condition I would appreciate learning about it.


> My Patient is a male, aged 56. Hist. of sore

> throats til early 20's til gave up somiking. mumbs

> and whooping cough as infant 'near fatal'. Possible

> trauma to area due to car accidents and falls,

> though no medical dx. Been vegetarian for 25 years,

> some but little dairy. Slight psoriasis. No obvious

> digestifve problems. Blood pressure normal. Sleeps

> welll, energy good, no headaches. Otherwise good

> health. Pulse quite slow. Tongue no coat, good

> colour & moisture, but indents around the sides.

> Constitution is of yang conformation or Kapha-pitta


> Onset was 2.5 years ago started with a cold in

> winter, and had been getting colds blocking sinuses

> causing + some dizziness, but this time dizziness

> much worse, couldn't drive and had to call

> paramedic. At hospital, didnt' have definite

> diagnosis but tried a medication for L. and gave

> meds, Prochlorperazine, which works so he took meds

> a few months, then stopped. 6 mo later another bout

> and the 2 x more following colds, and again 10/05

> quite ill, and again in 05/06 Now if stops meds,

> gets quite ill: nausea on movement, cold sweats,

> R.E.M. has to lie down or will fall. Hearing is

> impaired. No headaches. and glands don't swell

> noticeably - however they felt swollen to me on

> palpation.


> Intial treatment:Lymphatic drainage to face, neck.

> Reflexology to ear, neck lymph points, kidney points

> + essential oil blend to drain lymph congestion and

> mucolytics and antiti-inflammatories and anti

> infectants: abies (terpenes), peppertmint ( menthol,

> menthone), Eucayptus smithii (cineol oxide),

> Petitgrain (alcohols), diluted in carrier. to be put

> on some cotton wool and put in ears at night and

> rubbed around ears. + cleansing diet ( even more)

> and bowled cleansing herbs and trikatu for improving

> digestions/ countering mucuous creation from

> stomach.


> Bowel herbs and diet change not in place yet. On my

> initial treatment, some improvement, as has cut down

> meds to every other day of 8mg of beta histamine

> and prochorperzine,from every day. some hearing

> improvemen, and rduction in sensations in ears, so

> reduced his meds.as above.


> 2nd treatment: condition about the same, no further

> improvement. More frequent urine due to kidney work.

> He is worried about stopping meds altogether, ( of

> course I haven't recommended this anyway, gradually

> as condition improves. only.)


> Am thinking of internal herbs now,

> any recommendations?


> Vicki Pitman

> Bradford-on-Avon




> .




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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It sounds more like Meniere's.

You might weant to add Aesculus and Tarax fol.to help

clear the head. I've been using this with a pt with a

similar condition.


--- vicki pitman wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,


> If anyone has experience with treating this

> condition I would appreciate learning about it.


> My Patient is a male, aged 56. Hist. of sore

> throats til early 20's til gave up somiking. mumbs

> and whooping cough as infant 'near fatal'. Possible

> trauma to area due to car accidents and falls,

> though no medical dx. Been vegetarian for 25 years,

> some but little dairy. Slight psoriasis. No obvious

> digestifve problems. Blood pressure normal. Sleeps

> welll, energy good, no headaches. Otherwise good

> health. Pulse quite slow. Tongue no coat, good

> colour & moisture, but indents around the sides.

> Constitution is of yang conformation or Kapha-pitta


> Onset was 2.5 years ago started with a cold in

> winter, and had been getting colds blocking sinuses

> causing + some dizziness, but this time dizziness

> much worse, couldn't drive and had to call

> paramedic. At hospital, didnt' have definite

> diagnosis but tried a medication for L. and gave

> meds, Prochlorperazine, which works so he took meds

> a few months, then stopped. 6 mo later another bout

> and the 2 x more following colds, and again 10/05

> quite ill, and again in 05/06 Now if stops meds,

> gets quite ill: nausea on movement, cold sweats,

> R.E.M. has to lie down or will fall. Hearing is

> impaired. No headaches. and glands don't swell

> noticeably - however they felt swollen to me on

> palpation.


> Intial treatment:Lymphatic drainage to face, neck.

> Reflexology to ear, neck lymph points, kidney points

> + essential oil blend to drain lymph congestion and

> mucolytics and antiti-inflammatories and anti

> infectants: abies (terpenes), peppertmint ( menthol,

> menthone), Eucayptus smithii (cineol oxide),

> Petitgrain (alcohols), diluted in carrier. to be put

> on some cotton wool and put in ears at night and

> rubbed around ears. + cleansing diet ( even more)

> and bowled cleansing herbs and trikatu for improving

> digestions/ countering mucuous creation from

> stomach.


> Bowel herbs and diet change not in place yet. On my

> initial treatment, some improvement, as has cut down

> meds to every other day of 8mg of beta histamine

> and prochorperzine,from every day. some hearing

> improvemen, and rduction in sensations in ears, so

> reduced his meds.as above.


> 2nd treatment: condition about the same, no further

> improvement. More frequent urine due to kidney work.

> He is worried about stopping meds altogether, ( of

> course I haven't recommended this anyway, gradually

> as condition improves. only.)


> Am thinking of internal herbs now,

> any recommendations?


> Vicki Pitman

> Bradford-on-Avon




> .




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Dear Vicki,

Viral labyrinthitis is another possibility. I had this and find the

following helpful in managing it

- a gluten-free/ dairy free diet

- physiotherapy for TMJ, neck and shoulders

- pilates

- slight rocking head movements to help move around 'debris' in the

semicircular canals - makes you worse to start with.

I think that gradually the brain damps down the intial reaction to a trigger

stimulus. My dizzy spells graduated to a kind of migraine then migraine

prodrome which were sorted out with a migraine mix of valeriana, vib op and

tanacetum (Nigel Wynne's Rx). Nausea was helped by a dollop of macrobiotic

Umeboshi plum puree under the tongue. Just occasionally even now, I can have

a touch of dizziness that passes off on its own.

Hope this helps.

M. Chacksfield BSc, MNIMH

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Dear Morag,

For those of us who weren't lucky enough to have studied with Nigel,

would you please let us know what his migrane formula was (equal parts

or ... )?

Thanks in advance,


Morag Chacksfield wrote:

> Dear Vicki,


> Viral labyrinthitis is another possibility. I had this and find the

> following helpful in managing it

> - a gluten-free/ dairy free diet

> - physiotherapy for TMJ, neck and shoulders

> - pilates

> - slight rocking head movements to help move around 'debris' in the

> semicircular canals - makes you worse to start with.

> I think that gradually the brain damps down the intial reaction to a

> trigger

> stimulus. My dizzy spells graduated to a kind of migraine then migraine

> prodrome which were sorted out with a migraine mix of valeriana, vib

> op and

> tanacetum (Nigel Wynne's Rx). Nausea was helped by a dollop of

> macrobiotic

> Umeboshi plum puree under the tongue. Just occasionally even now, I

> can have

> a touch of dizziness that passes off on its own.


> Hope this helps.


> M. Chacksfield BSc, MNIMH



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I've recently had a patient with viral labyrinthitis which resolved after about

8 weeks, getting progressively milder. The Rx included Echinacea, Tabebuia,

Ginkgo, Rosemary, Withania, Avena and Zingiber. I probably would have used

Hypericum as a nerve trophorestorative, but the patient was on SSRI's. The

symptoms became significantly milder within the first two weeks, the pattern

subsequently becoming more sporadic with good days and bad days over the

following weeks and months to the point when the patient suddenly realised he

was having no more episodes and felt fighting fit. At the beginning of

treatment, the patient was suffering with nausea, severe loss of balance,

headaches, fever and constant severe dizziness and fatigue.

Hope that helps,


Isobel Ravden

Medical Herbalist

BA (Hons) BSc (Hons)


Exeter Natural Health Centre

20 Cowick Rd - Exeter

Oak Integrated Health Practice - Chudleigh, Devon

01392 437 025


Thanks to a and Morag for your responses. Meniere's has been ruled out -

at east by the medicos.I too feel it is viral condition which is occuring

because of the terrain in this patient and so have followed diet protocols

pretty much as Morag suggested and he has already had the physio exercises to

do. Herbal suggestions most welcome.

Morag, about how long did it take to go through the stages you describe in

your case?

Thank you,


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Dear Kerry,

Rx Migraine first aid

40 ml Valeriana FE

40 ml Vibirnum opulus

20 ml Tanacetum parthenium fresh tincture

Dose: 5-10 ml on a one-off basis

Hefty dose, I know, but _very_ effective for aborting migraine especially if

you get it in early.



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Hi Vicki,

My viral labyrinthitis lasted about 2 years. It was quite disabling. Colds

or flu bring out the symptoms again (but less severely) which take a while

to resolve. I take a number of supplements partly as an insurance policy

against recurrence, including B-complex,Ginkgo and SJW.

I used Rx along the lines of Isobel's herbs during the 2 years; and also in

addition to the first aid mix found externally applied peppermint ess oil

with a hint of Eucalyptus smithii massaged across forehead helped (as it can

do in migraine). Research has found that adding the touch of eucalyptus

improved the action of the mint.

I've just checked some notes and see that the physio is called Vestibular

Rehabilitation Therapy.

See www.labyrinthitis.org.uk and the forum www.labyrinthitissupport.org.uk

Also www.brainandspine.co.uk for vertigo info

All the best


Morag Chacksfield BSc, MNIMH

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