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My daughter has never been vacinated and has always slept on her stonach. We

tried in the beginning to put her on her back but it never lasted. I've always

wondered if they did the research how many would come back as recently

vaccinated. Oh well don't think they will do that any time soon. : )

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  • 1 year later...

At 01:50 PM 02/16/2001 EST, you wrote:

>I thought I had read an article on this list about SIDS and back sleeping


>how it was the high temp and yeast that often caused it but I can't find it

>now. If it was this list I saw it on and one of you still has it could you

>please send it to me.


>Thanks so much




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/15/02 1:14:49 AM GTB Standard Time,

ckcarlson@... writes:


I've heard conflicting stories. It may be she did at first but that he was

bottle fed recently. >>

Even part-time formula can great alter the gut flora...so I have read.

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Yep, I've read the same thing Sara - that all it takes is ONE bottle of

formula to alter the gut. Thank God I was smart enough to not vaccinate

because my baby had very little breastmilk and was mostly formula fed.


In a message dated 3/14/2002 5:21:41 PM Central Standard Time, nnu29@...


> gut flora

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>, I'm just curious. Was your friend's baby being bottle or breast fed?

It seems that the majority of babies who succumb to " SIDS " are bottle fed.<

I've heard conflicting stories. It may be she did at first but that he was

bottle fed recently.

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> In a message dated 3/15/02 1:14:49 AM GTB Standard Time,

> ckcarlson@... writes:


> <<

> I've heard conflicting stories. It may be she did at first but

> that he was

> bottle fed recently. >>


> Even part-time formula can great alter the gut flora...so I have read.


I'm uploading a Word document to the shared files area. It comes from a LLL

Newsletter. It notes that it only takes *one* bottle of formula to damage a

baby's gut. The damage can be repaired with breastfeeding, but for some

babies, one will be enough to trigger allergic problems - or worse, if it

happens to be around vax time!!!

Love, light and peace,


" Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the other

helps you make a life. " - Carey

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

cathy, i looked into this, and there is quite a lot of

helpful info on both sheri's site and john's site at

whale.to. my conclusion was, though, that there are a

few factors possibly playing a role. it looks like if

the mother took a long time to conceive, the the

pregnancy was a difficult one, then if the baby was

not brastfed, all these factors will 'help' for a baby

to keel over after the dpt shot.

i hope the babysitter is not gonna get done in for the

SIDS, it wouldn't be the first time this happens. if

the baby was 70 days old, he/she probably had shortly

received a whole range of vaccines, at least dpt and

hib. even if no official admits that it might be the

vax, it is highly likely that it was.




--- Carlson <ckcarlson@...> wrote:

> I think I wrote about this before, but wanted to

> mention it again. A friend's 70 day old grandbaby

> died on February 26 of what the health officials

> call SIDS. He was at the babysitter's and now no

> parents want to take their kids there. She said she

> put him down for a nap, and he was dead when she

> checked on him. My friend has not mentioned

> vaccinations to any of us (my friends and I) She

> knows how fanatical I am about vaccines since my

> grandson regressed into autism, and I learned the

> same thing happened to thousands of other children.

> I am convinced that vaccines cause this as well as

> most SIDS cases. I read a post on here of the woman

> in England that got two life sentences in 1999 for

> " killing " her two babies. Of course, after reading

> the article I feel she is a victim of the

> vaccinators. Someone mentioned they were going to

> forward the article to someone that may be able to

> help her. Do you know anymore about it? The reason

> I'm writing about this, is because I asked my friend

> if her son and daughter-in-law are wanting to have

> another baby after this tragedy, and she said yes.

> My gut feeling is the same thing can happen to that

> baby they may have, if they vaccinate. Hopefully,

> at some point in the future we can discuss this with

> her. Another friend of mine said she believes if we

> were to bring it up my friend would fall apart.

> Carlson



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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At 01:46 AM 03/23/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>cathy, i looked into this, and there is quite a lot of

>helpful info on both sheri's site and john's site at

>whale.to. my conclusion was, though, that there are a

>few factors possibly playing a role. it looks like if

>the mother took a long time to conceive, the the

>pregnancy was a difficult one, then if the baby was

>not brastfed, all these factors will 'help' for a baby

>to keel over after the dpt shot.

>i hope the babysitter is not gonna get done in for the

>SIDS, it wouldn't be the first time this happens. if

>the baby was 70 days old, he/she probably had shortly

>received a whole range of vaccines, at least dpt and

>hib. even if no official admits that it might be the

>vax, it is highly likely that it was.




There is tons of information on this.

She could mail the book anon - they ahve to face this before another child

is damaged.

SIDS groups WILL NOT FACE this. They ban anyone on lists who wants to talk

about it.

Get this book from Viera Scheibner and have them mail it to them



>> I think I wrote about this before, but wanted to

>> mention it again. A friend's 70 day old grandbaby

>> died on February 26 of what the health officials

>> call SIDS. H

>> her. Another friend of mine said she believes if we

>> were to bring it up my friend would fall apart.

>> Carlson




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 1 year later...


> > Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

> > death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?

> >

> > We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

> > it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

> > information might help others.

From: " jill1313 " <jenbooks13@...>

> I heard it was related to foam mattresses--they gather a lot of

> bacteria especially from the spitup and then the bacteria grow in the

> foam and exhale toxic metabolites, and the babies breathe them in

> while sleeping face down.

That, and vaccinations are the chief culprits. --Although in one so young, the

infant might not have been vaccinated.

Sorry to hear about your niece.


Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.

Products, services, and information about health

Author (under the name " Nina Silver " ) of

*The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*

Order the book and read excerpts at


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> Dear List,


> Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

> death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?


> We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

> it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

> information might help others.


> Gail

I am aware of theories involving:

arsenic and/or antimony poisoning from flame retardants

in bedding (and in pajamas, for that matter).

I know I've read other theories as well, darn it, I don't



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Gail, My heartfelt sympathy. This is a pet concern of mine although I have not

done as much research as I would like to. in New Zealand, they have reduced

SIDS (called " cot death " in British speaking countries) by a significant % just

by wrapping mattresses with a non-toxic plastic.

My belief and according to the limited research I have done on the topic is that

many things can contribute:

Toxic mattresses - the chemicals they use in mattresses (formaldehyde, arsenic &

mercury derivatives, etc.) leech out of new mattresses at an extremely high



as well. also, wrap it with a none toxic, vapor barrier type plastic.

Sleeping on stomach - combine the above with, when a child is put to sleep on

their stomach, their little noses are stuck into the 1 " -3 " toxic vapor " cloud "

and their little systems are overloaded.

Vaccines - Combine the above 2 with the fact that their little immune systems

have been compromised by vaccines and the toxins ion them

General cleanliness - combines all the above with the general toxicity levels in

our current households - everyone should have an air filter/purifier in a

newborns room.

Just some of my initial thoughts and my " humble " opinions. I could go on and on

about this. Unfortunately, not many mothers will listen until a close member of

their family is affected.

Some interesting websites are:




Unfortunately, many of these organizations are " infiltrated " by members of the

medical establishment and say such things like " Babies who are up to date on

their vaccines are less at risk from cot death " whereas, I believe that most

research supports and exact opposite conclusion but that would be saying

something against vaccines and that cannot be tolerated. I would like to have

the time to research this more in-depth. This is a great article


Do a google search for cot death Australia and you will get a ton on info.

There is a wonderful Australian lady who has become the " expert " in this field -

sorry, forget her name.

Again Gail, Please accept my sympathy and pass it on to the rest of the family

of the little victim, I ma so sorry!

Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104


Dear List,

Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?

We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

information might help others.


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>Dear List,


>Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

>death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?


>We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

>it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

>information might help others.

Hi Gail,

I don't know if they know exactly what causes it? my

sister is a Chiropractor and I know they feel it is a good

thing for adjustments right after birth. I have heard of

some connections between vaccinations and Sids. with

birth being our first trauma, how our heads and necks

and bodies get mashed and pushed and twisted, there is

a lot of trauma going on there., maybe for some it is

to much.




Breakthrough Coaching



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From: " Gail Naranjo " <wanda85929@...

Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

> death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?>

> We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

> it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

> information might help others.


My deepest sympathy to you and your family. What a heartbreak..........

Your question jogged a memory from about 15 years ago. The late (??) Dr

Archie Kalorinkos (and the spelling may be questionable) of Australia

made the subject of " cot death " a specialty. What I remember is that he

tied it in with a deficiency of Vit C. Wherever he encouraged parents to

raise Vit C levels in infants, there was no--none!--crib death

whatsoever in these babies.

Makes me wonder how vaccinations, antibiotics, and our chemicalized

surroundings may affect Vit C levels in infants.

I don't recall seeing any research on this connection in the U.S.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> Dear List,


> Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

> death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?


> We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

> it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

> information might help others.


Hi Gail, I realize your post is from a couple of weeks ago now,

but I just came across this on another list:

A Simple Explanation for SIDS (Crib Death)

Article written by Dr. Denton for Dr. ph Mercola's site.

Easy to follow explanation of the toxic gas theory.


Best wishes,


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Dear Moria,

How very sweet of you to respond weeks later. I mean that

literally. How often those around, who are not directly affected,

quickly forget. :( The baby has been buried and the parents are

having a very hard time dealing with the loss. The father is having

even a harder time than the mother. Well, maybe not. They go back

and forth. It's heart breaking.

I guess I reacted too quickly for now they are saying they don't

think the baby died from sids because it appears she had a seizure.

They did do an autopsy and will have the results soon. I guess it

doesn't really matter what the reason was but it will answer many

unanswered questions. It might have been a blood clot.

Thanks again for thinking of us. The baby's name was/is Hope.


> > Dear List,

> >

> > Does anybody know what causes SIDS (sudden infant

> > death symdrome) and what can be done to prevent it?

> >

> > We just lost a two month old baby niece. I realize

> > it's too little too late for us, but hopefully any

> > information might help others.

> >


> Hi Gail, I realize your post is from a couple of weeks ago now,

> but I just came across this on another list:


> A Simple Explanation for SIDS (Crib Death)

> Article written by Dr. Denton for Dr. ph Mercola's site.

> Easy to follow explanation of the toxic gas theory.





> Best wishes,

> Moria

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Since they really don't even know what SIDS is (or is not), it REALLY doesn't

matter but they like to put everything in neat boxes. I really cannot tell you

how much I feel for you and Hope's parents. Many hugs and kisses!

Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104


I guess I reacted too quickly for now they are saying they don't

think the baby died from sids because it appears she had a seizure.

They did do an autopsy and will have the results soon. I guess it

doesn't really matter what the reason was but it will answer many

unanswered questions. It might have been a blood clot.


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No one actually knows what causes SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) There

are a few theories but no definitive reason.

Putting babies on their backs to sleep seems to reduce the risk.


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In a message dated 9/16/2003 4:24:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, iri2@...


> The cause/effect of a large percentage of SIDS cases is well documented

> internationally. It is just because there is no powerful " KIDS with SIDS "

> special interest group to push our stupid medical and political


> As you can see, it makes me mad!

> Best wishes and much love, Ken


> Ken Gullan

> Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

> San Diego, CA 92106-2424

> IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

> developmental difficulties.



I work for our local Child Care Council and there is a very big campaign

titled " Back to Sleep " . It is aimed at Family Day Care providers, child care

centers. Special effort is given to the Spanish speaking community who don't

understand English.

Television has many public service messages about " back to sleep " Public

clinics have posters and parent education classes include this SIDS awareness



To indicate that putting babies on their backs reduces the risk of SIDS is

true. To say WHY this is so is pure theory at this point. Babies are still dying

of SIDS while asleep on their backs. That must also be known for the poor

mother who did everything right and still wound up with a dead infant.


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That is very politically correct way to answer the question but many people know


certain things reduces the incidence of something then BY DEFINITION those

things are a CAUSE of, at least, some of the SIDS cases. To say anything else

is dangerous to the lives of newborns and the AMA, et. al. should be held

responsible for NOT coming out strongly in favor of some of these precautions.

In other words they are responsible for the deaths of many of these kids. DON'T


The cause/effect of a large percentage of SIDS cases is well documented

internationally. It is just because there is no powerful " KIDS with SIDS "

special interest group to push our stupid medical and political representatives.

As you can see, it makes me mad!

Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104

Re: Re: SIDS

No one actually knows what causes SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) There

are a few theories but no definitive reason.

Putting babies on their backs to sleep seems to reduce the risk.


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I must have missed something, when I had my son, I remember

always keeping him sleeping on his sides, I was on the other hand,

always on my back and have a wonderful flat spot on the back of

my head to show for it!


>To indicate that putting babies on their backs reduces the risk of SIDS is

>true. To say WHY this is so is pure theory at this point. Babies are

>still dying

>of SIDS while asleep on their backs. That must also be known for the poor

>mother who did everything right and still wound up with a dead infant.






Breakthrough Coaching



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  • 3 months later...

Don't have any help on your main queiry but lots of empathy/understanding of middle of the night anxiety/can't stop thinking about work syndrome

>From: "Val Sibson"

>Reply- >

>Subject: SIDS >Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 03:13:33 -0000 > >Does anyone have a working policy or guidelines around Sudden infant death and management of families on the CONI scheme (other than the usual parent literature)? We are trying to develop a more robust system to guide staff in helping to reduce the risk, support families on Coni scheme and also have some way of auditing the level of intervention and type of information given to parents at different stages. Does this make sense? I am aware that it is 3am and as I can't sleep for worrying about staffing levels I thought I might catch up on a few things............ can anyone help? >Thanks in anticipation >Val Help protect your PC with anti-virus protection when you sign up for MSN 8 .

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Don't have any help on your main queiry but lots of empathy/understanding of middle of the night anxiety/can't stop thinking about work syndrome

>From: "Val Sibson"

>Reply- >

>Subject: SIDS >Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 03:13:33 -0000 > >Does anyone have a working policy or guidelines around Sudden infant death and management of families on the CONI scheme (other than the usual parent literature)? We are trying to develop a more robust system to guide staff in helping to reduce the risk, support families on Coni scheme and also have some way of auditing the level of intervention and type of information given to parents at different stages. Does this make sense? I am aware that it is 3am and as I can't sleep for worrying about staffing levels I thought I might catch up on a few things............ can anyone help? >Thanks in anticipation >Val Help protect your PC with anti-virus protection when you sign up for MSN 8 .

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  • 9 months later...

Hi ,

There have been 1000's and 1000's of banded babies and if I'm not

mistaken there isn't one documented case that states a banded baby

die of SIDS due to over heating from being banded.

There aren't any studies linking SIDS to banded babies.



> I had a discussion with a friend today that made me think quite a

> lot. Has anybody looked into any risks of Sudden Infant Death


> linked to wearing a helmet? (Everybody knows that babies loose most

> of their heat from the head, that covering their head can cause

> overheating and that overheating is linked to SIDS.)



> (, 14 months, STARband 29/09/04)

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As you know most SIDS deaths occur during during the first six

months. Alot of kids are banded way after that time frame. However, I

dont think banding alone would contribue to SIDS. I've heard, SIDS

infants typically die from a combination of events:

cigerette smoke, unsafe bedding, prematurity, faulty breathing

mechanism as well as overbundling. Most parents dress their infant

lighter too when they have a helmet on. I doubt there are any stats

on SIDS with a banded baby yet. Who knows though in the years to come

that could change as more and more kids have plagio.

Crista-Grayslake, IL

D-12 mo-brachy DOCgrad



> I had a discussion with a friend today that made me think quite a

> lot. Has anybody looked into any risks of Sudden Infant Death


> linked to wearing a helmet? (Everybody knows that babies loose most

> of their heat from the head, that covering their head can cause

> overheating and that overheating is linked to SIDS.)



> (, 14 months, STARband 29/09/04)

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Thought I'd throw in my 2 cents since I've worked closely with the

SIDS Alliance.

The risk of a baby dying from SIDS is reduced by 90% once the infant

reaches 6 months old. The peak time for SIDS is between 2 and 4

months old. Most babies between 2 and 4 months old with plagio are

repositioned to try and correct it.

Recent studies show that a large percentage of SIDS babies that go

through an autopsy have an abnormality of their brain stem. This is

very promising news in finding a way to eradicate SIDS and make it a

thing of the past.

Another thing most people don't realize is that SIDS cannot be

interrupted. Your baby can stop breathing while holding him/her and

CPR can be administered immediately and the outcome will be the


Tami and McKenna

STARband 8-23-04

> >

> >

> > I had a discussion with a friend today that made me think quite


> > lot. Has anybody looked into any risks of Sudden Infant Death

> Syndrom

> > linked to wearing a helmet? (Everybody knows that babies loose


> > of their heat from the head, that covering their head can cause

> > overheating and that overheating is linked to SIDS.)

> >

> >

> > (, 14 months, STARband 29/09/04)

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