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Liver Problems

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FRANK CUNS-RIAL <fcunsrial@...> wrote: Liver problems

I have a friend that was diagnosed with Intrahepatic biliary radicals

or fatty infiltration of liver. Does anyone have an experience with

treating this problem.


Hi Joe, A few years ago I had serious liver problems from a Hep B infection,

although this eventually cleared up, I was concerned about what my Dr termed

long lasting effects...Dr has a herbal tonic specifically for liver

function, it may or may not help your friend, these are traditional herbs , not

to be confused with the recipe for the cleanse (removing gallstones)

6 parts tanners oak bark

3 " gravel root

3 parts jacobs staff

2 parts licorice root

2 " wild yam root

2 " milk thistle herb

3 " walnut bark

3 " marshmallow root

1 " lobellia plant

1 " skull cap

mix all the herbs. Add 1/2 cup of the mixt; to 2 qts water. Bring to boil. Put

lid on.Let sit for 6 hours. Strain and add sweetening (syrup or honey). You can

make it xtra good by adding coconut cream. Drink 3 cups a day. Put the strained

herbs in the freezer and use them one more time.

It may be that a liver cleanse is more of a priority: To quote her. " Cleaning

the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can doto improve

your body's health.

But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results

should follow the kidney cleanse. "

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  • 1 year later...


> Hi Bee,


> How are you doing? I have a question and would like to hear your

opinion on why it's happening and what I can do to bring it back to

normal again.


> My liver has swollen for some time now, now and then I do get some

pain but not significant to complain about. The reason I say this is

because just under the right rib cage there is a puffiness that looks

like a banana lying under the skin. What could be causing it? Should

I change my diet in any way?

==>Hi Maddalena. I recommend you see the doctor to find out what that

banana-like puffiness is.



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  • 1 month later...

I have gaulbladder attacks alot... but I havejust learned to not eat certain

things, because I dont want to go thru any more surgeries..

Let us know what they say after your ultrasound..


[ ] Liver Problems

I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

What happened?




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I go for an ultrasound next week for suspected gall bladder problem too.

I'm reading up on the net about this.


-- Re: [ ] Liver Problems

I have gaulbladder attacks alot... but I havejust learned to not eat certain

things, because I dont want to go thru any more surgeries..

Let us know what they say after your ultrasound..


[ ] Liver Problems

I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

What happened?




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In a message dated 10/12/07 8:58:17 PM, kerry-lane@... writes:

> I have gaulbladder attacks alot... but I havejust learned to not eat

> certain things, because I dont want to go thru any more surgeries..



What are the symptoms?



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----- Original Message -----

From: <NELLIESTAR@...>

> I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

> Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

> What happened?

I had my gallbladder removed six years ago. I occasionally had pain under

my right breast, but the worst of it, for me, was between my shoulder

blades. I blamed that pain on my GERDS so never complained about it to the

doctor. I started to find there were more and more foods that I couldn't

eat without pain/feeling sick. Started with fried foods, but eventually

even green salads and bananas set me off too.

The surgeon said mine was the second worst gallbladder she had ever seen.

It was stretched so thin, you could literally see the 100+ stones right

through it. They took it out laproscopically. I also had five other

surgeries done at the same time, and with my fibro, healed slower anyway.

But the good news was that after the surgery, I could eat anything I wanted

again. I would do that surgery again, I didn't think it was too bad.


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> I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

> Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

> What happened?

> Thanks,

> Priscilla

I had my gall bladder removed several years ago too. Most of my pain

was right upper area of my abdomen, slight under ribs. Can't eat

fried or greasy food, onions and many spicy things.

In 1991 I had pancreatitis which was the most horrible pain I have

ever had. The pain was dead center of my stomach and deep. It hurt to

even keep my ribs down. Best position was leaning on something with

my arms & ribs lifted. I was in the hospital 2 nights.

Turns out my pancreas problem was connected to my gall bladdder one.

Had the gall bladder out in 1993.

Debbie L






> **************************************

> See what's new at http://www.aol.com




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I had my gallbladder removed 12 years ago. The surgery was laparoscopic and the

recovery was very quick.


> I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

> Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

> What happened?

> Thanks,

> Priscilla






> **************************************

> See what's new at http://www.aol.com




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My gallbladder surgery was laproscopic and easy, too. So was my

shoulder surgery.

Debbie L

-- In , " desi_no_sleep " <desibee@...> wrote:



> I had my gallbladder removed 12 years ago. The surgery was

laparoscopic and the

> recovery was very quick.



> >

> > I have pain under my right breast, untrsound on liver on Monday.

> > Has anyone ever had pancreas problems or gallbladder problems?

> > What happened?

> > Thanks,

> > Priscilla

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > **************************************

> > See what's new at http://www.aol.com

> >

> >

> >

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I also had pain under my breast and had nausea off and on. One morning my pulse

rate went to 150 and wouldn't come down. I got into my Internist a few hours

later and he thought it could be my gall bladder or pancreatitis. I had all

kinds of tests and it ended up being my cholesterol, believe it or not. My

Internist told me what I have is inherited and my liver just began to pump out

cholesterol. My cholesterol was 279 and I was put on Crestor. 3 weeks later when

I fractured my ankle and had to have a preop for surgery, my cholesterol was

down to 155, amazing! I just had a check up and my cholesterol was 157 so I

asked if I would have to take the Crestor the rest of my life and the doctor

said yes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I started having abdominal pains and had a CT scan. It showed fatty liver.

Remember multi-system, multi-system disease. I also have white spots of signal

abnormality on my brain and my hypothalamus doesn't know what the hell it is

doing anymore. Too much cortisol and too little. But...I feel okay today.


Patilla DaHun <glypella@...> wrote:

I know that many mold victims have liver problems. Has anyone ever had

a liver biopsy? I've read that it can be risky.



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Just a note about milk thistle:

I belong to a forum on tick disease in dogs, and several members who

had very sick dogs with high liver values from Ehrlichiosis or other

diseases have reported that their dogs' liver values came down

quickly when they took this liver support supplement:

http://www.country-life.com/moreinfo.cfm?Category=19 & Product_ID=312

A few people said that milk thistle was not helping very much, but

when they took this supplement instead, they saw fast results. It

contains milk thistle with a lot of other supporting nutrients and I

think they combine to have a much stronger effect.

Just FYI. The supplement is for humans, by the way.


--- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@...>



> ,


> She is drinking plenty of fluids and taking Milk thistle. Funds at

> this time will not allow us to expand on any other treatment.


> KC



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I could always connect my liver pain to inordinate amounts of

exposure, before I realized it was my house initially (10 years ago)

I had it all the time, and in north Carolina had it some. When I

lived under the carport, and in the boat, and next door on a porch,

and even in the trailer don't remember much of a problem with it.

Don't have it here in the new house either.

Dull pain always just under the right rib cage. Usually accompanied

by more than usual fatigue, sometimes with bloating type of symptoms,

shortness of breath, tight throat, feeling of just wanting to get out

of my body it sucks so bad.

I can sympathize.

> > >> I know that many mold victims have liver

> > >> problems. Has anyone ever had

> > >> a liver biopsy? I've read that it can be risky.

> > >>

> > >> Barth

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> __________________________________________________

> > >>

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Some other things that may help: Taurine, Carnosine, whey protein..

Coenzyme Q10, fish oil, vitamin C & E and selenium and zinc,

and of course NAC, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-l-carnitine.

Milk thistle has seemed to help the liver pain the most for me too.

There is a lot of variation in quality between brands.

Find one that works and stick with it.

Cholestyramine also helps my liver pain.. but maybe that goes without


cholestyramine and then an half hour to an hour or so without food and then

a meal with some fat in it.

If I get bad mold exposure sometimes I need to do that before I can sleep.

The mold in there irritates something and that keeps me up.

Cholestyramine sucks it up and suddenly I get tired and sleep well.

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A patientneeds to get a generic understanding of homepathy and under stand

when they have a healing crsis they are NOT reacting but in fact GETTING

well. Most of the time it is a SHORT time duration of a symptom that most

think " oh my gawd, i am gettign worse " wen in fact it is the ultimate sign

that your bady needed the remedy, and is intitiating a recovery.

I have a page of resources for alterantive meds on my website from online

referrals to books www.ntef-usa.org

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Sharon Hanson wrote:

> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 09:32:23 -0800 (PST)

> From: Sharon Hanson <shha2002@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: Re: [] Re: Liver Problems


> Someone mentioned taking supplements for a fatty liver. Can that person tell

me what they are taking and if it's working?


> Thanks,

> Sharon


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  • 3 years later...

This is a very good question, as most physicians forget that

Rai stage II is hepatosplenomegaly. It is a safe assumption

that if the spleen is involved, there will be some liver


With that being said, LFT abnormalities from CLL

infiltrating the liver are very unusual. If there are LFT

abnormalites, then another etiology need to be sought out.

CLL involving lymph nodes near the liver blocking the flow

of bile and resulting in LFT abnormalites is not included

here, as that would just be external compression.

Rick Furman, MD

" M_Hauenstein " wrote:


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Dear " M " ...the elevated transaminases (SGOT, SGPT aka as ALT

and AST) could reflect either hepatic (liver) inflammation

or could be secondary to an obstructive process, such as

might occur from an enlarged lymph node impinging on the

bile duct which drains bile from the liver to the intestine.

Multiple drugs can cause either inflammation or cholestasis

( a process like obstruction). Autoimmune liver disease is

also possible.

The response to prednisone is non-specific and could be

expected to occur in any of these processes, including any

cause of hepatic inflammation (drug related, viral,

autoimmune) or any chloestatic (blockage of bile flow)

process whether intrinsic to the liver (again, viral, drug

related or autoimmune) or extrinsic (outside of) to the

liver such as a process impinging on the bile duct (eg, an

enlarged lymph node in the Porta Hepatis). Prednisone often

" corrects " abnormal liver function tests, no matter what the

underlying cause.

It would be helpful to know what your total and direct

bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase were at the time of the

elevated transaminases, what drugs you are on and what the

last set of liver function tests revealed.

In any case, a competent gastroenterologist or hepatologist

should be able to ascertain what is going on. Depending upon

everything, a liver biopsy may or may not be indicated.

Sometimes the biopsies reveal only non-specific inflammation

or cholestasis and other data is needed to put the entire

picture together.

If your transaminases corrected quickly on a short course of

prednisone and remain normal, the problem is less likely one

that is intrinsic to the liver, such as a viral or drug

related hepatitis, unless the offending drug has been

discontinued. If this is the case, a biopsy is less likely

to be helpful. Liver biopsies are relatively painless and

low risk, so don't fret about it.

Good luck,


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