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Welcome ! We have some members that are in similar situations that should be glad to share their experiences with you!


Webb Osterlohgroup co-owner http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Thyroid_Support_Group/ATP Board Member,Thyroid Patient Advocate

New here

Hello!My name is , I'm 37, and we're just getting my Grave's disease under control after almost 3 years. We tried stabilizing my thyroid with propylthiouracil for almost 2 years and then resorted to radioactive iodine treatments to kill it last December. I'm now on Levothroid and everything is stabilizing nicely. I recently got married and we're considering having children so I was wondering if anyone here has been in a similar situation. Please let me know if you've ran into any complications or had any warnings from doctors that I should know about. My doctor said everything should be fine as long as I get bloodwork done regularly after I get pregnant since I will need a higher does of Levothroid in the second trimester.I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 7/25/2004 4:05:57 PM Central Daylight Time,

sayersong@... writes:

Anyway, it occured to me (finally) that maybe if I talk to other

people going

through the same thing, I might feel a little bit better.

yes,,it is such a wonderful thing to be able to talk to others who

understand...it is really nice to meet you...my name is Carmen,i am 36,diagnosed

with Fibro a few months ago...((((hugs))))) carmen

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Sheli,

I lived in the Northwest Corner of Iowa in a VERY small town. I will have to

look at the map and see where Shenendoah is. I have hard of it, just not sure

where it is at. But must be straight down from me. (I now love 40 miles from

my hometown). I loved Iowa.

So far, I am enjoying this group. I am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of

emails. But, I will read what I can, when I can.

Take care and have a great day.

Re: New Here

Hi ...

Welcome to the group! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have, as it

has really helped me so much since I joined about a month ago.

Everyone has been welcoming, supportive, kind, and they have all

shared so much with me. It is truly one of the best groups I think

out there.

We are moving to the Shenendoah area...small town as we are ready to

move out of the rat race in Phoenix. :) It is in the southwest

corner of the state...close to Nebraska City, about an hour and a 1/2

from Omaha... :)

Where were you raised in Iowa?



1. While it is wonderful to share our experiences with everyone on the list as

to what treatments do and don't work for us, pls always check with your dr.

Some treatments are dangerous when given along with other meds as well as to

certain health conditions or just dangerous in general.

2. If you are in a difficult situation (doesn't matter what it is) pls don't

be afraid to ask for help. It is the first step to trying to make that

situation better.

Have a nice day everyone.

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Welcome to the group.

If you feel too overwhelmed by email you can delete them from your

inbox and then go directly to the group message page to read the

messages as you have time. You can also reply from there. It can be

a little daunting with such an active group as this. This is also a

good place to go to see all the posts so you can catch up on some of

the history here.


I am also 41 years old and I have 3 kids. I work full time outside

the home. I've only recently been diagnosed (within the past year)

and don't have much advice to give, but try when I can.

Again, welcome.


----- Original Message -----


So far, I am enjoying this group. I am a bit overwhelmed with the

amount of emails. But, I will read what I can, when I can.

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I'm . I have had a really terrible year. I have been bounced

from doctor to doctor and told I have had everything from lupus to

crohn's and celiac's disease all of which I don't have. I have been

poked, prodded, hospitalized, transfused, given a myriad of

medications, some of which made me sicker than I was before. I have

finally said ENOUGH!!! I stopped all meds and come to find out the

sleeping 16 hour days and the drooling, muscle twitching and memory

loss and sedated feeling were from taking high doses of Paxil. Now

that I am off all meds and have had my anemia taken care of, I'm

supposed to be better. But I'm not except I feel like a living

person and not a paxil induced zombie.

I am hurting so badly tonight I can barely walk and my IBS is so bad

I can't find anything to control it. Even the perscription meds for

it didn't stop it. I am so miserable I don't know what to do, but I

do know I can't keep living in limbo and in pain and with terrible

tummy problems.

My doctor that was so keen to pin all the other diseases on me,

laughed at me when I mentioned fibromyalgia.

I have visited tons of sites and I have quite a few of the symptoms.

Even my husband and friends agree with me.

I just want to find a doctor to make a diagnosis and help me find

ways to cope with the pain, fatigue and IBS.

I have a 13 year old daughter and a husband trying to run a new

business. They have been taking care of me and the house and

themselves since January. It's not fair and it can't go on. But I

hurt so badly, I can't carry the laundry from the bedroom to the

washer or even do the most simple of tasks.

I have been able to get weekly chiropractor treatments and massage,

but often the massage leaves me sorer than before. But we've spent an

awful fortune and I still have no diagnosis and no treatment plan and

nothing to help the pain. Over the counter stuff doesn't cut it. It

hurts so badly to get in and out of the car, I don't go anywhere.

I am 42 years old and I feel that my life is over.

I need help and I don't know where to turn. I need a new doctor, but

don't know how to find one sympathetic to Fibro.

I appreciate any advice or help you can give me.


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Where are you located, maybe someone is near you and can give you

the name of a doctor who would know how to treat FMS. I am also new

here. THis is my first post. I started with GP, then Orthopedic

Surgeon/ Pain Mamagement Doc, then a Rhuematologist for Diagnosis and

back to a Pain Management doc for treatments. It seems to be the

specialty of the Rhuemy docs. So, I agree with the other person who

told you that.

Alenna <Iowa>

> Hi,

> I'm . I have had a really terrible year. I have been bounced

> from doctor to doctor and told I have had everything from lupus to

> crohn's and celiac's disease all of which I don't have. I have been

> poked, prodded, hospitalized, transfused, given a myriad of

> medications, some of which made me sicker than I was before. I have

> finally said ENOUGH!!! I stopped all meds and come to find out the

> sleeping 16 hour days and the drooling, muscle twitching and memory

> loss and sedated feeling were from taking high doses of Paxil. Now

> that I am off all meds and have had my anemia taken care of, I'm

> supposed to be better. But I'm not except I feel like a living

> person and not a paxil induced zombie.


> I am hurting so badly tonight I can barely walk and my IBS is so


> I can't find anything to control it. Even the perscription meds for

> it didn't stop it. I am so miserable I don't know what to do, but


> do know I can't keep living in limbo and in pain and with terrible

> tummy problems.

> My doctor that was so keen to pin all the other diseases on me,

> laughed at me when I mentioned fibromyalgia.

> I have visited tons of sites and I have quite a few of the


> Even my husband and friends agree with me.

> I just want to find a doctor to make a diagnosis and help me find

> ways to cope with the pain, fatigue and IBS.

> I have a 13 year old daughter and a husband trying to run a new

> business. They have been taking care of me and the house and

> themselves since January. It's not fair and it can't go on. But I

> hurt so badly, I can't carry the laundry from the bedroom to the

> washer or even do the most simple of tasks.

> I have been able to get weekly chiropractor treatments and massage,

> but often the massage leaves me sorer than before. But we've spent


> awful fortune and I still have no diagnosis and no treatment plan


> nothing to help the pain. Over the counter stuff doesn't cut it. It

> hurts so badly to get in and out of the car, I don't go anywhere.

> I am 42 years old and I feel that my life is over.

> I need help and I don't know where to turn. I need a new doctor,


> don't know how to find one sympathetic to Fibro.


> I appreciate any advice or help you can give me.

> Thanks,


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  • 7 years later...

Hello Mrs. Bub....

Welcome to Aspires. I am glad that your husband has been diagnosed with AS, and

that you're wanting to understand him more.

In addition to talking with folks here at Aspires, I recommend that you go to

my group's WikiSpaces page to get much more information about Asperger's. It's

far from finished, but already has a conglomeration of content on it. Please go

to the following website (and I will post it in the Links section here as well):


Continued success with you and your family,


> Hello all -


> My name is Kari. My husband has Asperger's. We thought he had it for a long

time but I finally motivated him to be formally diagnosed. He was diagnosed 8

months ago and we had our daughter 6 months ago. I have some really tough days

between trying to communicate effectively with my husband and trying to care for

my daughter. I was happy to find this group as I gain more understand about my

husband and how he thinks :)


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Hi there,

I recently joined the group too. I suspect my partner has aspergers, I tried

talking to him about it but he got mad.

I think it's great your husband got the diagnosis. How did it come about? Was

he open to talking about it?


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My husband's diagnosis was years in the making. I realized he was different when

we were still dating but was quirky eventually became annoying once we were

living together.

When I first approached the topic, he was not very open about it. He was very

upset and felt that I was calling him 'crazy'. hut down and refused to discuss

it. Communication was at a standstill in our marriage and I was very upset about

it. I was miserable to put it lightly. Finally I told him it was divorce or

marriage therapy because we were not communicating at all. Thankfully, he chose

marriage therapy. Through marriage therapy and our therapist he started seeing

that his way of thinking and communicating was not typical. I was able to bring

up some of his behaviors in the therapy environment that concerned me and

because he felt safe and not judged, he really was very receptive. Our therapist

and I were finally able to convince him to pursue individual therapy I started

reading a lot of books about people with Asperger's, by people with Asperger's

and by people in relationships with Aspergergians and was able to show him some

similarities. I think letting him know that I still loved him and respected him

but it would HELP our relationship helped him.

I think what finally allowed him to see a psychologist for the actual diagnosis

was Temple Grandin. We had the opportunity to meet her after a lecture that she

gave. I think one fear he had/has is being 'outed' and not being respected by

his peers and students. He is a biomedical engineering professor. But meeting

Temple and seeing how well-respected she is by her peers and students helped him

to see that it wouldn't be the end of the world. It was shortly after the

lecture that he completed the testing.

It was 5 years after I first mentioned it so hang in there.


> Hi there,

> I recently joined the group too. I suspect my partner has aspergers, I tried

talking to him about it but he got mad.


> I think it's great your husband got the diagnosis. How did it come about?

Was he open to talking about it?


> Thanks.


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